WALLS OF PUʻU ʻŌʻŌ ARE COLLAPSING and are expected to take Hawaiian Volcanoes Observatory equipment with them into the crater. Perched on the north rim, a communications hub and web cam "will very likely fall into the crater as the north rim continues to collapse," states the HVO website. HVO already implemented an alternate communication hub for geophysical data acquisition, "so there was no gap when the Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō hub started tipping precariously." All the webcams at the crater's edge went offline on Monday, states HVO. A helicopter flight on Friday confirmed the hub has not fallen in yet, "which means either the antenna signal is blocked from the hub or that the solar panels are no longer able to recharge the batteries powering the antenna," states the site.
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Webcams and transmission hub at the edge of Puʻu ʻŌʻō are expected to fall
into the crater as the rim continues to collapse. USGS photo by C. Parcheta
A time-lapse camera was installed on the south rim of Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō to document the continuing collapse of the north rim. On Friday the crater was too steamy to see the north rim, but the camera will capture the sequence of events when visibility is improved. This camera is not telemetered in real-time.
Justine Dennis spins yarn from locally grown Alpaca wool in front of the
Knitwits booth. Creations of the Ocean View womens' group sell to
benefit Kaʻū Food Pantry. Photo by Annie Bosted
MUSIC, CRAFTS, AND FOOD drew a large crowd of Kaʻū residents and tourists to the second annual Holdays at Kahuku in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park on Saturday.
Crowd-pleasing tunes were the constant entertainment at the community event. Classically-trained opera singer D'Andrea Pelletier, from Volcano, opened the show with her powerful and emotional rendition of popular classics. She was followed by two bands, Blue Tattoo and Shootz, in a musical
line-up that gave the event a festive boost.
line-up that gave the event a festive boost.
Shootz entertains the crowds with Rock & Roll and Motown.
Photo by Annie Bosted
Said Fein, "We want to remind the community that the park is here. We are the Park's official philanthropic partner." Friends sponsors the popular After Dark at the Park lecture series, the Youth Ranger program, and other projects. The organization kept the Park open during the 35-day government shut down a year ago.
Volcano House sold plate lunches, the Hawaiian Civic Club of Kaʻū sold hot dogs, and the Friends of HVNP had drinks, chips, and shave ice for sale.
Thomas King demonstrates his workmanship of a box created from Koa
wood to Karen and Jay Shannon of Ocean View. Photo by Annie Bosted
Justine Dennis, who brought her spinning wheel to the event and wove yarn from a bin of locally grown Alpaca wool, proved to be a popular draw. The Alpaca are raised within a few miles of the crafts fair, and are owned by an employee of the Park. The yarn produced by Dennis was a top-selling item at the Knitwits booth.
Rourk Reagan offers a taste of one of his locally sourced jams.
Photo by Annie Bosted |
All the money from the sales goes directly to the Kaʻū Food Pantry. The Pantry is a non-profit organization that helps about 130 needy families in Ocean View. Knitwits meets each Tuesday from
Rourk Reagan, owner of Pukana La Farms in Waiʻōhinu, produces jams and jellies from locally grown fruit. He told The Kaʻū Calendar that he uses surplus fresh fruit when it is in season. He creates a wide range of preserves, including persimmon from a tree in upper Hawaiian Ocean View Estates.
Lynn Clarke, of Ocean View, shows fused glass creations. Photo by Annie Bosted |
PROTECTING PERSONAL INFORMATION ONLINE is the goal of legislation reintroduced by Sen. Brian Schatz and 15 other senators. The Data Care Act would require websites, apps, and other online providers to take responsible steps to safeguard personal information and stop the misuse of users' data.
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A logistics organizer of the Nāʻālehu Christmas Lighting Parade on Saturday. Photo by Julia Neal |
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JANUARY IS VOLCANO AWARENESS MONTH, announced U.S. Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists and affiliates in this week's Volcano Watch:
JANUARY IS VOLCANO AWARENESS MONTH, announced U.S. Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists and affiliates in this week's Volcano Watch:
Neither Kīlauea nor Mauna Loa erupted in 2019, but this period of relative quiet must not lead to complacency about Hawaiʻi's two most active volcanoes. Both will eventually erupt again.
