Native Hawaiian forest bird 'I'iwi on native plant māmane. Read more below on māmane as one of the Native Plants of Kaʻū and see the illustration by artist Joan Yoshioka. USGS photo by Robby Kohley |
MORE ON THE BAY CLINIC MERGER and its relationship to Kaʻū health services has come from its CEO Kimo Alameda. He told The Kaʻū Calendar newspaper: "There are three community health providers serving the Kaʻū District. Hilo Medical Center covers the Pāhala area, Bay Clinic covers Nāʻālehu and Wiohinu, Discovery Harbor, and some of Ocean View, and West Hawai'i Community Health Center covers Ocean View and Miloli'i."
Bay Clinic's Kaʻū Family Health Center opened its expanded Nāʻālehu facilities in 2013 with medical, dental and mental health services. The announcement of a merger with West Hawai'i Community Health Center came this early October and is expected to be completed by mid 2022.
Alameda said, "Joining forces with West Hawai'i will allow Bay Clinic to leverage West Hawai'i resources to increase medical, dental, behavioral health, and pharmacy services within the entire Kaʻū District. Our immediate goal is to prevent Kaʻū residents from needing to travel to Hilo or Kona for healthcare and social services.
"Our long-term goal is the partner with the county to enhance recreational services for our Kupuna and Keiki, and to serve as a resiliency hub providing disaster recovery services should Kaʻū be hit with a natural or man-made disaster." See merger story in the Monday, Oct. 11 Kaʻū News Briefs at
Māmane, Sophora chrysophylla, is the subject of Mary Kawena Pukui's ʻŌlelo Noʻeau: Uhiuhi lau māmane ka wai o Kapāpala. It means: Covered with māmane leaves is the water of Kapāpala.
Description: Māmane is a drought tolerant Hawaiian endemic in the pea family (Fabaceae) found on all of the main Hawaiian Islands except for Niʻihau and Kahoʻolawe. Māmane is polymorphic (it can take on many forms), and can grow as a low lying shrub or a tall tree. Its small leaves remain bright green even during drought seasons, and the showy yellow flowers form as clusters on the ends of branches. Because all trees in a certain area tend to bloom at once, it is said that the māmane bloomed in such great quantities that from Hilo it would appear that Mauna Kea was adorned in a lei. The winged fruits turn brown and woody when the seeds ripen and remain on the tree throughout the year. Seeds can be found under the trees and remain viable for extended periods of time. While māmane is fire tolerant (seeds will sprout after a burn), the tender seedlings easily succumb to the pressures of grazing by goats and sheep.
Uses: The hard wood was used for pou (house posts) and kaola (beams) up to 2” in diameter, for ʻōʻō (digging sticks), ihe (spears), kope (spades), papa hōlua (sled) runners, papa olonā (Touchardia latifolia scrapers), ʻau koʻi (adze handles), and wahie (firewood). Cattle ranchers later used the wood as fence posts, and today it is a great choice for making smoked meat. The flowers of māmane were used as an astringent and also in lei, and the small, yellow seeds produce an amber color when soaked which can be used as a dye. Kahuna nui (high priests) would wrap a piece of māmane wood in dark kapa (cloth) and hold it up to symbolize authority.
Habitat: Māmane is found in dry to mesic forests and even subalpine areas, as low as 300 feet elevation and as high as nearly 11,000 feet on the slopes of Mauna Kea (comprising nearly 90% of the diet of the endangered Palila, one of Hawaiʻi’s endemic honeycreepers). In Kaʻū, it is abundant throughout Ocean View, and along the highway between Manukā and Kahuku and between Kapāpala and Keauhou. Less commonly (but still noteworthy), māmane can be found in lower elevation dry forests in kīpuka protected from feral goats.
