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A Hawai'i County Council Bill 13 seeks to reduce styrofoam use on Hawai'i Island. See stories below. Image from change.org |
HAWAI'I'S DEMOCRATIC PARTY came out strong today against the Pres. Donald Trump Administration's decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. DACA, created by President Obama in 2012, protects immigrants who came to this country, without permission, as children.
Democratic Party of Hawai‘i Chair Tim Vandeveer released the following statement:
“Today, the Trump administration turned its back on hard-working immigrant families and students. Donald Trump's actions force thousands of immigrants back into the shadows, tears families and communities apart, and is a devastating blow to the nearly 800,000 young immigrants who only know this country as their home. Trump and his Republicans are choosing to further divide our country, create fear in our communities and hurt our economy. Donald Trump's cruel actions today bend to the wishes of extremists in his own party.
Hawai‘i and will fight to protect our abiding values of liberty, social justice, economic justice, protection of the environment, and compassion and respect for the dignity and worth of the individual. We will continue to work to fix our broken immigration system and support the DREAMers who are contributing to our economy and society.”
Democratic Party of Hawai'i planned a phone bank call-in to members of Congress and sign-making from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. today at its headquarters in Honolulu. Following the phone bank, members sign-waving was scheduled in support of DACA recipients and DREAMers at the Federal Building.
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"CRUEL AND TOTALLY UNJUSTIFIABLE" is how U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono described the Pres. Donald Trump administration's decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. She posted on her Facebook page this morning: "Sadly, I am not surprised that the President chose to end #DACA. His continued attacks on minorities and immigrants are unjustifiable. But he continues to do it. Why? To play to his white supremacist base."
Sen. Mazie Hirono speaking from her office today on Pres. Donald Trump's decision to end protection of the children of immigrants. See https://www.facebook.com/senatorhirono/ |
“After months of empty rhetoric to the contrary, the President took the cruel and unnecessary step to eliminate DACA – exposing more than 800,000 young people to deportation. They are not criminals. They are inspiring young people aptly called DREAMers because of their dream of making a better life for themselves in the only country they know.
“Ending DACA is the latest step this President has taken to attack minority communities and stoke the fear and divisiveness that served as pillars of his campaign and inform his presidency.
“DACA is clearly constitutional. But by rescinding the program, the President puts the onus on Congress to act. Congress must take appropriate action to provide permanent legal status to DREAMers.
“I want to be clear: I reject any effort to hold these young people hostage for an unnecessary waste of money like Donald Trump’s wall.
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Pick up the September edition of The Ka'ū Calendar delivered free to 5,500 mailboxes throughout Ka'ū, from Miloli`i through Volcano. Also available on stands throughout the district. See it online at kaucalendar.com |
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THE DACA DECISION "WILL RUIN PEOPLE'S LIVES AND BUSINESSES," said Sen. Brian Schatz. He noted that today, "Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that President Trump is ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program, putting young immigrants, Dreamers, at risk of deportation. This decision will ruin people’s lives and businesses, split up families, and divide communities. I will do whatever I can to fight it and I want you to join me: Add your name next to mine and demand that Congress come together to protect Dreamers and immediately act to save DACA."
He noted that "800,000 Dreamers have come forward with the federal government's promise to protect those who are currently in school, on active military duty or in the workforce. These young people work hard, study hard, and are truly the fabric of our nation.
"President Trump’s decision to break America’s promise to Dreamers is an enormous moral and economic mistake. With our values and literal lives at stake, we must do everything humanly possible to keep these Dreamers in our country."
THE DACA DECISION "WILL RUIN PEOPLE'S LIVES AND BUSINESSES," said Sen. Brian Schatz. He noted that today, "Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that President Trump is ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program, putting young immigrants, Dreamers, at risk of deportation. This decision will ruin people’s lives and businesses, split up families, and divide communities. I will do whatever I can to fight it and I want you to join me: Add your name next to mine and demand that Congress come together to protect Dreamers and immediately act to save DACA."
He noted that "800,000 Dreamers have come forward with the federal government's promise to protect those who are currently in school, on active military duty or in the workforce. These young people work hard, study hard, and are truly the fabric of our nation.
"President Trump’s decision to break America’s promise to Dreamers is an enormous moral and economic mistake. With our values and literal lives at stake, we must do everything humanly possible to keep these Dreamers in our country."
