Amery Silva, of Ka`u Coffee Mill, shows filmmakers the raking of washed coffee, with natural coffee in the background on the drying floor. Photo by Geneveve Fyvie |
HAWAI`I DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE received testimony on proposed amendments to the state’s standards for coffee during a meeting at Pahala Community Center yesterday. While most testifiers supported the changes, they also spoke of the need for the state to formally recognize the value of Ka`u coffee with a trademark.
Ralph Gaston, of Rusty’s Hawaiian 100 Percent Ka`u Coffee, said that the state should own the term Ka`u Coffee as a trademark.
Ralph Gaston, of Rusty’s Hawaiian 100 Percent Ka`u Coffee, said that the state should own the term Ka`u Coffee as a trademark.
Jeri Kahana, of the state Department of Agriculture, said she thought Russell Kokubun, chair of the Board of Agriculture, would be agreeable to the trademark, but that DOA representatives would need to discuss receiving the name Ka`u Coffee from the current owner of the name. The name Ka`u Coffee is currently registered to Chris Manfredi.
Currently, the trademark available for use by Ka`u coffee growers is Hawai`i, which refers to areas of the island other than Kona.
Currently, the trademark available for use by Ka`u coffee growers is Hawai`i, which refers to areas of the island other than Kona.
Kahana explained that Ka`u coffee’s origin name is Ka`u.
Kahana also explained that the state owns six coffee trademarks – Hawai`i Coffee, O`ahu Coffee, Kaua`i Coffee, Maui Coffee, Moloka`i Coffee and Kona Coffee and that each of these regions is surrounded by a body of water, which makes enforcing the trademark possible, she said. “We cannot put an inspector on the highway” to try to enforce more than one trademark on an island, she said.
The proposed amendments for which the hearing was held are as follows: - Require Hawai`i-grown coffee be marked with the grade or lower grade;
- Require coffees be labeled with the geographic region of origin;
- Repeal exemptions to mandatory certification;
- Increase the fee for additional copy of an issued certificate;
- Increase inspection fee rates;
- Establish the fee rate for an appeal inspection;
- Establish a definition for natural coffee;
- Repeal the standards for grades of cherry coffee grown in the geographic region of Kona;
- Repeal the standards for parchment grades of coffee;
- Amend standards for grades of green coffee;
- Amend defect criteria for coffee beans;
- Repeal the minimum export requirement for green coffee;
- Amend enforcement, penalties, and prosecution section;
- Amend abbreviation section;
- Repeal the coffee quality verification program;
- Establish a Hawai`i Natural Prime grade standard;
- Establish recordkeeping requirement for persons who produce, process, transport, or distribute Hawai`i-grown coffee.
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Grading rules are changed in the new Hawai`i Coffee Standards proposals. Photo by Geneveve Fyvie |
Lou Daniele, manager of Ka`u Coffee Mill, said, “I agree with the standards of grading green coffee; they match or exceed Specialty Coffee Association of America standards.” Danielle said Ka`u coffee should be origin-named.
Brenda Iokepa-Moses, of Ka`u Coffee Mill, said she agrees with changes, but “I’m shocked there is no Ka`u Coffee designation. Ka`u farmers have earned the right to be recognized.”
Chris Manfredi, president of Ka`u Farm Bureau, said the organization is largely supportive of the proposed amendments. He said the Farm Bureau supports enhanced labeling.
Greg Stille, president of Hawai`i Coffee Association and Maui Coffee Association, said Ka`u needs grading standards that match state standards. “They should not be different standards,” he said. Stille said HCA supports a trademark for Ka`u coffee based on recognition received because of the growers’ hard work.
Brenda Iokepa-Moses, of Ka`u Coffee Mill, said she agrees with changes, but “I’m shocked there is no Ka`u Coffee designation. Ka`u farmers have earned the right to be recognized.”
Chris Manfredi, president of Ka`u Farm Bureau, said the organization is largely supportive of the proposed amendments. He said the Farm Bureau supports enhanced labeling.
Greg Stille, president of Hawai`i Coffee Association and Maui Coffee Association, said Ka`u needs grading standards that match state standards. “They should not be different standards,” he said. Stille said HCA supports a trademark for Ka`u coffee based on recognition received because of the growers’ hard work.
Proposed amendments are available at
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`Alala, Hawaiian crow |
PROJECTS DESIGNED TO PROTECT ENDANGERED species in Hawai`i, including the `alala, or Hawaiian crow, have received a $1.7 million federal grant from the state Department of Land and Natural Resources, reports Dave Smith, of Big Island Now.
Re-establishing `alala habitat is a part of the Ka`u Forest Reserve Management Plan. The plan calls for fencing of 2,500 acres of release sites and removal of predators including all feral cats and 80 percent of mongooses and rats.
$248,000 of the funding in the grant is for initial actions designed to lead to a self-sustaining population of the `alala, which currently can be found in two captive breeding facilities, one on the Big Island and the other on Maui.
