caused by heavy rains. A Flash Flood Watch was issued by the National Weather
Service at 3 p.m. for the entire
state, to run 24 hours, starting at 6 p.m.
As of 8:15 p.m. , Hawaiʻi Police Department reports
that one lane is open on Hwy 11 between milemarkers 54 and 57, at Kāwā Flats. "Motorists
are advised to drive with caution tonight as heavy rains may result in water on
the roadways." Hwy 11 was closed in both directions for about an hour,
starting at 7 p.m.
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THE COMPANY PLANNING A 6.5 MEGAWATT SOLAR FARM IN OCEAN VIEW ON 26 HOUSE LOTS may face financial challenges. On Thursday, SPI Energy announced a Nov. 6 general meeting of shareholders to consider and pass a reverse stock split.
SPI Energy trades on Nasdaq, which requires shares to be worth at least $1 each. SPI Energy's shares have traded at less than $1 since January. According to Nasdaq Market Summary, SPI Energy's shares traded at $140 in January 2016, but fell to $18.90 by the end of 2016. In 2017, shares fell from $18 to $0.64. They hovered around the $1 mark in January 2018, but since traded below $1 and on Friday closed at 27 cents.
Five solar installations, each covering more than two acres, are planned
among sparsely separated homes in Ocean View. Photo by Annie Bosted
On Sept. 14, Nasdaq sent SPI Energy a Delisting Determination, stating, "trading of the Company's Ordinary Shares will be scheduled for delisting from Nasdaq at the opening of business on Sept. 20, 2018." SPI appealed the decision and the case goes before the Nasdaq board on Nov. 15.
If shareholders authorize a reverse stock split, or stock consolidation, on Nov. 6, then the number of shares held by each stockholder will decrease ten fold. At present each share has a par value of $0.00001. After a reverse stock split, ten ordinary shares would be consolidated into one ordinary share, with a par value of $0.0001.
Par value has no relation to market value of a stock. Corporations can issue stock with a low par value in order to avoid a liability to stockholders in the event that the stock price drops.
The Ocean View solar project was announced by Hawaiʻi Electric Light Co. and SPI in 2015, and HELCo applied to the state Public Utilities Commission for a permit to construct an overhead transmission line. The application was opposed by members of the Ocean View community during a meeting before the PUC, and in a petition signed by 650 people. Those opposing use of house lots in their neighborhood for solar farms said they want to protect their residential neighborhoods from industrialization. The project is slated for sites scattered throughout three residential subdivisions in Ocean View.
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SPI joined Nasdaq in 2016. Photo from PR Wire |
A formal complaint against the project was filed in 2016 by two Ranchos residents, alleging that SPI Energy was undercapitalized. They pointed out that SPI needed nearly two years to pay $2 million for a new substation - an obligation that required funding by the feed-in-tariff deadline of 2013.
They also argued that the FIT Program was misused to allow a large project "through the back door." They held that the delay in getting the project off the ground confounded the goals of the FIT program, namely the speedy introduction of renewable energy to the state. They also argued that - since the energy from the project would be a very high 23.8c per kWh - ratepayers on the Big Island would be adversely affected. Today, many solar projects provide power at around 11c per kWh.
Ocean View residents met in April 2017 to resist the plans to put industrial solar in the neighborhood. Photo by Annie Bosted |
This is not the first time that SPI Energy has employed a reverse stock split to avoid being delisted by Nasdaq. On June 30, 2017, SPI Energy received a delisting determination, which it appealed on July 7. It was heard Aug
10, 2017. On Oct. 25, 2017, the company called an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders for Nov. 6, 2017, in Hong Kong. On Nov. 7, SPI Energy announced a 10-for-1 share consolidation, whereby each "ten ordinary shares, par value of US$0.000001, be consolidated into one ordinary share, par value of US$0.00001."
On Nov. 29, 2017, the company announced that it had "regained compliance with the Nasdaq Listing Rule 5450(a)(1) with respect to the bid price of the Company's ordinary shares."
