During a community outreach meeting last night, Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park officials detailed the challenges of reopening portions of the park, now that Madame Pele appears to have settled. Photo from Big Island Video News |
TODAY MARKS 100 DAYS OF CLOSURE AT MOST OF HAWAI`I VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK. Closure of Kīlauea summit and adjacent areas started May 11.
Following tens of thousands of earthquakes, explosive events, and ashfall, a specialized team "will conduct thorough damage assessments and become the foundation of the park's recovery plan," says a statement released yesterday.
Following tens of thousands of earthquakes, explosive events, and ashfall, a specialized team "will conduct thorough damage assessments and become the foundation of the park's recovery plan," says a statement released yesterday.
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Jessica Ferracane of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park shows media deep cracks in roadways in the park. Photo from Big Island Video News |
USGS Hawaiian Volcanoes Observatory lowered the alert level of Kīlauea from Warning to Watch yesterday, Aug. 17, but cautioned that the seismicity and collapse-explosion events at the summit, and the eruption in the lower East Rift Zone, could resume without warning at any time:
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Damage to buildings such as Jaggar Museum and the Visitor's Center may take more time to fix than giving access to other areas. USGS photo |
"Before the recent volcanic activity forced us to close the park adjacent to Kīlauea , we were grappling with congestion management issues. Do we want to return to that, or do we press the reset button? We want to hear from our communities," said Orlando .
For more, visit nps.gov/hawaiivolcanoes.
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PLANS TO REOPEN PORTIONS OF HAWAI`I VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK brought up questions during a Pāhala outreach meeting Friday night with park staff. When would the park open and for how many people? Could local people have access soon for hiking and visiting sacred places, before major infrastructure repairs? How will the park look in the future? Are two million people visiting each year too many? How about the local economy dependent on the park?
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Deep cracks have partially swallowed an informational sign. Photo from Big Island Video News |
Hawai`i Volcanoes Superintendent Cindy Orlando said park staff would like nothing better than to reopen areas closed to the public. Some openings will be coming soon, she said. However, she noted that the federal government is "very skeptical" of investing money to make repairs quickly in the unstable areas. The main concern is also safety of employees and visitors, she said, noting Thurston Lava Tube and Jaggar Museum will not reopen soon.
Orlando said she well understands that businesses surrounding the park depend on revenues from park visitors. The park itself depends on entrance fees to pay its employees, to maintain and repair its infrastructure, and to fund its programs and community assets such as a fire truck and ambulance for the park and Volcano Village, she explained. She noted that park employees, many of them local residents, still have their jobs, with some helping in other parks, such as Haleakala on Maui. Some are working at the Kahuku Unit near Ocean View, and others are assigned to Volcano Art Center and outreach locations in Hilo.
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Kīlauea Caldera as of August 17. Photo from Big Island Video News |
He said that some tour companies that can no longer take visitors to the lookout over Halema`uma`u have adjusted their routes and are bringing them to the Kahuku Unit, now open 5 days a week. He said visitors are also slowly coming back to Volcano Village businesses.
Representatives of local businesses, like Louis Danielle, of Ka`ū Coffee Mill, said the mill and other attractions are very dependent on the park being open. He said the main reason that visitors come here is to go to the park. Ed Olson, founder of Ka`ū Coffee Mill, suggested that during this time, more local people visit and buy local products. His company employs many Ka`ū residents.
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Berkeley Yoshida, HVNP Concession Management Specialist, noted the Volcano House closure and said employees are promised first chance at returning to their jobs. Photo by Julia Neal |
Anderson said there is much to be determined inside the park. Should a big crack in a road be filled or spanned with a bridge-like structure? How long should the park wait to make sure Madame Pele has settled down before investing in expensive repairs?
In addition to the obvious, he said, ground penetrating radar is revealing much damage below the surface. He and Orlando described roads that look like they are ok, but are hollow below. It will take time to document these risks and need for repairs. Some buildings that look like they may be fine from the outside are yet to entered and inspected.