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Santa hat singers of season joy. Photo by Julia Neal |
The complete schedule of Volcano Awareness Month programs, including dates, times, locations, and brief descriptions for the talks and hikes offered in January, is posted on HVO's website, volcanoes.usgs.gov/hvo/ under "HVO News" in the lower left corner of the homepage, at volcanoes.usgs.gov/vsc/file_mngr/file-236/2020%20VAM%20Schedule_Talks%20and%20Hikes.pdf, and in future Kaʻū News Briefs.
For now, here's a brief overview of the January 2020 schedule:
HVO scientists will present After Dark in the Park programs every Tuesday evening throughout the month in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. Topics addressed in these talks include a recap of HVO's current situation since relocating to Hilo and what its future may hold, as well as updates on Kīlauea and Mauna Loa on Jan. 7; what's happening at Kīlauea Volcano's summit and the crater lake within Halema‘uma‘u on Jan. 14; insight from ongoing research and monitoring on Kīlauea's lower East Rift Zone on Jan. 21; and the unprecedented level of seismicity that occurred in 2018 on Jan. 28. Each program starts at 7 p.m. in the Kīlauea Visitor Center auditorium.
UH-Hilo main campus in the University Classroom Building (UCB) Room 100 will host two talks. At7 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 9, is a repeat of the January 7 After Dark in the Park program on HVO's status and volcano updates. The second program on Thursday, Jan. 16 will describe how lava samples collected from erupting fissures in 2018 have revealed the complex story of magma that fed the eruption.
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Carols fill the air in Nāʻālehu. Photo by Julia Neal |
UH-Hilo main campus in the University Classroom Building (UCB) Room 100 will host two talks. At
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Sacred Heart Church of Nāʻālehu draws youth members to participate. Photo by Julia Neal |
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Kaʻū Auto Parts truck draped in lights. Photo by Julia Neal |
The 2020 line-up also includes a number of hikes in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park guided by HVO scientists and Park rangers. These hikes include treks through Kīlauea Iki, walks through Kīlauea Volcano's summit history, a look at the 1868 Mauna Loa lava flow on a trail in the Park's Kahuku Unit, and a venture back to the 1969-74 Mauna Ulu eruption.
Christmas joy on wheels in Nāʻālehu. Photo by Julia Neal |
If you're unable to attend the Volcano Awareness Month talks and hikes, you can learn and stay informed about Hawaiian volcanoes through HVO's website. There, you will find volcano updates, monitoring data, geologic histories for
Volcano Activity Update
Kīlauea Volcano is not erupting and its USGS Volcano Alert level remains at NORMAL . Monitoring data showed no significant changes in activity over the past month. Seismicity was relatively consistent with some episodic increased rates at the summit coincident with inflation. Sulfur dioxide emission rates are low at the summit and below detection limits at Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō and the lower East Rift Zone. The water lake at the bottom of Halema‘uma‘u continues to slowly expand and deepen.
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First Peaberry Princess, Kendall Haddock. Photo by Julia Neal |
This past week, about 90 small-magnitude earthquakes – all less than M2.0 – were detected beneath the upper elevations of Mauna Loa . Deformation measurements show continued summit inflation. Fumarole temperature and gas concentrations on the Southwest Rift Zone remain stable.
One earthquake with three or more felt reports occurred on Hawaiʻi Island this past week: a magnitude-2.4 quake 27 km (17 mi) east of Hōnaunau-Nāpōʻopoʻo at -2 km (-1 mi) depth on Dec. 11 at 11:10 a.m.
HVO continues to closely monitor both Kīlauea and Mauna Loa for any signs of increased activity. Visit volcanoes.usgs.gov/hvo for past Volcano Watch articles, Kīlauea and Mauna Loa updates, volcano photos, maps, recent earthquake info, and more. Email questions to askHVO@usgs.gov.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
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Hot truck wears Christmas stockings. Photo by Julia Neal |
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
Cornelia Anguay, one of the planners of the Sakada Day event, says, "As the few remaining Sakadas leave this Earth, we call on the next generation to recover and connect to the sakada history, as we create our path towards the future. We invite young people and descendants of the sakadas to come and connect to this heritage."
Organizers ask anoyone who knows a sakada to call 808-987-8284.
Organizers ask anoyone who knows a sakada to call 808-987-8284.
