KA`U RESIDENTS COMPETING IN THE KA`U COFFEE TRAIL RUN finished in high places on Saturday. Susan Field, of Punalu`u, the nurse practitioner at Ka`u Hospital and karate teacher, took first in the Half Marathon among women in age group 50-59. Cliff Field, the Ka`u Hospital physician and karate sensei, who lives at Punalu`u, took first in the half marathon for men 50 - 59. Randy Kai took first in the 5K for men 70 - 79. Maggie Olson was the overall women’s winner in the women’s 10K. Don Zimbeck took 1st in the 10K men’s 70-79 division. Robin Stratton took first in the women’s 5K for ages 50-59.
Here are other Ka`u winners.
In the Women’s 10K: ages 30-39 Lindsey Paulekas 3rd place; 50-59 Joanne Gallaher 3rd place.
In Men’s 10K, ages 30-39 Michael McGee 2nd place.
In the Women’s 5K: Megan Denny 2nd place overall and Maiki Cofer 3rd place. For ages 30-39, Karen Dusenbery 3rd place.
In the Men’s 5K ages 19 and under Justin Denny III 2nd place; ages 40-49 Justin Denny 2nd place, John Poetzel 3rd place; and ages 50-59 Fred Strehler 3rd place.
The second annual Ka`u Coffee Trail Run was held at Ka`u Coffee Mill on Wood Valley Road yesterday and raises money for the community group `O Ka`u Kakou.
See a Phantom Drone Helicopter video of the race by Vernon Harvey, of Ocean View, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXqHWIHqwFM. Read comments, add your own, and like The Ka`u Calendar News Briefs on Facebook.
In the Women’s 10K: ages 30-39 Lindsey Paulekas 3rd place; 50-59 Joanne Gallaher 3rd place.
In Men’s 10K, ages 30-39 Michael McGee 2nd place.
In the Women’s 5K: Megan Denny 2nd place overall and Maiki Cofer 3rd place. For ages 30-39, Karen Dusenbery 3rd place.
In the Men’s 5K ages 19 and under Justin Denny III 2nd place; ages 40-49 Justin Denny 2nd place, John Poetzel 3rd place; and ages 50-59 Fred Strehler 3rd place.
The second annual Ka`u Coffee Trail Run was held at Ka`u Coffee Mill on Wood Valley Road yesterday and raises money for the community group `O Ka`u Kakou.
See a Phantom Drone Helicopter video of the race by Vernon Harvey, of Ocean View, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXqHWIHqwFM. Read comments, add your own, and like The Ka`u Calendar News Briefs on Facebook.
HAWAI`I COUNTY WINDWARD Planning Commission will consider two Ka`u contested case proceedings concurrently during its meeting Wednesday. One case filed by Arrow of Oregon/Hawai`i, LLC involves an application for an amendment to a Special Permit that was approved to allow a cinder and rock quarry operation on 5.003 acres of land situated within the State Land Use Agricultural District. The amendment would add 8.009 acres for a total of 13.012 acres of land. The properties are located northwest of Mahimahi Drive between Lurline Lane and Liliana Lane Ocean View.
According to the meeting agenda, David and Laura Rodrigues filed a contested case regarding the application for a Special Permit to allow a cinder and rock quarry operation on the 5.003 acres of land located on the northeast and southeast corners of Kailua Boulevard and Lurline Lane.
According to the meeting agenda, David and Laura Rodrigues filed a contested case regarding the application for a Special Permit to allow a cinder and rock quarry operation on the 5.003 acres of land located on the northeast and southeast corners of Kailua Boulevard and Lurline Lane.
The meeting takes place at Aupuni Center Conference Room in Hilo at 9:30 a.m. Statements from the public are accepted.
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RAISE MONEY for Ka`u Libraries by purchasing a tote bag at Pahala or Na`alehu Library. Come to Ka`u Plantation Days on Saturday, Oct. 17 and fill up the bag for free with books. Price is $7 per bag.
Hours at Pahala Public & School Libarary are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesday, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.; and Friday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday.
Hours at Na`alehu Library are Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Friday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday.
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Hours at Na`alehu Library are Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Friday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday.
