The substation and overhead transmission line are planned to service a controversial solar installation planned on lots in Ranchos and neighboring subdivisions. If the PUC does not approve construction of the transmission line, the proposed solar installation will be unable to connect to the grid.
If the transmission line is approved – either overhead or underground – the developers, an international corporation, will likely build a 6.5-megawatt project on 26 three-acre housing lots. Residents and property owners oppose what they consider industrialization of a rural neighborhood.
Ka`u Scenic Byway Committee Chair Rich Morrow wrote to the PUC: “Highway 11 through Ka`u has been designated as a Scenic Byway by the state of Hawai`i. One of our goals is to enhance visitors’ experiences of our natural scenery while they travel through the diverse environments found along the highway. Construction of the proposed substation and overhead transmission line at the proposed location would create a prominent and permanent eyesore and be detrimental to our goal to beautify the Byway.
“We understand that there is an alternative site, previously proposed by HELCO, which is heavily wooded. We request that the commission consider placing the proposed substation on that lot so that it will be screened from view of travelers on the highway.”
The scenic route is entitled The Slopes of Mauna Loa. The committee has placed signs along the highway and installed a three-sided kiosk in Na`alehu. The committee also has plans to erect signs that will identify the dates of the many lava flows that Highway 11 crosses.
The PUC has opened a docket and is soliciting public comment on HELCO’s application. Anyone wishing to send comments can email Put docket number 2015-0229 in the subject line.
“We understand that there is an alternative site, previously proposed by HELCO, which is heavily wooded. We request that the commission consider placing the proposed substation on that lot so that it will be screened from view of travelers on the highway.”
The scenic route is entitled The Slopes of Mauna Loa. The committee has placed signs along the highway and installed a three-sided kiosk in Na`alehu. The committee also has plans to erect signs that will identify the dates of the many lava flows that Highway 11 crosses.
The PUC has opened a docket and is soliciting public comment on HELCO’s application. Anyone wishing to send comments can email Put docket number 2015-0229 in the subject line.
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LEADERS OF THE SPECIALTY COFFEE industry are traveling to the state’s largest agricultural district this month during the Ka`u Coffee Festival to taste and see all the effort that goes into producing award-winning Ka`u Coffee.
While meeting Ka`u growers, the visiting experts lead seminars at the festival’s annual Ka`u Coffee College May 22 at Pahala Community Center. Ka`u Coffee College has proven to be a place of learning, sharing and networking and has featured some of the industry’s leading professionals from around the globe. The 2016 program follows in this tradition with the theme Coffee Quality.
While meeting Ka`u growers, the visiting experts lead seminars at the festival’s annual Ka`u Coffee College May 22 at Pahala Community Center. Ka`u Coffee College has proven to be a place of learning, sharing and networking and has featured some of the industry’s leading professionals from around the globe. The 2016 program follows in this tradition with the theme Coffee Quality.
Meet Mike Perry, of Klatch Coffee, at Ka`u Coffee College. Photo from Klatch Coffee |
“These seminars are designed to not only continue to brand and market Ka`u as a premium coffee growing origin, but to help the growers’ bottom line,” organizer Chris Manfredi said. “We understand the challenges of sustaining a profitable farming operation in Hawai`i. These talks will certainly reinforce the exceptionally high quality for which Ka`u Coffee has become famous, but also ensure there is a steady supply of it. As we reach more markets, we need a solid supply of quality coffees to meet the increasing demand while ensuring growers remain profitable.”
Ka`u Coffee College is part of the eighth annual Ka`u Coffee Festival, spanning May 13-22, and culminating May 21-22 at Pahala Community Center. Coffee professionals learn first-hand about the Ka`u coffee community in the days leading up to the May 21 Ho`olaule`a, which includes guided tastings, farm tours and the opportunity to talk story with growers at their booths.
“Ka`u Coffee College is the last, but certainly not the least event,” Manfredi said.
Topics covered at this year’s college include integrated pest management, coffee berry borer and coffee quality’s impact on price.
