HIGHWAY 11 IS DAMAGED, A SINK HOLE OPENING IN THE KONA LANE NEAR VOLCANO GOLF COURSE, a part of the highway overseen by Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. According to Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park's Facebook, "HWY 11 has a deep 5 foot diameter hole in the Kona bound lane near the golf course
intersection. Our rangers are on site directing traffic. Drive carefully, expect delays, and one lane open until repairs can be made."
The Park and Hawaiʻi County Civil Defense will provide updates as conditions change. The area has been rocked by many earthquakes each day, as Halemaʻumaʻu Crater collapses, her lava lake gone.
LOWER SO2 LEVELS FROM HALEMAʻUMAʻU MAY MEAN LONG-TERM CLEARER AIR for Hawaiʻi Island, especially Kaʻū into Kona. Kyle Anderson, a research geophysicist with USGS, stated today, July 5, that SO2 levels at the summit “remain very low. In fact, they’re not comparable to levels last seen before the appearance of the summit lava lake back in 2008.” Recent events atKīlauea summit send “very weak dust plumes” into the air. The pattern of the crater walls collapsing creates localized, about 5.3-magnitude earthquakes - about once a day.
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A sinkhole opened up on Hwy 11 today, taking the road down to one lane. NPS photo |
The Park and Hawaiʻi County Civil Defense will provide updates as conditions change. The area has been rocked by many earthquakes each day, as Halemaʻumaʻu Crater collapses, her lava lake gone.
LOWER SO2 LEVELS FROM HALEMAʻUMAʻU MAY MEAN LONG-TERM CLEARER AIR for Hawaiʻi Island, especially Kaʻū into Kona. Kyle Anderson, a research geophysicist with USGS, stated today, July 5, that SO2 levels at the summit “remain very low. In fact, they’re not comparable to levels last seen before the appearance of the summit lava lake back in 2008.” Recent events at
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Halemaʻumaʻu Crater's photogenic lava lake and constant plume are no more, which could make air cleaner in Kaʻū than in the last decade. Photo from National Park Service/Janice Wei, May 7, 2018. |
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“During his time in office, Scott Pruitt exemplified the toxic mixture of corruption and hostility to government we’ve come to expect from the Trump administration. I joined 38 other Democratic Senators in calling for his resignation in April, and I certainly welcome his long-overdue resignation today.
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EPA Director Scott Pruitt resigned today. |
Sen. Mazie Hirono welcomed the EPA Director's resignation. |
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PENNING BILLS AT THE STATE CAPITOL today, Gov. David Ige signed the following into law:
Rights of Children in Foster Care: Replaces the guiding principles for children in foster care under the Child Protective Act with current and additional rights.
In supportive testimony, the state Department of Labor & Industrial Relations wrote: "Foster youth who age out of the foster care system as working age adults are a vulnerable group with a high risk for homelessness, substance abuse, and mental health issues. While in foster care, they are subject to greater court supervision, more school changes, and strict limitations on social activities, which adversely affect their preparedness for work or post-secondary education.
Lady Liberty lifts the torch of freedom during the Volcano Community Association's July 4 parade on Wednesday. Photo by Janice Wei |
Youth Commission: Establishes a youth commission within the state Office of Youth Services to advise the Governor and Legislature on the effects of legislative policies, needs, assessments, priorities, programs, and budgets relating to youth. Appropriates funds.
Gov. Ige plans to sign the following bills into law on Thursday at the State Capitol:
Mental Health: Provides designated family members and other interested persons with notice when an individual with a mental health emergency is subject to certain procedures and actions. Provides designated family members and other interested persons with the right to be present for the individual's hearings and receive a copy of the hearing transcript or recording unless the court determines otherwise. Requires a court to adjourn or continue a hearing for failure to timely notify a person entitled to be notified or for failure by the individual to contact an attorney, with certain exceptions.
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias: Requires the Executive Office on Aging to biennially update the state plan on Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, include an implementation work plan for each goal in the state plan, and include information on progress made toward the goals of the state plan on Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in its annual report to the legislature.
