Leon Chow and Merle Becker represent Ka`u ranching and farming at Ka`u Plantation Days parade last October. This year's event is organizing for Oct. 11. Photo by Julia Neal |
According to a legal notice posted in Hawai`i Tribune-Herald in July, the county will provide stewardship grants-in-aid for public safety, maintenance and preservation of the land acquired through the county Public Access, Open Space & Natural Resources Preservation Fund.
Some 800 acres on Kawa Bay were purchased for the county using county, state and federal money for preservation of wildlife and natural resources as well as open space for the public. Some of the money came from a fund created by two percent of property taxes collected by the county.
Pu`eo McGuire describes surfing at Kawa as a Hawaiian cultural activity. Photo by Julia Neal |
A similar relationship to manage open space is arranged between the County of Hawai`i and Ka `Ohana O Honu`apo.
Several local organizations have discussed joining a team to manage Kawa, including Pu`eo McGuire and Na Mamo O Kawa, which met with members of families associated with Kawa in an attempt to become a liaison between the county and local interest groups. McGuire said last year that “we want to see what they want done, how they want to see Kawa managed. He said he and other members of the new organization are talking with “the families, the young, the recreational users and surfers.” McGuire talked about surfing at Kawa as more than recreation. “It is not like we are out there playing. It is a spiritual activity. It is a Native Hawaiian cultural activity that we do down there.” He and member Lui Sales said that in addition to the families, the group would talk with Karen Teshima and other representatives of Kawa as the planning goes forward.
The county recently conducted an archaeological survey of Kawa finding numerous historic sites.
According to the county, only 501(c)(3) organizations or an organization that operates under the umbrella of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit shall be considered for a stewardship grant.
In addition to the grant application, the applicant must submit a detailed business plan for the project along with a signed agreement to file a written report on what has been accomplished and how the money was spent within one year after receipt of funds.
In addition to the grant application, the applicant must submit a detailed business plan for the project along with a signed agreement to file a written report on what has been accomplished and how the money was spent within one year after receipt of funds.
Applications are available online at hawaiicounty.gov, selecting Boards & Commissions from the bottom left side and Public Access, Open Space and Natural Resources Preservation Commission. Hard copies are available at the Parks & Recreation office in Aupuni Center at 101 Pauahi Street, Suite 6 in Hilo. Deadline to submit proposals is Friday, Aug. 29 at 4:30 p.m. Contact Jason Armstrong at 961-8311 with questions.
For more information and to participate with booths and entertainment, contact chair Darlyne Vierra at 640-8740. Sponsors are Ka`u Multicultural Society, `O Ka`u Kakou and Pahala Plantation Cottages.
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Vice Principal Wilma Roddy |
KA`U HIGH & PAHALA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL has announced job openings for the fall semester. The school would like to hire paraprofessional tutors for 19 hours a week with pay of $13.34 an hour. They would serve as academic tutors within the classroom, supporting students mainly in math and language arts.
The school would like to hire one part-time teacher for 17 hours a week with pay of $22.34 an hour. The teacher will provide direct instruction in math intervention skills for middle and high school math courses. The teacher would design intervention lessons based on Common Core standards as well as use computer-based programs to support learning.
The public school is also looking for classroom substitutes and substitutes for educational assistants and adult supervisor positions.
Those with experience in working with students and who enjoy working with kids can stop by Ka`u High & Pahala Elementary School’s main office to fill out an application, for an interview by an administrator and a background check.
For more information, call Vice Principal Wilma Roddy at 313-4112.
The school would like to hire one part-time teacher for 17 hours a week with pay of $22.34 an hour. The teacher will provide direct instruction in math intervention skills for middle and high school math courses. The teacher would design intervention lessons based on Common Core standards as well as use computer-based programs to support learning.
The public school is also looking for classroom substitutes and substitutes for educational assistants and adult supervisor positions.
Those with experience in working with students and who enjoy working with kids can stop by Ka`u High & Pahala Elementary School’s main office to fill out an application, for an interview by an administrator and a background check.
For more information, call Vice Principal Wilma Roddy at 313-4112.
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KA`U PLANTATION DAYS, SET FOR SATURDAY, Oct. 11 at Pahala Plantation Manager’s House, will hold planning meetings on Mondays, Aug. 11, Sept. 8, Sept. 22 and Oct. 6 at Pahala Community Center. The theme is Sweet Memories and will include a parade in Pahala with pa`u riders and representatives of farms, ranches and community groups.
For more information and to participate with booths and entertainment, contact chair Darlyne Vierra at 640-8740. Sponsors are Ka`u Multicultural Society, `O Ka`u Kakou and Pahala Plantation Cottages.
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Mayor Billy Kenoi participates in Volcano Rain Forest Runs. This year's runs are three weeks from tomorrow. Photo from Sharron Faff |
REGISTRATION IS STILL AVAILABLE FOR VOLCANO RAIN FOREST RUNS on Saturday, Aug. 16. The Half Marathon begins at 7 a.m., followed by the 10K at 7:45 a.m. and the 5K at 8 a.m. All runs start and finish at Cooper Center on Wright Road.
