KAMILO HAS A NEW HOME ON NI`IHAU. The monk seal, born in Ka`u earlier this year, had joined swimmers along Hawai`i Island’s west coast and Ironman triathletes during their practice swims in Kona, raising concerns that interaction with humans may jeopardize his chances for survival. Michelle Barbieri, a veterinarian with the Marine Mammal Center, oversaw Kamilo’s relocation to the privately owned, sparsely populated island in hopes that he will interact with the larger population of monk seals there. Compared to only five to 10 monk seals on Hawai`i Island, Ni`ihau has a population of between 50 and 100, including over a dozen youngsters.
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Ni`ihau's population of monk seals is 10 times larger than Hawai`i Island's. Photo from Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program |
To the question, “Why not remove the triathletes” and other swimmers instead of the seal? HMSRP responded, “If you cleared out the swimmers from one bay, he would get bored and swim to the next bay. Do you clear out the swimmers of that bay, too? Or the next one? This is the problem with people not respecting wildlife from the beginning – the repercussions shift to the seal because you can’t clear the ocean of tens of thousands of people.”
“We are still optimistic that, because (Kamilo) is so young, we will be able to find a solution that will keep him wild and have him acting like a normal seal,” HMSRP said. “National Marine Fisheries Service and their partners are balancing the welfare of the seal, the desire to keep it wild and human safety in their decision making.
“Keep seals wild and admire them from a distance. If you see someone feeding, playing with, or harassing a seal, let them know that is not okay and why, HMSRP said.”
The public must keep a minimum distance of 150 feet from monk seals. Violations, as well as sightings of monk seals, can be reported at 220-7802.
For more information, see marinemammalcenter.org or facebook.com/HMSRP.
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HAWAI`I IS NUMBER TWO AMONG STATES in progress made for women, according to a recent report by the nonpartisan Center for American Progress. The report ranked Maryland as number one.
Entitled The State of Women in America: A 50-State Analysis of How Women Are Faring Across the Nation, the report ranks each state based on 36 factors in the categories of economics, leadership and health, as well as an overall national ranking. Hawai`i also received an overall grade of “A.”
“The Aloha State has benefited from the strong leadership of women at every level including government,” Gov. Neil Abercrombie said. “Hawai`i’s own Congresswoman Patsy Mink championed Title IX legislation that transformed the way our entire nation addresses equality in education, which was a catalyst for ensuring further equity throughout our society.”
For more information, see marinemammalcenter.org or facebook.com/HMSRP.
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KA`U PLANTATION DAYS drew hundreds of people to Pahala yesterday and a commitment from the Ka`u Multicultural Society to continue the celebration next year, with a date set for Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014 with a parade on the streets of Pahala and a celebration at Pahala Plantation Manager’s House. Ka`u Multicultural Society president Darlyne Vierra said that she was very happy with the hundreds of people who turned out to celebrate Ka`u’s history and the evolution of the multicultural community.
Marion Villanueva celebrated Ka`u's Puerto Rican heritage at Ka`u Plantation Days. Photo by Julia Neal |
Native Hawaiian Ulu Makuakane, who will represent Ka`u in the Miss South Pacific contest in the Solomon Islands in December, was a Miss Ka`u Coffee and danced hula with her sister. Members of cultural groups and families displayed the many historical photographs of ranches, sugar plantations and life in Ka`u. For the first time at Plantation Days, Puerto Rican heritage was represented with a display put together by Marion Villanueva, who also invited the band El Leo to entertain with kachi kachi music at the end of the day. Halau Hula O Leionalani, fresh off the boat from a cultural exchange on Lana`i, the Hawaiian Civic Club’s hula troupe and many musicians performed, including Hands of Time, Ty Chun, Demetrius Oliveira and Gene Beck and Keoki Kahumoku’s `ukulele kids.
Ka`u's Sen. Russell Ruderman plays guitar with El Leo at Ka`u Plantation Days yesterday. Photo by Julia Neal |
Ka`u Chamber of Commerce’s winning cover art for The Directory 2014 was on display with the ipu art of Susan Condie Jennings and sold on site for $500.
Parade emcee Clyde Silva talked about the ranching families and paniolo represented in the parade of horses and riders. He also described the many blossoms, foliage and other gatherings used for lei for horses and riders. They ranged from green and purple sea grapes and their leaves fashioned by Merle Becker for Aikane Plantation and Kapapala Ranch’s Leon Chow to lei made of shells to represent Ni`ihau and lei using small pink roses to represent Maui.
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HAWAI`I IS NUMBER TWO AMONG STATES in progress made for women, according to a recent report by the nonpartisan Center for American Progress. The report ranked Maryland as number one.
Entitled The State of Women in America: A 50-State Analysis of How Women Are Faring Across the Nation, the report ranks each state based on 36 factors in the categories of economics, leadership and health, as well as an overall national ranking. Hawai`i also received an overall grade of “A.”
