The financial website compared the 50 states across 26 criteria, including "ideal" weather, accessibility of national parks, casinos per capita, and how many amusement parks, restaurants, movie theaters – and other arts, entertainment, recreation establishments, and attractions – are in each state. Focus was laid on the states that offer "the greatest variety and most cost-effective options for enjoyment."
The Aloha State ranked 3rd in State and Local Expenditures on Parks and Recreation per Capita, 19th in overall Entertainment and Recreation, 38th in overall Nightlife, 46th in Number of Golf Courses and Country Clubs perCapita, 47th in Number of Movie Theaters per Capita, and 50th in Fitness Centers per Capita.
View the full report at
View the full report at
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The 2018 Kīlauea
summit collapse and lower East Rift Zone eruption were the largest in at least
200 years, according to a
article, reports HVO. Lava covered 13.7 square miles of land, with a maximum
thickness of 180 feet on land and about 920 feet in the lava delta. Ocean
entries created 875 acres of new land. Lava destroyed 716 dwellings and covered
about 30 miles of roads. The amount of lava that erupted from the fissures in
Puna, about 1 billion cubic yards, was "enough to cover two lanes of I-90
from Boston, MA, to Seattle, WA – around 3,020 miles – with lava about 70 feet
deep, or enough to fill at least 320,000 Olympic-size swimming pools." The
magnitude 6.9 south flank earthquake on May 4 was the largest in Hawaiʻi since
1975. The 62 summit collapse events, May 16 to August 2, "each released
energy equivalent to a M5.2–M5.4 earthquake." A dozen ash-producing
explosions between May 16 and 26 threw ash as high as 30,000 feet above sea
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Lava fountains at fissure 8 vent (top right) fed a vigorous,
channelized lava flow on July 2. HVO photo
April 30: Long-term
Puʻu ʻŌʻō eruptive vent collapses; magma begins moving downrift toward Puna.
May 1: HVO
issues notice of potential eruption on Kīlauea 's lower
East Rift Zone. Deflation of Kīlauea 's summit begins and
Halemaʻumaʻu lava lake starts to drop.
May 3: Onset
of fissure eruptions on lower East Rift Zone; Kīlauea Volcano Alert Level
raised to WARNING.
May 4: Magnitude
6.9 earthquake on south flank of Kīlauea .
May 9: HVO
issues notice of potential summit explosions; lull in lower East Rift Zone
fissures May 9 through 12.
May 10: Halemaʻumaʻu
lava lake disappears from view.
May 11: Hawaiʻi
Volcanoes National
Park closes to the public; Kahuku Unit remains
May 15: Aviation
Color Code elevated to RED in anticipation of summit explosive events.
May 16: Onset
of Kīlauea summit explosive events; HVO building
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Areas covered by lava flows in 2018 in red; lava flows
erupted in
1840, 1955, and 1960 in purple. Black numerals indicate
locations of
the 24 fissures that erupted in 2018. HVO image
May 25: Fissure
8 reactivates; new pit opens on the floor of Halemaʻumaʻu.
May 29: Caldera
downdrop accelerates; onset of near-daily summit collapse events, with each
releasing energy equivalent to a magnitude-5+ earthquake.
June 3: Lava
erupted from fissure 8 reaches ocean at Kapoho
Bay .
June 24: Collapse
events no longer producing ash; Aviation Color Code lowered to ORANGE .
Aug. 2: Summit
collapse events end.
Aug. 4: Fissure
8 activity significantly decreases; summit deflation stops.
Aug. 17: Eruptive
pause at fissure 8; Volcano Alert Level lowered to WATCH.
Aug. 21: Ocean
entry no longer active.
Sept. 1 through 5: Sporadic
glow/weak lava activity within fissure 8 cone; no active lava observed after
Sept. 5.
Sept. 22: Hawaiʻi
Volcanoes National
Park reopens (details at
Oct. 5: Kīlauea
Volcano Alert Level lowered to ADVISORY.
March 26: Kīlauea
Volcano Alert Level loweredto NORMAL.
See the document at
See the document at
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HVO image |
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BIOSECURITY REMAINS A MAJOR FOCUS AT THE WESTERN GOVERNOR'S ASSOCIATION'S annual meeting in Colorado. Co-chaired by Gov. David Ige, the Governor's Association held workshops over the last year with biosecurity and invasive species management leaders to discuss invasive species' effect on life in the region, better management, and improving biosecurity to limit new introductions of invasives.
The report, an initiative of Ige's, was released at the conference. (See yesterday's Kaʻū News Briefs).