Packet pick-up and late registration is Friday, Aug. 15 at Volcano Art Center’s Niaulani Campus in Volcano Village from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cooper Center will be having a Dine & Dash Pasta Buffet on Friday evening from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., all inclusive for $15.
Participants in 10K and 5K can register race morning at Cooper Center until 7:30 a.m. T-shirts are not guaranteed for late registrations. There is no race day registration for the Half Marathon.
Keiki ages 1 – 7 can register for the free 100- or 200-yard dashes on race morning until 9:30 a.m. The Keiki runs, sponsored by Kilauea Lodge, begin at 10 a.m. All entrants receive a ribbon and other goodies after coming through the finish line.
Volcano Rotary Club serves an $8 BBQ Grill Lunch on race day from 9 a.m. Other activities include face painting, balloon animals with the Hiccup Circus to delight the children and craft and other booths for everyone’s enjoyment.
Cooper Center will be having a Dine & Dash Pasta Buffet on Friday evening from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., all inclusive for $15.
Participants in 10K and 5K can register race morning at Cooper Center until 7:30 a.m. T-shirts are not guaranteed for late registrations. There is no race day registration for the Half Marathon.
Keiki ages 1 – 7 can register for the free 100- or 200-yard dashes on race morning until 9:30 a.m. The Keiki runs, sponsored by Kilauea Lodge, begin at 10 a.m. All entrants receive a ribbon and other goodies after coming through the finish line.
Volcano Rotary Club serves an $8 BBQ Grill Lunch on race day from 9 a.m. Other activities include face painting, balloon animals with the Hiccup Circus to delight the children and craft and other booths for everyone’s enjoyment.
“Parking is limited within Volcano Village so come early and carpool, please,” said Race Director Sharron Faff. There are parking lots located at Volcano Store, Thai Thai Restaurant and Volcano Garden Arts. All parking lots are located on Old Volcano Road and within walking distance of Cooper Center.
Please check the Notice to Motorists information found in this newspaper for road closures on race morning.
“Everyone please use caution throughout the village during the race morning to insure the safety of all participants, volunteers and spectators,” Faff said. “A big mahalo goes out to everyone involved in this fifth annual community event.”
“Everyone please use caution throughout the village during the race morning to insure the safety of all participants, volunteers and spectators,” Faff said. “A big mahalo goes out to everyone involved in this fifth annual community event.”
All participants are responsible for knowing their race route. For more information, maps, FAQs, registration and volunteering, see volcanorainforestruns.com, or call 967-8240.
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KA`U SUMMER BASKETBALL LEAGUE PLAYS EVERY WEEK on Mondays and Wednesdays at Pahala High School gym. Seven men’s teams started the round robin play on Monday, July 23 and will continue until all teams have played one another. While the men’s teams are set, women’s teams are invited to organize. Play is expected to run into September.
Call Elijah Navarro at 430-9461.
Call Elijah Navarro at 430-9461.
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COOPER CENTER IS THE VENUE for Volcano Rotary Club’s forum featuring County Council District Six candidates tomorrow at 8 a.m. Candidates on the primary election ballot for Aug. 9 are Richard Abbett, Maile Medeiros David and Jim Wilson.
HAWAI`I CENTER FOR FOOD SAFETY IS BRINGING speakers to Ka`u this Sunday. Filipino leaders Dr. Romeo Quijano and Gilbert Sape speak with farmers, farm workers and others at 6 p.m. at Pahala Community Center. A potluck begins at 5 p.m.
For more information, contact Kasha Ho at 808-681-7688 or kho@centerforfoodsafety.org.
KA`U RESIDENTS CAN MEET GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE David Ige this Monday, July 28 for a talk story session at the Pahala home of Marion Villanueva at 4 p.m. The address is 96-1174 Holei Street, on the corner of Pikake Street. Ige, Finance chair of the state Senate, is challenging sitting governor Neil Abercrombie for the Democratic Party nomination in the Aug. 9 primary election.

HAWAI`I CENTER FOR FOOD SAFETY IS BRINGING speakers to Ka`u this Sunday. Filipino leaders Dr. Romeo Quijano and Gilbert Sape speak with farmers, farm workers and others at 6 p.m. at Pahala Community Center. A potluck begins at 5 p.m.
For more information, contact Kasha Ho at 808-681-7688 or kho@centerforfoodsafety.org.
KA`U RESIDENTS CAN MEET GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE David Ige this Monday, July 28 for a talk story session at the Pahala home of Marion Villanueva at 4 p.m. The address is 96-1174 Holei Street, on the corner of Pikake Street. Ige, Finance chair of the state Senate, is challenging sitting governor Neil Abercrombie for the Democratic Party nomination in the Aug. 9 primary election.
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See kaucalendar.com/Directory2014.swf. |