Office of Hawaiian Affairs states that "Since 2016, a
number of state boards and commissions with land use and resource management
responsibilities have been required to attend a Native Hawaiian law and public
trust training course; in addition, several of these boards are required to
have at least one member possess experience or expertise in relevant Native Hawaiian
traditional and customary practices or resource management approaches.
Combined, these requirements seek to ensure that decisions impacting our lands
and resources are more informed as to the rights, values, and practices of
Native Hawaiians, and have the potential to enhance our islands' sustainability
and resilience for present and future generations."
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Kaʻū has some of the largest swaths of pristine land managed by the state. Map from Dept. of Land and Natural Resources |
The OHA proposal would:
Require an annual
report by OHA and DLNR of all individuals who have failed to meet the one-year
training deadline under the law; prohibit individuals who have failed to meet
their requirement from serving on a permitted interaction group or voting on
any matter before their respective boards or commissions, until they have
attended a training course; remove untrained individuals from their respective
boards or commissions at the end of the regular legislative session following
their deadline to complete the training course, unless they complete the
training course or are reconfirmed by the Senate before the session ends; and
allow the individual votes of untrained council, board and commission members
to be challenged and subject to being nullified and voided following a
contested case proceeding.
The measure would also require that four
of the nine-member LUC and four members of the seven-member BLNR be appointed
from a list of nominees submitted by OHA, similar to the way in which OHA
nominees are appointed to the various island burial councils. The requirement
would take effect after the end of the current terms of all sitting BLNR and
LUC members.
meaningful representation of Native Hawaiian perspectives will particularly
ensure that land use and resource management decisions incorporate and benefit
from Native Hawaiian practices, values, and knowledge relating to the ‘āina,"
says the OHA statement to the Hawaiʻi Legislature.
See more on OHA efforts below.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at
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Ancient Hawaiian hula site, ʻImakakāloa Heiau, is one Kaʻū cultural location. Photo from Edith Kanakaʻole Foundation |
Despite these
laws, states OHA, concerns have been raised regarding landowners and
contractors who ignore county permitting requirements before beginning
construction work, thereby avoiding the procedural protections established
under historic preservation laws, and likely impacting countless iwi kūpuna and
archaeological and historical sites. "These concerns have been compounded
by written statements from the State Historic Preservation Division that
impacts to iwi kūpuna from unpermitted grading or construction activities
cannot be investigated or enforced after-the-fact, due to the likelihood that
any evidence of such impacts have already been destroyed. For unscrupulous
landowners and contractors, this admitted lack of after-the-fact enforcement
may even represent a significant financial incentive to engage in unpermitted
work especially where iwi kūpuna may be found, as the otherwise minimal
penalties for unpermitted work may be far less than the costs of complying with
permitting processes and conditions protecting iwi kūpuna and historic sites.”
This OHA proposal would seek to better
protect Native Hawaiians' ancestors by:
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South Point holds many areas where iwi kūpuna were laid to rest, but soil erosion from human activity may have covered up some of the history. DLNR photo |
See more on OHA efforts in future Kaʻū News Briefs.
FLASH FLOODING SHUTDOWN HWY 11 AT KAWA FLATS at 8:50, as heavy rains continued into the night. The Flash Flood Warning also continued for Kaʻū and much of the
windward side of Hawaiʻi Island, reported the National Weather Service. Local areas
expected to experience the most flooding include Wood Valley, Nāʻālehu and Kāwā Flats.
The public is warned to not cross running water, and to avoid streams, rivers,
drainage ditches, and culverts, even if they are currently dry. Rock and mud
slides are also a possibility.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at
DECIPHERING KĪLAUEA'S 2018 ERUPTION is the subject of a free,
public talk on Thurs., Jan. 16 at 7 p.m
in the University Classroom Building (UCB), Room 100, on the main UH-Hilo
campus, 200 W. Kawili St. , Hilo .
U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory and University of Hawaiʻi
at Hilo scientists Lopaka Lee and Cheryl Gansecki will tell the story of magma
sources within Kīlauea Volcano as revealed by analyses of lava samples
collecting during the eruption. This is one of many programs offered during
Hawaiʻi's 11th annual Volcano Awareness Month this month.
Varsity facing Honokaʻa and Varsity facing Pāhoa.
The Trojans put
up a good fight against the Dragons in the Varsity game, scoring 35 to 54, to Honokaʻa.
