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Volcano resident Bill Doar photographed the stages of life of the Kamehameha butterfly. |
FREE SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEMS are available to select low-income households in Ka`u. Households must consist of a family of three to six persons with limited income who currently use an electric hot water heater.
The program is jointly sponsored by Hawai`i County Economic Opportunity Council and Hawai`i Energy. Applicants must attend an energy class to be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, May 8 at Ocean View Community Center. Others who are interested in energy conservation are also welcome.![]() |
Qualified Ka`u residents can apply for free solar hot water systems. Diagram from energybible.com |
Mary Finley, of HCEOC, said heating water comprises the largest residential use of electricity in the state. It is the goal of Hawai`i Energy to replace conventional electric hot water with hot water produced by solar power. HE estimates solar hot water will save a family 30 to 40 percent of their electricity cost per month while at the same time reducing the state’s dependence on foreign oil.
Call HCEOC at 961-2681 to register.
Call HCEOC at 961-2681 to register.
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HAWAI`I STATE LEGISLATURE, WHICH ADJOURNED Thursday, passed several bills related to government reform.
SB2629 requires lobbyists and specified individuals to report to the Hawai`i State Ethics Commission, within 30 days of adjournment of a special session of the Legislature, on contributions and expenditures made to lobby on legislative matters considered during that special session.
SB2634 requires individuals who spend more than $750 on lobbying during a statement period to itemize each expenditure in certain categories, as applicable.
Under SB2682, fifteen boards and commissions will be required to file public financial disclosure statements.
HB2139 creates a Sunshine Law exemption for counties. It authorizes a limited meeting where any number of county council members may attend a board’s or community group’s meeting to discuss council business, provided that certain requirements are met. The law remains in effect until June 30, 2016.
Under SB2591, police departments have to disclose more information about police misconduct, reporting to the Legislature how many officers were suspended or fired in a given year and whether the disciplinary action resulted in criminal charges or was still subject to a union appeal.
The status of these and other bills is available at capitol.hawaii.gov.
HAWAI`I STATE LEGISLATURE, WHICH ADJOURNED Thursday, passed several bills related to government reform.
SB2629 requires lobbyists and specified individuals to report to the Hawai`i State Ethics Commission, within 30 days of adjournment of a special session of the Legislature, on contributions and expenditures made to lobby on legislative matters considered during that special session.
SB2634 requires individuals who spend more than $750 on lobbying during a statement period to itemize each expenditure in certain categories, as applicable.
Under SB2682, fifteen boards and commissions will be required to file public financial disclosure statements.
HB2139 creates a Sunshine Law exemption for counties. It authorizes a limited meeting where any number of county council members may attend a board’s or community group’s meeting to discuss council business, provided that certain requirements are met. The law remains in effect until June 30, 2016.
Under SB2591, police departments have to disclose more information about police misconduct, reporting to the Legislature how many officers were suspended or fired in a given year and whether the disciplinary action resulted in criminal charges or was still subject to a union appeal.
The status of these and other bills is available at capitol.hawaii.gov.
To comment on or like this story, go to facebook.com/kaucalendar.
THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO THE Triple C Recipe Contest today at noon at Ka`u Coffee Mill. The event includes free coffee and recipe tastings, along with entertainment by Keoki Kahumoku and the `Ukulele Kids.
Participants earn up to $500 in prizes for the best recipes in adult and student categories.

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A Kamehameha butterfly poses on a lemon flower. Photo by Bill Doar |
KAMEHAMEHA BUTTERFLIES enjoy living in mamaki tea plants, and area residents are on the lookout for these endangered native butterflies. While exact locations of the rare Kamehameha are not being revealed by those documenting their whereabouts, some photos of the caterpillars and emerging young Kamehameha butterflies are being taken by photographer Bill Doar in Volcano. Doar recently recorded the caterpillar and its complete transformation into a butterfly.