The report, an initiative of Ige's, was released at the conference. (See yesterday's Kaʻū News Briefs).
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Hawaiʻi Gov. David Ige described his Hawaiʻi's battle
against invasive
species as not only the "right thing" to do but as
that makes "economic sense." Photo from WGA
Webinars from the conference examine invasives' effects on fisheries, the role of conservation districts to manage them, and impacts of invasives on Pacific Islands forests and ecosystems.
The report recommends goals and actions for governors, from Guam and other Pacific Islands, to Hawaiʻi, and across the mainland to Texas. They include:
Protect the West from the introduction of new invasive species through biosecurity practices, preparedness, and planning, by developing state and regional plans, coordinating state and federal agencies, and using emerging technologies. The report recommends a regional biocontrol research center with interagency collaboration on biocontrol research and permitting.
Improve cross-boundary management of established and emerging invasive species. The report recommends establishing a Western Invasive Species Council to work with state, federal, and local agencies; enhancing rapid response practices by expanding use of the Incident Command System; conducting regular practice exercises; and establishing a federal center dedicated to biosecurity and invasive species management.
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Seen all over Kaʻū, fountain grass, a "priority
invasive" weed species, is a fuel
for wildfires. Fountain grass also relies
on fire to regenerate, and becomes the
first to establish and spread after a
wildfire occurs. Photo from
Support and utilize biosecurity research, technology, and planning tools. The report recommends state and federal agencies "identify and seize" opportunities to pool research funds, coordinate new technology, and develop new monitoring, analytical, and decision-making tools. Enhanced use of electronic manifesting for commodity shipments, detector dogs, in-water vessel cleaning, and other tools "can increase effectiveness in mitigating invasive species impacts."
Standardize and mobilize invasive species data. The report says invasive species managers "need access to accurate regional invasive species occurrence data to address invasive species at a landscape scale. However, technological barriers often prevent large amounts of useful invasive species occurrence data from being shared. As part of the Initiative, Western Governors will lead an effort to improve the mechanisms by which interagency invasive species data are standardized, stored and exchanged in the West."
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A beautiful morning glory blossom belies the invasive species' negative effect on endemic understory plants in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. NPS photo |
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Gov. David Ige through Aug. 7. The declaration has been in effect since Dec.
14. It accelerates the completion of housing projects for individuals and families
who are transitioning out of homelessness, and expands shelter
capacity and access to services.
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See public Kaʻū events, meetings, entertainment.
Print edition of The Kaʻū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Kaʻū, from Miloliʻi through Volcano, and free on
stands throughout the district. Read online at
Kapa Kuiki w/Cultural Practitioner Cyndy Martinez, Wednesday, June 12, 10a.m.-noon, Kīlauea Visitor Center lānai. Hawaiian traditional quilting methods demonstration and discussion. Free; park entrance fees apply.
Hawaiian Civic Club of Ka‘ū, Thursday, June 13, 6:30p.m., United Methodist Church, Nā‘ālehu. Pres. Berkley Yoshida, 747-0197
Register by June 14 - Basic Hunter Education Certification Program - see separate listing, June 28 and 29, for details. Space is limited. Call 887-6050, code KAU
Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund Coastal Net Patrol, Friday, June 14. Free; donations appreciated. Limited seating available. RSVP in advance., 769-7629
Hawai‘i Disability Legal Services, Friday, June 14, 9a.m.-noon, Ocean View Community Center. Free disability legal services provided by Hawai‘i Legal Aid., 939-7033
Arts and Crafts Activity: Father's Day Card, Friday, June 14, 1:30-2:30p.m., Kahuku Park, H.O.V.E. Register keiki ages 6-12, June 10-13. Free. 929-9113,
Community Dance, Friday, June 14, 7-10p.m., Cooper Center, Volcano Village. Minors allowed with supervision only. Alcohol-free event. Variety of music. Snacks provided; additional pūpū welcome. Free; donations appreciated. 967-7800,
Ocean View C.E.R.T. Mtg., Saturday, June 15, 10a.m.-1p.m., Ocean View Community Center. Community Emergency Response Team monthly meeting and training. 939-7033,
Hula Kahiko - Kumu Hula Lorna Lim w/Hālau Kawehileimamoikawekiu‘okohala, Saturday, June 15, 10:30-11:30a.m., hula platform near Volcano Art Center Gallery. Hula performance. Free; park entrance fees apply. 967-8222,,
Nā Mea Hula w/Kumu Moses Kaho‘okele Crabbe, Saturday, June 15, 11a.m.-1p.m., Volcano Art Center Gallery porch. Hands-on cultural demonstration. Free; park entrance fees apply. 967-8222,,
Drawing Mandalas as Meditation w/Lisa Maria Martin, Saturday, June 15, 11a.m.-2p.m., Volcano Art Center. $30/VAC member, $35/non-member, plus $10 supply fee. All supplies provided. Open to all levels. No art or meditation experience needed., 967-8222
Ham Radio Mtg., Saturday, June 15, 2-3p.m., Ocean View Community Center.