The company is also involved in mining bitcoin. Its operations began on March 29, 2018.
SPI Energy Co., Ltd. is a global provider of renewable energy solutions and crypto-miner hosting services for residential, commercial, and utility customers. The global company has operating headquarters in Hong Kong and Santa Clara, CA, and maintains operations in Asia, Europe, North America, and Australia.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
AMAZON SMILE BENEFITS LOCAL CHARITIES at 5 percent - for a limited time - when shoppers select a designated Smile charity. Normally, Amazon's Smile program donates .5 percent of purchases to the charity of the purchaser's choice, when they shop by starting at smile.amazon.com. Through Nov. 2, local charities like Kaʻū Rural Health Community Association, Inc., Friends of Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, Volcano Art Center, and Friends of the Library of Hawaiʻi can receive 5 percent in donations for every purchase.
AMAZON SMILE BENEFITS LOCAL CHARITIES at 5 percent - for a limited time - when shoppers select a designated Smile charity. Normally, Amazon's Smile program donates .5 percent of purchases to the charity of the purchaser's choice, when they shop by starting at smile.amazon.com. Through Nov. 2, local charities like Kaʻū Rural Health Community Association, Inc., Friends of Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, Volcano Art Center, and Friends of the Library of Hawaiʻi can receive 5 percent in donations for every purchase.
To select a
charity, go to smile.amazon.com, and enter the name, or city/town and state, of
the charitable organization to receive the donation, and shop as normal. Amazon will distribute the donation automatically after the purchase is completed.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
THE HAWAIʻI ANT LAB is taking a new approach on fighting Little Fire Ants in coffee and fruit orchards. University of Hawaiʻi Agricultural Extension Agent Andrea Kawabata sent out a notice today, announcing that Hawaiʻi Ant Lab Little will focus more of its efforts towards assisting and providing outreach to commercial growers with LFA on their farms.
"These ants, which have been found on crops such as coffee, mac nut, and tropical fruits, are rusty, orange-brown, and tiny - about 1/16 inch long or smaller. They are relatively slow moving compared to other species, dislodge easily from trees when disturbed, and can cause a painful and/or irritating sting; though, not all infestations cause harm."

Kawabata offers guidance in determining whether Little
Fire Ants are on the farms and orchards:
"Surveying for LFA is simple. All you need is creamy peanut butter, chopsticks, coffee stirrers, popsicle sticks, bottle(s) or Ziploc(s), and about an hour of waiting time: Spray paint the sticks with a bright color so you can find the sticks. Dogs and mongoose love peanut butter as well, so keep pets away from your survey area and don't be too alarmed if you can't find all your sticks. Survey stumps of trees, rock walls, palms, banana, ti, and other shady moist places. Be able to re-locate areas that are positive for LFA for ease of treatment."
To confirm that Little Fire Ants are present, drop the stick into a zip-lock bag, place in the freezer overnight and mail to: Hawaiʻi Ant Lab; Hawaiʻi Department of Agriculture; 16 E. Lanikaula St., Hilo, HI 96720. Learn more about LFA and HAL at littlefireants.com.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
"Surveying for LFA is simple. All you need is creamy peanut butter, chopsticks, coffee stirrers, popsicle sticks, bottle(s) or Ziploc(s), and about an hour of waiting time: Spray paint the sticks with a bright color so you can find the sticks. Dogs and mongoose love peanut butter as well, so keep pets away from your survey area and don't be too alarmed if you can't find all your sticks. Survey stumps of trees, rock walls, palms, banana, ti, and other shady moist places. Be able to re-locate areas that are positive for LFA for ease of treatment."
To confirm that Little Fire Ants are present, drop the stick into a zip-lock bag, place in the freezer overnight and mail to: Hawaiʻi Ant Lab; Hawaiʻi Department of Agriculture; 16 E. Lanikaula St., Hilo, HI 96720. Learn more about LFA and HAL at littlefireants.com.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
at 6:00 p.m., will help with KDEN's
winter production of A Gilbert & Sullivan Christmas Carol, playing Dec. 14 through 23, at KMC's Kīlauea Theater. Tickets are $20 cash or
check, and are available at the door. Reservations may be made by calling KDEN
at 982-7344.
