Artist and author Caren Loebel-Fried, of Volcano, counted, studied and photographed albatross for two months on Midway Atoll. See the invitation to her virtual presentation below. Photo by Caren Loebel-Fried |
MUDDY WATERS FLOWING FROM LAND ONTO HAWAIʻI'S OCEAN REEFS damage corals intensely and frequently as climate change brings more severe weather events to the Hawaiian Islands. That's the opinion of those quoted this week in an Associated Press story.
It includes quotes from Greg Asner, of Volcano, founder of Asner Lab, which studies reefs and forests as climate change progresses. Asner, who directs the Center for Global Discovery & Conservation Science at Arizona University, is working on a project to document and study the reefs at Miloliʻi. He told AP, "In Hawaiʻi I would rate runoff much higher than marine heatwaves in driving coral decline."
Asner uses imaging from an aircraft and satellite to map living coral in the reefs of the Hawaiian Islands. The data is provided to government and academic scientists who have found that land-based pollutants cause significant coral health problems."More runoff impacts reefs, mostly by mobilizing more chemicals and sedimentation. Increased chemical pollution and sedimentation is a major driver of coral decline," Asner told AP.
An Asner team measures and studies Hawaiʻi Island reefs for damage to the coral. Photo from Center for Global Discovery & Conservation |
The story also talks about cesspools along the ocean as polluters of reefs, and rain-flooded construction sites sending dirt into the ocean as damaging to reefs. It quotes Ku
ʻulei Rodgers, a corals ecologist at University of
Hawaiʻi. She said that Native Hawaiians understood the interation between the ocean and land. "Hawaiians knew there was a connection between the two because whatever they did upland would affect their fishing downstream. The better the watershed, the better the reef and vice versa." See more at
VOLCANO ARTIST AND AUTHOR CAREN LOEBEL-FRIED will celebrate Earth Day by hosting a virtual event about her recent two months on Midway Atoll, counting, photographing and studying Layasan Albatross. The online event will be held on Thursday, April 22 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Loebel-Fried focuses on albatross moms and chicks, including Wisdom, an albatross 70 years of age and recently producing what may her 40th offspring. Sign up at
https://www.crowdcast.io/e/PBC-An-Albatross-Earth-Day |
Volcano artist and author Caren Loebel-Fried will share her two-month stay on Midway during an Earth Day presentation on April 22. |
Also see the exhibit
Albatross: Life on the Wind and Sea. The traveling exhibition is from the Seymour Marine Discovery Center, based on Loebel-Fried's book,
A Perfect Day for an Albatross. The online exhibition features images and text with accompanying audio and visual components, extra downloadable content, and activities to do in the classroom or at home. These resources are available from April 1st – May 22nd. Visit
See latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
THE SECOND OF TWO COVED-19 MASS VACCINATION CLINICS in Kaʻū this week happens tomorrow, Saturday, April 17 at the Robert N. Herkes Gymnasium & Shelter, Kaʻū District Gym, next to the
Pāhala school campus from noon to 5 p.m. See more below.

KAʻŪ HOSPITAL RURAL HEALTH CLINIC OFFERS COVID-19 VACCINATIONS by appointment for anyone 18 and older. The clinic is offering the Moderna, two-part vaccines Tuesdays through Fridays,
in late mornings and afternoons. Call 932-4205.
The clinic also offers joint injections, women's health, well-child check ups, family planning, chronic disease management, and endocrinology and nephrology specialists through telemedicine. Kaʻū Rural Health Clinic accepts urgent care visits for everyone and walk-in appointments for established patients.
Hours 8 are a.m, to 4:45 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. Closed for lunch noon to 1 p.m. The facility is located in Kaʻū Hospital at One Kamani Street in Pahala. Medical practitioners include Dr. Jennifer Shrestha, a Board-Certified Family Physician, and Certified Family Nurse Practitioner Elizabeth Pacarro.
See latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
THE COMMUNITY MEETING ON KIOLAKA’A’S PRESERVATION AND STEWARDSHIP is rescheduled for this Monday, April 19 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., following a power outage from Kapapala to South Point Road on Monday evening, during the originally scheduled time of the gathering via zoom.