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“WRONG," IS HOW U.S. REP TULSI GABBARD described President Trump’s decision today to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. "It will break up families and punish young people who were brought to this country as minors through no choice or fault of their own. These are people who have grown up in the United States, and who know no other country to be their home. DACA transformed the lives and futures of hundreds of thousands of young people, in Hawai'i and across the country. Because of DACA they've been able to go to college, find a job, support their family, serve their country, and live free from the constant fear of deportation.
Register by Sept. 11, 2017. For more details, see the Ka'ū News Briefs from Aug. 30, 2017. |
“In my home state of Hawai'i, DACA has allowed more than 600 young people to remain legally in our country and contribute to our economy and society, including a member of my staff who came to the United States as a minor from Zimbabwe. Last week on Maui, I had the opportunity to hear from some of Hawai'i’s DREAMers and hear their heart-wrenching stories about living in fear and in the shadows until DACA was put into effect. They cried as they shared their stories of the opportunity and freedom they have experienced because of DACA, and the fear of uncertainty in what lies ahead with the prospects of being forced to leave the only home they've ever known. Congress must act now to enact a permanent solution for these DREAMers and pass the bipartisan DREAM Act now.”

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REDUCING STYROFOAM USE ON HAWAI’I ISLAND via Bill 13, is on the agenda for Hawai’i County Council on Thursday, Sept. 7, starting at 9 a.m. HCC’s agenda describes Bill 13 as follows: “Prohibits food vendors from dispensing prepared food in disposable polystyrene food service ware effective July 1, 2019. Exempts ice chest and coolers; packaging for raw meat, fish, and eggs that have not been further processed; County facility users and food vendors with approval by the Environmental Management Director; and County facility users and food vendors procuring supplies during an event declared as an emergency by the Mayor.”
Emailed testimony will be accepted until noon tomorrow, Wednesday, to
Emailed testimony will be accepted until noon tomorrow, Wednesday, to
HAWAI’I WILDLIFE FUND ASKS COMMUNITY MEMBERS to send written testimony in support of Hawai'i County Council Bill 13.
A HWF Facebook post made late on Monday night reads “Please join us in urging the Hawai'i County Council to #HOLDTHEFOAM and reduce our polystyrene foam food containers on island after July 2019! The hearing begins at 9AM on Thurs. Sept 7th or you can submit testimony online until Wed at noon to counciltestimony@hawaiicounty.gov. Prevent marine debris & plastic pollution by opting out of a single-use lifestyle. Mahalo for your support and SHARE!”
On September 3, HWF also shared Foam Free Hawaii’s post regarding an online petition letter that seeks to encourage Hawai’i County Council to pass Bill 13 and “Ban Single-Use EPS (Styrofoam) Containers in Hawaii County.”
Community members can join the 5,845 supporters and sign the petition online at change.org. The petitions accompanying letter, submitted by Sarah Rafferty of Kailua-Kona states, “Hawai‘i Island is home to a countless number of endemic species, breathtaking waterfalls, active volcanoes, and miles of world-class coral reef, making it one of the most unique places on planet earth. It attracts over a million tourists annually, and more than 150,000 people call this place home.
“It is worth protecting; it is worth keeping clean.
“In 2009 the Department of Environmental Management implemented the Zero Waste plan for Hawai‘i County, with the mission of reducing human's environmental impact on this precious island ecosystem. To learn more about the Zero Waste Plan, visit HawaiiZeroWaste.org.
“In line with the Zero Waste Plan, Hawai‘i County gained national attention in January of 2015 when it passed Bill 17, an ordinance banning the disbursement of single-use plastic bags at checkout counters island-wide. This ordinance was undoubtedly a step in the right direction on the path to a cleaner Hawai‘i.
A HWF Facebook post made late on Monday night reads “Please join us in urging the Hawai'i County Council to #HOLDTHEFOAM and reduce our polystyrene foam food containers on island after July 2019! The hearing begins at 9AM on Thurs. Sept 7th or you can submit testimony online until Wed at noon to counciltestimony@hawaiicounty.gov. Prevent marine debris & plastic pollution by opting out of a single-use lifestyle. Mahalo for your support and SHARE!”