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USGS HAWAIIAN VOLCANO OBSERVATORY scientists explain how they determine alert levels in the current issue of Volcano Watch. HVO changed the Volcano Alert Level and Aviation Color Code for Mauna Loa Volcano from NORMAL/GREEN to ADVISORY/YELLOW on Thursday. The change reflects HVO’s determination that the volcano is showing persistent signs of low-level unrest. It does not mean, however, that an eruption is imminent or certain.
“This decision followed many months of a higher than normal rate of earthquakes and ground deformation as magma accumulated in shallow storage reservoirs, pressurizing and stressing its summit and upper rift zones,” the article states.
“What do these Volcano Alert Levels and Aviation Color Codes mean, and how does HVO decide to change them?
“The USGS Aviation Color Code system has roots in Alaska. During the 1989-90 eruption of Redoubt Volcano near Anchorage, the Alaska Volcano Observatory determined that airlines needed a shorthand way of understanding threats posed by a restless or erupting volcano. So, USGS developed a simple, four-color scheme similar to a traffic light to convey the message.
“In this way, pilots, dispatchers and air traffic controllers would not need to sift through long text descriptions to evaluate their risk of flying near or downwind of a volcano: GREEN meant all clear; YELLOW meant the volcano is restless, be aware; ORANGE meant pay very close attention, the situation may be escalating or there may be volcanic ash up to about 25,000 feet above sea level; and RED meant danger, you may need to reroute or cancel the flight!
“What do these Volcano Alert Levels and Aviation Color Codes mean, and how does HVO decide to change them?
“The USGS Aviation Color Code system has roots in Alaska. During the 1989-90 eruption of Redoubt Volcano near Anchorage, the Alaska Volcano Observatory determined that airlines needed a shorthand way of understanding threats posed by a restless or erupting volcano. So, USGS developed a simple, four-color scheme similar to a traffic light to convey the message.
“In this way, pilots, dispatchers and air traffic controllers would not need to sift through long text descriptions to evaluate their risk of flying near or downwind of a volcano: GREEN meant all clear; YELLOW meant the volcano is restless, be aware; ORANGE meant pay very close attention, the situation may be escalating or there may be volcanic ash up to about 25,000 feet above sea level; and RED meant danger, you may need to reroute or cancel the flight!
“For a number of years, this color code system was only used in Alaska where each year one or two eruptions send potentially dangerous ash into trans-Pacific jet flight routes.
“Then, in 2006, the U.S. Geological Survey’s five volcano observatories adopted a single system of communicating volcanic threats across the nation. As part of this unified approach, USGS added the terms NORMAL, ADVISORY, WATCH and WARNING to reflect the danger primarily to people and infrastructure on the ground. These Volcano Alert Level terms were chosen in part to mirror those used by NOAA’s National Weather Service for severe storms and flood.
“Most often, the Volcano Alert Level and Aviation Color Codes terms move together. Thus, the two-word USGS Volcanic Activity Alert Notification System — for example, ADVISORY/YELLOW — came to be.
“Assigning alert levels and color codes requires that we can measure the activity level of a volcano — from quiet to full-bore eruption. This, in turn, requires that the volcano be monitored around the clock with seismometers, cameras, satellites and other instruments that can detect signs of magma moving underground or lava and ash actively erupting. With such infrastructure in place, we can, over time, define a background state of typical activity (NORMAL/GREEN) so that sustained departures from background are caught in the act (YELLOW/ADVISORY).
“Alert level changes are announced in a USGS Volcanic Activity Notice which explains the reasoning and what to expect next with as much precision as possible. As has been the case for Kilauea, sometimes the alert level designation stays the same for many years. For other volcanoes with different styles of eruption, changes may occur quite often.
“While the decisions to change Volcano Alert Levels and Aviation Color Codes may seem a bit mysterious, any ambiguity or inconsistency reflects the fact that we still have much to learn about how volcanoes work. Not every eruption, even at our well-studied Hawaiian volcanoes, follows exactly the same pattern. Each episode of unrest and eruption —or unrest without eruption — adds to a growing body of knowledge that helps scientists to issue more accurate warnings.
“In summary, the USGS Volcanic Activity Alert-Notification System communicates the degree and, in some cases, the time frame of a particular volcanic threat. With this information, public safety and emergency managers, individuals and families and businesses can take appropriate and timely steps to keep our communities safe.”