Growing and Purchasing: Collect māmane seed pods when they are dark brown in color and separate the seeds from the pods. Scarify seeds to increase germination success either by dropping them into sub-boiling water and soaking overnight or clipping a small portion of the seed coat with nail clippers. Seedlings grow easily, but benefit from regular fertilization. Once they are at least six inches tall, plant in a sunny spot and water until they become established.
"Our long-term goal is the partner with the county to enhance recreational services for our Kupuna and Keiki, and to serve as a resiliency hub providing disaster recovery services should Kaʻū be hit with a natural or man-made disaster." See merger story in the Monday, Oct. 11 Kaʻū News Briefs at
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see See latest print edition at
MĀMANE IS THE OCTOBER PLANT for Lāʻau Letters: Native Plants of Kaʻū, the monthly column in The Kaʻū Calendar newspaper by Jodie Rosam and artist Joan Yoshioka. The column features the plants' moʻolelo (stories), uses, preferred habitats, and opportunities to adopt them for stewardship. It seeks to encourage making new plant friends and to reunite with others.Māmane, Sophora chrysophylla, is the subject of Mary Kawena Pukui's ʻŌlelo Noʻeau: Uhiuhi lau māmane ka wai o Kapāpala. It means: Covered with māmane leaves is the water of Kapāpala.
Māmane by artist Joan Yoshioka |
Uses: The hard wood was used for pou (house posts) and kaola (beams) up to 2” in diameter, for ʻōʻō (digging sticks), ihe (spears), kope (spades), papa hōlua (sled) runners, papa olonā (Touchardia latifolia scrapers), ʻau koʻi (adze handles), and wahie (firewood). Cattle ranchers later used the wood as fence posts, and today it is a great choice for making smoked meat. The flowers of māmane were used as an astringent and also in lei, and the small, yellow seeds produce an amber color when soaked which can be used as a dye. Kahuna nui (high priests) would wrap a piece of māmane wood in dark kapa (cloth) and hold it up to symbolize authority.
Habitat: Māmane is found in dry to mesic forests and even subalpine areas, as low as 300 feet elevation and as high as nearly 11,000 feet on the slopes of Mauna Kea (comprising nearly 90% of the diet of the endangered Palila, one of Hawaiʻi’s endemic honeycreepers). In Kaʻū, it is abundant throughout Ocean View, and along the highway between Manukā and Kahuku and between Kapāpala and Keauhou. Less commonly (but still noteworthy), māmane can be found in lower elevation dry forests in kīpuka protected from feral goats.
Growing and Purchasing: Collect māmane seed pods when they are dark brown in color and separate the seeds from the pods. Scarify seeds to increase germination success either by dropping them into sub-boiling water and soaking overnight or clipping a small portion of the seed coat with nail clippers. Seedlings grow easily, but benefit from regular fertilization. Once they are at least six inches tall, plant in a sunny spot and water until they become established.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see See latest print edition at
HALLOWEEN WEEKEND Bands will perform at the Lava Lounge at Kilauea Military Camp. Friday, Oct. 29 will feature Mikioi Street Band and Saturday, Oct. 30 will feature Lucky Tongue. State and County COVID-19 rules must be followed. Social distancing requirements are in place. Open to authorized patrons.

Read the entire Kaʻū Calendar and back issues at Find it in the mail from Volcano
through Pāhala, Nāʻālehu, Ocean View to Miloli'i.
Pick it up from newsstands.

KAʻŪ COFFEE MILL & VISITOR CENTER. Buy online at and in person at 96-2694 Wood Valley Road, daily, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

PUNALUʻU BAKESHOP online at and in-person 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week in x.
