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County Councilmember Michelle Galimba |
Staff from the office of Councilmember Michelle Galimba will be at the Nāʻālehu Community Center to help community members to provide testimony to the Commission via a Zoom link to the WPC. The agenda for the WPC meeting is available at
The Black Sands LLC SMA application is available at
THIS IS THE FOURTH AND FINAL INSTALLMENT OF COUNTY PLANNING DIRECTOR ZENDO KERN'S REPORT ON THE PUNALU‘U DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL for a Special Management Area permit. The report was released ahead of this Thursday's March 7 public hearing before the Windward Planning Commission, when Black Sand Beach, LLC will seek approval of an SMA permit for project and the public will be able to testify. The Planning Director recommended approval but reserved the right to maintain or change the recommendation after the public hearing. See entire report at Here is the fourth installment in four days of providing the report on The Ka'u News Briefs:
Investigation of valued resources: A Cultural Impact Assessment ( CIA) was completed in 2006 to complement the 2006 Draft EIS for the SeaMountain at Punalu'u project. The report identified important cultural places and uses present within the project site such as stone cultural remains, petroglyphs and trail segments, a fishpond, marine resources, and the black sand beach itself. An update to the 2006 CIA was conducted in April 2023 which consisted of an archival review of the 2006 CIA, a review of the 2023 archaeology report, and an ethnographic survey (which included oral history interviews). A draft Archeological Inventory Survey ( AIS) of the entire project area was conducted in 2005 as part of the 2006 Draft EIS. In preparation for this current project the applicant conducted an update to the 2005 draft AIS with an "Addendum Archeological Inventory Survey" for the Punalu'u black sand beach property which was
conducted in March 2023. It was found that the proposed development and redevelopment activities will occur within previously disturbed portions of the project site and will avoid direct impacts to any of the previously identified historic properties. Staff notes that in July 2023, the Planning Department submitted the addendum to the AIS to the (state Department of Land & Natural Resources') State Historic Preservation Division ( SHPD) for a Ch. 6E-42 historic preservation review, and confirmation of reservation and buffer plans. The submittal was done prior to the submittal of the SMA application under the director of SHPD. To date SHPD has not responded to our initial request, and no correspondence from SHPD regarding the status of the review has been submitted to the Planning Department. The Planning Department will require the applicant to confer with SHPD to assure the updated CIA and AIS are reviewed and approved prior to any proposed development related to this SMAapplication.
The valuable cultural, historical, and natural resources found in the area: The 2006 archaeological inventory survey ( AIS) of the entire 434- acre project area was completed and it was determined that approximately 90% of the resort area had been mechanically cleared or altered by floods and tsunami. According to the applicant, by 2006 more than 100 cultural sites had been destroyed by development projects in the coastal portion of Punalu' u, Wailau, and Ninole Ahupua' a, and it appears that none of the mitigation recommendations presented in any of the earlier archaeological studies had been followed through on. The 2006 AIS identified a total of 34 extant historic properties within the overall resort property. Twenty- four (24) of the sites were previously identified and nine ( 9) were thought to be newly identified. The 2006 survey Tulchin et al. ( 2006) attempted to correlate the sites they identified during their survey with previously recorded sites, but they were hindered by the extent of land disturbance within the resort property and the brevity of the site descriptions presented in the prior reports, as well as the confusion that multiple site numbers were given for the same feature throughout the years. Ultimately, existing SIHP site designations were retained for fifteen of the recorded sites ( Sites 50- 10- 68- 03512, - 03513, - 03515, - 03519 to - 03522, - 03524, -04309, - 04310, - 04330, - 04360, - 04368, - 07361, and - 07370), and new SIHP designations were assigned to nineteen of the sites ( Sites 50- 10- 68- 24897 through - 24916). The sites documented in the 2006 AIS were in various states of disrepair. It was determined that approximately 75% of the petroglyphs originally documented were reported destroyed, most likely being bulldozed during construction of the Punalu' u Beach Park access road and parking lot.
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County Planning Director Zendo Kern |
Cultural land resources include plants, such as coconut, kukui, noni, tea plants, hau, hala, various medicine ( undisclosed) plants, lei flower and seeds. One of the major cultural resources of the Punalu' u area is the ocean, bays, coves, and coastal areas as they provide for the continued cultural practices of fishing and gathering. Many of the cultural practices today continue to include marine and land resources. the entire Punalu' u area Punalu' u, Ninole, Hama, Wailau and Hilea) still has an abundance of cultural resources in spite of prior plantation and resort activities simply because the people of this area continue to practice these cultural traditions. And despite the vegetation overgrowth and dilapidated former resort structures, the area continues to be utilized by locals and visitors alike. The proposed development will likely impact some cultural resources during and after construction, such as sub-surface structures, midden, artifacts or unmarked reburials.
