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Pakukui, the Achilles Tang, are abundant in Kaʻū waters and popular among those who catch them to sell to aquarium fish dealers. Image from 1905 illustration courtesy of IslandArtCards.com |
Issuance of new permits to catch fish and sell them for aquariums stopped in September, 2017. The proposal would allow more than a dozen new permits, if approved by the state Department of Land & Natural Resources, following public input, due Jan. 20, 2020.
All of the new permits would be issued for the West Hawai’i Regional Fishery Management Area, which covers nearshore waters from South Point all the way up the west side of the island. Kaʻū, in particular, is noted for an abundance of Achilles Tang, which are collected for sales to aquarium fish dealers. No permits would be allowed for waters of East Hawaiʻi and the rest of the state.
The 490-page Draft EIS contends that there is a need "to continue commercial aquarium fishers' livelihoods in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the industry." It says that through the permits there will be assurance of "lawful, responsible, and sustainable commercial collection of various fish species from nearshore habitats of the WHRFMA." One proposal in the EIS would reduce bag limit for Achilles Tang to five per day.
The permitting is complicated by a state Supreme Court decision in October 2017 declaring illegal the use of fine mesh nets to catch aquatic life for aquarium purposes.
West Hawaiʻi Regional Fishery Management Area is from South Point to the north end of the island. Some of the most abundant waters for aquarium fish, including the Achilles Tang, are in areas labeled 100A and 100 B in Kaʻū. Map from Draft EIS |
The purpose of the West Hawaiʻi Regional Fishery Management Area, as stated in the Draft EIS, is to:
Ensure the sustainability of the state's nearshore ocean resources;
Identify areas with resource and use conflicts;
Provide management plans as well as implementing regulations for minimizing user conflicts and resource depletion through the designation of sections of coastal waters in the WHRFMA as FRAs where certain specified fish collecting activities are prohibited and other areas where anchoring and ocean recreation activities are restricted;
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Longnose butterfly fish, lau-wiliwili-mukunukuʻoiʻoi is one of the species most prevalent in southern Hawaiʻi Island waters. They are sold as aquarium fish. Photo from Waikiki Aquarium |
Identify areas and resources of statewide significance for protection;
Carry out scientific research and monitoring of the nearshore resources and environment; and
Provide for substantive involvement of the community in resource management decisions for this area through facilitated dialogues with community residents and resource users.
DLNR is tasked with identifying specific areas and restrictions after close consultation and facilitated dialogue with working groups of community members and resource users.
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ADAPTING THE STATE ENERGY CODE FOR HAWAIʻI COUNTY's "unique environment is moving closer to fruition with plenty of input from island residents," according to a County statement on Friday. Department of Public Works announced that the County's bill to amend and adopt the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code is expected to reach its first Council Committee agenda in either late December or January. The Code applies to construction of new buildings and for old buildings to undergo major renovations.
In August, the 2015 IECC became effective in order to meet the State's energy reduction and clean energy deadline. However, concerns about a higher cost of construction led to community meetings and proposed amendments, with consultation from the design and building industry.
In October, for the first time during the Code adoption process, interested members of the building, architectural, and real estate sectors participated in two topic-focused workshops held by DPW's Building Division. More than 60 people attended the workshops in Hilo and Kona.
Following these workshops, the public had about one week to submit written proposed amendments. Among many concerns with the code were such requirements as insulated roofs, which could triple roofing costs. Alternative proposals included installing solar attic fans and ridge and gable ventilation. Also proposed are allowing jalousie windows, which provide maximum cooling, but in some places across the country are disallowed because of the danger of flying glass during hurricanes.
District 3 Councilwoman Sue Lee Loy, chair of the Council's Committee on Public Works and Mass Transit, said, "I applaud the Public Works Building Division for taking that leap and seeking input from industry professionals as part of the code adoption process. This bill is one step in the County's comprehensive long-term effort to update the County's building, plumbing, and electrical codes, and I thank the public for their patience as my office and Public Works staff work through the proposed amendments."
Public Works received 203 comments and proposed amendments to the State's adoption of the Energy Code as a result of the workshops and the ensuing comment period. Acting Building Division Chief Robyn Matsumoto said, "We're thrilled we received the volume of feedback that we did. It's taken a lot of work to review each and every proposed amendment and by working closely with Councilwoman Lee Loy we anticipate submitting a solid bill for Council's consideration next month."
According to the county statement, the overall intent proposed amendments is to lower the cost of building on Hawaiʻi Island by taking into consideration the tropical climate and residents' median income relative to the rest of the state while striving to meet the state's energy goals.
After the proposed amendments are submitted to the Committee on Public Works and Mass Transit, they will undergo two readings at County Council meetings before the Council votes to formally adopt the amendments.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
A TRAFFIC FATALITY IN A ONE CAR ACCIDENT ON KAMAOA ROAD was reported today. Hawaiʻi County Fire Department responded to a call at 9:58 this morning, a half mile east of South Point Road intersection on Kamaʻoa. Police, firefighters, and medics reached the scene at 10:11 a.m to find a man in his 20s or 30s, restrained in an overturned convertible in the brush on the side of the road. He was lifeless. The report lists the cause as unknown and the man has not been named. Chopper 2, which was headed to the scene to take the victim to emergency medical services, turned back after it was evident that the man died in the accident.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
In August, the 2015 IECC became effective in order to meet the State's energy reduction and clean energy deadline. However, concerns about a higher cost of construction led to community meetings and proposed amendments, with consultation from the design and building industry.