ALIʻI HAWAIʻI HULA HANDS COFFEE. Order by calling 928-0608 or emailing
AIKANE PLANTATION COFFEE COMPANY. Order online at Call 808-927-2252
MIRANDA'S FARMS KAʻŪ COFFEE. Order online at or, in person at 73-7136 Mamalahoa Hwy. See latest print edition at
KUAHIWI RANCH STORE, in person. Shop weekdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, 11 am to 3 p.m. at 95-5520 Hwy 11. Locally processed grass-fed beef, live meat chickens, and feed for cattle, goats, sheep, chickens, horses, dogs, and pigs. Call 929-7333 of 938-1625, email
DEPRESSED, ANXIOUS, NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? Call Department of Health's expanded Hawai‘i C.A.R.E.S. program at 1-800-753-6879 – the same number previously used by Crisis Line of Hawai‘i. Individuals in crisis can also text ALOHA to 741741, available 24/7.
LEARN SELF-CARE THROUGH Big Island Substance Abuse Council's Practice Self-Care Series. For additional series that feature refreshing wellness tips, follow the Behavioral Health & Homelessness Statewide Unified Response Group at
WOMEN'S COLLECTIVE OFFERS HEALTH PROGRAMS. Piko focuses on reproductive health; increasing access, respect, cultural competence, education, and choice. Pilina aims to grow membership and establish a culture of collaborative decision-making. Follow @kau_womens_health_collective. Contact Call 808-450-0498.
YOGA WITH EMILY Catey Weiss, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Volcano Art Center Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village. Advanced registration required; $5 per class., 967-8222.
CHOOSE ALOHA FOR HOME is available to families, to provide a healthy way to grow together using neuroscience and positive psychology. Program uses a series of self-guided videos, activities, and "dinner table discussion topics." Sign up at
Register for Boys & Girls Club Mobile Outreach and Tutoring Programs at For keiki grades 1-6. Contact Boys & Girls Club of the Big Island Administrative Office, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at (808) 961-5536 or email or
ʻOhana Help Desk offers online How-To Guides for Chromebooks and iPads at ʻOhana Help Desk also available by phone, weekdays, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sundays from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Invite Park Rangers to Virtually Visit Classes, through connecting with teachers and home-schoolers with distance learning programs and virtual huakaʻi (field trips). Contact
Public Libraries are open for WiFi, pick-up, and other services. Nāʻālehu open Monday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pāhala open Tuesday, noon to 7 p.m., Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., limited entry into library with Wiki Visits. Schedule a Library Take Out time at Open for library card account help and reference assistance from the front door. WiFi available to anyone with a library card, from each library parking lot. See
Free Book Exchanges, at laundromats in Ocean View and Nāʻālehu, provided by Friends of the Kaʻū Libraries. Open to all. Keep the books, pass them on to other readers, or return them. Selection of books replenished weekly at both sites.
Read Report on Public Input about Disaster Recovery from damage during the 2018 Kīlauea eruption.
View the Civic Engagement and Comment Analysis Report at
Learn About Hawaiʻi's History & Culture through Papakilo Database,
Virtual Workshops on Hawaiʻi's Legislative Processes through Public Access Room. Sign up by contacting (808) 587-0478 or Ask questions and discuss all things legislative in a non-partisan environment. Attend Coffee Hour with PAR: Fridays at 3 p.m. on Zoom, meeting ID 990 4865 9652 or click PAR staff will be available to answer questions and to discuss the legislative process. Anyone wanting to listen in without taking part in discussions is welcome. Learn more at
Online Directory at, co-sponsored by County of Hawai‘i, has a signup sheet for local businesses to fill in the blanks. The only requirement is a physical address on this island.

Food Assistance: Apply for The Volcano School of Arts & Sciences COVID-19 Family Relief Funds. Funded by Volcano Community Association, and members of the VSAS Friends and Governing Boards, who have donated, the fund supplies KTA or Dimple Cheek Gift Cards, or gift cards to other locally owned business, to VSAS families in need. Contact Kim Miller at 985-8537, Contributions to the fund can be sent in by check to: VSAS, PO Box 845, Volcano, HI 96785 – write Relief Fund in the memo. See
ENROLL CHILDREN, from first through eighth grade, in Kula ʻAmakihi, a program from Volcano School of the Arts & Sciences. It started Aug. 3. Call 808-985- 9800 or visit
WALK THROUGH A GUIDED NATURE TRAIL & Sculpture Garden, Mondays, 9:30 a.m. at Volcano Art Center Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village. No reservations for five or fewer – limited to ten people. Free; donations appreciated. Email Garden is open to walk through at one's own pace, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Call 967-8222.
