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Friday, August 30, 2024

Kaʻū News Briefs Aug. 29, 2024

The Kaʻū Coast is one of the favorite places for aquarium collectors to catch longnose butterfly fish.
Photo from Honolulu Aquarium
THE EFFORT TO BAN AQUARIUM FISH COLLECTING, with the Kaupiko family of Miloli'i as lead plaintiffs to stop the practice, met an obstacle on Thursday. In a four-one decision, Hawai'i Supreme Court ruled that the pet industry's environmental review of commercial aquarium fish collection in West Hawai‘i is legally adequate today. The ruling means the state Board of Land & Natural Resources may proceed with considering permits to reopen nearly the entire West Hawai‘i coastline to commercial aquarium collection, which has historically stripped hundreds of thousands of native fish from Hawai‘i’s reefs each year.
Achilles tang are often collected for the aquarium trade.
Photo from Waikiki Aquarium
    The Court’s ruling in Kaupiko v. BLNR effectively ends a de facto ban on commercial collection that has been in place since an earlier Supreme Court decision in 2017 mandated public disclosure and analysis of the aquarium pet trade’s effects.
    Willie Kaupiko, Ka‘imi Kaupiko, Mike Nakachi, For the Fishes, the Center for Biological Diversity, and Kai Palaoa, represented by Earthjustice, filed suit in 2021 to enforce Hawai‘i’s environmental review laws after a Board tie vote resulted in default approval of the aquarium pet trade’s second impact statement for West Hawai‘i. The Board had previously rejected the trade’s first attempt at an impact statement by a unanimous vote in 2020. The Supreme Court’s ruling today upholds the trade’s second impact statement.
Moorish idols, very popular in the aquarium trade.
 Photo by Zanclus Cornutus
An aquarium collector takes fish from a reef in Hawai`i. Photo by Brooke Everett
  Ka'imi Kaupiko said, “We believe in the power of the government to work together with our communities to find long-term and pono solutions for our fishery management issues,” said Ka‘imi Kaupiko. He has also advocated successfully alongside his neighbors and family to establish a community-based subsistence fishery area fronting their village in 2022. “But with the court’s decision approving this impact statement, how can we ever be sure that these processes work for the people of Hawai‘i and our future generations?”    In addition to challenging the industry’s impact statement in court, several of the Kaupiko plaintiffs joined with others across Hawai‘i last year to request that the Board ban commercial aquarium collection statewide through regulations. The Board unanimously approved the request last December but has not yet begun its formal public rule-making process.
    “We are very concerned that today’s ruling will open the floodgates to destructive levels of commercial aquarium harvesting in Hawai‘i’s waters,” said Rene Umberger, Executive Director of For the Fishes. “Removing fish from our reefs, which face a host of other dangers from pollution to climate change, threatens the delicate ecology that depends on these aquatic species. It’s disappointing that the court is upholding an insufficient environmental impact statement that fails to disclose and mitigate against known environmental consequences of this industry.”
    For decades, commercial aquarium fish collectors targeted West Hawai‘i’s vibrant waters for small reef fish, packaging the live fish in plastic bags for export to aquarium fish wholesalers and retailers across the continental United States. The court’s approval of the industry’s second impact statement effectively allows the Board to resume issuing permits for commercial collection in West Hawai‘i.
    “The court’s decision paves the way for the Board to make management decisions based on incomplete and faulty information, which undermines the purpose of Hawai‘i’s environmental review laws and the Board’s public trust obligations,” said Earthjustice attorney Mahesh Cleveland. “We are disappointed by the decision but stand ready to make our case to the Board that the industry’s plans for reopening collection in West Hawai‘i are deeply flawed, and that permits must be denied.”
Kole tang are prized traditional Hawaiian food. The fish suffers 
widespread aquarium collection in the state. Photo by Victoria Martocci
    Meanwhile, DLNR has continued to push forward with commercial collection permitting. Last Friday, the Board was poised to approve terms and conditions for eventual permits, but the Board’s decision was contested by West Hawai‘i community members, effectively halting any Board decision on permits until the contested proceeding is resolved. The public provided overwhelming testimony against the permitting proposal, and the Board will ultimately decide, after further public input, whether to grant or deny the community’s contested case request and any permits.
    “Ending this collection ban leaves Hawai‘i’s delicate reef fish completely exposed to the dangerous whims of a pet industry that couldn’t care less about their wellbeing,” said Maxx Phillips, Hawai‘i director and attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity. “This decision jeopardizes the fragile balance of our reef ecosystems. We’ll keep fighting these permits and working to make sure that Hawai‘i’s marine wildlife is protected for future generations.”