See more bills to be signed tomorrow in Friday's Kaʻū News Briefs.
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Miss Kaʻū Coffee Reishalyn Kekoa Jara and Miss Peaberry Jacylin Kekoa Jara in the Volcano July 4 parade. Photo by Trini Marques |
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FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE ACRES OF NEW LAND added to the island, is the latest estimate, according to Paul Laustsen of USGS. Lava flowing in a river from Fissure 8 creates the lava delta when it enters the ocean in lower Puna. The lava is taking out more homes and only two were left in Kapoho Beach Lots earlier today.
FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE ACRES OF NEW LAND added to the island, is the latest estimate, according to Paul Laustsen of USGS. Lava flowing in a river from Fissure 8 creates the lava delta when it enters the ocean in lower Puna. The lava is taking out more homes and only two were left in Kapoho Beach Lots earlier today.
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Miss Kaʻū Coffee Flower Kysha Kaʻupu-Manini in the July 4 parade in Volcano. Photo by Trini Marques |
Drone overflights in the early morning and a later morning helicopter overflight today found an increase in lava flow rate at Beach Lots.
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for Hawaiʻi Island through the next several days. Bob Burke, meteorologist with
the National Weather Service, reported today, July 5, that through the weekend and into the
beginning of next week, stronger trade winds should be showing up. Showers should
also be showing up, for windward mauka areas.
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Spaghetti Dinner, Fri, July 6, 5:30pm , St. Jude’s Episcopal Church, Ocean View. Single plate, $8, 2 for $15, family for $20. Tickets available at door. 939-7555, stjudeshawaii.org
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See public Ka‘ū events, meetings, entertainment.
Print edition of The Ka‘ū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Ka‘ū, from Miloli‘i through Volcano, and free on
Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund Pā‘ula Cleanup Event w/Ala Kahakai Trails Association and friends, Sat, July 7. Contact in advance for meet up time at Wai‘ōhinu Park . Pending volcanic activity/air quality. Space limited. Free; donations appreciated. kahakai.cleanups@gmail.com, wildhawaii.org
Palm Trail, Sat and Sun, July 7 and 29, 9:30-12:30pm, Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Moderately difficult, 2.6-mile loop traverses scenic pastures along an ancient cinder cone, with some of the best panoramic views Kahuku has to offer. nps.gov/HAVO
Art in the Everyday Community Quilt Project - Assembly Workshop, Sat, July 7, 10-4pm , Volcano Art Center ’s Ni‘aulani Campus, Volcano Village . Visiting Artist Laura Phelps Rogers leads project, with more to come throughout year. A social engagement public work, in which Rogers hopes to construct monumental sculptural quilt built of round wood 5” pieces - each blank and designed by community participants. Pick up blank piece and packet at Volcano Art Center ’s Administration Office or at Wailoa Art Center . $10 donation. 967-8222, volcanoartcenter.org
CANCELLED: Two Day Oil Painting Workshop w/Vicki Penney-Rohner, Sat-Sun, July 7-8, 10-4pm , Volcano Art Center ’s Ni‘aulani Campus, Volcano Village . Beginners and Intermediate students welcome. Learn to create form using values and light. Class also explores painting water. $90/VAC Member, $100/non-Member. See volcanoartcenter.org for list of supplies needed.