KAʻŪ ART GALLERY is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in Nāʻālehu. It features and sells works by local artists and offers other gift items.Vendor applications are being accepted for its Holiday Arts & Crafts Sale on Saturday, Nov. 13. Kaʻū Art Gallery's website has 24/7 access online and is frequently updated to show current inventory items. "We are always looking to collaborate with local artists in our community," said assistant Alexandra Kaupu. Artists with an interest in being featured at Kaʻū Art Gallery and Gift Shop, contact gallery owner and director Corrine Kaupu at
GOLF & MEMBERSHIPS for Discovery Harbour Golf Course and its Clubhouse: The Club offers Social Memberships, with future use of the clubhouse and current use of the pickleball courts as well as walking and running on specified areas of the golf course before 8 a.m. and after 3 p.m. to enjoy the panoramiocean views. Golf memberships range from unlimited play for the avid golfer to casual play options. Membership is required to play and practice golf on the course. All golf memberships include Social Membership amenities. Membership fees are designed to help underwrite programs and improvements to the facilities.Call 808-731-5122 or stop by the Clubhouse during business hours, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily at 94-1581 Kaulua Circle. Email See The Club at Discovery Harbour Facebook page.
ALOHA FRIDAY MARKETPLACE, hosted by Kaʻū Main Street, is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., grounds of The Old Shirakawa Estate in Waiʻohinu. It features: Made in Hawai'i Products, Organic Produce, Creative Crafts, ARt, Flower and Plants, Food, Ka`u Coffee, Gluen Free Low Carb Goodies, Wellness Services and Products, Clothing, Hand Crafted Treats, Music and more. Vendor and customer inquiries:
VOLCANO FARMERS MARKET, Cooper Center, Volcano Village on Sundays. 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., with much local produce, baked goods, food to go, island beef and Hawai‘i Coffee. Cooper Center's EBT Machine, used at the Farmer's Market, is out of service until further notice. EBT is used for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps. Call 808-967-7800.
OCEAN VIEW COMMUNITY MARKET, open Saturdays and Thursdays, 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., on the corner of Kona Drive and Highway 11, where Thai Grindz is located. Managed by Mark Council. Masks mandatory. 100-person limit, social distancing required. Gate unlocked for vendors at 5:30 a.m., $15 dollars, no reservations needed. Parking in upper lot only. Vendors must provide own sanitizer. Food vendor permits required. Carpooling encouraged.
O KAʻŪ KĀKOU MARKET, in Nāʻālehu, open Wednesday, and Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. Limit of 50 customers per hour, 20 vendor booths, with 20 feet of space between vendors. Masks and hand sanitizing required, social distancing enforced. Contact Sue Barnett, OKK Market Manager, at 808-345-9374 (voice or text) or for more and to apply to vend. See
OCEAN VIEW SWAP MEET is open at Ocean View makai shopping center, near Mālama Market. Hours for patrons are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Vendor set-up time is 5 a.m. Masks required.
VOLCANO ART CENTER ONLINE, in person. Shop at Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gallery in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, open Wednesday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Virtual Shopping Appointments offered via Skype or FaceTime. Book at for $5. Shop online gallery 24/7. Orders shipped or free local pickup available. See the VAC Virtual Classroom, which features over 90 videos. See, call 967-8222.

HALLOWEEN WEEKEND Bands will perform at the Lava Lounge at Kilauea Military Camp. Friday, Oct. 29 will feature Mikioi Street Band and Saturday, Oct. 30 will feature Lucky Tongue. State and County COVID-19 rules must be followed. Social distancing requirements are in place. Open to authorized patrons.