Possible adverse effects or impairment of valued resources: Given the limited scope of the proposed activities within the project site, the applicant is not able to identify any irreversible or irretrievable commitment of cultural, historical, recreational, or ecological resources as a result of the proposed improvements. As mentioned above, this application presents a proposal that protects valued coastal resources in the area by properly
managing all facilities and resources. Decades of neglect have severely impacted this area and without proper management and preservation will lead towards the continued loss of valuable resources and opportunities. The applicant, along with its community stakeholders, will commit its resources towards the revitalization of Punalu' u in a manner that can be embraced by the community of Ka`u.
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Read the SMA proposal at at weblink/1/doc/127617/Page1.aspx. Read the Community Development Plan at |
be formed to advise planners of cultural protocol, sensitive areas, and cultural resources ( burials, medicine, food and craft plants, and other cultural resources).
Any construction ground activity should include a cultural monitor, as well as an archaeologist. Of the 34 historic sites identified in the draft 2005 survey, 3 sites were not located within the five ( 5) Development Sites and therefore not closely inspected. One site (SHPD# 50- 10- 68- 04330), a historic animal pen/ enclosure, was apparently destroyed in 2016 by land clearing activities. The remaining 30 historic sites were inspected with updated condition assessment, and all are recommended for preservation. A preservation plan will be prepared for 26 sites and a burial treatment plan will be prepared for the remaining 4 sites. Archaeological monitoring will be conducted during any ground disturbing activities within the five Development Sites.
The Planning Director wrote: "Based on the above findings, the proposed Punalu' u Village development project and related improvements will not have substantial adverse impacts on the environment, nor will its approval be contrary to the objectives and policies of Chapter 205A, HRS, relating to Coastal Zone Management and Rule No. 9 of the Planning Commission relating to the Special
Management Area.
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Learn more about the Special Management Area, designed to preserve the coast and understand the permit process by reading /czm/special-management-area-permits/ |
Approval of this request (should the Windward Planning Commission approve the SMA permit) is subject to the following conditions stated by the Planning Director:
1. The applicant(s), its successor(s) or assign( s) shall be responsible for complying with all
of the stated conditions of approval.
2. The applicant shall secure all necessary approvals and permits from other affected
Federal, State, and County agencies as necessary to comply with all applicable laws and
3. Construction and operation of the proposed Punalu' u Village, and coastal preservation
area shall be conducted in a manner that is substantially representative of plans and
details as contained within the Special Management Area Use Permit application dated
December 18, 2023, and representations made to the Windward Planning Commission.
4. Construction of the proposed development shall be completed within ten ( 10) years from
the effective date of this permit. Prior to construction, the applicant shall secure Final
Plan Approval for the proposed development from the Planning Director in accordance
with Section 25- 2- 70, Chapter 25 ( Zoning Code), Hawaii County Code. Plans shall
stalls associated with the proposed development. Landscaping shall be indicated on the
plans for the purpose of mitigating any adverse noise or visual impacts to adjacent
properties in accordance with the requirements of Planning Department's Rule No. 17
Landscaping Requirements) and Chapter 25 ( Zoning Code), Hawaii County Code.
5. All driveway connections to Ninole Loop Road shall conform to Chapter 22, County
Streets, of the Hawaii County Code.
6. All construction and maintenance activities on the subject parcel shall comply with
Chapter 27, Floodplain Management, of the Hawaii County Code.
7. All earthwork and grading shall conform to Chapter 10, Erosion and Sedimentation
Control of the Hawaii County Code.
8. The applicant will submit to the Planning Department for review and approval the
following updated plans: 1) Water Quality and Marine Life Monitoring Plan, 2) Pond
Management Plan, 3) Cultural Resources Management Plan, and 4) Shoreline and
Preservation Area Management Plan. These plans shall be submitted prior to any
development activities described in this permit.
9. The applicant shall incorporate any recommendations provided by the (state Department of Land & Natural Resources) State HistoricPreservation Division ( SHPD) into the project design prior to development activities described in this permit. The applicant will ensure that any recommendations or
requirements made by SHPD related to either cultural or archaeological sites will be
implemented as directed, which may include, but not be limited to, cultural andarchaeological monitoring during development of the project.