Participants who registered for Monday's meeting do not need to re-register. Any new participants will need to register before the new meeting time at
HAWAIʻI PUBLIC RADIO, which reaches Kaʻū through its feed and tower in Kaʻū, successfully concluded its Spring Fund Drive today, with $640,000 in donations from 1,695 contributors across the state and around the world. The station also welcomed 503 new members to the ʻohana.
On-air fundraising campaigns are key to HPR's business model; during these fund drives, listeners are invited to invest in the nonprofit's future growth. Only 6 percent of the the station's operating funds come from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the entity that distributes federal monies. The remainder of HPR's revenues come from the community, with more than half of the station's revenue coming from individual members.
"Our fund drives are a way to invite listeners to actively participate in the public radio business model," said José A. Fajardo, HPR President and General Manager. "Once again, our community has stepped forward to financially support this service providing news, information, and music to listeners across the state and beyond."

During the Spring Fund Drive, more than 30 percent of contributions came from Sustaining Members, who make automatic monthly contributions from their checking account or credit card. "This is the preferred way to give, as it provides a predictable and steady source of income that allows the station to plan for future growth," said a statement from HPR. "As an essential public service, HPR has delivered fact-checked and trustworthy news and information throughout the pandemic, through reporting from NPR, BBC, and other sources, as well as HPR's own news team. Local stories have covered topics ranging from remote learning, vaccine distribution in rural communities across the state, and the pandemic's effect on tourism. HPR also provides a variety of music programming, including HPR-2, the state's only dedicated classical music station."
For eight years in a row, HPR has received a four star rating (the highest possible) from Charity Navigator, the nation's largest independent evaluator of nonprofits. The rating system examines the financial health and accountability and transparency of organizations, enabling donors to make intelligent and informed giving decisions. "HPR's four-star rating is an indicator of the station's commitment to acting as stewards of members' support," said the HPR statement.
Although the fund drive has concluded, donations are accepted at
HUMBLE BEGINNINGS: A KAPA JOURNEY & RITUAL DRUMS is the exhibit at Volcano Art Center through May 16, from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., daily. A Kapa Journey features Dalani Tanahy. Pahūpahū: Ritual Drums features Kapua Kaʻauʻa. Volcano Art Center Gallery is within Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. While the exhibit is free, park entrance fees apply. During the exhibition, Dalani Tanahy will be holding a Hawaiian Kapa workshop at VACʻs Niaulani Campus in Volcano Village on April 17th. Kapua Kaʻauʻa will also be holding a live demonstration of kaula pā hā/ pā walu at the VAC gallery on April 24th. See more at
WALK THROUGH A GUIDED NATURE TRAIL & Sculpture Garden, Mondays, 9:30 a.m. at Volcano Art Center Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village. No reservations for five or fewer – limited to ten people. Free; donations appreciated. Email programs@volcanoartcenter.org. Garden is open to walk through at one's own pace, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays.
www.volcanoartcenter.org. Call 967-8222.
KAʻŪ ART GALLERY IS OPEN TO IN-PERSON TRAFFIC, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in Nāʻālehu. It features and sells works by local artists and offers other gift items.
Kaʻū Art Gallery's website has 24/7 access online and is frequently updated to show current inventory items. "We are always looking to collaborate with local artists in our community," said assistant Alexandra Kaupu. Should anyone have an interest in being featured at Kaʻū Art Gallery and Gift Shop, contact gallery owner and director Corrine Kaupu at
GOLF & MEMBERSHIPS for Discovery Harbour Golf Course and its Clubhouse:
The new Club offers Social Memberships, with future use of the clubhouse and current use of the pickleball courts as well as walking and running on specified areas of the golf course before 8 a.m. and after 3 p.m. to enjoy the panoramic ocean views. Golf memberships range from unlimited play for the avid golfer to casual play options. Membership is required to play and practice golf on the course. All golf memberships include Social Membership amenities. Membership fees are designed to help underwrite programs and improvements to the facilities.
Call 808-731-5122 or stop by the Clubhouse during business hours, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily at 94-1581 Kaulua Circle. Email clubatdiscoveryharbour@gmail.com.
KAILOKI'S, at the old Mehe's location in Ocean View, offers live music and karaoke on a to-be-determined schedule, along with a locally-sourced menu and bar. See
FREE LIFETIME ENTRY for Veterans and Gold Star Families to Hawaiʻi Volcanoes and other national parks available at the entry gate.