Regarding repairs, one speaker asked whether the Army Corps of Engineers has been called. Orlando said it is a good idea. Another asked whether FEMA helps pay for repairs. The answer is that FEMA, a federal agency does, not pay for disasters at federal facilities but that a federal emergency funding agency can pay for road repairs within the park.
The repair to historic park buildings was mentioned and Richard Taylor, of Ka Lae, said there will be an opportunity to study how the variously constructed facilities held up to the recent quakes.
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Jon Anderson, Facility Manager at Hawai`i Volcanoes, said it was hard to watch the day after day damage done to park facilities during the long period of earthquakes. Photo by Julia Neal |
James Akau, of Pāhala, who helps to manage the county's Kāwā oceanfront preserve, talked about the balancing of maximum revenue at Hawai`i Volcanoes with the quality of experience and preservation of natural and cultural resources, particularly for local residents. He urged not making it all "about the money." He also noted that portions of Kahuku have been closed to hikers in order to prevent the spread of the Rapid `Ōhi`a Death fungi that are killing native forest.
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Nene, endemic Hawaiian goose and the state bird, experience no people at Kīlauea summit. Photo from Big Island Video News |
Clarissa Pua, of Pāhala, said she was originally from Kalapana and lost her home to lava there years ago. She said that Madame Pele should be left alone at this time, to give the `āina a rest. She suggested personally guided tours with lower numbers of people and more access to local residents at affordable rates or free. She said Madame Pele should be respected. Missy Powell, of Wood Valley, who grew up on the island, said free passes drew her family to the park when she was a child.
Sandra Reha, of Wood Valley, suggested shuttles to keep congestion down. Rick Warshauer, of Volcano, suggested allowing shuttles, bikers, and hikers into the park. Raina Whiting, who recently ran for state House of Representatives, said that true income to the local community through millions of people visiting the park should be studied. She said that many more people arriving at the park over the last 30 years does not necessarily mean more money to the local people. She said she would like to attract visitors who care about the place.
State House of Representatives member Richard Creagan recommended development of private camp grounds, especially near Kahuku Unit, to support visitation of the National Park.
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More road cracks -- in the foreground and in the distance -- that need assessment and repairing in the park before visitors can travel them. USGS photo |
Regarding the future of the park, Orlando said the park is open to ideas from the community. More meetings will be held at the Volcano Art Center Ni`aulani Campus on Tuesday, Aug. 21 at
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Image from prh.noaa.gov/cphc |
Lane moved into the central Pacific basin this afternoon. Her tracking responsibilities were given over from the National Hurricane Center to the Central Pacific Hurricane Center. See prh.noaa.gov/cphc
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NEW EMERGENCY ALERT SIREN TESTING IS OVER for now. Hawai`i County Civil Defense said in a release that the sirens are only one of several ways Civil Defense alerts the public in an emergency. "Sirens have a limited range making them inaudible to a large portion of Hawai`i Island. When a siren alarms, turn on your radio or television and check your mobile devices for further instruction. If you are not in range of the nearest siren, make sure you are signed up for our Blackboard text/email alert system" at countyofhawaii.bbcportal.com.
Civil Defense also posts to Facebook, @hawaiicountycivildefense; Twitter, @CivilDefenseHI; and their website, hawaiicounty.gov/active-alerts. Emergency Alert System -- where messages scroll across TV screens and are read over AM and FM radio -- and Integrated Public Alert & Warning System -- where all cell phones are alerted unless the notification setting is turned off -- are activated during an emergency alert level of WARNING; these are automatic and do not require registration.
Sirens are tested the first working day of each month at 11:45 a.m., unless otherwise noted. Contact Hawai`i County Civil Defense Agency to report a siren malfunction at (808) 935-0031.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
SCAM CALLERS ARE THREATENING BUSINESSES, targeting customers of Hawaiian Electric, Maui Electric, and Hawai`i Electric Light, says a release from the utilities. The latest surge of callers threatens immediate disconnection if businesses refuse to pay in the digital currency known as bitcoin. Says the release:

On O`ahu, three businesses reported paying hundreds of dollars at bitcoin machines after callers threatened disconnection of their electric service if immediate payment wasn't made. Scammers gave customers a callback number, which provided automated prompts similar to ones used by the companies.