During the game, Grace Smith scored 8 pints for Kaʻū, Kaohinani Grace
scored 7, Riley Ann Brown and CeAndra Silva-Kamei each scored 6, Shania Lee
Silva scored 4, and Melinda Eder and Heidi Vidal each scored 2.
In the JV game, the
Daggers scored 48 points to the Trojans' 11. Kaʻū's Kawai Smith scored 6 points
for the home team, Hulali Baji scored 3, and Candace Keohuloa scored 1.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at
See monthly and weekly Kaʻū and Volcano Events, Meetings, Entertainment, Exercise, and Meditation at
Girls Basketball
After Dark in the Park – What's Happening at Kīlauea Volcano's Summit ?, Tuesday, Jan. 14, 7-8p.m. , Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium. What are the potential hazards at Kīlauea ’s summit? Could explosive activity return? What is known about the water lake? How is it monitored? Join USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory geologists Matt Patrick and Tricia Nadeau as they answer these questions and more. Free; Park entrance fees apply. 985-6101,
Friends of the Kaʻū Libraries Annual Mtg., Wednesday, Jan. 15,5:30 p.m. at Pāhala Plantation House on Maile Street . Elections for officers will happen during the short
business meeting, followed by potluck pūpū. Sandra Demoruelle,
or 808-929-9244.
Hawaii Wildlife Fund - Ka‘ū Community Cleanup, Saturday, Jan. 18. Space available. BYO-4WD also welcome. R.S.V.P. in advance to 769-7629,, or
T-Ball and Coach Pitch Baseball League: Ocean View Team - Mondays and Wednesdays, Kahuku Park. Nā‘ālehu Team - Tuesdays and Thursdays, Nā‘ālehu Park. Pāhala Team (seeking coaches) - attend Nā‘ālehu practice. T-Ball, 3:30-4:30pm, ages 5-6. Coach Pitch, 4:30-6p.m., ages 7-8. Programs take place through April 16. Wear cleats or tennis shoes, bring a glove if possible. Extras gloves available for use. All skills and genders welcome. $35 per teammate. See Ka‘ū Youth Baseball on Facebook. Josh or Elizabeth Crook, 345-0511
Tūtū & Me Home Visiting Program is a free service to Pāhala families with keiki, birth to five years old. This caregiver support program offers those taking care of young keiki "a compassionate listening ear, helpful parenting tips and strategies, fun and exciting activities, and wonderful educational resources" from Tūtū & Me Traveling Preschool. Home visits are one hour in length, two to four times per month, for 12 to 15 visits. Snacks are provided. See or call 808-938-1088.
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See public Kaʻū events, meetings, entertainment.
Print edition of The Kaʻū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Kaʻū, from Miloliʻi through Volcano, and free on
stands throughout the district. Read online at
Kaʻū Winter Sports Schedule
Girls Basketball
Tue., Jan. 14 host Konawaena
Thu., Jan.16 @Kealakehe
Boys Basketball
Mon., Jan. 13 host Hilo
Wed., Jan. 15 host Kealakehe
Wed., Jan. 15 @Konawaena
Sat., Jan. 18 Girls @Kamehameha
Sat., Jan. 18 @HPA
Sat., Jan. 25 @Kamehameha
Sat., Jan. 18 @Kamehameha
Sat., Jan. 25 @Kona Community Aquatic Center
Puʻu o Lukuana, Sunday, Jan. 12, 9:30-11a.m. , Kahuku Unit, HVNP. Free, short, .4 mile hike. Bring snack and water.
Sunday Walk in the Park: Halemaʻumaʻu Trail, Sunday, Jan. 12 – second Saturday, monthly – 10a.m. -noon , meet at Kīlauea Visitor Center , HVNP. Organized by Friends of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park . Moderate 1.6 mile round trip hike. Free for members. Register online. Park entrance fees apply. 985-7373,,
Medicine for the Mind: Teachings in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition, Sunday, Jan. 12 and 26 – 2nd Sunday, monthly – 3-5p.m. , Volcano Art Center . Free; calabash donations welcome. Dress warmly. Patty Johnson, 345-1527,
Ka‘ū Homeschool Co–op Group, Tuesday, Jan. 14 and 28 – every other Tuesday, monthly – 9a.m., Ocean View Community Center. Parent-led homeschool activity and social group, building community in Ka‘ū. Call to confirm location before attending. Laura Roberts, 406-249-3351
Empower Meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 14 and 28 – every other Tuesday, monthly – 11a.m.-1p.m., PARENTS, Inc. office, Nā‘ālehu. Empowering girls group. Registration required. Diana, 935-4805
Cultural Understanding Through Art & the Environment: Lauhala Weaving Ku‘uipo Kakahiki-Morales, Tuesday, Jan. 14 – second Tuesday, Monthly – 11a.m.-1p.m. , Volcano Art Center . $10 per person supply fee. 967-8222,
Public Information Mtg. by County
of Hawai ‘i Department
of Environmental Management's Solid Waste Division, Tuesday, Jan. 14 at Nā‘ālehu
Clubhouse, 95-5635 Māmalahoa Hwy ,
from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend
and give input. The Solid Waste Division will be discussing the facilities'
operating days and the possibility of modifying the current schedule for
transfer stations. Visit or
call the Solid Waste Division Office at 961-8270 for more.