In October, for the first time during the Code adoption process, interested members of the building, architectural, and real estate sectors participated in two topic-focused workshops held by DPW's Building Division. More than 60 people attended the workshops in Hilo and Kona.
Following these workshops, the public had about one week to submit written proposed amendments. Among many concerns with the code were such requirements as insulated roofs, which could triple roofing costs. Alternative proposals included installing solar attic fans and ridge and gable ventilation. Also proposed are allowing jalousie windows, which provide maximum cooling, but in some places across the country are disallowed because of the danger of flying glass during hurricanes.

Public Works received 203 comments and proposed amendments to the State's adoption of the Energy Code as a result of the workshops and the ensuing comment period. Acting Building Division Chief Robyn Matsumoto said, "We're thrilled we received the volume of feedback that we did. It's taken a lot of work to review each and every proposed amendment and by working closely with Councilwoman Lee Loy we anticipate submitting a solid bill for Council's consideration next month."
According to the county statement, the overall intent proposed amendments is to lower the cost of building on Hawaiʻi Island by taking into consideration the tropical climate and residents' median income relative to the rest of the state while striving to meet the state's energy goals.
After the proposed amendments are submitted to the Committee on Public Works and Mass Transit, they will undergo two readings at County Council meetings before the Council votes to formally adopt the amendments.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
A TRAFFIC FATALITY IN A ONE CAR ACCIDENT ON KAMAOA ROAD was reported today. Hawaiʻi County Fire Department responded to a call at 9:58 this morning, a half mile east of South Point Road intersection on Kamaʻoa. Police, firefighters, and medics reached the scene at 10:11 a.m to find a man in his 20s or 30s, restrained in an overturned convertible in the brush on the side of the road. He was lifeless. The report lists the cause as unknown and the man has not been named. Chopper 2, which was headed to the scene to take the victim to emergency medical services, turned back after it was evident that the man died in the accident.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
Dusting it up as keiki get the feel of rodeo competition in a gymkhana at Nāʻāelehu Rodeo Arena this morning, sponsored by Kaʻū Roping & Riding Association. Photo by Katie Graham |
Riding by the Judges Booth at Nāʻālehu Arena. Photo by Katie Graham |
MORE RODEO ARENA COMPETITION is scheduled through the end of the year at Nāʻālehu Arena, sponsored by Kaʻū Riding & Roping Association.
A gymkhana today saw keiki and youth competing in many categories.
Another gymkhana will be held on Sunday, Dec. 29. Heading into Christmas, Kaʻū Roping & Riding will hold its second annual Lantern Parade on Saturday, Dec. 14 at 6 p.m. on Hwy 11, the Main Street of Nāʻālehu.
Reining in that rodeo horse at the gymkhana Sunday morning in Nāʻālehu. Photo by Katie Graham |
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See public Kaʻū events, meetings, entertainment.
Print edition of The Kaʻū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Kaʻū, from Miloliʻi through Volcano, and free on
stands throughout the district. Read online at kaucalendar.com
Santa's Workshop Event Registration, Nov. 25 - Dec. 11, Ka‘ū District Gym. Event takes place Thursday, Dec. 12, 6-7:30p.m. All ages. 928-3102, hawaiicounty.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/recreation
Christmas Coloring Contest Registration, Nov. 25 - Dec. 11, Ka‘ū District Gym. Deadline for entries is Thursday, Dec. 12, 6p.m. Grades Pre-K to 6. 928-3102, hawaiicounty.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/recreation
Cultural Understanding through Art and the Environment: Kapa Aloha ‘Āina, the fabric of Hawai‘i with Puakea Forester, Monday, Nov. 25, 11a.m.-1p.m., Volcano Art Center. Pre-registration required; class size limited. $10 per person supply fee. 967-8222, volcanoartcenter.org
Birding at Kīpukapuaulu, Tuesday, Nov. 26, 8-10a.m., Kīpukapuaulu - Bird Park - parking lot, HVNP. Led by retired USGS Biologist Nic Sherma. 2 hour birding tour. $40/person. Register online. Organized by Friends of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. 985-7373, admin@fhvnp.org, fhvnp.org
H.O.V.E. Road Maintenance Corp. Board Mtg., Tuesday, Nov. 26, 10a.m., H.O.V.E. RMC office, 92-8979 Lehua Lane, Ocean View. 929-9910, hoveroad.com