10. Artificial light from exterior lighting fixtures, including, but not necessarily limited to
floodlights, up- lights or spotlights used for decorative or aesthetic purposes shall be
prohibited if the light directly illuminates, or is directed to project across property
boundaries, or toward the shoreline and ocean waters, except as may otherwise be
permitted pursuant to Section 205A-71( b), Hawaii Revised Statutes.
11. All development generated runoff shall be disposed of on- site and shall not be directed
toward any adjacent properties. A drainage study shall be prepared by a professional civil
engineer licensed in the State of Hawaii and submitted to the Department of Public
Works prior to issuance of Final Plan Approval. Any recommended drainage
improvements, if required, shall be constructed meeting with the approval of the
Department of Public Works prior to receipt of a Certificate of Occupancy for any
portion of the development.
12. A Solid Waste Management Plan shall be submitted to the Department of Environmental
Management for review and approval prior to the issuance of Final Plan Approval.
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Should the Planning Commission approve the SMA and Planning Department approve a Final Plan, Public Works Director Steve Pause would oversee approval and compliance for many permits for construction. |
14. A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit (from the EPA), if required, shall be
secured from the State Department of Health before the commencement of construction
15. The applicant shall submit for review and approval a Traffic Assessment ( TA) as
required by the State Department of Transportation prior to issuance of any constriction
permits. The applicant shall construct any required improvements.
16. The applicant shall include the location of all preserves, sites, preservation buffers or
similar protection strategies on the site plan and all future maps submitted to the County
in conjunction with any application reviews or approval requests.
17. In the event that surface or subsurface historic resources, including human skeletal
remains, structural remains ( e. g., rock walls, terraces, platforms, etc.), cultural deposits,
marine shell concentrations, sand deposits, or sink holes are identified during the demolition and/or construction work, cease work in the immediate vicinity of the find,
protect the find from additional disturbance and contact the State Historic Preservation Division at ( 808) 933- 7651. Subsequent work shall proceed upon an archaeological clearance from DLNR-SHPD when it finds that sufficient mitigation measures have been
18. An annual progress report shall be submitted to the Planning Director prior to the anniversary date of the effective date of this permit. The report shall include, but not be limited to, the status of the development and to what extent the conditions of approval are being complied with. This condition shall remain in effect until all of the conditions of approval have been complied with and the Planning Director acknowledges that further reports are not required.
19. An initial extension of time for the performance of conditions within this permit may be
granted by the Planning Director upon the following circumstances:
A. The non-performance is the result of conditions that could not have been foreseen or are beyond the control of the applicant, successors or assigns, and that are not the result of their fault or negligence.
B. Granting of the time extension would not be contrary to the General Plan or Zoning Code.
C. The granting of the time extension would not be contrary to the original
reasons for the granting of this permit.
The entire report can be read in County Department of Planning files at
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In addition to the high number of earthquakes, high rates of deformation were also recorded during the intrusion. Typically, HVO monitors near real-time changes in deformation using a network of tiltmeters and continuous GPS stations. For this intrusion, lucky timing of image acquisitions from the Italian Space Agency’s COSMO-SkyMed satellite (CSM), gave us a special 1-day image pair from 6 p.m. HST on January 31 through 6 p.m. HST on February 1. Differences between the image pair show how the ground deformed over that 24-hour period, in what is called an interferogram.
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5,000 in the mail 2,500 on the street. |
Disbursed seismicity at Kīlauea's summit and along the Koa‘e fault system southwest of the caldera continues following an intrusion of magma into the area that occurred January 31-February 1, 2024; on average, earthquake counts remain below 10 per day. Tiltmeters near Sand Hill and Uēkahuna bluff have recorded mild inflationary trends over the past week. Periods of increased earthquake activity and rates of ground deformation can be expected to continue in this region. No unusual activity has been noted along the rift zones.
Mauna Loa is not erupting. Its USGS Volcano Alert Level is at NORMAL.
Webcams show no signs of activity on Mauna Loa. Summit seismicity has remained at low levels over the past month. Ground deformation indicates continuing slow inflation as magma replenishes the reservoir system following the 2022 eruption. SO2 emission rates are at background levels.
One earthquake was reported felt in the Hawaiian Islands during the week ending last Thursday: a M3.1 earthquake 2 km (1 mi) WSW of Pāhala at 34 km (21 mi) depth on Feb. 27 at 11:32 p.m. HST.
HVO continues to closely monitor Kīlauea and Mauna Loa.