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Miss Peaberry, Lilianna Marques. Photo by Julia Neal |
On the Sakada Day website, sakadahawaii.wordpress.com, Belinda A. Aquino, PhD Former Director, Center for Philippine Studies, states that "Filipinos have come here since 1906. During the plantation era and until now. They come in big numbers. To the point that the latest census will show you that the Filipinos are now the biggest Asian group in Hawaiʻi."
Kaʻū boasts two living Sakadas: Leovegildo "Hildo" Mercado and Prudencio Tayamen. Both men, now in their 90s, came to Hawai‘i in 1946. They are among the many Filipino immigrants who helped build Hawaiʻi agriculture, from pineapple and sugar to Ka‘ū Coffee.
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Second Peaberry Princess, Helen Miranda. Photo by Julia Neal |
Sakada Day 2019 Celebration paves a way in tracing the history of Filipinos in Hawaiʻi, acknowledging the hard work and sacrifices of the Sakadas, and educating the young Filipino generations in Hawaiʻi about their past. For more information about the event, contact Francis Dumanig at fdumanig@hawaii.edu and Jeanne Batallones at jbatallo@hawaii.edu.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY to the U.S. Department of Agriculture AgDiscovery program. Youths in grades 9, 10 , and 11 are eligible. Hosted by USDA at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, AgDiscovery is a free, two-week summer program in which students learn about careers in agriculture, agribusiness, and animal and plant science. The deadline to apply is March 20, 2020. Refer to the program flyer for more information and visit www.aphis.usda.gov/agdiscovery to apply. Contact Erin Foley at erin.k.foley@usda.gov with questions.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
GINGER RIDGE FARMS IN MOUNTAIN VIEW, a certified organic diversified farm located in Mountain View, is seeking energetic and reliable part- and full-time workers to help with farm work, product manufacturing, and marketing at local farmers markets. Interested applicants should call Howard James at 808-968-7622 for more information.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
GINGER RIDGE FARMS IN MOUNTAIN VIEW, a certified organic diversified farm located in Mountain View, is seeking energetic and reliable part- and full-time workers to help with farm work, product manufacturing, and marketing at local farmers markets. Interested applicants should call Howard James at 808-968-7622 for more information.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
See monthly and weekly Kaʻū and Volcano Events, Meetings, Entertainment, Exercise, and Meditation at kaucalendar.com.
T-Ball and Coach Pitch Baseball League: Ocean View Team - Mondays and Wednesdays, Kahuku Park. Nā‘ālehu Team - Tuesdays and Thursdays, Nā‘ālehu Park. Pāhala Team (seeking coaches) - attend Nā‘ālehu practice. T-Ball, 3:30-4:30pm, ages 5-6. Coach Pitch, 4:30-6p.m., ages 7-8. Programs take place through April 16. Wear cleats or tennis shoes, bring a glove if possible. Extras gloves available for use. All skills and genders welcome. $35 per teammate. See Ka‘ū Youth Baseball on Facebook. Josh or Elizabeth Crook, 345-0511
Tūtū & Me Home Visiting Program is a free service to Pāhala families with keiki, birth to five years old. This caregiver support program offers those taking care of young keiki "a compassionate listening ear, helpful parenting tips and strategies, fun and exciting activities, and wonderful educational resources" from Tūtū & Me Traveling Preschool. Home visits are one hour in length, two to four times per month, for 12 to 15 visits. Snacks are provided. See pidfoundation.org or call 808-938-1088.
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See public Kaʻū events, meetings, entertainment.
Print edition of The Kaʻū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Kaʻū, from Miloliʻi through Volcano, and free on
stands throughout the district. Read online at kaucalendar.com
2019-2020 Kaʻū Winter Sports Schedule
Girls Basketball
Mon., Dec. 16 host Pāhoa JV/Christian Liberty
Tue., Jan. 7 @Kohala
Boys Basketball
Wed., Dec. 18 host Keaʻau
Sat., Dec. 21 @St. Joseph
Sat., Dec. 28 host Kohala
Fri., Jan. 3 host HPA
Sat., Jan. 4 host Pāhoa
Sat., Jan. 4 @Waiakea
Mon., Dec. 16 Girls host HPA, 3pm
Wed., Dec. 18, @Keaʻau
Sat., Dec. 21 Boys host Christian Liberty, 3pm
Mon., Dec. 23 Boys host Kohala, 3pm
Sat., Jan. 4 Girls host Honokaʻa, 3pm
Mon., Jan. 6 @HPA
Sat., Jan. 4 @Kamehameha
Hawai‘i County Council Mtgs., Tuesday, Dec. 17 (Committees), Wednesday, Dec. 18, (Council), Kona. Ka‘ū residents can participate via videoconferencing at Nā‘ālehu State Office Building. Agendas at hawaiicounty.gov.