Six Years of Farming with CBB: Reflecting and Moving Forward will be presented by Andrea Kawabata, assistant extension agent for coffee and orchard crops with the University of Hawai`i CTAHR cooperative extension service and biologist Arturo Ballar Ortiz PSM, farm development and research director at Greenwell Farms. Working out of the Kona Research and Extension Center, Kawabata is the current project investigator for USDA and CTAHR Area-wide Mitigation and Management for CBB Control Project’s Outreach Program and cooperating investigator of the HDOA-funded Flat Bark Beetle Project.
Mike Perry will delve into Coffee Quality’s Relationship to Price Sensitivity. An award-winning roast master who blends a background in chemical engineering with a love for coffee, Perry is founder of Klatch Coffee in California.
Falling Coffee, Falling Profits will be discussed by Robert G. Hollingsworth, research entomologist of Hilo’s USDA-ARS-Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center and a specialist on coffee berry borer. Hollingworth’s research facilitated deregulation of the GHA strain of Beauveria bassiana, the principal pesticide used to control CBB. Currently, he is studying natural enemies of the pest, effectiveness of sanitation methods and the influence of environmental factors on population growth and development.
Miguel Meza, owner and director of Paradise Coffee Roasters in Hawai`i and Minnesota, teams up with Lee Paterson, owner of Hula Daddy Kona Coffee, to direct a coffee quality workshop, Recognizing and Minimizing Coffee Defects.
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“Ka`u Coffee College is the last, but certainly not the least event,” Manfredi said.
Topics covered at this year’s college include integrated pest management, coffee berry borer and coffee quality’s impact on price.
Six Years of Farming with CBB: Reflecting and Moving Forward will be presented by Andrea Kawabata, assistant extension agent for coffee and orchard crops with the University of Hawai`i CTAHR cooperative extension service and biologist Arturo Ballar Ortiz PSM, farm development and research director at Greenwell Farms. Working out of the Kona Research and Extension Center, Kawabata is the current project investigator for USDA and CTAHR Area-wide Mitigation and Management for CBB Control Project’s Outreach Program and cooperating investigator of the HDOA-funded Flat Bark Beetle Project.
Mike Perry will delve into Coffee Quality’s Relationship to Price Sensitivity. An award-winning roast master who blends a background in chemical engineering with a love for coffee, Perry is founder of Klatch Coffee in California.
Falling Coffee, Falling Profits will be discussed by Robert G. Hollingsworth, research entomologist of Hilo’s USDA-ARS-Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center and a specialist on coffee berry borer. Hollingworth’s research facilitated deregulation of the GHA strain of Beauveria bassiana, the principal pesticide used to control CBB. Currently, he is studying natural enemies of the pest, effectiveness of sanitation methods and the influence of environmental factors on population growth and development.
Miguel Meza, owner and director of Paradise Coffee Roasters in Hawai`i and Minnesota, teams up with Lee Paterson, owner of Hula Daddy Kona Coffee, to direct a coffee quality workshop, Recognizing and Minimizing Coffee Defects.
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U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz met with U.S. Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland yesterday. Photo from Office of Sen. Schatz |
U.S. SEN. BRIAN SCHATZ yesterday met with U.S. Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, chief judge of the D.C. Circuit Court. The two met in Schatz’s office on Capitol Hill to discuss the nominating process, his record and judicial philosophy.
“Chief Judge Garland and I had a productive discussion about his record and approach to the law, and it is clear to me that he is a well qualified candidate for the Supreme Court. While I was glad to hear from him personally, the American people deserve to hear from him, too,” Schatz said. “We also now have Chief Judge Garland’s completed Senate Judiciary Questionnaire, which I will be carefully reviewing. These documents hold key information on his judicial philosophy, opinions and experience. Every member of the Senate should read it. Now that we have these documents, it’s time for Senate Republicans to do their job, take the next step in the process and give Chief Judge Garland a fair and timely hearing and vote.”
Earlier yesterday, Garland officially submitted his Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaire, as all previous nominees to the Supreme Court have done. The completed questionnaire is 141 pages long and includes 2,066 pages of appendices. It includes key information on Garland’s employment, honors and awards, published writings, litigated cases, judicial opinions, speeches and interviews. The standard Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaire is an essential part of the confirmation process for all federal judicial nominees. It is typically used by all senators to evaluate the nominee’s qualifications and then used as the basis for developing questions at the nominee’s confirmation hearing.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter.