The KDENte event will be held at Amalfatano's Italian Restaurant, located in the Waiakea Villa complex at399 Hualani Street in Hilo .
The buffet of delicious food includes a pizza, a pasta dish, lasagna, and a
salad. Ice tea and water will be provided; otherwise BYOB.
The KDENte event will be held at Amalfatano's Italian Restaurant, located in the Waiakea Villa complex at
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
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See public Kaʻū events, meetings, entertainment.
Print edition of The Kaʻū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Kaʻū, from Miloliʻi through Volcano, and free on
stands throughout the district. Read online at kaucalendar.com
THE FINAL HULA VOICES EVENT FOR 2018 FEATURES KUMU HULA MICAH KAMOHOALI‘I on Thursday, Nov. 1, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Volcano Art Center Gallery inside Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Moderator Desiree Cruz will interview Kamohoali‘i in this engaging, intimate talk story session as he shares his hula genealogy, traditions, protocols, and experiences.
As well as being the Kumu Hula of Hālau Na Kipuʻupuʻu, based in Waimea, Kamohoaliʻi is known as a professional artist, producing works in many mediums such as lei making, feather working, photography, printing, painting, clothing, wood and stone carvings, film production, and traditional Hawaiian kapa. "In all that he does he honors his kūpuna for who he is," states the event description on volcanoartcenter.org.
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Kumu Hula Micha Kamohoali‘i. Photo from volcanoartcenter.org |
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
VOTE: Deadline to request General Election mail ballot from Clerk's Office, Tue., Oct. 30. elections.hawaii.gov
Ka‘ū Food Pantry, Tue., Oct. 30, 11:30-1pm, St. Jude's Episcopal Church in Ocean View.
After Dark in the Park, Woven Strands & Braided Cords: Philosophy & Metaphysics in Pre-Contact Hawaiian Astronomy, Tue., Oct. 30, 7pm, Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium, Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Author and researcher Martha Noyes. Program co-sponsored by Friends of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Call 985-6011. Free; donations help support park programs. Park entrance fees apply. nps.gov/hawaiivolcanoes
Kōkua Kupuna Project, Wed., Oct. 31, 9-11am, St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View. Seniors 60 years & older encouraged to attend, ask questions, and inquire about services offered through Legal Aid Society of Hawai‘i. Referral required from Hawai‘i County Office of Aging at 961-8626 for free legal services. Under 60, call 1-800-499-4302. More info: tahisha.despontes@legalaidhawaii.org, 329-3910 ext. 925. legalaidhawaii.org
Pā‘ani with Amy Ka‘awaloa - ‘Ike Hana No‘eau (Experience the Skillful Work), Wed., Oct. 31, 10-2pm, Kīlauea Visitor Center lānai, Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Ka‘awaloa shares her knowledge about the Makahiki season, the ancient Hawaiian New Year festival, celebrated in three phases, one of which involved playing games. Co-sponsored by Hawai‘i Pacific Parks Association. Free; park entrance fees apply. 985-6011, nps.gov/hawaiivolcanoes
Kaʻū Octoberfest Trunk-or-Treat happens Wednesday, Oct. 31, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Ka‘ū District Gym's multi-purpose room. Register all ages Oct. 15 through 31. For more, call 928-3102. The event is looking for community members to offer treats and/or candy to keiki attending the event. Organized by Department of Parks and Recreation, Kaʻū District Gym, and Pāhala High & Elementary School, there will also be a vehicle decorating contest. Call 928-3102 for more.
Hawai‘i County Council Meetings, Thu./Fri., Nov. 1 (Committees)/2 (Council), Hilo, Mon/Tue., Nov. 19 (Committees)/20 (Council), Kona. Ka‘ū residents can participate via videoconferencing at Nā‘ālehu State Office Building. Agendas at hawaiicounty.gov.
