Law enforcement vehicles and the sovereignty flag at Mauna Kea, where a peaceful gathering of those opposed to construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope continues. Photo by Kaweni Māsaniai-Ibarra |
Bernie Sanders, who is running for U.S. President, said, "We must guarantee native peoples' right to self-determination and their right to protest. I stand with Native Hawaiians who are peacefully demonstrating to protect their sacred mountain of Mauna Kea."
The other presidential candidate who commented is Kaʻū's member of the House of Representatives. Tulsi Gabbard urged Gov. David Ige to withdraw the emergency declaration that he proclaimed yesterday when he announced security concerns. Gabbard, like Sen. Kai Kahele (See Thursday's Kaʻū News Briefs), called for a moratorium on TMT construction. She asked the governor to "delay any new construction, and bring leaders together from both sides in the spirit of aloha to hoʻoponopono and determine the best path forward. The people of a given ʻāina must have a role to play in what happens in their ʻāina."
The Protectors of Mauna Kea established a refuge site at Puʻu Huluhulu. Photo by Kaweni Māsaniai-Ibarra |
Gabbard said that "To many Native Hawaiians, kamaʻāina, and malihini alike, Mauna Kea is so much more than a mountain. It's a revered and sacred sanctuary connecting keiki and kūpuna to the past, present and future, and where Native Hawaiians practice their customs and traditions.
"The materialistic way that developers and corporations are viewing Mauna Kea — ignoring the spiritual significance and relationship many Native Hawaiians have with the Mauna — is at the heart of the problem… Mauna Kea has been a source of spiritual inspiration for so many generations, and will continue to offer that inspiration in the future, if it is not desecrated by those whose hearts are too hard to appreciate the value of the unseen transcendental/spiritual reality that is not visible to our physical eyes."
Protectors of Mauna Kea learned techniques of peaceful resistance. Elected officials applauded them for their nonviolent approach. Photo by Kaweni Māsaniai-Ibarra |
Mazie Hirono said, "I am concerned for the safety of the protectors, including kūpuna, who are exercising their constitutional right to peacefully protest at Mauna Kea. This project has undergone a significant and thorough regulatory and legal review, and I respect that process."
Ed Case, who formerly represented Kaʻū in congress, and now represents urban Oʻahu, said, "I support the continuation of world-class astronomy on Mauna Kea, including completion of the TMT, together with the commitment to the removal of five current telescopes to broader community engagement."
Men learned to maintain a nonaggressive approach in order to keep a calm relationship with law enforcement during the gatherings near the Mauna Kea Access Road. Photo by Kaweni Māsaniai-Ibarra |
"I believe that this struggle is more about the heart of Hawaiʻi and our sense of self and dignity, especially for the Hawaiian people, than it is about a telescope. It is about cultural recognition and people's self worth. Know that I will always put safety, health, and human growth above any project.
Said Green, "I also know that all voices, pro and con, should be heard, and that is how I will approach this period in our state's beautiful history."
Green said he will meet with anyone "with any view on this critical issue for Hawaiʻi. I will meet people where they fight for liberty, on the mountain if asked, on the streets, in my office (which is your office, too), on long walks, wherever necessary. I do this because if there is some path to harmony, we should find it together." He emphasized that "no single project, not any, is important enough to allow ourselves to damage the fabric of our ʻOhana in Hawaiʻi. Please continue to embrace one another with love and respect, peacefully, no matter what your position is on the TMT and the sacred mountain."
He gave his cell phone number, (808)937-0991, for members of the public to contact him.
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SAFETY IS THE TOP PRIORITY, said Protectors of Mauna Kea. As
part of daily safety briefings this week, kiaʻi offered their manaʻo,
beliefs, and expectations of conduct for the mauna. On Friday morning,
leaders stressed the importance of minimal impact on the environment and
practicing peaceful ceremonies. Pua Case, Kahoʻokahi Kanuha, and Kaleikoa Kāʻeo
were among those who offered speeches in preparation.