On September 3, HWF also shared Foam Free Hawaii’s post regarding an online petition letter that seeks to encourage Hawai’i County Council to pass Bill 13 and “Ban Single-Use EPS (Styrofoam) Containers in Hawaii County.”
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Hawai'i Wildlife Fund's Megan Rose Lamson shared this photo taken at Kamilo Beach on August 2 in reference to #holdthefoam, citing the foam meat tray. "Can you see it?" |
“It is worth protecting; it is worth keeping clean.
“In 2009 the Department of Environmental Management implemented the Zero Waste plan for Hawai‘i County, with the mission of reducing human's environmental impact on this precious island ecosystem. To learn more about the Zero Waste Plan, visit HawaiiZeroWaste.org.
“In line with the Zero Waste Plan, Hawai‘i County gained national attention in January of 2015 when it passed Bill 17, an ordinance banning the disbursement of single-use plastic bags at checkout counters island-wide. This ordinance was undoubtedly a step in the right direction on the path to a cleaner Hawai‘i.
“It is imperative that we continue the progression on this path, and we cannot do so without considering the effects of expanded polystyrene products on our forests, mountains, and beaches. Expanded Polystyrene is most commonly found in takeout cups, clamshell containers, and plates and is more commonly referred to as ‘Styrofoam.’
“EPS breaks up rather easily, increasing the probability for accidental ingestion by birds and marine life when it is improperly disposed of. Consider that even when EPS products are properly disposed of they do not biodegrade and they are currently not accepted as recyclable items.
“They are purely and simply waste.
“In his signing of Bill 17, the Hawai'i County Plastic Bag Ordinance, [former mayor, Billy Kenoi] stated that ‘We are responsible for the decisions we make today for a better tomorrow... we all must be mindful of the responsibilities we have as trustees of the land to do everything we can to protect our island home.’
“We cannot effectively say that we are making responsible decisions for a better tomorrow while simultaneously piling non-composting styrofoam items into our landfills. We cannot honestly claim to be on the path to ‘Zero Waste’ without utilizing the eco-friendly alternatives on the market. We ask that the County Council act in accordance with the Zero Waste Plan; we support an ordinance for a county-wide ban on single-use expanded polystyrene products.”
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WILL PONC FUND WAIKAPUNA PURCHASE? Waikapuna, a coastal property located below Nā'ālehu, is on the Public Access, Open Space and Natural Resources Commission list. It may receive a resolution from County Council member Maile David, asking for the county to help fund the purchase of the property, during PONC's upcoming meeting. The meeting starts at 10 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 11, at West Hawai‘i Civic Center, at the conference room in Building G. See the full story in the September print issue of The Ka’ū Calendar or read the Ka'ū News Briefs from August 23, 2017.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter.
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Image from Foam Free Hawai'i |
“They are purely and simply waste.
“In his signing of Bill 17, the Hawai'i County Plastic Bag Ordinance, [former mayor, Billy Kenoi] stated that ‘We are responsible for the decisions we make today for a better tomorrow... we all must be mindful of the responsibilities we have as trustees of the land to do everything we can to protect our island home.’
“We cannot effectively say that we are making responsible decisions for a better tomorrow while simultaneously piling non-composting styrofoam items into our landfills. We cannot honestly claim to be on the path to ‘Zero Waste’ without utilizing the eco-friendly alternatives on the market. We ask that the County Council act in accordance with the Zero Waste Plan; we support an ordinance for a county-wide ban on single-use expanded polystyrene products.”
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter.
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Waikapuna is on the PONC acquisition agenda. |
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Girls Volleyball: tomorrow, Sept. 6, Ka'ū vs. Waiakea, away game.
Friday, Sept. 8, Ka'ū vs. St. Joseph, away game.
Eight-Man Football: Saturday, Sept. 9, Ka'ū vs. Lana'i, away game.
Cross Country: Saturday, Sept. 9, Ka'ū vs. Kamehameha, away game.
Bowling: Saturday, Sept. 9, Ka'ū vs. Hilo & Konawaena at Kona Bowl.
REGISTER KEIKI FOR SUNFLOWER CRAFT until Sept. 15. The craft class, for keiki ages 6 to 14, will take place on Monday, Sept. 18, at Kahuku Park from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Call 929-9113 for more.