The customers received threatening email with a "disconnection notice" on letterhead with an outdated Hawaiian Electric logo. The notice provided a QC code to scan at a local bitcoin machine, converting dollars to the digital currency.

The scammers appear to be calling customers at random, and the recent calls have been to Hawaiian Electric customers on O`ahu. Scammers are becoming more persistent and aggressive, insisting that a bill is overdue even if the customer knows it's been paid.
The utilities want customers to know that a call from someone or an automated recording from Hawaiian Electric, Maui Electric, or Hawaii Electric Light demanding immediate payment over the phone, or via prepaid debit cards or bitcoin, is a scam. If the caller asks to meet you to pick up a payment or provides directions to a bitcoin machine, it's a scam. If the caller says the account is delinquent and threatens to shut off power immediately unless payment is made, it's a scam.
Customers should simply hang up if they receive such a call, and then dial the customer service line that is printed on their monthly electric bills or listed on their company's website. They should not call the number displayed on the caller ID, even if it says HECO, MECO or HELCO.
For more information, go to www.hawaiianelectric.com/stopscams.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
selling fast. As of Friday, only 60 tickets remained. The festival is a benefit
for Volcano School of Arts and Sciences. Held on Sunday, Sept. 9, the event is a
time filled with music, food, wine, a raffle, and socializing, while being surrounded
by vineyards and tea plants. Each ticket is $40 per adult 21+, $20 under 21.
967-7772, volcanowinery.com
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
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See public Ka`ū events, meetings, entertainment.
Print edition of The Ka`ū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Ka`ū, from Miloli`i through Volcano, and free on
stands throughout the district. Read online at kaucalendar.com
Sat, Aug 25, 10am, Scrimmage @ Waiakea
Thu, Sept 6, 6pm, @ Pāhoa
Sat, Sept 15, 1pm, @ Kohala
Sat, Sept 22, 3:30pm, host Lanai @ Kea`au
Sat, Sept 29, 11am, host Pāhoa
Girls Volleyball:
Fri, Aug 24, 6pm, @ Mauna Lani
Wed, Aug 29, 6pm, @ Hilo
Fri, Aug 31, Kamehameha Tourney
Sat, Sept 1, Kamehameha Tourney
Wed, Sept 5, 6pm, host Pāhoa
Wed, Sept 12, 6pm, @ Christian Liberty
Fri, Sept 14, @ Kamehameha
Mon, Sept 17, 6pm, host Lapahoehoe
Wed, Sept 19, 6pm, host Kohala
Thu, Sept 20, 6pm, @ Honoka`a
Tue, Sept 25, 6pm, @ HPA
Fri, Sept 28, 6pm, host Kona
Cross Country:
Sat, Aug 25, @ CLA (preseason)
Sat, Sept 1, 10am, @ HPA
Sat, Sept 8, 10am, @ Kamehameha
Sat, Sept 15, 10am, Kea`au
Sat, Sept 22, 9am, @ HPA
Sat, Sept 29, 10am, @ Waiakea
Thu, Sept 6, 6pm, @ Pāhoa
Sat, Sept 15, 1pm, @ Kohala
Sat, Sept 22, 3:30pm, host Lanai @ Kea`au
Sat, Sept 29, 11am, host Pāhoa
Girls Volleyball:
Fri, Aug 24, 6pm, @ Mauna Lani
Wed, Aug 29, 6pm, @ Hilo
Fri, Aug 31, Kamehameha Tourney
Sat, Sept 1, Kamehameha Tourney
Wed, Sept 5, 6pm, host Pāhoa
Wed, Sept 12, 6pm, @ Christian Liberty
Fri, Sept 14, @ Kamehameha
Mon, Sept 17, 6pm, host Lapahoehoe
Wed, Sept 19, 6pm, host Kohala
Thu, Sept 20, 6pm, @ Honoka`a
Tue, Sept 25, 6pm, @ HPA
Fri, Sept 28, 6pm, host Kona
Cross Country:
Sat, Aug 25, @ CLA (preseason)
Sat, Sept 1, 10am, @ HPA
Sat, Sept 8, 10am, @ Kamehameha
Sat, Sept 15, 10am, Kea`au
Sat, Sept 22, 9am, @ HPA
Sat, Sept 29, 10am, @ Waiakea
FREE VISION SCREENINGS FOR ALL AGES are offered by Project Vision Hawai`i, on Monday, August 20, from 9:30 a.m. to noon, at Kauaha`ao Congregational Church, 95-1642 Pinao Street, in Wai`ōhinu.