Ka‘ū Food Pantry, Tue., Oct. 30, 11:30-1pm, St. Jude's Episcopal Church in Ocean View.
After Dark in the Park, Woven Strands & Braided Cords: Philosophy & Metaphysics in Pre-Contact Hawaiian Astronomy, Tue., Oct. 30, 7pm, Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium, Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Author and researcher Martha Noyes. Program co-sponsored by Friends of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Call 985-6011. Free; donations help support park programs. Park entrance fees apply. nps.gov/hawaiivolcanoes
Kōkua Kupuna Project, Wed., Oct. 31, 9-11am, St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View. Seniors 60 years & older encouraged to attend, ask questions, and inquire about services offered through Legal Aid Society of Hawai‘i. Referral required from Hawai‘i County Office of Aging at 961-8626 for free legal services. Under 60, call 1-800-499-4302. More info: tahisha.despontes@legalaidhawaii.org, 329-3910 ext. 925. legalaidhawaii.org
Pā‘ani with Amy Ka‘awaloa - ‘Ike Hana No‘eau (Experience the Skillful Work), Wed., Oct. 31, 10-2pm, Kīlauea Visitor Center lānai, Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Ka‘awaloa shares her knowledge about the Makahiki season, the ancient Hawaiian New Year festival, celebrated in three phases, one of which involved playing games. Co-sponsored by Hawai‘i Pacific Parks Association. Free; park entrance fees apply. 985-6011, nps.gov/hawaiivolcanoes
Kaʻū Octoberfest Trunk-or-Treat happens Wednesday, Oct. 31, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Ka‘ū District Gym's multi-purpose room. Register all ages Oct. 15 through 31. For more, call 928-3102. The event is looking for community members to offer treats and/or candy to keiki attending the event. Organized by Department of Parks and Recreation, Kaʻū District Gym, and Pāhala High & Elementary School, there will also be a vehicle decorating contest. Call 928-3102 for more.
Hawai‘i County Council Meetings, Thu./Fri., Nov. 1 (Committees)/2 (Council), Hilo, Mon/Tue., Nov. 19 (Committees)/20 (Council), Kona. Ka‘ū residents can participate via videoconferencing at Nā‘ālehu State Office Building. Agendas at hawaiicounty.gov.
Women's Support Group, Thu., Nov. 1 & 15, 3-4:30pm, PARENTS Inc., Nā‘ālehu. 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month thereafter. Women welcome to drop in anytime. Free. Lindsey Miller, 333-3460
Hula Voices w/Kumu Hula Micah Kamohoali‘i, Thu., Nov. 1, 7-9pm, Volcano Art Center Gallery, Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Desiree Cruz moderates the talk story session. Free. Final program for 2018. 967-7565
Ocean View Neighborhood Watch Meeting, Thu., Nov. 1, 6-7pm, Ocean View Community Center. 939-7033, ovcahi.org
‘O Ka‘ū Kākou Meeting, Thu., Nov. 1, 6:30pm, Aspen Center. okaukakou.org
Stewardship at the Summit, 9-noon, Fri., Nov. 2, Sat., Nov. 17 & 24, Wed., Nov. 28, Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Meet Paul and Jane Field at Kīlauea Visitor Center at 8:45am. Volunteers help remove invasive, non-native plants species that prevent native plants from growing. Wear sturdy hiking shoes and long pants. Bring hat, raingear, day pack, snacks and water. Gloves and tools provided. Free; park entrance fees apply. No advance registration required. nps.gov/hawaiivolcanoes
Jumble/Plant Sale & Pancake Breakfast, Sat., Nov. 3, 8-1pm, St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View. All you can eat pancakes, $3/person. 939-7000
Paths and Trails, Sat, Nov. 3, 9:30-12:30pm, Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Moderately-difficult, 2-mile, hike with some of the most spectacular overlooks in Kahuku. Free. nps.gov/hawaiivolcanoes
Art Express, Sat., Nov. 3 & Dec. 1, 10-3pm, Discovery Harbour Community Hall. Classes held once monthly. Learn something new or work on a forgotten project. Instructions on oil, acrylic, watercolor, and other mediums. Class size limited to 25. Meliha Corcoran 319-8989, himeliha@yahoo.com, discoveryharbour.net/art-express
Hawai‘i Human Trafficking Presentation, Sat., Nov. 3, 10-11:30am, Ocean View Community Center. Presentation of human trafficking in Hawai‘i based on research study at University of Arizona. 939-7033
Ho‘okupu Hula No Ka‘ū Cultural Festival, Sat., Nov. 3, 10-10pm, Pāhala Community Center. Features Master Cultural Practitioners, Kukakuka (talk story), and many educational and cultural experiences with hand-on demonstrations.