Doar said there are additional Kamehameha caterpillars that he is documenting, including those living inside a rolled up mamaki leaf. He also reported a Kamehameha butterfly on a lemon tree. University of Hawai`i scientists are studying how temperature affects development time of the chrysalis for such insects, hoping to establish a lab colony of Kamehameha for research. It may be that it takes longer in colder elevations for the caterpillar to become a butterfly. Those seeing the Kamehameha butterfly are asked to send photos and reports to pulelehua@ctahr.hawaii.edu.
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Rachelle Agrigado |
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Janine Balsis |
SEVEN DISTINGUISHED JUDGES MAKE THEIR CHOICES for Miss Ka`u Coffee and Miss Ka`u Peaberry this evening at Ka`u Coffee Mill. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Rachelle Agrigado was the choreographer of the Junior Miss Hawai`i Filipina pageant opening number and a trainer for Miss Hawai`i Island Filipina. She is currently director of Lihu`e Hawai`i Productions that produces the Young Miss Lihu`e Hawai`i and Miss Teen Lihu`e Hawai`i pageants, a preliminary to the state Miss Hawai`i Junior High and Miss Hawai`i High School pageants. She is an accomplished hula dancer, formerly with Ray Fonseca’s Halau Hula `O Kahikilaulani.
Janine Balsis is student activities and testing coordinator at Ka`u High & Pahala Elementary School. After spending a few years on the East Coast and O`ahu, Balsis is enjoying reconnecting with her home on the Big Island. She will be re-igniting her own educational goals at the University of Hawai`i at Manoa this summer as she works toward earning her master’s degree in Educational Foundations with a focus on Educational Leadership in the Asia-Pacific region.
Janine Balsis is student activities and testing coordinator at Ka`u High & Pahala Elementary School. After spending a few years on the East Coast and O`ahu, Balsis is enjoying reconnecting with her home on the Big Island. She will be re-igniting her own educational goals at the University of Hawai`i at Manoa this summer as she works toward earning her master’s degree in Educational Foundations with a focus on Educational Leadership in the Asia-Pacific region.
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Jennifer Ka`aihue |
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Ulu Makuakane |
Jennifer Ka`aihue was 1992 Miss Hawai‘i Island Filipina. She was a co-coordinator for the 2011 Miss Hawai‘i Island Filipina pageant. She has been involved as a pageant judge in previous pageants such as Young Miss Hawai`i Filipina, Miss Hawai`i Island Filipina and Miss Ka`u Coffee. She is currently a director of Lehua Hawai`i Productions that produces the Young Miss Lehua Hawai`i and Miss Teen Lehua Hawai`i pageants, a preliminary to the state Miss Hawai`i Junior High and Miss Hawai`i High School pageants.
Ulu Makuakane was born and raised in Ka`u and now resides in Makakilo, O`ahu. She is a 2010 Ka`u High School alumna who after graduation moved to O`ahu to further her college education and gain more opportunity. She works at the Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa, as a performer and hula dancer, performing for multiple family programs including the Aulani Starlit Hui. For work, she has recently been offered the title as a Hui trainer, and this position will allow her to train new cast members the hula choreography for a weekly show. Since her reign as Miss Ka`u Coffee 2010, Makuakane has entered two other pageants. She said, “After gaining the Miss Hawaiian Islands title, I was fortunate enough to compete for Miss South Pacific in December hosted in the Solomon Islands. As a former Miss Ka`u Coffee, I know what it feels like to be in these young ladies’ shoes. They have all worked very hard, and I know they will do their best to represent Ka`u, Ka`u Coffee, their families and their community. I wish them all the best of luck. Laki Maika`i!”
Ulu Makuakane was born and raised in Ka`u and now resides in Makakilo, O`ahu. She is a 2010 Ka`u High School alumna who after graduation moved to O`ahu to further her college education and gain more opportunity. She works at the Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa, as a performer and hula dancer, performing for multiple family programs including the Aulani Starlit Hui. For work, she has recently been offered the title as a Hui trainer, and this position will allow her to train new cast members the hula choreography for a weekly show. Since her reign as Miss Ka`u Coffee 2010, Makuakane has entered two other pageants. She said, “After gaining the Miss Hawaiian Islands title, I was fortunate enough to compete for Miss South Pacific in December hosted in the Solomon Islands. As a former Miss Ka`u Coffee, I know what it feels like to be in these young ladies’ shoes. They have all worked very hard, and I know they will do their best to represent Ka`u, Ka`u Coffee, their families and their community. I wish them all the best of luck. Laki Maika`i!”