Adults will receive a distance and near acuity screening, as well as retinal screenings for eye diseases. Free reading glasses will be provided to adults.
Kieki will receive screening for near and far vision, as well as for color deficiencies with the use of a Plusoptix camera. Free sunglasses will be offered to keiki.
The event is sponsored by Tūtū & Me Traveling Preschool's Nā`ālehu site, which is currently located at the church while Nā`ālehu Community Center's floor receives upgrades. See projectvisionhawaii.org. See pidfountation.org.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
Adults will receive a distance and near acuity screening, as well as retinal screenings for eye diseases. Free reading glasses will be provided to adults.
Kieki will receive screening for near and far vision, as well as for color deficiencies with the use of a Plusoptix camera. Free sunglasses will be offered to keiki.
The event is sponsored by Tūtū & Me Traveling Preschool's Nā`ālehu site, which is currently located at the church while Nā`ālehu Community Center's floor receives upgrades. See projectvisionhawaii.org. See pidfountation.org.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
People & Land of Kahuku, Sun, Aug 19, 9:30-12:30pm, Kahuku Unit of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Guided, 2.5-mile, moderately difficult hike over rugged terrain focuses on the area’s human history. Free. nps.gov/HAVO
Discovery Harbour Neighborhood Watch Meeting, Mon, Aug 20, 5-6:30pm, Discovery Harbour Community Hall. 929-9576, discoveryharbour.net
After Dark Near The Park: Saving Rare Plants from the Brink of Extinction in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, Tue, Aug 21, 7-8pm, Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus, Volcano Village. Botanist Sierra McDaniel discusses rare plant management at the park. Free; $2 donation suggested. volcanoartcenter.org. Event co-sponsored by Friends of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, 985-6011.
Free Community Dance, Fri, Aug 24, 7-10pm, Cooper Center, Volcano Village. Minors allowed with supervision only. Alcohol free event. Variety of music. Coffee, tea, water, and snacks provided. Free admission; donations appreciated. 967-7800, thecoopercenter.org
Zentangle: Basics and Beyond with Lydia Meneses, Sat, Aug 25, 10-1pm, Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus, Volcano Village. Zentangle Basics kit provided. $30/Volcano Art Center Member, $35/non-Member, $10 supply fee. Bring light refreshment to share.
Waiho`olu`u Ola Indigo Dyeing Workshop, Sat, Aug 25, 12:30-3:30pm, Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus, Volcano Village. Learn traditional methods of banding and folding in traditional and modern shibori styles to create patterns, and explore the alchemy of indigo, a plant derived dye. $50/Volcano Art Center Member, $55/non-Member, plus $25 supply fee. No experience necessary. Space limited. Pre-registration required: volcanoartcenter.org or 967-8222.
Birth of Kahuku, Sat, Aug 26, 9:30-11:30am, Kahuku Unit of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Explore rich geologic history of Kahuku on this easy-to-moderate hike that traverses the vast 1868 lava flow, with different volcano features and formations. Learn about the Hawaiian hotspot and the creation of Kahuku. Free. nps.gov/HAVO
Birth of Kahuku, Sat, Aug 26, 9:30-11:30am, Kahuku Unit of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Explore rich geologic history of Kahuku on this easy-to-moderate hike that traverses the vast 1868 lava flow, with different volcano features and formations. Learn about the Hawaiian hotspot and the creation of Kahuku. Free. nps.gov/HAVO

Free Arts and Crafts Activities at Pāhala Comunity Center happen on Wednesdays (excluding Aug 29), from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., through the end of Sept, for keiki in Kindergarten through 8th grade.