Opera Concert w/D'Andrea Pelletier, Saturday, June 15, 5:30p.m., Volcano Art Center. Tickets are $20/VAC member, $25/non-member., 967-8222
Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund Community Clean-Up, Sunday, June 16. Free; donations appreciated. Space available and BYO-4WD ok. RSVP in advance., 769-7629
Father's Day Buffet, Sunday, June 16, 5-8p.m., Crater Rim Café, Kīlauea Military Camp. Main entrees: Prime Rib, Lemon Butter Fish and Vegetable Stir Fry w/Tofu. $29.95/Adults, $14.95/Child (ages 6-11). No reservations required, 967-8356. Open to all authorized patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply.
Hawai‘i County Council Mtgs., Tuesday, June 18 (Committees), Wednesday, June 19, (Council), Kona. Ka‘ū residents can participate via videoconferencing at Nā‘ālehu State Office Building. Agendas at
After Dark in the Park - Surviving Against the Odds: The Story of the Hawai‘i ‘Amakihi, Tuesday, June 18, 7p.m., Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Gabrielle Names, UC Davis PhD student, studying the mystery of how this unique little bird appears to be beating avian malaria, a deadly disease, on Hawaiʻi Island. Free; park entrance fees apply. 985-6011,
AdvoCATS, Tuesday, June 19, 7a.m.-4:30p.m., Ocean View Community Center. Free spay/neuter for cats. 895-9283,
Hawaiian Civic Club of Ka‘ū, Thursday, June 13, 6:30p.m., United Methodist Church, Nā‘ālehu. Pres. Berkley Yoshida, 747-0197
Register by June 14 - Basic Hunter Education Certification Program - see separate listing, June 28 and 29, for details. Space is limited. Call 887-6050, code KAU
Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund Coastal Net Patrol, Friday, June 14. Free; donations appreciated. Limited seating available. RSVP in advance., 769-7629
Hawai‘i Disability Legal Services, Friday, June 14, 9a.m.-noon, Ocean View Community Center. Free disability legal services provided by Hawai‘i Legal Aid., 939-7033
Arts and Crafts Activity: Father's Day Card, Friday, June 14, 1:30-2:30p.m., Kahuku Park, H.O.V.E. Register keiki ages 6-12, June 10-13. Free. 929-9113,
Community Dance, Friday, June 14, 7-10p.m., Cooper Center, Volcano Village. Minors allowed with supervision only. Alcohol-free event. Variety of music. Snacks provided; additional pūpū welcome. Free; donations appreciated. 967-7800,
Ocean View C.E.R.T. Mtg., Saturday, June 15, 10a.m.-1p.m., Ocean View Community Center. Community Emergency Response Team monthly meeting and training. 939-7033,
Hula Kahiko - Kumu Hula Lorna Lim w/Hālau Kawehileimamoikawekiu‘okohala, Saturday, June 15, 10:30-11:30a.m., hula platform near Volcano Art Center Gallery. Hula performance. Free; park entrance fees apply. 967-8222,,
Nā Mea Hula w/Kumu Moses Kaho‘okele Crabbe, Saturday, June 15, 11a.m.-1p.m., Volcano Art Center Gallery porch. Hands-on cultural demonstration. Free; park entrance fees apply. 967-8222,,
Drawing Mandalas as Meditation w/Lisa Maria Martin, Saturday, June 15, 11a.m.-2p.m., Volcano Art Center. $30/VAC member, $35/non-member, plus $10 supply fee. All supplies provided. Open to all levels. No art or meditation experience needed., 967-8222
Ham Radio Mtg., Saturday, June 15, 2-3p.m., Ocean View Community Center.
Opera Concert w/D'Andrea Pelletier, Saturday, June 15, 5:30p.m., Volcano Art Center. Tickets are $20/VAC member, $25/non-member., 967-8222
Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund Community Clean-Up, Sunday, June 16. Free; donations appreciated. Space available and BYO-4WD ok. RSVP in advance., 769-7629
Father's Day Buffet, Sunday, June 16, 5-8p.m., Crater Rim Café, Kīlauea Military Camp. Main entrees: Prime Rib, Lemon Butter Fish and Vegetable Stir Fry w/Tofu. $29.95/Adults, $14.95/Child (ages 6-11). No reservations required, 967-8356. Open to all authorized patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply.
