Coffee & Cattle Day, one of several Ka`u Coffee Festival events, includes hayrides through the verdant fields of Aikane Plantation. Photo by Jesse Tunison/ Ka`u Coffee Festival |
MORE DETAILS HAVE BEEN RELEASED about the next month’s Ka`u Coffee Festival. Events begin on Friday, May 13 and continue through Sunday, May 22.
“The festival highlights the efforts of our hard-working Ka`u coffee producers and also offers unique activities that showcase the heritage District of Ka`u. Many events are only available during the festival,” said one of the festival organizers, Chris Manfredi.
Donations for Miss Ka`u Coffee Scholarship fund will be accepted at the Kickoff Pa`ina & Open House on Friday, May 13 at Pahala Plantation House, sponsored Hawai`i Farmers Union United and the Ka`u Chamber of Commerce. The first event of the 10-day festival features fresh foods grown here and music. El Leo, the Jarican Express, led by East Ka`u's state Senator, Russell Ruderman, will play Kachi Kachi Puerto Rican music. Bolo and Friends will also entertain. Call 928-9811.
This year's Ka`u Coffee Recipe Contest offers nearly $2,000 in cash prizes. Photo from Ka`u Coffee Festival |
This year’s Ka`u Coffee Recipe Contest offers nearly $2,000 in cash prizes. Deadline for entries for the Saturday, May 14 event at Ka`u Coffee Mill is Monday, May 9. Emcee is Miss Holly T and attendees are able to enjoy live music and taste the many kinds of food from desserts to main dishes, made with Ka`u Coffee. Call Lisa Wright at 928-0550.
“New to this year’s lineup of java-jumping fun is the Lobsterpalooza – a leisurely Sunday afternoon picnic on the lawn at Punalu`u Black Sand Beach," says the statement from the Ka`u Coffee Festival. "On the menu of the May 15 spread is a variety of tantalizing skewered pupus, your choice of Kona Cold Lobster or charbroiled Spencer Steak, raised locally by Kuahiwi Ranch, and served with roasted potatoes, Cajun-style local sweet corn, a mouthwatering Ka`u Coffee Mocha Torte, lilikoi lemonade, brewed ice tea and plenty of Ka`u coffee.” Tickets for $75 are available online at
At Coffee & Cattle Day on Friday, May 20, Aikane Plantation carries attendees, by four-wheel drive and on a hay ride, deep into the hills above Pahala through horse and cattle pastures and into their Ka`u Coffee farm. Back at the ranch house, owners Merle and Phil Becker present their Ka`u Coffee and new line of native mamaki tea. Makana is scheduled to entertain with his Hawaiian music. Call 808-927-2252 to make a reservation.
The statement from the Ka`u Coffee Festival Committee urges the public to “pour some fun at the Ka`u Coffee Festival – 10 days of java-jumping fun!” See more events in upcoming news briefs. See for the full lineup.
At Coffee & Cattle Day on Friday, May 20, Aikane Plantation carries attendees, by four-wheel drive and on a hay ride, deep into the hills above Pahala through horse and cattle pastures and into their Ka`u Coffee farm. Back at the ranch house, owners Merle and Phil Becker present their Ka`u Coffee and new line of native mamaki tea. Makana is scheduled to entertain with his Hawaiian music. Call 808-927-2252 to make a reservation.
The statement from the Ka`u Coffee Festival Committee urges the public to “pour some fun at the Ka`u Coffee Festival – 10 days of java-jumping fun!” See more events in upcoming news briefs. See for the full lineup.
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Ka`u youth have an opportunity for summer work in South Kona. Photo from NPS |
YOUTH CONSERVATION CORPS applications are available for those who may want to drive north from Ka`u this summer to work at Pu`uhonua o Honaunau National Historic Park.
YCC provides gainful employment and an educational experience in conservation of our natural and historical heritage. Workers will participate in conservation and preservation projects throughout the park and work with all park divisions.
This year’s program runs from June 13 to July 23. Applicants must be 15 to 18 years old during the six-week period.
For more information, call Felipe Galieto at 328-2326, ext. 1314.
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This year’s program runs from June 13 to July 23. Applicants must be 15 to 18 years old during the six-week period.
For more information, call Felipe Galieto at 328-2326, ext. 1314.