- Aug 22: Silhoutte Art. Register Aug 16 through 21.
- Sept 5: In observance of Grandparents Day, Craft Stick Puzzle Hanging. Register Aug 30 through Sept 4.
- Sept 12: Dove Foldable For Peace. Register Sept 4 through 11.
- Sept 19: Handprint Tree Art. Register Sept 13 through 18.
- Sept 26: Beaded Wind Chime. Register Sept 19 through 25.
- Aug 22: Silhoutte Art. Register Aug 16 through 21.
- Sept 5: In observance of Grandparents Day, Craft Stick Puzzle Hanging. Register Aug 30 through Sept 4.
- Sept 12: Dove Foldable For Peace. Register Sept 4 through 11.
- Sept 19: Handprint Tree Art. Register Sept 13 through 18.
- Sept 26: Beaded Wind Chime. Register Sept 19 through 25.
For more, call 928-3102 or visit the community center during business hours: Mon-Thu an d Sat, from noon to 8 p.m., or Fri, from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. See hawaiicounty.gov/pr-recreation/.
Activities at Kahuku Park -- within Hawaiian Ocean View Estates -- over the next two months, include two physical activities, three arts and crafts activities, and a Park Beautification Day.
For ages 6 to 12:
- Kickball: Tuesdays and Fridays 2 to 3 p.m. , August 21 through September 21. Registration open through August 20.
- Sand Art: Wednesday, September 5, 3 to 4 p.m. Registration open August 27 through 31.
For all ages:
For all ages:
- Friendship Bracelets: Wednesday, September 19, 3 to 4 p.m. Registration open September 10 through 14.
- Park Beautification Day: Friday, September 28, 1:30 to 4 p.m. Registration open September 19 through 26.
All activities are free to attend. For more, call Teresa Anderson at 929-9113 or visit the park during business hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 12:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. and Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. See hawaiicounty.gov/pr-recreation/.
Cross County Assistant Coach Needed for Ka`ū Trojans, says Coach Erin Cole. The Boys & Girls team starts running Aug 25. Contact Cole for more, or if interested in applying, at erinlcole@hotmail.com.
5th Annual Volcano Winery Harvest Festival tickets on sale for event on Sun, Sept 9, and selling fast. Benefit for Volcano School of Arts and Sciences. Music, food, wine, and raffle. $40/adult (21+), $20 under 21. 967-7772, volcanowinery.com

Tūtū and Me Traveling Preschool's Temporary Nā`ālehu Site Location is Kauaha`ao Church in Wai`ōhinu. Meeting days and times remain the same: Mondays and Wednesdays, from 8:45 to 10:45 a.m. Pāhala site program meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., at Pāhala Community Center.
Tūtū and Me also offers home visits to those with keiki zero to five years old, to aid with parenting tips and strategies, educational resources, and a compassionate listening ear. Free. Visits last 1.5 hours, two to four times a month, total of 12 visits. Snacks are provided.
To enroll in either program, see forms at
pidf.org/programs/tutu_and_me/enrollment_forms, or call Linda Bong at 464-9634. Questions: Clark at 929-8571 or eclark@pidfountation.org.
pidf.org/programs/tutu_and_me/enrollment_forms, or call Linda Bong at 464-9634. Questions: Clark at 929-8571 or eclark@pidfountation.org.
Harmony Educational Services, Home Based Educational Programs - Open Enrollment through Oct 15; harmonyed.com/hawaii. Partnered with four local public charter schools, Harmony offers benefits of homeschooling with resources available to public schools. Interested families can also contact Rayna Williams at rwilliams@harmonyed.com or 430-9798.