Hula performed by hālau from around the world and Hawai‘i. Music headliners: Ho‘aikāne, Wailau Ryder, Ke‘aiwa, Victor Chock, and Steve Sioloa. Craft vendors, food vendors, and informational booths. Festival preceded by ceremonies at Punalu‘u Beach at dawn; ancestors honored at sunset; festival closes with ceremony at Makanau.
Sponsors include County Council member Maile David and community contributions. Kumu Contact for booth application Hula Debbie Ryder, leionalani47@hotmail.com, 649-9334. hookupukau.com
Mixed Media Encaustic w/Mary Milelzcik, Sat., Nov. 3, 10-2pm, Volcano Art Center, Ni‘aulani Campus, Volcano Village. $55/VAC member, $60/non-member, plus $25 supply fee. Participants create and take home small finished encaustic panting or two, scroll, and set of greeting cards. 967-8222, volcanoartcenter.org
Hula Kahiko - Michah Kamohoali‘i w/ Hālau Na Kipu‘upu‘u, Sat., Nov. 3, 10:30-11:30am, hula platform near Volcano Art Center Gallery, Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Hula performance. Free; park entrance fees apply. 967-8222, volcanohula@gmail.com, volcanoartcenter.org
Keiki Science Class, Sat., Nov. 3, 11-noon, Ace Hardware Stores Islandwide, including Nā‘ālehu/929-9030 and Ocean View/929-7315. Free. First Saturday every month. acehardware.com
Multi-Cultural Demos and Activities: Pala‘ie, Sat., Nov. 3, 12:30pm, Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Hawaiian cultural demonstration and hands-on activity. Free, supplies provided. nps.gov/hawaiivolcanoes
Disney Sing-Along, Sat., Nov. 3, 17 & Dec. 1, 2:30-3:30pm, Ka‘ū District Gym multi-purpose room, Pāhala. For ages 5-8. Open registration. 928-3102, hawaiicounty.gov/pr-recreation
Thanksgiving Hand Turkeys and Placemats, Arts & Crafts Activity, Sat., Nov. 3 & 17, 2:30-3:30pm, Ka‘ū District Gym multi-purpose room, Pāhala. For ages 5-12. Register through Nov. 2. 928-3102, hawaiicounty.gov/pr-recreation
Keiki Jump Rope for Fitness, Sat., Nov. 3, 17 & Dec. 1, 4-4:30pm, Ka‘ū District Gym multi-purpose room, Pāhala. For ages 5-14. Open registration. 928-3102, hawaiicounty.gov/pr-recreation/
Palm Trail, Sun., Nov. 4, 9:30-12:30pm, Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Moderately difficult, 2.6-mile loop traverses scenic pastures along an ancient cinder cone, with some of the best panoramic views Kahuku has to offer. nps.gov/hawaiivolcanoes
Ham Radio Potluck Picnic, Sun., Nov. 4, noon-2pm, Manukā State Park. Anyone interested in learning about ham radio is welcome to attend. Sponsored by South Point Amateur Radio Club and Amateur Radio Emergency Service. View sites.google.com/site/southpointarc
or sites.google.com/view/southhawaiiares/home. Rick Ward, 938-3058
Ka‘ū Homeschool Co–op Group, Mon., Nov. 5 & 19, 1pm, Ocean View Community Center. A parent led homeschool activity/social group building community in Ka‘ū. Contact prior to attending to confirm location in case of field trip. Laura Roberts, 406-249-3351
Story Time with Lindsey Miller from PARENTS, Inc., Mon., Nov. 5, 2:30-3:15pm, Nā‘ālehu Public Library. 333-3460, lindsey@hawaiiparents.org
Ocean View Volunteer Fire Department Meeting, Mon., Nov. 5, 4-6pm, Ocean View Community Center. 939-7033, ovcahi.org
VOTE: Early Walk-In Voting Open through Sat., Nov. 3. The early voting location for Kaʻū is at