Earlier yesterday, Garland officially submitted his Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaire, as all previous nominees to the Supreme Court have done. The completed questionnaire is 141 pages long and includes 2,066 pages of appendices. It includes key information on Garland’s employment, honors and awards, published writings, litigated cases, judicial opinions, speeches and interviews. The standard Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaire is an essential part of the confirmation process for all federal judicial nominees. It is typically used by all senators to evaluate the nominee’s qualifications and then used as the basis for developing questions at the nominee’s confirmation hearing.
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Red arrow marks location of a stone wall at South Point to be rebuilt. Photo from Nohealani Ka`awa |
THE KA`U COMMUNITY, Ka`u Hawaiian Home Lands Association and beneficiaries and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands are organizing Ho`opa`a ka Pa Pohaku to rebuild a stone wall to restore and protect Kalalea Heiau Fishing Temple at South Point.
“The pa pohaku (stone wall), put into place by our Ka`u Kupuna (ancestors) to protect this sacred site, has been broken,” said DHHL Ka`u Association President Jeffrey Kekoa. “We humbly invite you and your `ohana to kokua (help) repair the wall and do what is pono (right) for this unique wahi pana (legendary place), which sustains us with food and connects us to our Kupuna. Keiki are welcome.”
Participants are asked to bring 4WD trucks to help haul rocks, sun protection (hats, long sleeves/pants, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc.), covered shoes, work gloves and reusable water bottle.
On Saturday, May 21, introductions and oli begin the event at 8 a.m. Participants break into four groups, each with an Alaka`i (leader) and kuleana (responsibility). Food and water are provided. Work concludes at 2 p.m.
Participants are asked to bring 4WD trucks to help haul rocks, sun protection (hats, long sleeves/pants, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc.), covered shoes, work gloves and reusable water bottle.
On Saturday, May 21, introductions and oli begin the event at 8 a.m. Participants break into four groups, each with an Alaka`i (leader) and kuleana (responsibility). Food and water are provided. Work concludes at 2 p.m.
For more info, see, or call Kekoa at 928-0320.
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Chef Casey Halpern, of Cafe Pesto |
I OLA NA `AINA MOMONA's benefit dinner at Pahala Plantation House for farmer land security is Tuesday, May 17 at 6 p.m. Tickets are available with a $48 tax-deductible donation. Funds raised by the nonprofit will be used to send Ka`u Coffee growers and their representatives to O`ahu to build support for their cause with lawmakers and potential donors.
Two Hawai`i Island chefs and musician Hawane Rios are coming together to raise awareness of land security for Ka`u Coffee growers.
The dinner will be a gourmet, locally sourced sampling of freshly caught fish, locally raised meat and fresh, local, organic vegetables from Wood Valley Farm in Pahala. Big Island Brewhaus is sponsoring an open bar with a sampling of their craft beers. Jonah VanGieson, of `Ohelo Cafe in Volcano, and Casey Halpern, of Cafe Pesto are chefs.
KA`U MOUNTAIN WATER System Hikes are a week from today. On Wednesday, May 18 and Thursday, May 19 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., participants explore flume systems of the sugarcane era and investigate the development of hydroelectric power as they hike through native Hawaiian rainforest. Observe the old wooden flumes that carried water down the mountain to float sugar to the mill as you listen to native birds and take in the fresh air of Ka`u.
$45 per person (limited to 30 people) includes lunch. Call 928-0550, or email
LEA KA`AHA`AINA, OF HAWAI`I Department of Land & Natural Resources’ `Alala Project, tomorrow discusses the Hawaiian crow’s recovery and plans for its upcoming release. Volcano Art Center Gallery Manager Emily C. Weiss share details about the Call to Artists: All `Alala!
The Thursday Nights at the Center event begins at 7 p.m. at Volcano Art Center in Volcano Village. Free; $5 donations are greatly appreciated.
The Thursday Nights at the Center event begins at 7 p.m. at Volcano Art Center in Volcano Village. Free; $5 donations are greatly appreciated.