Disaster Recovery Center open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Pāhoa Neighborhood Center at 15-3022 Kauhale St. See information applicants need to bring, or register online, at fema.gov/disaster/4366. If you are a survivor who has left the area, call 800-621-3362. Salvation Army distribution center at Pāhoa Community Center on Tue, Thu, and Sat, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. To donate, contact 756-0306.
Volunteers Needed by St. Jude's Episcopal Church for Sat community outreach, especially soup cooks and shower organizers. "Volunteering for St. Jude's Saturday Shower and Soup ministry is an opportunity to serve God in a powerful way," states St. Jude's. Contact Dave Breskin, 319-8333.
Ocean View Vet Center Visits Suspended until further notice. Veterans, call 329-0574 for VA benefit information. ovcahi.org
Find Your Park, invites Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, to kama`aina and tourist alike. Experience authentic Hawaiian cultural programs, guided hikes, After Dark events, and more from Ka`ū to Volcano to Hilo, while the partial closure of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park continues.
Find Your Park, invites Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, to kama`aina and tourist alike. Experience authentic Hawaiian cultural programs, guided hikes, After Dark events, and more from Ka`ū to Volcano to Hilo, while the partial closure of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park continues.
Free of charge, with no entry fees, rangers offer new and familiar programs at Kahuku Unit, Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus, and Mokupāpapa Discovery Center and Prince Kūhio Plaza in Hilo.
Kahuku Unit
Kahuku events are posted to the park website, nps.gov/havo/planyourvisit/kahuku-hikes.htm.
Regularly scheduled Guided Hikes, monthly Coffee Talk, daily Ranger Talks, with cultural demonstrations and activities on weekends.
Guided Hikes on Saturdays and Sundays begin at 9:30 a.m. Meet the ranger at the welcome tent. Can't make a guided hike but want to get to know Kahuku better? The Friends of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park will tailor a customized trek just for you. Contact Friends through their website. Proceeds support Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park.

Ranger Talks introduce the natural, cultural and historic attributes of Kahuku on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. , and Saturday and Sunday at 10:30 a.m. , at the Visitor Contact Station.
`Ike Hana No`eau: Experience the Skillful Work Cultural Demonstrations and Activities, Saturdays and Sundays from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., at the Visitor Contact Station. Pū`ohe Workshop: Learn to make a bamboo trumpet, Sat, Aug 18, 12:30 p.m. Hawaiian Paper: Make your own paper from the wauke plant, Sun, Aug 19, 12:30 p.m. Wauke supplies are limited, please RSVP to wendy_scott-vance@nps.gov.
Picnic in the Park: Join Kahuku for Hawaiian music and hula. Bring a picnic lunch or opt to buy lunch from food trucks on this family-friendly day. Supported by the Friends of Hawai`i VolcanoesNational Park. Sun., Sept. 16, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Find Park Rangers in Volcano Village daily, at the Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus at 19-4074 Old Volcano Rd. Rangers are there 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to provide talks and answer questions about the current eruption.
After Dark …near the park at the Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus. Each event will have a different subject matter.
Find Park Rangers in downtown Hilo, Tuesdays through Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rangers provide daily eruption updates. At 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., they give a talk about all five of Hawai`i Island's volcanoes, including Kīlauea. Get NPS Passport Books stamped. Located at 76 Kamehameha Ave., Hilo.
Prince Kūhio Plaza
Find Park Rangers alongside the park's non-profit partner, Hawai`i Pacific Parks Association, at their brand new mall store.
Grand Naniloa Hotel
Find Park Rangers stationed at the Grand Naniloa Hotel in downtown Hilo on Sundays and Mondays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Rangers provide eruption updates at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The park film that is normally available to visitors at Kīlauea Visitor Center at the Summit, Born of Fire, Born in the Sea, is shown every half-hour beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Park rangers also greet incoming arrivals at the Hilo International Airport, welcome cruise ship passengers as they disembark at the Port of Hilo, and inform visitors at `Imiloa Astronomy Center most Sundays.