Nāʻālehu Main Street, is from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., grounds of Kauaha
ʻao Congregational Church in Wai
ʻohinu. "It's a Farmer's Market, Swap Meet, Food Court, Arts & Crafts, Health Practitioners, Entertainment and more sharing our Manao and Aloha," says a statement from
Nāʻālehu Main Street. "Our intention and mission is to increase economic viability in Kaʻū by providing additional opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses to share their products and services with the community. We welcome you to participate and help create a vibrant community!" Email
AlohaFridayMarket@gmail.com for vendor inquiries, availability and application.
VOLCANO FARMERS MARKET, Cooper Center, Volcano Village on Sundays. 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., with much local produce, baked goods, food to go, island beef and Hawai‘i Coffee. Cooper Center's EBT Machine, used at the Farmer's Market, is out of service until further notice. EBT is used for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps. Call 808-967-7800.
OCEAN VIEW COMMUNITY MARKET, open Saturdays and Thursdays, 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., on the corner of Kona Drive and Highway 11, where Thai Grindz is located. Managed by Mark Council. Masks mandatory. 100-person limit, social distancing required. Gate unlocked for vendors at 5:30 a.m., $15 dollars, no reservations needed. Parking in upper lot only. Vendors must provide own sanitizer. Food vendor permits required. Carpooling encouraged.
ʻO KAʻŪ KĀKOU MARKET, in Nāʻālehu, open Wednesday, and Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. Limit of 50 customers per hour, 20 vendor booths, with 20 feet of space between vendors. Masks and hand sanitizing required, social distancing enforced. Contact Sue Barnett, OKK Market Manager, at 808-345-9374 (voice or text) or kaufarmer@aol.com for more and to apply to vend. See
OCEAN VIEW SWAP MEET is open at Ocean View makai shopping center, near Mālama Market. Hours for patrons are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Vendor set-up time is 5 a.m. Masks required.
VOLCANO SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES CALENDARS, t-shirts, and sweatshirts sales raise money for the school. Review the calendar at rb.gy/tmxzva. Order the Calendar using this form: rb.gy/ytekoz. Send payment or donations to VSAS through PayPal, paypal.com/paypalme/VolcanoSchool. To buy t-shirts and sweatshirts, order from here:
rb.gy/2a4cim. Send in order forms and payment to the main office: VSAS, PO Box 845, Volcano, HI 96785. For a printed copy of the order form to be mailed, contact Kaye at 985-9800, knagamine@volcanoschool.net. Contact Kanani at kwylie@volcanoschool.net for more information and assistance with ordering.
VOLCANO ART CENTER ONLINE, in person. Shop at Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gallery in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, open Wednesday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Virtual Shopping Appointments offered via Skype or FaceTime. Book at volcanoartcenter.org/shop for $5. Shop online gallery 24/7. Orders shipped or free local pickup available. See the VAC Virtual Classroom, which features over 90 videos. See volcanoartcenter.org/events, call 967-8222.
kaucoffeemill.com and in person at 96-2694 Wood Valley Road, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 pm.
bakeshophawaii.com and in-person 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week in Nāʻālehu.
ALIʻI HAWAIʻI HULA HANDS COFFEE. Order by calling 928-0608 or emailing alihhhcoffee@yahoo.com.
mirandafarms.com or, in person at 73-7136 Mamalahoa Hwy, Nāʻālehu.
KUAHIWI RANCH STORE, in person. Shop weekdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, 11 am to 3 p.m. at 95-5520 Hwy 11. Locally processed grass-fed beef, live meat chickens, and feed for cattle, goats, sheep, chickens, horses, dogs, and pigs. Call 929-7333 of 938-1625, email
OCEAN VIEW EVANGELICAL COMMUNITY CHURCH holds services on Sundays beginning with Sing-Along on the Square at 10:15 a.m., followed by Sunday Morning Service at 11 a.m. In-person services following CDC Guidelines and Hawaii mandates by using hand sanitizer, wearing face masks and practicing social distancing.