‘Alala, which were once commonplace in many areas of the Big Island, have not been seen in the wild since 2002 when biologists captured the last member of a flock of the rare crows in a South Kona forest that had been bred in captivity and previously released, Smith said.
$248,000 of the funding in the grant is for initial actions designed to lead to a self-sustaining population of the `alala, which currently can be found in two captive breeding facilities, one on the Big Island and the other on Maui.
‘Alala, which were once commonplace in many areas of the Big Island, have not been seen in the wild since 2002 when biologists captured the last member of a flock of the rare crows in a South Kona forest that had been bred in captivity and previously released, Smith said.
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Kalu Oyama, second from left, prepares mac nut husk and soil dropped off by `O Ka`u Kakou for Na`alehu Elementary Garden earlier this week. |
KALO, WOOD, SOIL, MULCH, MAC NUT HUSKS, trucks, time, and manpower - with these donations Na`alehu Elementary School Garden program is on its way to producing fresh fruits and vegetables for some 300 students in kindergarten through fourth grade. The students learn about nutrition, health, science, math, and literacy through various gardening and planting activities. “Other grade levels may eventually explore the integration of the NES Garden with their core curriculum, also. We are grateful to the community members that have donated their time and/or resources to help prepare and support the children's garden,” said Kalu Oyama, the Food Corps garden site leader.
Oyama, along with Arroyah Rivas, school garden educator, said that they would like to express gratitude, on behalf of the Na`alehu School Garden, to Wayne Kawachi, `O Ka`u Kakou president; Walter Wong Yuen, OKK vice-president; Christina Kaehuaea, OKK member; Ed Olson Trust II; Pacific Quest; Tsugi Oyama; Joe Oyama; Jacy Mattos-Kalua`u; Dennis Kaawa; Linda Morgan; Lou Danielle, of Ka`u Coffee Mill; and Thomas King, who has been working with the children at the school garden in Na`alehu for years.
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T.R. Andrews displays his wares at Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus in Volcano Village. Photo from |
VOLCANO ART CENTER’S NI`AULANI CAMPUS in Volcano Village hosts a monthly Pottery Sale tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., when four Hawai`i Island potters sell their wares. Call 985-8530 or see
A BIPARTISAN STATES’ RIGHTS MEETING takes place tomorrrow at 9:30 a.m. at the upper pavilion of Punalu`u Bake Shop in Na`alehu. Organizer Robert Williams calls it S.O.S. – Save Our States. For more information, contact Williams at 929-8565.
KA`U PLANTATION DAYS is tomorrow. A parade at 9 a.m. on Maile and Huapala Streets in Pahala opens the event. An opening pule by Kahu Debbie Wong Yuen follows. The event includes displays and activities by organizations representing many ethnic groups. Na`alehu Hongwanji, Hawaiian Civic Club, Pahala Seniors, Friends of the Library, Hawaiian groups with music, hula, arts, crafts and dance, Puerto Rican heritage and music are among the offerings.
El Leo, with Ka`u state senator Russell Ruderman, performs tomorrow at Ka`u Plantation Days. |
Hula Halau O Leionalani, under the direction of kumu hula Debbie Ryder, performs along with Demetrius Oliviera.
Also performing are kachi kachi band El Leo, with Ka`u’s state senator, Russell Ruderman.
The event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Pahala Plantation Manager’s House is sponsored by the Ka`u Multicultural Society. Call Darlyne Vierra at 640-8740.
VOLCANO COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION holds its semi-annual Mongolian Barbecue tomorrow from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Cooper Center on Wright Road. For 75 cents an ounce, diners can choose from an array of local vegetables, fish and meats and have them cooked as they watch. The price includes rice and dessert.
Besides good food, entertainment is provided by Penny Madamba and the `ukulele stylings of Angie Libadisos.
For more information or to volunteer, call Barbara Toles at 769-3903.
BECAUSE OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT shutdown continuing into its second week, Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park is canceling the following events:
Also performing are kachi kachi band El Leo, with Ka`u’s state senator, Russell Ruderman.
The event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Pahala Plantation Manager’s House is sponsored by the Ka`u Multicultural Society. Call Darlyne Vierra at 640-8740.
VOLCANO COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION holds its semi-annual Mongolian Barbecue tomorrow from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Cooper Center on Wright Road. For 75 cents an ounce, diners can choose from an array of local vegetables, fish and meats and have them cooked as they watch. The price includes rice and dessert.
Besides good food, entertainment is provided by Penny Madamba and the `ukulele stylings of Angie Libadisos.
For more information or to volunteer, call Barbara Toles at 769-3903.
BECAUSE OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT shutdown continuing into its second week, Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park is canceling the following events:
- The Inspiration of Andrea Razzauti & Friends – concert at Kilauea Theater, tomorrow;
- People & Lands of Kahuku – a guided hike in the Kahuku unit of the national park, Sunday.