KA'Ū COFFEE GROWERS COOPERATIVE MEETS TONIGHT, Sept. 5, from 6 pm. to 8 p.m., at the Pāhala Community Center.
HAWAI'I COUNTY COUNCIL MEETS tomorrow, Sept. 6, and Thursday, Sept. 7. Ka‘ū residents can participate via video-conferencing at Nā‘ālehu State Office Building. Agendas can be found at hawaiicounty.gov.
OCEAN VIEW NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETS Thursday, Sept. 7, 6 p.m., at the Ocean View Community Center. For more details call 939-2442 or 928-2015.
PANCAKE BREAKFAST AT OCEAN VIEW COMMUNITY CENTER is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 9, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. For more details, call 939-7033.
ATLAS RECYCLING WILL COLLECTING AT SOUTH POINT U-CART on Saturday, Sept. 9, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
BIRTH OF KAHUKU a free hike within the Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park is offered on Saturday, Sept. 9, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Explore the rich geologic history of Kahuku on this easy-to-moderate hike that traverses the vast 1868 lava flow, with different volcano features and formations. Learn about the Hawaiian hotspot and the creation of Kahuku. Visit nps.gov/HAVO for more details.
ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENT PLAYERS, DRUMMERS, SINGERS AND DANCERS ARE WELCOMED for Kanikapila, on Saturday, Sept. 9, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the Nā‘ālehu Methodist Church Hall. For more call Desmond at 937-6305.
REGISTER 5TH GRADE GIRLS FOR GEMS BY SEPT. 15. Ka‘ū fifth grade girls are invited to start registering for GEMS, Girls Exploring Math and Science. The annual all day event has been set for the Crown Marriot King Kamehameha Kona Beach Hotel for Nov. 9.
Registration is on a first come, first served basis, and space is limited. Registration fee is $20 and scholarships are available. No girl will be turned away because of financial need.
All fifth grade girls residing in the West Hawai‘i School complex in public, private, or home-schooled are welcome. Sponsorship of girls by individuals or businesses will be accepted. For more information about GEMS, to sponsor a girl, or to request a registration packet, contact Cindy Armer, GEMS chairperson at cbarmer@hotmail.com or 808-896-7180. Remember GEMS registration form must be postmarked by 9-15-17. See more details on Ka'ū News Briefs from August 15, 2017.
KA'Ū COFFEE GROWERS COOPERATIVE MEETS TONIGHT, Sept. 5, from 6 pm. to 8 p.m., at the Pāhala Community Center.
HAWAI'I COUNTY COUNCIL MEETS tomorrow, Sept. 6, and Thursday, Sept. 7. Ka‘ū residents can participate via video-conferencing at Nā‘ālehu State Office Building. Agendas can be found at hawaiicounty.gov.
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Image from hawaiizerowaste.org |
PANCAKE BREAKFAST AT OCEAN VIEW COMMUNITY CENTER is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 9, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. For more details, call 939-7033.
ATLAS RECYCLING WILL COLLECTING AT SOUTH POINT U-CART on Saturday, Sept. 9, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
BIRTH OF KAHUKU a free hike within the Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park is offered on Saturday, Sept. 9, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Explore the rich geologic history of Kahuku on this easy-to-moderate hike that traverses the vast 1868 lava flow, with different volcano features and formations. Learn about the Hawaiian hotspot and the creation of Kahuku. Visit nps.gov/HAVO for more details.

REGISTER 5TH GRADE GIRLS FOR GEMS BY SEPT. 15. Ka‘ū fifth grade girls are invited to start registering for GEMS, Girls Exploring Math and Science. The annual all day event has been set for the Crown Marriot King Kamehameha Kona Beach Hotel for Nov. 9.
Registration is on a first come, first served basis, and space is limited. Registration fee is $20 and scholarships are available. No girl will be turned away because of financial need.
All fifth grade girls residing in the West Hawai‘i School complex in public, private, or home-schooled are welcome. Sponsorship of girls by individuals or businesses will be accepted. For more information about GEMS, to sponsor a girl, or to request a registration packet, contact Cindy Armer, GEMS chairperson at cbarmer@hotmail.com or 808-896-7180. Remember GEMS registration form must be postmarked by 9-15-17. See more details on Ka'ū News Briefs from August 15, 2017.