A SPOOKY TRAIL & HALLOWEEN VOLCANO VILLAGE TOUR await keiki and adults wearing a favorite costume.
Enter Volcano Art Center' s Spooky Trail at Volcano Art Center’s Haunted Forest on Saturday, Oct. 30 from 4 p .m. to 6 p.m. The adventure begins with a tour of the Halloween Village, followed by a Tour Ghoul luring participants into the Haunted Forest.
This Halloween experience includes a keiki costume contest and the best decorated or carved pumpkin, which can be brought from home.
Goodie bags will be distributed to each keiki (while supplies last). Drawings for prizes will happen throughout the event. Costume and pumpkin judging will be from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The cost is $4.00 per person; at least one adult per family, with a maximum of six in a group, will be welcomed. Bring flashlights.
Due to COVID restrictions, a limited number of participants at a time will be allowed on the Spooky Trail. Masks and sign-in will be required.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see See latest print edition at
HAWAI'I FARMERS UNION UNITED will offer an Indigenous Microorganism Propagating Class on Sunday, Nov. 7 in Wood Valley at the mamaki farm of Kaʻū's Hawai'i Farmers Union United chapter President Matt Drayer. It will be taught by East Hawai'i HFUU President Drake Weinert. Photo from HFU
Hawai'i Farmers Union United invites Kaʻū folks every Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. to a zoom gathering with people of all walks of life from locales globally to meet and discuss natural farming. Structure is a basic Q&A. Host is the East Hawai'i HFUU President who has given presentations in Kaʻū on Korean Natural Farming and other topics.
To join this Sunday's regenerative gardening and farming zoom meeting, visit Sunday morning to grab that link and tune in.
An Indigenous Microorganism Propagating Class will be held Sunday, Nov. 7 at Kaʻū Chapter President Matt Drayer's Mamaki Farm in Wood Valley from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.. Cost is $20 HFUU members, $30 for non-members. All levels of experience are welcome. Email to register.
An HFUU statement says, "If you made it to the first workshop in September you know we had a great turnout of folks and an amazing lunch, but did you know the IMO collection was an A+? How did your collection go?" Email to register for Nov. 7.
Check out Farmers Union Speaker Series events recorded on Youtube and available for viewing. Broad topics include regenerative farming, ecology, sustainability, and healthy living. Music ties it together for the first and last 15 minutes of the show, from local celebs like Paul Izak and Mike Love, to out-of- towners like Micah Nelson. Check out the archive to see previous episodes, or to receive email notifications for future Zoom events, sign up for the newsletter at
Hawai'i Farmers Union United invites Kaʻū folks every Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. to a zoom gathering with people of all walks of life from locales globally to meet and discuss natural farming. Structure is a basic Q&A. Host is the East Hawai'i HFUU President who has given presentations in Kaʻū on Korean Natural Farming and other topics.
To join this Sunday's regenerative gardening and farming zoom meeting, visit Sunday morning to grab that link and tune in.
An Indigenous Microorganism Propagating Class will be held Sunday, Nov. 7 at Kaʻū Chapter President Matt Drayer's Mamaki Farm in Wood Valley from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.. Cost is $20 HFUU members, $30 for non-members. All levels of experience are welcome. Email to register.
An HFUU statement says, "If you made it to the first workshop in September you know we had a great turnout of folks and an amazing lunch, but did you know the IMO collection was an A+? How did your collection go?" Email to register for Nov. 7.
Check out Farmers Union Speaker Series events recorded on Youtube and available for viewing. Broad topics include regenerative farming, ecology, sustainability, and healthy living. Music ties it together for the first and last 15 minutes of the show, from local celebs like Paul Izak and Mike Love, to out-of- towners like Micah Nelson. Check out the archive to see previous episodes, or to receive email notifications for future Zoom events, sign up for the newsletter at
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see See latest print edition at

Read the entire Kaʻū Calendar and back issues at Find it in the mail from Volcano
through Pāhala, Nāʻālehu, Ocean View to Miloli'i.