Local polls for the General Election open in precincts from Volcano through Kaʻū to Miloliʻi, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 6. The nearest polling places are: Cooper Center, 19430 Wright Road in Volcano; Kaʻū High & Pāhala Elementary, 96-3150 Pikake Street; Nāʻālehu Elementary School, 95-5545 Mamalahoa Hwy; Ocean View Community Center, 92-8924 Leilani Circle; and Miloliʻi Halau Pavillion, off Hwy 11 in the Village of Miloliʻi. See more at elections.hawaii.gov.
Registration for Track & Field Practice open through Wed., Nov. 21, Kahuku Park, on Paradise Circle in H.O.V.E. Program for ages 6-14 to be held Dec. 3-Feb. 8. 929-9113, hawaiicounty.gov/pr-recreation
Exhibit, Volcano Collaborations 2018: Artists Invitational, through Nov. 4, 9-5pm, Volcano Art Center Gallery, Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Features pieces made by 18 artists at VAC's first Artists' Collaboration event. 967-7565
Tūtū and Me tuition-free traveling preschool, for keiki birth to five years old and their caregivers, is temporarily moving their Pāhala site program for Oct. 30 and Nov. 1 to the River of Life Assembly of God church. The group still meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. They will be back at Pāhala Community Center on Nov. 6. The Nāʻālehu location remains at Kauahaʻao Church in Waiʻōhinu, Mondays and Wednesdays, from 8:45 to 10:45 a.m.
Tūtū and Me also offers home visits to aid caregivers with parenting tips and strategies, educational resources, and a compassionate, listening ear. Visits last 1.5 hours, two to four times a month, total of 12 visits. Snacks are provided.
To enroll in either free program, fill out enrollment forms found at pidf.org/programs/tutu_and_me/enrollment_forms, or call Linda Bong at 929-8571, or Betty Clark at 464-9634 or eclark@pidfountation.org.
Public Access Room comes to Ocean View on Wednesday, Oct. 31. The non-partisan division of Hawaiʻi state legislature's legislative Reference Bureau will offer workshops. Free and open to the public, they focus on training for creating, following, and testifying on legislation.
Two workshops will be offered. The first is geared towards newcomers, provides an introduction to the state legislative process to prepare new participants for the session. The second workshop is for those with an understanding of lawmaking. It will offer advanced advocacy tips on effective lobbying and often overlooked online resources. How-To guides, informational handouts, and other resources will be available.
PAR's staff will be at Hoʻokupu Hula No Kaʻū Cultural Festival happens Saturday, Nov. 3, at
The festival features hula performed by hālau from
Sponsors include County Council member Maile David and community contributions through fundraising. See hookupukau.com.
Volunteers Needed by St. Jude's Episcopal Church for community outreach, especially soup cooks and shower organizers, towel laundry, alter guild, and for the computer lab. Volunteers do not have to be members of the church. "Volunteering for St. Jude's Saturday Shower and Soup ministry is an opportunity to serve God in a powerful way," states St. Jude's. Contact Dave Breskin, 319-8333.
Mail, hand-deliver, or fax application to: CU Hawaii Federal Credit Union, Attn: Human Resources, 476 Hinano Street, Hilo, HI 96720, Fax (808) 935-7793. Applications can be downloaded online at cuhawaii.com/about-cu/career-opportunities.html
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.