‘Ōhi‘a Lehua, Sun, July 8, 9:30-11am, Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Learn about vital role of ‘ōhi‘a lehua in native Hawaiian forests, and many forms of ‘ōhi‘a tree and its flower, on this free, easy, one-mile walk. nps.gov/HAVO
Hawai‘i County Council Meetings, Tue/Wed, July 10(Committees)/11 (Council), Hilo , Tue/Wed, July 24 (Committees)/25 (Council), Kona. Ka‘ū residents can participate via videoconferencing at Nā‘ālehu State Office Building . Agendas at hawaiicounty.gov
C.E.R.T. Discovery Harbour/Nā‘ālehu, Tue, July 10, 4-6pm , Discovery Harbour Community Hall. Public invited to see what Community Emergency Response Team is about, and participate in training scenarios. Dina Shisler, dinashisler24@yahoo.com, 410-935-8087
The Wonderful World of Wine and Watercolor, Tue, July 10, 4-7pm , Volcano Art Center ’s Ni‘aulani Campus, Volcano Village . Learn how to transfer a photo onto watercolor paper through basic techniques. $30/VAC Member, $35/non-Member, plus $17 supply fee. 967-8222, volcanoartcenter.org
Story Time with Auntie Linda from Tūtū and Me, Thu, July 12, 10:30 -noon , Nā‘ālehu Public Library. 929-8571
Thursday Night at the Center - Witnesses in Words: The Literature of Kīlauea, Thu, July 12, 7-8pm , Volcano Art Center ’s Ni‘aulani Campus, Volcano Village . A reenactment of first Western visitors to Kīlauea and their perspectives: William Ellis, Titus Coan, Mark Twain and Isabella Bird. Free; $5 donation suggested. 967-8222, volcanoartcenter.org
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
5th annual Ka‘ū Coffee Trail Run registration open. Race day Sat, Sept 22, 7 a.m. ; begins and ends at Ka‘ū Coffee Mill. Register online before Mon, July 9: 5K, $25/person; 10K, $35/person; and 1/2 Marathon , $45/person. From July 9 to Aug 11: $30/person, $40/person, and $45/person, respectively. From Aug 13 to Sept 20: $35/person, $45/person, and $55/person. Race day registration ends Sat, Sept 22, at 6:30 a.m. Event organizers, ‘O Ka‘ū Kākou; start location, Ka‘ū Coffee Mill.
Libraries Rock Summer Reading Program: Hawai‘i State Public Library System, through Saturday, July 14, statewide and online. Register and log reading at librarieshawaii.beanstack.org or at a local library. Free. Reading rewards, activities, and programs for children, teens, and adults. 2018 participants have a chance to win a Roundtrip for four to anywhere Alaska Airlines flies.
Paid Intern sought by The Nature Conservancy, to work from October 2018 through August 2019 with their Hawai‘i Island Terrestrial Program, which has native forest preserves located in Ka‘ū and South Kona.
Volcano Art Center ’s Ni‘aulani Campus
Mokupāpapa Discovery Center
Libraries Rock Summer Reading Program: Hawai‘i State Public Library System, through Saturday, July 14, statewide and online. Register and log reading at librarieshawaii.beanstack.org or at a local library. Free. Reading rewards, activities, and programs for children, teens, and adults. 2018 participants have a chance to win a Roundtrip for four to anywhere Alaska Airlines flies.
Paid Intern sought by The Nature Conservancy, to work from October 2018 through August 2019 with their Hawai‘i Island Terrestrial Program, which has native forest preserves located in Ka‘ū and South Kona.
Benefits offered include: a $1,600 monthly living allowance (before taxes); a $5,920 education award towards higher education; health care and childcare benefits (if eligible); and receive an entry-level conservation career experience.
Applicants must be at least 17 years old by the program start date, October 2018, and possess or be working towards a high school diploma or equivalent. Applications must also have their own housing and transportation, a drivers license, and be able to pass a criminal history check.
The internship is offered through Kupu Hawai‘i. Those interested are asked to fill out an online application at kupuhawaii.org under Conservation Leaders Program as soon as possible, as spaces are limited; http://www.kupuhawaii.org/conservation/. For more, call The Nature Conservancy at 443-5401 or call Kupu Hawai‘i at 808-735-1221.
Disaster Recovery Center, jointly operated by Hawaiʻi County, the State of Hawaiʻi , and FEMA, is open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Keaʻau High School Gym. Buses run from 7:30 a.m. and 9 p.m. to and from Keaʻau Armory every 20 minutes and Pāhoa Community Center Shelter every hour. See the full bus schedule on the Civil Defense Website at HawaiiCounty.gov/Active-Alerts. For a list of the information applicants need to bring to the DRC, or to register online, go to DisasterAssistance.gov.