Music and Sermons are posted to FaceBook.com/OVECC. Also see FaceBook.com/OVECC for more. The church campus for Ocean View Evangelical Community Church is 92-8977 Leilani Circle. ovecchurch@gmail.com
ST. JUDE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH SERVICES and worship are posted online at
StJudesHawaii.org. Join the Aloha Hour via Zoom at 11 a.m. on Sundays, at
rb.gy/3jfbzd, Meeting ID: 684 344 9828, Password: Aloha. Weekly hot meals, hot showers, the computer lab, and in-person services and bible studies are suspended. Check the webpage for Christmas services.
HOPE DIA-MEND MINISTRIES holds outdoor services Sundays at 9:45 a.m. at 92-898 Ginger Blossom Lane in Ocean View. Masks and distancing required. For help and/or to donate, call or text Pam and Lance Ako at 808-937-6355, or call the Ministry at 808-920-8137. See them on Facebook and at hopedia-mendministries.com.

FREE DRIVE-THRU COVID Testing, Saturdays at Kea‘au High School in Puna, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Wednesdays at Konawaena High School from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Civic Auditorium in Hilo from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. (enter from Kuawa Street entrance). No co-pay, no insurance necessary, but bring insurance card if have. People do not have to have symptoms in order to be tested. Social distancing must be observed and face coverings must be worn at all times. For more, call Civil Defense at 935-0031.
DEPRESSED, ANXIOUS, NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? Call Department of Health's expanded Hawai‘i C.A.R.E.S. program at 1-800-753-6879 – the same number previously used by Crisis Line of Hawai‘i. Individuals in crisis can also text ALOHA to 741741, available 24/7.
LEARN SELF-CARE THROUGH Big Island Substance Abuse Council's Practice Self-Care Series. For additional series that feature refreshing wellness tips, follow the Behavioral Health & Homelessness Statewide Unified Response Group at

.KAʻŪ WOMEN'S COLLECTIVE OFFERS HEALTH PROGRAMS. Piko focuses on reproductive health; increasing access, respect, cultural competence, education, and choice. Pilina aims to grow membership and establish a culture of collaborative decision-making. Follow @kau_womens_health_collective. Contact rootsmedieshawaii@gmail.com. Call 808-450-0498.
TALK STORY on Nā Leo TV series aims to help deliver accurate and current information to Hawaiʻi Island residents. Airs live Thursdays at 10 a.m. on Spectrum Channel 53, streaming on Nā Leo's free mobile app, and on-demand at
808b-fit.com, contains videos for kūpuna to play and move along with. There are videos for stretching, tai chi, yoga, dancing, dance fitness, bon dance, hula, chair dancing, and chair yoga.
YOGA WITH EMILY Catey Weiss, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Volcano Art Center Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village. Advanced registration required; $5 per class.
volcanoartcenter.org/events, 967-8222.
CHOOSE ALOHA FOR HOME is available to families, to provide a healthy way to grow together using neuroscience and positive psychology. Program uses a series of self-guided videos, activities, and "dinner table discussion topics." Sign up at
PICK UP FOOD WEEKDAYS n the parking lot of ACE Hardware in Ocean View from Hope DIA-mendMinistries TLC at 4:45 p.m. About 300 meals available each day, coordinated by pastors Pam and Lance Ako. For help or to donate, call or text Ako at 808-937-6355, or call 808-920-8137. See them on Facebook and at hopedia-mendministries.com. EMERGENCY FOOD BOXES available at Cooper Center Tuesday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Call ahead, 967-7800.
FREE FOOD FOR KEIKI offered at Resilience Hub, Nāʻālehu Hongwanji on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, noon to 4 p.m. The Hub also features drop-in WiFi and laptop access. Location is 95-5695 Hawaiʻi Belt Rd. Contact Michelle Galimba, 808-430-4927, for more.
Free WiFi Access for Students is available in Kaʻū, Nāʻālehu, and Ocean View through Kaʻū High & Pāhala Elementary. Questions? See khpes.org or call 313-4100.
Resilience Hub at Nāʻālehu Hongwanji, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, noon to 4 p.m. Drop-in wifi and laptop access, free meals for participating keiki. Follows all county, state, and federal COVID-19 guidelines. Contact Michelle Galimba, 808-430-4927. Register for Boys & Girls Club Mobile Outreach and Tutoring Programs at
rb.gy/o1o2hy. For keiki grades 1-6. Contact Boys & Girls Club of the Big Island Administrative Office, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at (808) 961-5536 or email mobiletutoring@bgcbi.org or info@bgcbi.org.