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Protectors of Mauna Kea. Photo by Kaweni Māsaniai-Ibarra |
A gracefully
organized crowd listened as the kiaʻi laid out expectations and protocol for
de-escalating situations, and peacefully interacting with law enforcement and
military personnel. "When they come in with pepper spray, mace, and
LRADs, all we singing is love, love, love... aloha, e aloha e," said Kahoʻokahi
when stressing the importance of language use in situations.
pointed out that Gov. David Ige declared a state of emergency this week,
mobilizing law enforcement and military personnel. Protectors said they are
prepared to remain peaceful and practice Kapu Aloha in every way possible. See
tomorrow's Kaʻū News Briefs for more.
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GOV. DAVID IGE HELD A TMT AND MAUNA KEA press conference in Hilo this afternoon. After meeting with Mayor Harry Kim and other local officials, Ige said he will continue the state of emergency, but is not inclined to call in the National Guard.
He said, "I spent the afternoon meeting with Mayor Kim and others to discuss the way forward with the Thirty Meter Telescope project. My number one priority has been and continues to be the safety of all people. I am committed to avoiding violence by anyone and keeping everyone safe. Because of this, I have decided not to escalate the situation by calling in additional National Guard troops at this time. I have never, ever, considered using tear gas at Mauna Kea.
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Gov. David Ige in Hilo today. Photo from Big Island Video News |
"There are many groups, and they don't all agree about why they are there, or what they intend to do. Leaders of the Puʻuhonua have not been able to maintain order and the neutral terms of the Puʻuhonua. The emergency proclamation remains in effect because of this unsafe situation. This is a complicated set of issues and the emotions are fueled by a desire for many things. Some of these issues we can work towards, some we can not. But I remain committed to finding those places of common ground.
"Both the mayor and I have had many discussions with many people, but many of the leaders of this protest do not want to meet. They would rather post to social media, spread rumors and fear, rather than engage in real world conversations about how we move forward together. Right now I am asking the leaders of this protest to commit to keeping everyone safe, to working together towards the many issues that are fueling the protest. We have lots to do. I will continue these conversations and I encourage others to join in the conversations, to talk about the many issues surrounding Mauna Kea."
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See public Kaʻū events, meetings, entertainment.
Print edition of The Kaʻū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Kaʻū, from Miloliʻi through Volcano, and free on
stands throughout the district. Read online at
See for details and updates; Bowling TBA.
Football, Division II:
Mon., July 22, first day Full Pads, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Sat., Aug. 24, 1 p.m., Kaʻū hosts Kamehameha
Girls Volleyball, Kaʻū District Gym:
Mon., July 29, 3 to 5 p.m., first day practice
Tue., Aug. 20, 6 p.m., Kaʻū hosts Hilo
Fri., Aug. 23, 6 p.m., Kaʻū hosts St. Joseph
Wed., Aug. 28, 6 p.m., Kaʻū hosts Kohala
Cross Country:
Mon., Aug. 5, 2:30 to 4 p.m., first day practice
Sat., Aug. 31, 10 a.m., @Christian Liberty
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Sat., Aug. 31, 10 a.m., @Christian Liberty
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Free Haircuts, Saturday, July 20, St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View. Kady and Drew Foster. Sign-up sheet on church bulletin board.
Giving Tree, Saturday, July 20, lower parking lot, St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View. Free clothing and self care items.
Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund Data Survey and Clean-up at Kamilo, Saturday, July 20. Free; donations appreciated. Full - waitlist only. RSVP required. 769-7629,
Mobile Spay & Neuter Waggin', Saturday, July 20, 7:30a.m.-4p.m., St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View. Low income pet parents and those with limited transportation qualify for mobile spay/neuter service. Free. Surgery by phone appointment only. Hawai‘i Island Humane Society, 796-0107,
3rd Annual Ka‘ū Multicultural Society Pig Hunt, Saturday, July 20, weigh-in open 10 a.m.-5p.m., parking lot adjacent to 96-3258 Maile Street, Pāhala, near old Radio Station Building. Food booths and variety of contest categories. Kalani Vierra, 938-2005, Darlyne Vierra, 6408740, or Liz Kuluwaimaka, 339-0289
Ocean View C.E.R.T. Mtg., Saturday, July 20, 10a.m.-1p.m., Ocean View Community Center. Community Emergency Response Team monthly meeting and training. 939-7033,
Beginner & Intermediate Mixed Media Encaustic with Mary Milelzcik, Saturday, July 20, 10a.m.-2p.m., Volcano Art Center. $55/VAC member, $60/non-member, plus $25 supply fee. 967-8222,
Hula Kahiko - Kumu Hula Moses Kaho‘okele Crabbe with Hālauolaokalani, Saturday, July 20, 10:30-11:30a.m., hula platform near Volcano Art Center Gallery. Hula performance. Free; park entrance fees apply. 967-8222,,
Nā Mea Hula with Kumu Loke Kamanu & ‘Ohana, Saturday, July 20, 11a.m.-1p.m., Volcano Art Center Gallery porch. Hands-on cultural demonstration. Free; park entrance fees apply. 967-8222,,
Ham Radio Mtg., Saturday, July 20, 2-3p.m., Ocean View Community Center. 939-7033,
Sounds at the Summit, Desiree Moana Cruz & the Bill Nobel Quintet performance, Saturday, July 20, 5:30p.m., Volcano Art Center. Be-bop, swing, bosanova, salsa, and smooth-jazz-funk. $20/VAC member, $25/non-member. Tickets available for purchase online. Beer, wine, and pupu available for purchase at event.
Ka‘ū Chamber of Commerce Mtg., Sunday, July 21, 4-6p.m., Ocean View Community Center. 939-7033,
Hawai‘i County Council Mtgs., Tuesday, July 23 (Committees), Wednesday, July 24, (Council), Kona. Ka‘ū residents can participate via videoconferencing at Nā‘ālehu State Office Building. Agendas at
HOVE Road Maintenance Board Mtg., Tuesday, July 23, 10a.m., HOVE Road Maintenance office. 929-9910,,
After Dark in the Park - A Rock in the Park: Tale of the Wanderer, Tuesday, July 23, 7p.m., Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Join historian Hugh Montgomery and actor Dick Hershberger in a two-man play that brings the epic tale of a rediscovered rock within the Park and the voyages of Benjamin Boyd to life. Free; park entrance fees apply. 985-6011,
Kāhili Demonstration, Wednesday, July 24, 10a.m.-noon, Kīlauea Visitor Center lānai. Create a small kāhili pa‘a lima, a handheld feather standard. Free; park entrance fees apply.
Ka‘ū Community Children's Council, Thursday, July 25, 3-4p.m., Classroom 35, Building F, Nā‘ālehu Elementary School. Provides local forum for all community members to come together as equal partners to discuss and positively affect multiple systems' issues for the benefit of all students, families, and communities. Chad Domingo, text 808-381-2584,,
Volcano Friends Feeding Friends, Thursday, July 25, 4-6p.m., Cooper Center, Volcano Village. Free community dinner for all. Additional packaged goods to take home for those in need. Donations and volunteers encouraged. 967-7800,
Coffee Talk at Kahuku, Friday, July 26, 9:30-11a.m., Kahuku Unit Visitor Contact Station. Free.
Kīlauea Drama & Entertainment Network's Summer Musical: Rodgers and Hammerstein's Flower Drum Song, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m., through July 28 at Kīlauea Military Camp's Kīlauea Theater. Tickets are available at Kīlauea General Store, Kea‘au Natural Foods, Basically Books, The Most Irresistible Shop, and at door. $20/general admission, $15/student or over 60, $12/age 12 and under. Park entrance fees may apply. 982-7344,,
Exhibit -The Joy of the Brush: Paintings by Linda J. Varez, daily through Sunday, Aug. 4, 9a.m.-5p.m., Volcano Art Center Gallery. Free; park entrance fees may apply. 967-7565,
Enroll in Tūtū & Me Traveling Preschool. Orientation for enrolled families begins Aug. 5 & 6, with programs continuing following week in Nā‘ālehu on Monday & Wednesday, 8:45-10:45am, and Pāhala, Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30-10:30am. Space is limited.
Giving Tree, Saturday, July 20, lower parking lot, St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View. Free clothing and self care items.
Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund Data Survey and Clean-up at Kamilo, Saturday, July 20. Free; donations appreciated. Full - waitlist only. RSVP required. 769-7629,
3rd Annual Ka‘ū Multicultural Society Pig Hunt, Saturday, July 20, weigh-in open 10 a.m.-5p.m., parking lot adjacent to 96-3258 Maile Street, Pāhala, near old Radio Station Building. Food booths and variety of contest categories. Kalani Vierra, 938-2005, Darlyne Vierra, 6408740, or Liz Kuluwaimaka, 339-0289
Ocean View C.E.R.T. Mtg., Saturday, July 20, 10a.m.-1p.m., Ocean View Community Center. Community Emergency Response Team monthly meeting and training. 939-7033,
Beginner & Intermediate Mixed Media Encaustic with Mary Milelzcik, Saturday, July 20, 10a.m.-2p.m., Volcano Art Center. $55/VAC member, $60/non-member, plus $25 supply fee. 967-8222,
Hula Kahiko - Kumu Hula Moses Kaho‘okele Crabbe with Hālauolaokalani, Saturday, July 20, 10:30-11:30a.m., hula platform near Volcano Art Center Gallery. Hula performance. Free; park entrance fees apply. 967-8222,,
Nā Mea Hula with Kumu Loke Kamanu & ‘Ohana, Saturday, July 20, 11a.m.-1p.m., Volcano Art Center Gallery porch. Hands-on cultural demonstration. Free; park entrance fees apply. 967-8222,,
Ham Radio Mtg., Saturday, July 20, 2-3p.m., Ocean View Community Center. 939-7033,
Sounds at the Summit, Desiree Moana Cruz & the Bill Nobel Quintet performance, Saturday, July 20, 5:30p.m., Volcano Art Center. Be-bop, swing, bosanova, salsa, and smooth-jazz-funk. $20/VAC member, $25/non-member. Tickets available for purchase online. Beer, wine, and pupu available for purchase at event.
HOVE Road Maintenance Board Mtg., Tuesday, July 23, 10a.m., HOVE Road Maintenance office. 929-9910,,
After Dark in the Park - A Rock in the Park: Tale of the Wanderer, Tuesday, July 23, 7p.m., Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Join historian Hugh Montgomery and actor Dick Hershberger in a two-man play that brings the epic tale of a rediscovered rock within the Park and the voyages of Benjamin Boyd to life. Free; park entrance fees apply. 985-6011,
Volcano Friends Feeding Friends, Thursday, July 25, 4-6p.m., Cooper Center, Volcano Village. Free community dinner for all. Additional packaged goods to take home for those in need. Donations and volunteers encouraged. 967-7800,
Coffee Talk at Kahuku, Friday, July 26, 9:30-11a.m., Kahuku Unit Visitor Contact Station. Free.
ʻŌhiʻa Lehua Half Marathon, 5K, and Keiki Dash happens Saturday, July 27 in Volcano Village, It replaces the Volcano Rain Forest Runs. Register before Thursday, July 25 for lower entry fees. See
Kīlauea Drama & Entertainment Network's Summer Musical: Rodgers and Hammerstein's Flower Drum Song, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m., through July 28 at Kīlauea Military Camp's Kīlauea Theater. Tickets are available at Kīlauea General Store, Kea‘au Natural Foods, Basically Books, The Most Irresistible Shop, and at door. $20/general admission, $15/student or over 60, $12/age 12 and under. Park entrance fees may apply. 982-7344,,
Enroll at Volcano School of Arts and Sciences for the 2019-2020 school year, which starts Aug. 5; orientation for new students is Aug. 2. Spaces are available in 1st through 8th grades of the expanding Kula ‘Amakihi Community-Based Education (CBE) Program; the school may also have space or short wait lists for certain grades in the regular on-campus programs. Contact 808-985-9800 or email to enroll.
6th Annual Ka‘ū Coffee Trail Run Registration, 5K, 10K, 1/2 Marathon races through mac nut and coffee fields along slopes of Ka‘ū starting at 7a.m., Saturday, Sept. 21, Ka‘ū Coffee Mill. Sponsored by Ka‘ū Coffee Mill and ‘O Ka‘ū Kākou. Prices increase after July 9.,
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