Hawai‘i County Council Mtgs., Tuesday, June 18 (Committees), Wednesday, June 19, (Council), Kona. Ka‘ū residents can participate via videoconferencing at Nā‘ālehu State Office Building. Agendas at
After Dark in the Park - Surviving Against the Odds: The Story of the Hawai‘i ‘Amakihi, Tuesday, June 18, 7p.m., Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Gabrielle Names, UC Davis PhD student, studying the mystery of how this unique little bird appears to be beating avian malaria, a deadly disease, on Hawaiʻi Island. Free; park entrance fees apply. 985-6011,
AdvoCATS, Tuesday, June 19, 7a.m.-4:30p.m., Ocean View Community Center. Free spay/neuter for cats. 895-9283,
Seamless Summer Program, open to all people under age 18, no registration required, offers free breakfast at Nāʻālehu Elementary and Kaʻū High & Pāhala Elementary School cafeterias. Meals are available weekdays through July 11; no meals Tuesday, June 11 and Thursday, July 4. Kaʻū High serves breakfast from 7:30 a.m. to 8 a.m., lunch from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Call (808) 939-2413 for Nāʻālehu Elementary mealtimes.
Early College Summer Program at Kaʻū High & Pāhala Elementary registrations are open for high school students. Program runs Wednesday, June 12 through Thursday, July 11, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Program requires registration by calling 313-4100. No classes Tuesday, June 11 and Thursday, July 4.
Purchase Tickets for Miss Hawaiʻi Island Teen USA andMiss Hawaiʻi Island , Sunday, June 16 at The Grand Naniloa Hotel in Hilo , from Teen USA candidate Kailee "Kamalani" Kuhaulua-Stacy. Tickets are $25; contact Kamalani at 808-315-4252 through Saturday, June 15 to purchase. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. , the pageant begins at 6:30 p.m. The evening includes both competition for Miss Hawaiʻi Island Teen USA, for contenders 14 to 18 years of age, and Miss Hawaiʻi Island , for contestants 18 to 28.
Early College Summer Program at Kaʻū High & Pāhala Elementary registrations are open
Purchase Tickets for Miss Hawaiʻi Island Teen USA and
Supporters can vote for the candidate called Kamalani, contestant #7, for the People's Choice award, by liking her photos on the pageant Facebook. Deadline to vote by liking the contestant photo is this Sunday, June 9 at 7 p.m.
The Fest, which begins after the parade, features water slides and bounce castles, hot dogs, watermelon, and shave ice, plus Senior Bingo and lunch at the community center for seniors. The free event is open to the public, no registration required.
To participate in the parade, volunteer, or donate, contact Debra McIntosh at 929-9872 by Thursday, June 20.
Full-Time Teaching Assistant Sought by Tūtū & Me to implement curriculum for caregivers and keiki in Tūtū & Me Traveling Preschool in Kaʻū. Competitive salary and benefits package, including medical, dental, drug, and vision; flexible spending plan; 403b retirement plan; vacation, sick days, and 14 paid days off; and more.
Hi-Employment Seeks Student Employees to work in a macadamia nut orchard on weekends and holidays. Duties include hand-harvesting macadamia nuts, filling and transporting nut bags and buckets, loading 25-plus pound bags into truck beds, and possible clearing of brush and branches. Applicants must be at least 15 years old, have a work permit, two forms of ID, and transportation to "Panaʻewa Stretch." Call for more details, 238-3741,
Experience Volcano Festival is still looking for vendors. Booths for the event are $25 per day for Saturday, July 27 and Sunday, July 28. The event is coordinated with the new ʻŌhiʻa Lehua Half Marathon, 5K, and Keiki Dash on the 27th. Apply at
Experience Volcano is a group of businesses and residents helping to rebuild the economy of Volcano, following last year's volcanic disaster that shut down Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park and drastically reduced the visitor county which is now recovering.
ʻŌhiʻa Lehua Half Marathon, 5K, and Keiki Dash happens Saturday, July 27 in Volcano Village, It replaces the Volcano Rain Forest Runs. Register at
6th Annual Ka‘ū Coffee Trail Run Registration, 5K, 10K, 1/2 Marathon races through mac nut and coffee fields along slopes of Ka‘ū starting at 7a.m., Sept. 21, Ka‘ū Coffee Mill. Sponsored by Ka‘ū Coffee Mill and ‘O Ka‘ū Kākou. Prices increase after July 9.,
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