ʻOhana Help Desk offers online How-To Guides for Chromebooks and iPads at rb.gy/8er9wm. ʻOhana Help Desk also available by phone, weekdays, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sundays from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Invite Park Rangers to Virtually Visit Classes, through connecting with teachers and home-schoolers with distance learning programs and virtual huakaʻi (field trips). Contact havo_education@nps.gov.
Weekly Virtual Town Meetings, hosted by Kaʻū High & Ka'ū Elementary, Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Discussion topics include attendance, best practices, Grab-n-Go meals, school updates, questions and feedback, and more. Go to
KHPES.org for Live WebEx link.

The next mass vaccination in Pāhala will be this Saturday, April 17 at the Robert N. Herkes Gymnasium & Shelter, Kaʻū District Gym, next to the Pahala school campus from noon to 5 p.m. and Nāʻālehu Public Libraries are open for WiFi, pick-up, and other services. Nāʻālehu open Monday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pāhala open Tuesday, noon to 7 p.m., Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., limited entry into library with Wiki Visits. Schedule a Library Take Out time at picktime.com/hspls. Open for library card account help and reference assistance from the front door. WiFi available to anyone with a library card, from each library parking lot. See librarieshawaii.org.
Free Book Exchanges, at laundromats in Ocean View and Nāʻālehu, provided by Friends of the Kaʻū Libraries. Open to all. Keep the books, pass them on to other readers, or return them. Selection of books replenished weekly at both sites.
Read Report on Public Input about Disaster Recovery from damage during the 2018 Kīlauea eruption.

View the Civic Engagement and Comment Analysis Report at rb.gy/awu65k.
Watch Hawaiʻi's 28th Annual Filipino Fiesta and 8th Flores de Mayo virtual celebration at rb.gy/b53jgn.
Virtual Workshops on Hawaiʻi's Legislative Processes through Public Access Room. Sign up by contacting (808) 587-0478 or par@capitol.hawaii.gov. Ask questions and discuss all things legislative in a non-partisan environment. Attend Coffee Hour with PAR: Fridays at 3 p.m. on Zoom, meeting ID 990 4865 9652 or click zoom.us/j/99048659652. PAR staff will be available to answer questions and to discuss the legislative process. Anyone wanting to listen in without taking part in discussions is welcome. Learn more at lrb.hawaii.gov/public-access-room.ECONOMIC RELIEF
Online Directory at shopbigisland.com, co-sponsored by County of Hawai‘i, has a signup sheet for local businesses to fill in the blanks. The only requirement is a physical address on this island.
Food Assistance: Apply for The Volcano School of Arts & Sciences COVID-19 Family Relief Funds. Funded by Volcano Community Association, and members of the VSAS Friends and Governing Boards, who have donated, the fund supplies KTA or Dimple Cheek Gift Cards, or gift cards to other locally owned business, to VSAS families in need. Contact Kim Miller at 985-8537, kmiller@volcanoschool.net. Contributions to the fund can be sent in by check to: VSAS, PO Box 845, Volcano, HI 96785 – write Relief Fund in the memo. See
Marketing Assistance, for small businesses affected by COVID-19, from University of Hawaiʻi-Hilo faculty and the senior class at
Apply for Utility Assistance to pay for electricity, non-government water, or gas. Applicants must be a Hawaiʻi Island resident, at least 18 years old, lost income or work hours due to COVID-19, and not previously received assistance from other COVID-19 federal or state-funded programs. Funded by CARES Act and distributed by Hawaiʻi County Economic Opportunity Council, required documents for application are government-issued identification, income verification documents for all household members, utility statement with address of services, lease/rental agreement or mortgage document, and proof of hardship. Hardship may include, but not limited to, pay stubs documenting pre-COVID-19 income, unemployment approval letter, or layoff letter. Apply at
HCEOC.net or call 808-961-2681.
Apply for Expanded Hawaiʻi County Rent and Mortgage Assistance Program. Contact RMAP partners: Hawaiian Community Assets/Hawaiʻi Community Lending, HawaiianCommunity.net, 808-934-0801; HOPE Services Hawaiʻi,
hopeserviceshawaii.org/rmap, 808-935- 3050; Hawai‘i First Federal Credit Union, hawaiifirstfcu.com/pathways, 808-933- 6600; Neighborhood Place of Puna, neighborhoodplaceofpuna.org/coronavirus-rent-mortgage-relief, 808-965-5550; Hawai‘i Island Home for Recovery, hihrecovery.org/RMAP, 808-640-4443 or 808- 934-7852; Habitat for Humanity Hawai‘i Island,
habitathawaiiisland.org/rmap.html, 808-450-2118.