“Most often, the Volcano Alert Level and Aviation Color Codes terms move together. Thus, the two-word USGS Volcanic Activity Alert Notification System — for example, ADVISORY/YELLOW — came to be.
“Assigning alert levels and color codes requires that we can measure the activity level of a volcano — from quiet to full-bore eruption. This, in turn, requires that the volcano be monitored around the clock with seismometers, cameras, satellites and other instruments that can detect signs of magma moving underground or lava and ash actively erupting. With such infrastructure in place, we can, over time, define a background state of typical activity (NORMAL/GREEN) so that sustained departures from background are caught in the act (YELLOW/ADVISORY).
“Alert level changes are announced in a USGS Volcanic Activity Notice which explains the reasoning and what to expect next with as much precision as possible. As has been the case for Kilauea, sometimes the alert level designation stays the same for many years. For other volcanoes with different styles of eruption, changes may occur quite often.
“While the decisions to change Volcano Alert Levels and Aviation Color Codes may seem a bit mysterious, any ambiguity or inconsistency reflects the fact that we still have much to learn about how volcanoes work. Not every eruption, even at our well-studied Hawaiian volcanoes, follows exactly the same pattern. Each episode of unrest and eruption —or unrest without eruption — adds to a growing body of knowledge that helps scientists to issue more accurate warnings.
“In summary, the USGS Volcanic Activity Alert-Notification System communicates the degree and, in some cases, the time frame of a particular volcanic threat. With this information, public safety and emergency managers, individuals and families and businesses can take appropriate and timely steps to keep our communities safe.”
See hvo.wr.usgs.gov/volcanowatch.
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KA`U HIGH SENIOR EVAN MANOHA scored one for the team in the fourth quarter of Senior Night’s losing battle hosting Kohala. He also added two points on the conversion, making the final score 8-30. Other seniors honored yesterday were Kamaehu DeRamos, John Kaawa-Kaluau, Isaac Kailiawa, Evan Manoha, Trieson Pascubilio, Duane Santiago, Kalamakoa Waiwaiole and Gregory Ysawa.
Teammates wore yellow ribbons in memory of senior Kobie Biving. The Trojans also signed a Number 21 jersey – his Pop Warner number – for his parents.
The Trojans host Pahoa Thursday, Oct. 1 at 6 p.m.
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HAWAI`I VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK invites everyone to volunteer and help protect the native Hawaiian rainforest on National Public Lands Day this Saturday, Sept. 26. Everyone gets in for free, and volunteers will receive a free pass to use on another day of their choosing.
In honor of National Public Lands Day, the largest single-day volunteer effort for public lands in the United States, the park is offering the Stewardship at the Summit program from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Participants meet volunteers Paul and Jane Field at Kilauea Visitor Center, then head into the forest to remove Himalayan ginger from the summit of Kilauea.
While pretty and fragrant, Himalayan (also called kahili) ginger is one of the most invasive plants in the park and on earth. It is listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature as one of the 100 World’s Worst Invasive Alien Species. The park strives to protect the rainforest habitat of native birds and plants, but Himalayan ginger takes over the native rainforest understory, making it impossible for the next generation of forest to grow, and it crowds out many native plants, including pa`iniu (a Hawaiian lily), `ama`u fern and others. Wear sturdy, closed-toe shoes and long pants. Bring a hat, sunscreen, raingear, snacks, and water. Loppers/gloves are provided. No advance registration required.
For more information, see nps.gov/havo or call 985-6011.
For more information, see volcanoartcenter.org.
KA`U COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN Steering Committee meeting originally scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 22 to make final recommendations for CDP revisions and adoption has been moved to Tuesday, Oct. 27 due to addition of another meeting on Thursday, Sept. 24, at 5:30 p.m. at Pahala Community Center. The focus then will be on the shoreline setback policy, the land use policy map and “easy fixes” to the Draft CDP. The meeting is open to the community, and public testimony is welcome.
See kaucdp.info for more.
See kaucalendar.com/KauCalendar_September2015.pdf. |

See kaucalendar.com/Directory2015.swf and kaucalendar.com/Directory2015.pdf. |