To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see facebook.com/kaucalendar. See upcoming events, print edition and archive at kaunews.com. Support this news service with advertising at kaunews.com. 7,500 copies in the mail and on stands.

KAʻŪ LADIES VOLLEYBALL CONTINUED ITS WINNING STREAK TO THREE STRAIGHT GAMES. On Thursday, the Trojans bested Ka 'Umeke School in Hilo, in three sets, 25-10, 25-12 and 25-14.
    McKenzie Dacoito came up with 6 Kills and 6 Aces. Jezerie Rose Nurial-Dacalio pounded 5 Kills and made 1 Block. Zia Rae Wroblewski earned 4 Kills and 1Ace. Leahi Kaupu scored 3 Kills and 4 Aces. Jazmyn Navarro posted 3 kills and 3 aces. Kiara Ortega-Oliveira totaled 2 aces. CaLiyah Silva-Kamei earned an ace.

To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see facebook.com/kaucalendar. See upcoming events, print edition and archive at kaunews.com. Support this news service with advertising at kaunews.com. 7,500 copies in the mail and on stands.

    Summit Observations: Approximately 20 earthquakes were detected beneath Kaluapele (Kīlauea’s summit caldera) over the past 24 hours at depths of 1–3 km (0.6–1.9 mi) below the ground surface, most with magnitudes of less than M2.0. Rates of deformation at the summit remained relatively low, with deflationary tilt at summit tiltmeters over the past day. An overall gradual inflationary trend continues to be seen on GPS instruments around the summit region. The most recent measurement of the summit’s SO2 emission rate was approximately 75 tonnes per day on August 20, 2024.

Top illustration shows number of earthquakes per day during the past week via the blue bars. The red line is the cumulative moment (energy) release. The bottom illustration shows depth of earthquakes during the past week in the area shown on the map above. Depth is reported relative to sea level, which is equal to a depth of zero on the above plot. On both figures, circle-size represents magnitude, and color indicates depth. USGS graphs

     Rift Zone Observations: Over the past 24 hours, there have been approximately 44 earthquakes beneath Kīlauea’s UERZ region, extending from Puhimau Crater southeast to Maunaulu. Most earthquakes have been smaller than M2.0. Events have remained at depths of 1–3 km (0.6–1.8 miles) beneath the surface. Currently, deformation remains stable over the past 24 hours.Activity in the middle East Rift Zone (MERZ) remains low. There were no significant changes in the POC tiltmeter over the past day. GPS instruments continue to record inflation in the region.
    Measurements from continuous gas monitoring stations downwind of Puʻuʻōʻō in the middle East Rift Zone—the site of 1983–2018 eruptive activity—remain below detection limits for SO2, indicating that SO2 emissions from this area are negligible.
    At this time, there is no evidence of elevated seismicity or ground deformation beneath the lower East Rift Zone, and Southwest Rift Zone activity remains low. Current activity is restricted to the summit and upper East Rift Zone region. Analysis: UERZ unrest since 8/20/24 may represent another pulse of magma being supplied to the UERZ, following the intrusive event that occurred near Pauahi Crater over July 22–25, 2024. Currently, the MERZ has not shown signs of increased unrest; however, magma has recently re-established a path to Kīlauea’s MERZ. Unrest could potentially extend to the MERZ with continued magma supply.

To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see facebook.com/kaucalendar. See upcoming events, print edition and archive at kaunews.com. Support this news service with advertising at kaunews.com. 7,500 copies in the mail and on stands.