Ocean View Community Association Board of Directors Mtg., Wednesday, Jan. 15 – third Wednesday, monthly – 12:30-1:30p.m. , Ocean View Community Center . 939-7033,
Friends of the Kaʻū Libraries Annual Mtg., Wednesday, Jan. 15,
Family Reading Night, Wednesday, Jan. 15 – third Tuesday, monthly – 6-7p.m. , Nā‘ālehu Elementary School Cafeteria. Family reading, make & take activities, snacks provided. Free,
Aloha Kidney in Kaʻū, Thursday afternoons, 1-3:30p.m. , Jan. 16 through Feb 20, Kaʻū Resource Center, 96-3126 Puahala St. in Pāhala. The free class series on Chronic Kidney Disease lead by retired kidney doctor Ramona Wong. Bring a pen and whomever cares/cooks/shops for the person(s) with CKD. Enroll online by Friday, Jan. 10 at or call (808) 585-8404.
Nāʻālehu School Family Reading Night, Thursday, Jan. 16 – third Wednesday, monthly – 6-7p.m. , Ocean View Community Center . Family reading, make & take activities, snacks provided. Free. 939-7033,
Soft Pastel Still Life Workshop with Patti Pease Johnson, Saturday, Jan. 18, 9a.m. Beginner and intermediate artists welcome. 967-8222,
Birth of Kahuku, Saturday, Jan. 18, 9:30-11:30a.m. , Kahuku Unit, HVNP. Free, easy-to-moderate hike. Bring snack and water.
Hike Back in Time To The 1969-74 Mauna Ulu Eruption, Saturday, Jan. 18, 10a.m.-1p.m. , Mauna Ulu parking lot. USGS HVO geologist Dr. Carolyn Parcheta leads a two-hour guided walk along the fissure that started the Mauna Ulu eruption, the longest observed effusive rift eruption at the time which built lava shield, Mauna Ulu, growing mountain, a prominent landmark on Kīlauea's East Rift Zone. Free; Park entrance fees apply. 985-6101,
Ocean View C.E.R.T. Mtg., Saturday, Jan. 18 and Feb. 4 – every other Tu esday – 10a.m.-1p.m., Ocean View Community Center. Community Emergency Response Team monthly meeting and training. 939-7033,
Pupule Papales Band, Saturday, Jan. 18, 7-10p.m. , Kīlauea Military Camp's Lava Lounge, in HVNP. $5 cover charge, free to in-house guests. Open to authorized patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply.
Apply for Mosaics of Science by Monday, Feb. 3. Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park's 12-week paid summer internship position is designed to engage university students and recent graduates with on-the-ground work experience in the National Park Service. A $4,800 stipend, and all travel costs are covered, including a week-long career workshop in Washington , D.C. to meet with NPS managers.
The internship is open to U.S. citizens and permanent legal residents ages 18-30, and to military veterans up to age 35. Funding is provided under a cooperative agreement for youth conservation activities as part of the Public Lands Corps program, which mandates that these age ranges are followed.
The selected intern will assist with the development of education curriculum for Kīpukapuaulu and Pu‘u Loa trails in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park.
For more information, contact Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park Education Specialist Jody Anastasio by email at To apply go to or
For more information, contact Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park Education Specialist Jody Anastasio by email at To apply go to or

Tūtū & Me Home Visiting Program is a free service to Pāhala families with keiki, birth to five years old. This caregiver support program offers those taking care of young keiki "a compassionate listening ear, helpful parenting tips and strategies, fun and exciting activities, and wonderful educational resources" from Tūtū & Me Traveling Preschool. Home visits are one hour in length, two to four times per month, for 12 to 15 visits. Snacks are provided. See or call 808-938-1088.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at