Apply for Holomua Hawaiʻi Relief Grants for small businesses and nonprofits, up to $10,000, support core operations, safe on-going and reopening costs, personal protective equipment, and training and technical assistance. The business or nonprofit must employ 50 people or fewer. See
Receive Help Over the Phone with Critical Financial Issues, through Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund Financial Navigators from County of Hawaiʻi, in partnership with Hawaiʻi First Federal Credit Union. Complete webform at hawaiifirstfcu.com/community-resource-center or call 808-933-6600. Contact Sharon Hirota at 808-961-8019 with questions.
QUALIFY TO BECOME A BEGINNING FARMER OR RANCHER and receive benefits from the U.S. Department of Agriculture To qualify for status as a beginning farmer or rancher: Applicants must be an individual. Business entities may receive benefits only if all of the substantial beneficial interest holders (ten percent or more) of the business entity qualify as beginning farmers or ranchers. For example, a son moves home to take over the family farm and incorporates with his spouse and neither have previous farming experience. Their corporation would qualify as a beginning farmer/rancher. However, if a son moves home and forms a corporation with his father, who has had an insurable interest in crops or livestock for more than five crop years, the corporation cannot receive beginning farmer and rancher benefits. Although the son qualifies as a beginning farmer or rancher, the father does not so the corporation cannot receive benefits; and

Applicants must not have actively operated and managed a farm or ranch anywhere, with an insurable interest in any crop or livestock for more than five crop years (ten years for Whole-Farm Revenue Protection). This includes an insurable interest as an individual or as a substantial beneficial interest holder (ten percent or more) in another person who has an insurable interest in any crop or livestock. Applicants may exclude a crop year's insurable interest if they were under the age of 18, enrolled in post-secondary studies (not to exceed five crop years) or on active duty in the U.S. military.
Women Farmers can Register with Hawaiʻi Women Farmers Directory, a statewide online directory of women-operated farms, ranches, and agribusinesses. Visit the program website to register,
Coffee Growers are urged to take a survey on how the pandemic is affecting them by Hawaiʻi Coffee Association. Take the survey here:
Program to Sell Produce and Meats on Hawaiʻi Island from commercial farmers and livestock producers on Hawai‘i Island for distribution to families in need. Learn more at
Read About Seed Biodiversity for Hawaiʻi's Local Food System in It all Begin and Ends with Seed, where Education by Outreach Coordinator Nancy Redfeather shares her insights. Read the blog at
Find Grants and Loans Offered to Farmers and Ranchers, at oahuaca.org. The website has a new search feature. Find Rangeland Management Resources at
Learn Basics of Organic Farming, via free modules at
PETS & WILDLIFEOne-Time Emergency Food For Pets is available through KARES. Call David or Barbara Breskin at 319-8333.Report Humpback Whales in Trouble at NOAA Fisheries 24 hour hotline, 1-888- 256-984. Also report distressed sea turtles, monk seals and dolphins.
For free Veterinary Care, Spay & Neuter, visit hihs.org, Services Tab, Spay and Neuter or Community Vet Care, or email petsupport@hihs.org. Call 808-217- 0154. All appointments must be scheduled in advance and are open to healthy dogs and cats. Two pets per family will be accommodated, each pet with own appointment. Unavailable to animals other than dogs and cats. Unavailable to strays and those with contagious illnesses.Wai‘ōhinu Transfer Station is open Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Recycling services available 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. HI-5 deposit beverage container collection Saturdays only, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. "White goods" appliance collection services will accept one appliance per resident per day. Customers need to check in with the facility attendant before dropping an appliance off at the facility. No unattended drop-offs allowed. Visit hawaiizerowaste.org or call 961-8270. Ocean View Transfer Station is open Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. HI-5 deposit beverage container collection will continue as usual on Saturdays only, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visit hawaiizerowaste.org or call 961-8270.
Sign Up for Solid Waste Operations Alerts at rb.gy/iemgrc for site closures, service hours, and more.