Pick it up from newsstands.

KAʻŪ COFFEE MILL & VISITOR CENTER. Buy online at and in person at 96-2694 Wood Valley Road, daily, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

PUNALUʻU BAKESHOP online at and in-person 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week in x.
ALIʻI HAWAIʻI HULA HANDS COFFEE. Order by calling 928-0608 or emailing
AIKANE PLANTATION COFFEE COMPANY. Order online at Call 808-927-2252
MIRANDA'S FARMS KAʻŪ COFFEE. Order online at or, in person at 73-7136 Mamalahoa Hwy. See latest print edition at
KUAHIWI RANCH STORE, in person. Shop weekdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, 11 am to 3 p.m. at 95-5520 Hwy 11. Locally processed grass-fed beef, live meat chickens, and feed for cattle, goats, sheep, chickens, horses, dogs, and pigs. Call 929-7333 of 938-1625, email
DEPRESSED, ANXIOUS, NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? Call Department of Health's expanded Hawai‘i C.A.R.E.S. program at 1-800-753-6879 – the same number previously used by Crisis Line of Hawai‘i. Individuals in crisis can also text ALOHA to 741741, available 24/7.
LEARN SELF-CARE THROUGH Big Island Substance Abuse Council's Practice Self-Care Series. For additional series that feature refreshing wellness tips, follow the Behavioral Health & Homelessness Statewide Unified Response Group at

WOMEN'S COLLECTIVE OFFERS HEALTH PROGRAMS. Piko focuses on reproductive health; increasing access, respect, cultural competence, education, and choice. Pilina aims to grow membership and establish a culture of collaborative decision-making. Follow @kau_womens_health_collective. Contact Call 808-450-0498.
YOGA WITH EMILY Catey Weiss, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Volcano Art Center Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village. Advanced registration required; $5 per class., 967-8222.
CHOOSE ALOHA FOR HOME is available to families, to provide a healthy way to grow together using neuroscience and positive psychology. Program uses a series of self-guided videos, activities, and "dinner table discussion topics." Sign up at
Register for Boys & Girls Club Mobile Outreach and Tutoring Programs at For keiki grades 1-6. Contact Boys & Girls Club of the Big Island Administrative Office, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at (808) 961-5536 or email or
ʻOhana Help Desk offers online How-To Guides for Chromebooks and iPads at ʻOhana Help Desk also available by phone, weekdays, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sundays from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Invite Park Rangers to Virtually Visit Classes, through connecting with teachers and home-schoolers with distance learning programs and virtual huakaʻi (field trips). Contact
Public Libraries are open for WiFi, pick-up, and other services. Nāʻālehu open Monday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pāhala open Tuesday, noon to 7 p.m., Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., limited entry into library with Wiki Visits. Schedule a Library Take Out time at Open for library card account help and reference assistance from the front door. WiFi available to anyone with a library card, from each library parking lot. See
Free Book Exchanges, at laundromats in Ocean View and Nāʻālehu, provided by Friends of the Kaʻū Libraries. Open to all. Keep the books, pass them on to other readers, or return them. Selection of books replenished weekly at both sites.
Read Report on Public Input about Disaster Recovery from damage during the 2018 Kīlauea eruption.
View the Civic Engagement and Comment Analysis Report at
Learn About Hawaiʻi's History & Culture through Papakilo Database,
Virtual Workshops on Hawaiʻi's Legislative Processes through Public Access Room. Sign up by contacting (808) 587-0478 or Ask questions and discuss all things legislative in a non-partisan environment. Attend Coffee Hour with PAR: Fridays at 3 p.m. on Zoom, meeting ID 990 4865 9652 or click PAR staff will be available to answer questions and to discuss the legislative process. Anyone wanting to listen in without taking part in discussions is welcome. Learn more at
Online Directory at, co-sponsored by County of Hawai‘i, has a signup sheet for local businesses to fill in the blanks. The only requirement is a physical address on this island.