Cultural Understanding Through Art & the Environment: Ti Leaf Lei Making with Jelena Clay, Tuesday, Dec. 17, 11a.m.-1p.m. , Volcano Art Center . Pre-registration require d; class size limited. $10 per person supply fee. 967-8222, volcanoartcenter.org
After Dark in the Park: Holiday Concert, Tuesday, Dec. 17, 7-8p.m. , Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Acclaimed Hawai‘i musician and recording artist Randy Lorenzo and upcoming vocalist Jennie Kaneshiro. Free; park entrance fees apply. 985-60 11, nps.gov/havo
Ocean View Community Association Board of Directors Mtg., Wednesday, Dec. 18, 12:30-1:30p.m. , Ocean View Community Center . 939- 7033, ovcahi.org
Family Reading Night, Wednesday, Dec. 18, 6-7p.m.,Nā‘ālehu Elementary School Cafeteria. Family reading time plus make and take activities; snacks provided.
Volcano Friends Feeding Friends, Thursday, Dec. 19, 4-6p.m. , Cooper Center , Volcano Village . Free community dinner for all. Additional packaged goods to take home for those in need. Donations and volunteers encouraged. 967-78 00, thecoopercenter.org
Nāʻālehu School Family Reading Night, Thursday, Dec. 19, 6-7p.m., Ocean View Community Center. Family reading, make & take activities, and snacks provided. Free. 93 9-7033, ovcahi.org
Dances of Universal Peace, Friday, Dec. 20, 6-7:30p.m. , Methodist Church hall, across from Nā‘ālehu Post Office. Fun, easy to learn dances from many traditions evoking peace. Donations welcome. No registration necessary. 939-94 61, hualaniom2@yahoo.com
Free Haircut Day, Saturday, Dec. 21, 9a.m.-1p.m. , St. Jude's Episcopal Church. Kady and Drew Foster. 12 slots available. Also, Free Shower Day and The Big Island Giving Tree hand out clothes and items like razors and toothbrushes. 939-7000, stjudeshawaii.org
Nature & Culture, Saturday, Dec. 21, 9:30-11:30a.m. , Kahuku Unit, HVNP. Free, moderate hike, approx. 2 mil es. nps.gov/havo
Zentangle - Inspired Art Pop-Up Exhibit & Reception, Saturday, Dec. 21, 10a.m. , Volcano Art Center . Meet the artists and discover art created using the Zentangle method. Bring friends, art, and a light pupu to share. Make and take home a Zentangle Inspired ornament. Door prizes. No registration required. 967-82 22, volcanoartcenter.org
Ka‘ū Community Cleanup, Sunday, Dec. 22. Space available. BYO-4WD also welcome. R.S.V.P. in advance to 769-7629, mattieHWF@gmail.com, or kahakai.cleanups@gmail.com. wildhawaii.org
Palm Trail, Sunday, Dec. 22, 9:30-12:30p.m. , Kahuku Unit, HVNP. Free, moderately difficult hike - 2.6 mile l oop. nps.gov/havo
Holiday Ornament Registration, through Dec. 16, Kahuku Park. Program takes place Wednesday, Dec. 18, 3-4p.m. Ages 6-14. 929-9113, hawaiicounty.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/recreation
Christmas in the Country featuring 20th Annual Invitational Wreath Exhibit, daily, through Dec. 31, Volcano Art Center Gallery. Free; park entrance fees app ly. 967-7565, volcanoartcenter.org

Tūtū & Me Home Visiting Program is a free service to Pāhala families with keiki, birth to five years old. This caregiver support program offers those taking care of young keiki "a compassionate listening ear, helpful parenting tips and strategies, fun and exciting activities, and wonderful educational resources" from Tūtū & Me Traveling Preschool. Home visits are one hour in length, two to four times per month, for 12 to 15 visits. Snacks are provided. See pidfoundation.org or call 808-938-1088.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.