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Bruce Mathews |
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Mitch Roth |
Bruce Mathews is a professor of soil science and agronomy at the University of Hawai`i at Hilo and has worked there since 1993. Mathews currently serves as interim dean of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management. He has traveled to the Philippines on several projects related to his work and did a sabbatical leave there during 2001-2002.
Mitch Roth came to Hawai`i in 1983 to attend the University of Hawai`i at Manoa and then received a Jurist Doctorate at Whittier Law School in Los Angeles. After graduating, he returned to Hawai`i as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in Honolulu. In 1998, he left Honolulu to become a Deputy Prosecutor and Community Oriented Prosecutor in Hawai`i County. Since coming to the Big Island, Roth has held key positions in numerous government and community organizations and he has been involved with a number of activities in the community.
Mitch Roth came to Hawai`i in 1983 to attend the University of Hawai`i at Manoa and then received a Jurist Doctorate at Whittier Law School in Los Angeles. After graduating, he returned to Hawai`i as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in Honolulu. In 1998, he left Honolulu to become a Deputy Prosecutor and Community Oriented Prosecutor in Hawai`i County. Since coming to the Big Island, Roth has held key positions in numerous government and community organizations and he has been involved with a number of activities in the community.
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Kevin Hopkins |
Fred Tomas |
Fred Tomas is an event consultant and designer. In 2003 he founded and owns Tomas International, which specializes in full-service event planning, design and management for social celebrations, corporate events and nonprofit and community festivals. He is also the chief floral stylist for Kammy’s Flower Garden in Hilo. Currently he serves as Board of Governor for the United Filipino Council of Hawai`i and Director for the Big Island Filipino Community Council. Tomas also volunteers for nonprofit organizations such as Junior Achievement.
Pageant auditor is Dr. Kevin D. Hopkins, an internationally known scientist who has managed aquaculture and fisheries development projects throughout the world for more than 35 years. Hopkins is currently a professor in the College of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resources Management at University of Hawai`i at Hilo. He has served as auditor in previous Miss Hawai`i Island Filipina pageants and in numerous Filipino cultural fashion shows.
For more information about the pageant, call Gloria Camba at 928-8558.
To comment on or like this story, go to facebook.com/kaucalendar.
THE INN AT KALAEKILOHANA hosted its third annual Farmers’ Table event last night for the Ka`u Coffee Festival with dozens enjoying fresh food from Ka`u. Organically grown vegetables came from the new Earth Matters Farm at the corner of South Point and Kama`oa Roads. Grass-fed beef came from the Galimba ranch, and fish from the sea.
Host and chef Kenny Joyce noticed that there was record attendance of farmers at the annual dinner, among them Ka`u Coffee Growers Cooperative President Gloria Camba and Rogelio Aquino, famed coffee farmers Lorie Obra and Lisa Dacalio and Greg Smith from Earth Matters. Music was by `Eke Kekauoka Trio. Ka`u Coffee ice cream and pastries by Chef Janel Panek were featured. Host Kilohana Domingo also expressed his appreciation of the agricultural community and bounty of Ka`u.
The public is invited to Ka`u Coffee Mill for today's Triple C Recipe Contest, featuring free coffee and recipe tastings, as well as entertainment. Photo by Julia Neal |
For more on Kalaekilohana, see kau-hawaii.com.
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THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO THE Triple C Recipe Contest today at noon at Ka`u Coffee Mill. The event includes free coffee and recipe tastings, along with entertainment by Keoki Kahumoku and the `Ukulele Kids.
Participants earn up to $500 in prizes for the best recipes in adult and student categories.
KA `OHANA O HONU`APO INVITES KA`U RESIDENTS to Sunday in the Park, today from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The event features La`au Lapa`au, Hawaiian Healing, with Momi Subiano. For more information, email kaohanaohonuapo@gmail.com.

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See kaucalendar.com/Directory2014.swf. |