Food Assistance: Apply for The Volcano School of Arts & Sciences COVID-19 Family Relief Funds. Funded by Volcano Community Association, and members of the VSAS Friends and Governing Boards, who have donated, the fund supplies KTA or Dimple Cheek Gift Cards, or gift cards to other locally owned business, to VSAS families in need. Contact Kim Miller at 985-8537, Contributions to the fund can be sent in by check to: VSAS, PO Box 845, Volcano, HI 96785 – write Relief Fund in the memo. See
ENROLL CHILDREN, from first through eighth grade, in Kula ʻAmakihi, a program from Volcano School of the Arts & Sciences. It started Aug. 3. Call 808-985- 9800 or visit
WALK THROUGH A GUIDED NATURE TRAIL & Sculpture Garden, Mondays, 9:30 a.m. at Volcano Art Center Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village. No reservations for five or fewer – limited to ten people. Free; donations appreciated. Email Garden is open to walk through at one's own pace, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Call 967-8222.
KAʻŪ ART GALLERY is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in Nāʻālehu. It features and sells works by local artists and offers other gift items.Vendor applications are being accepted for its Holiday Arts & Crafts Sale on Saturday, Nov. 13. Kaʻū Art Gallery's website has 24/7 access online and is frequently updated to show current inventory items. "We are always looking to collaborate with local artists in our community," said assistant Alexandra Kaupu. Artists with an interest in being featured at Kaʻū Art Gallery and Gift Shop, contact gallery owner and director Corrine Kaupu at
GOLF & MEMBERSHIPS for Discovery Harbour Golf Course and its Clubhouse: The Club offers Social Memberships, with future use of the clubhouse and current use of the pickleball courts as well as walking and running on specified areas of the golf course before 8 a.m. and after 3 p.m. to enjoy the panoramiocean views. Golf memberships range from unlimited play for the avid golfer to casual play options. Membership is required to play and practice golf on the course. All golf memberships include Social Membership amenities. Membership fees are designed to help underwrite programs and improvements to the facilities.Call 808-731-5122 or stop by the Clubhouse during business hours, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily at 94-1581 Kaulua Circle. Email See The Club at Discovery Harbour Facebook page.
ALOHA FRIDAY MARKETPLACE, hosted by Kaʻū Main Street, is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., grounds of The Old Shirakawa Estate in Waiʻohinu. It features: Made in Hawai'i Products, Organic Produce, Creative Crafts, ARt, Flower and Plants, Food, Ka`u Coffee, Gluen Free Low Carb Goodies, Wellness Services and Products, Clothing, Hand Crafted Treats, Music and more. Vendor and customer inquiries:
VOLCANO FARMERS MARKET, Cooper Center, Volcano Village on Sundays. 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., with much local produce, baked goods, food to go, island beef and Hawai‘i Coffee. Cooper Center's EBT Machine, used at the Farmer's Market, is out of service until further notice. EBT is used for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps. Call 808-967-7800.

O KAʻŪ KĀKOU MARKET, in Nāʻālehu, open Wednesday, and Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. Limit of 50 customers per hour, 20 vendor booths, with 20 feet of space between vendors. Masks and hand sanitizing required, social distancing enforced. Contact Sue Barnett, OKK Market Manager, at 808-345-9374 (voice or text) or for more and to apply to vend. See
OCEAN VIEW SWAP MEET is open at Ocean View makai shopping center, near Mālama Market. Hours for patrons are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Vendor set-up time is 5 a.m. Masks required.
VOLCANO ART CENTER ONLINE, in person. Shop at Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gallery in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, open Wednesday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Virtual Shopping Appointments offered via Skype or FaceTime. Book at for $5. Shop online gallery 24/7. Orders shipped or free local pickup available. See the VAC Virtual Classroom, which features over 90 videos. See, call 967-8222.