Guided Hike on a 60 Year Old Lava Lake, Tuesday, Nov. 26, 10a.m.-2p.m., Kīlauea Iki Overlook parking lot, HVNP. Moderate to challenging 2.4 mile hike (one way). $80/person. Register online. Park entrance fees may apply. Organized by Friends of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. 985-7373, admin@fhvnp.org, fhvnp.org
Trail Less Traveled, Tuesday, Nov. 26, 10:30a.m.-12:30p.m., Devastation Trail parking lot, HVNP. Moderate, 2 mile, two hour roundtrip hike. $40/person. Register online. Family friendly. Organized by Friends of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. 985-7373, admin@fhvnp.org, fhvnp.org
Ka‘ū Food Pantry, Tuesday, Nov. 26, 11:30a.m.-1p.m., St. Jude's Episcopal Church in Ocean View. Volunteers welcome. Dave Breskin, 319-8333
Pom Pom Wreath Registration, Nov. 27 - Dec. 4, program takes place Tuesday, Dec. 10, 3-4p.m. Ages 6-14. 929-9113, hawaiicounty.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/recreation
‘Ulu Maika Demonstration, Wednesday, Nov. 27, 10a.m.-noon, Kīlauea Visitor Center lānai. Play ‘ulu maika – which resembles American bowling but uses two stakes and a disc-shaped tone instead of pins and a ball – to celebrate the annual makahiki season. Free; park entrance fees apply. 985-6101, nps.gov/havo/
Kōkua Kupuna Project, Wednesday, Nov. 27 – last Wednesday, monthly – 9-11a.m., St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View. Seniors 60 years and older encouraged to attend, ask questions, and inquire about services offered through Legal Aid Society of Hawai‘i – referral required, 961-8626, for free legal services. Under 60, call 1-800-499-4302. More info: 329-3910 ext. 925. tahisha.despontes@legalaidhawaii.org. legalaidhawaii.org
Free Thanksgiving Dinner, Thursday, Nov. 28, noon-3p.m., Ocean View Community Center. 939-7033, ovcahi.org
Thanksgiving Day Buffet, Thursday, Nov. 28, 2-6p.m., Kīlauea Military Camp's Crater Rim Cafe. Traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixin's. $23.95/adult, $13.95/child (ages 6-11). Open to authorized patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply. 967-8356, kilaueamilitarycamp.com
Holiday Challenge, Friday, Nov. 29, through beginning of Jan. 2020. Community invited to come out and vote for their favorite decorated cottage/activity. Open to authorized patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply. 967-8371, kilaueamilitarycamp.com
12th Annual Kamahalo Craft Fair, Friday, Nov. 29, 9a.m.-4p.m., and Saturday, Nov. 30, 9a.m.-3p.m., The Cooper Center, Volcano Village. Food vendors, homegrown products, and quality homemade crafts for sale. 936-9705, thecoopercenter.org
Kahuku Coffee Talk: Creatures that Have Evolved in the Dark, Friday, Nov. 29, 9:30-11a.m., Kahuku Unit Visitor Contact Station. Join local experts to learn about lava tubes and some interesting animals that call them home. Free. nps.gov/havo
Volcano Village Artists Hui 33rd Annual Studio Tour & Sale, Friday, Nov. 29, Saturday, Nov. 30, and Sunday, Dec. 1, 10a.m.-4p.m., map available at volcanovillageartistshui.com. Meet artists and view wide variety of artwork on display and available for purchase.
Program Preview Exhibit, Friday, Nov. 29, and Saturday, Nov. 30, 10a.m.-4p.m., Volcano Art Center. See what programs, events, and exhibits VAC has lined up for 2020. 967-8222, volcanoartcenter.org
AdvoCATS, Wednesday, Nov. 30, 7a.m.-4:30p.m., Ocean View Community Center. Free spay/neuter for cats. 895-9283, advocatshawaii.org
Palm Trail, Sunday, Nov. 30, 9:30-12:30p.m., Kahuku Unit, HVNP. Free, moderately difficult hike - 2.6 mile loop. nps.gov/havo
Girls Nite Out Band, Saturday, Nov. 30, 7-10p.m., Kīlauea Military Camp's Lava Lounge, in HVNP. $5 cover charge. Open to authorized patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply. kilaueamilitarycamp.com
Pu‘u Lokuana, Sunday, Dec. 1, 9:30-11a.m., Kahuku Unit, HVNP. Free, short, moderately difficult, 0.4 mile hike. nps.gov/havo
Ham Radio Potluck Picnic, Sunday, Dec. 1 – 1st Sunday, monthly – noon-2p.m., Manukā State Park. Anyone interested in learning about ham radio is welcome to attend. View sites.google.com/site/southpointarc
or sites.google.com/viewith southhawaiiares/home. Rick Ward, 938-3058
or sites.google.com/viewith southhawaiiares/home. Rick Ward, 938-3058

Tūtū & Me Home Visiting Program is a free service to Pāhala families with keiki, birth to five years old. This caregiver support program offers those taking care of young keiki "a compassionate listening ear, helpful parenting tips and strategies, fun and exciting activities, and wonderful educational resources" from Tūtū & Me Traveling Preschool. Home visits are one hour in length, two to four times per month, for 12 to 15 visits. Snacks are provided. See pidfoundation.org or call Tata Compehos and Melody Espejo at 808-938-1088.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.