“The Aloha State has benefited from the strong leadership of women at every level including government,” Gov. Neil Abercrombie said. “Hawai`i’s own Congresswoman Patsy Mink championed Title IX legislation that transformed the way our entire nation addresses equality in education, which was a catalyst for ensuring further equity throughout our society.”
Top 10 states in progress made for women, including Hawai`i, are shown in dark green. Map from americanprogress.org |
That legacy is continued by this administration, in which more than half of the appointed Cabinet and staff positions are held by women.
“Since this report was conducted, additional progress has been achieved this year,” Abercrombie added. “In collaboration with the Hawai`i Women’s Legislative Caucus and Commission on the Status of Women, we are addressing a wide variety of issues including early childhood education, protections for domestic workers, human trafficking and recognition of the societal and health benefits of breastfeeding. These advancements are the result of the community investing in our future by getting involved in state government to protect the rights and well-being of women.”
Catherine Betts, executive director of the Hawai`i State Commission on the Status of Women, is hopeful following the findings of the report. “This comes after years of advocacy from our women’s community and leadership in government that recognize the worth of Hawai`i’s women and girls,” she said. “Our women’s health community has been especially active in safeguarding our access to reproductive health care and ensuring our constitutionally protected rights remain intact. It is also timely to see how women fare in terms of paid family leave and an increase in the minimum wage – two policies that the commission is actively seeking to change.
Abercrombie acknowledged that this study serves as a reminder that, while Hawai`i is doing well for women and girls, there is room for progress. “I am confident that our ranking will improve,” he said. “We will continue to pursue transformative initiatives, ranging from early education to minimum wage, to benefit the people of Hawai`i.”
The report is available at americanprogress.org.
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“Since this report was conducted, additional progress has been achieved this year,” Abercrombie added. “In collaboration with the Hawai`i Women’s Legislative Caucus and Commission on the Status of Women, we are addressing a wide variety of issues including early childhood education, protections for domestic workers, human trafficking and recognition of the societal and health benefits of breastfeeding. These advancements are the result of the community investing in our future by getting involved in state government to protect the rights and well-being of women.”
Catherine Betts, executive director of the Hawai`i State Commission on the Status of Women, is hopeful following the findings of the report. “This comes after years of advocacy from our women’s community and leadership in government that recognize the worth of Hawai`i’s women and girls,” she said. “Our women’s health community has been especially active in safeguarding our access to reproductive health care and ensuring our constitutionally protected rights remain intact. It is also timely to see how women fare in terms of paid family leave and an increase in the minimum wage – two policies that the commission is actively seeking to change.
Abercrombie acknowledged that this study serves as a reminder that, while Hawai`i is doing well for women and girls, there is room for progress. “I am confident that our ranking will improve,” he said. “We will continue to pursue transformative initiatives, ranging from early education to minimum wage, to benefit the people of Hawai`i.”
The report is available at americanprogress.org.
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Ka`u residents can participate in Tuesday's special County Council meeting via videoconferencing at Ocean View Community Center. |
PROHIBITION OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS is the topic of a special meeting of Hawai`i County Council Tuesday, when the Council discusses Bill 113, introduced by Kohala Council member Margaret Wille.
As currently amended, the bill “prohibits open-air cultivation, propagation, development or testing of genetically engineered crops and plants. Exempts persons currently engaged in these practices in locations where such activities have customarily occurred, provided those locations are registered within 90 days of the effective date of this ordinance. Also exempts current and future genetically engineered papaya cultivation, propagation, and development, provided the locations of such activities are registered as provided in this ordinance. Requires all persons engaged in any form of cultivation, propagation, development, or indoor testing of genetically engineered crops or plants to register annually and to pay a registration fee for each location annually, beginning within 90 days of the effective date of this ordinance.”
The meeting at West Hawai`i Civic Center in Kona begins with statements from the public at 4 p.m. Ka`u residents can participate via videoconferencing at Ocean View Community Center.
Agenda is available at hawaiicounty.gov.
Agenda is available at hawaiicounty.gov.
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HAWAI`I COUNTY ENCOURAGES KA`U RESIDENTS, especially persons of low or moderate income, minorities and non-English speaking persons, as well as persons with disabilities, to attend and share their views and comments at a public hearing tomorrow, Monday, Oct. 14, regarding the Community Development Block Grant program. The purpose of the hearing is to listen to views and comments on housing and community development needs and past performance of the program.
After the public hearing, Office of Housing and Community Development staff will be available to discuss procedures and guidelines for applying for the county’s 2014 CDBG program.
OHCD anticipates a 2014 allocation of approximately $2.5 million in CDBG federal funds. All projects using the funds must benefit low- to moderate-income persons within the county.
Tomorrow’s hearing begins at 10 a.m. at Pahala Community Center.
OHCD anticipates a 2014 allocation of approximately $2.5 million in CDBG federal funds. All projects using the funds must benefit low- to moderate-income persons within the county.
Tomorrow’s hearing begins at 10 a.m. at Pahala Community Center.
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