Find Your Park, invites Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. Kamaʻaina and tourist alike are encouraged to experience authentic Hawaiian cultural programs, guided hikes, After Dark events, and more from Ka‘ū to Volcano to Hilo. “While Kīlauea continues to shake the ground and blast ash from its ever-changing summit crater – causing the partial closure of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park on May 11 – park rangers continue to enlighten and engage visitors from other locations,” says a release from HVNP staff.
Rangers offer new and familiar programs – free of charge, with no entry fees – for visitors at the park’s Kahuku Unit, Volcano Art Center’s Ni‘aulani Campus, the Mokupāpapa Discovery Center in Hilo, and at the Grand Naniloa Hotel in downtown Hilo.
Kahuku Unit
In addition to regularly scheduled Guided Hikes and the monthly Coffee Talk, Kahuku Unit has added daily Ranger Talks, and cultural demonstrations and activities on weekends.
Visitor Contact Station hosts Ike Hana Noe ʻAu, Cultural Demonstrations and Activities, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday, made possible by Hawaiʻi Pacific Parks Association. Sat, July 7: Lau Hala Weaving. One of the most beautiful Hawaiian fiber crafts, the leaves of the hau tree (pandanus) are woven into useful and decorative purposes. Sun, July 8: ‘Ohe Kāpala. Make your mark, and learn to create bamboo stamps with traditional and modern Hawaiian designs.
Visitor Contact Station hosts Ranger Talks on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. ; Saturday and Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Guided Hikes begin at 9:30 a.m. every Saturday and Sunday in June and July. Meet the ranger at the welcome tent. Palm Trail, Saturday, July 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Ōhi‘a Lehua, Sunday, July 8 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Kahuku events are posted to the park website, nps.gov/havo/planyourvisit/kahuku-hikes.htm.
You can also find your park rangers in Volcano at the Volcano Art Center ’s Ni‘aulani Campus at 19-4074 Old Volcano Rd. , in Volcano Village . Rangers are there most days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to provide talks and answer questions about the current eruption.
The return of After Dark …near the park at the Volcano Art Center ’s Ni‘aulani Campus. TBA
Find you park rangers at Mokupāpapa Discovery Center in downtown Hilo, Monday through Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rangers provide daily eruption updates, and at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., give a talk about all five of Hawai‘i Island’s volcanoes – including Kīlauea. Get your NPS Passport Book stamped. Located at 76 Kamehameha Ave. , Hilo . Please note, the Mokupāpapa Discovery Center will be closed on Wednesday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day.
Two Park Rangers are stationed at the Grand Naniloa Hotel in downtown Hilo , from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. , every Sunday and Monday, in the Willie K Crown Room - as long as nothing else is scheduled in the space. The rangers will be doing daily talks at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. about the eruption. They will show the park film that is normally available to visitors to see at the Kilauea Visitor’s Center at the Summit , Born of Fire, Born in the Sea, every half-hour beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Kona Vet Center visits to Ocean View Community Center are Suspended until further notice. Veterans may call 329-0574 for VA benefit information. ovcahi.org
Tūtū and Me Offers Home Visits to those with keiki zero to five years old: home visits to aid with helpful parenting tips and strategies, educational resources, and a compassionate listening ear. Home visits are free, last 1.5 hours, two to four times a month, for a total of 12 visits, and snacks are provided. For info and to register, call Linda Bong 464-9634.
St. Jude's Episcopal Church Calls For More Volunteers for the Saturday community outreach. Especially needed are cooks for the soup served to those in need, and organizers for the hot showers. "Volunteering for St. Jude's Saturday Shower and Soup ministry is an opportunity to serve God in a powerful way," states St. Jude's April newsletter. Volunteer by contacting Dave Breskin at 319-8333.
Volcano Forest Runs Registration Open through Friday, August 17, at 6 p.m. Half marathon $85, 10K $45, 5K $30. Registration increases August 1: half marathon to $95, 10K to $55, and 5K to $35. Race is run from Cooper Center on Wright Road in Volcano Village on Saturday, August 18.
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