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THE U.S. SENATE UNANIMOUSLY passed the Native American Tourism and Improving Visitor Experience Act, legislation co-introduced by U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz, co-chair of the Senate Tourism Caucus. The bipartisan NATIVE Act would enhance and integrate native tourism, empower native communities and expand unique cultural tourism opportunities.
“I authored this bill because our country’s native communities are unique and have histories and cultures that can only be shared in America,” Schatz said. “In our state, we are proud that the Native Hawaiian contribution is foundational to who we are as a place and a people. Every visitor should know that.”
The NATIVE Act would require federal agencies with tourism assets and responsibilities to include tribes and native organizations in national tourism efforts and strategic planning. It would also provide Native Hawaiian, Alaska Native and American Indian communities with access to resources and technical assistance needed to build sustainable recreational and cultural travel and tourism infrastructure and capacity, spur economic development and create good jobs.
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HAWAIIAN OBSERVATORY SCIENTISTS discuss Geologic Map of the Island of Hawai`i in the current issue of Volcano Watch.
“This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Geologic Map of the Island of Hawai`i, known affectionately to local volcanologists as the BIMP (Big Island Mapping Project),” the article states.
“This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Geologic Map of the Island of Hawai`i, known affectionately to local volcanologists as the BIMP (Big Island Mapping Project),” the article states.
“The first printing of this map was in 1996. Digitized in 2005, it is still in print today due to its popularity and continued use by geologists and other scientists, educators and land managers and planners, as well as island residents and visitors. It’s also just rather nice to look at.
“The Geologic Map of the Island of Hawai`i was a decade-long project that updated the 1940s geologic map by legendary Hawai`i geologists Harold Stearns and Gordon Macdonald. By comparing the two, you can see how much more detail is provided in the updated map.
“The 1996 map was a large undertaking involving more than two dozen geologists and geochronologists, a cartographer, a data technician and many volunteers.
“The Geologic Map of the Island of Hawai`i was a decade-long project that updated the 1940s geologic map by legendary Hawai`i geologists Harold Stearns and Gordon Macdonald. By comparing the two, you can see how much more detail is provided in the updated map.
“The 1996 map was a large undertaking involving more than two dozen geologists and geochronologists, a cartographer, a data technician and many volunteers.
“To gather new information, geologists walked over many miles of terrain, sometimes using helicopters to reach remote areas and sometimes camping for several days. Geologists used aerial photographs to identify subtle patterns in the landscape and then examined the features on the ground to understand their significance. GPS units, new (and cumbersome) technology at the time, helped locate points in highly vegetated areas. Geologists also used new techniques for dating and characterizing lava flows that were not available in the 1940s.
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A comparison of the 1946 Stearns and MacDonald map and the 1996
BIMP map, digitized in 2005, shows how the understanding
of Hawai`i Island's geology advanced over half a century.
“Each geologist compiled field information using aerial photographs, and then transferred the observations and interpretations onto 1:24000 (quadrangle) topographic maps. The cartographer then unified the field geologists’ linework for the final map. All this information was then carefully hand-drawn and colored onto the USGS 1:100,000 Hawai`i County topographic base map.
“The 1996 geologic map publication contains six sheets. One set of three sheets presents the colored geologic map, which displays the origins, shapes, physical compositions, and ages of the lava flows and other surface deposits, including cinder cones, fissure vents, and faults. On the map, colors reflect lava flow age, and patterns indicate composition. Permission was granted to reject traditional, subdued USGS geologic map colors to allow geologically recent and active lava flows to enliven the map, just as they do the landscape.
“Each flow is also labeled with an alpha-numeric signature that is keyed to source, age, and type of deposit. For example, ‘kc5’ indicates a spatter or scoria cone (c) from Mauna Loa (k) in age group 5 (0 to 200 years before present). An 18-page text summary of the three colored sheets is included with the geologic map.
“The second set of three maps displays the location and some analytical data for 1,783 rock and 242 radiocarbon samples gathered by BIMP geologists. The chemical composition or radiocarbon age of each sample is published in tables in the accompanying 51-page pamphlet. These data add scientific depth to the geologic map, which is much appreciated by geologists and other scientists.
“This evolution of the map from 1946 to 1996 illustrates a theme of geologic maps: they are always a snapshot of understanding at a point in time. As insight into geologic processes grows and analytical tools improve, maps will be updated by future generations of scientists. Of course, the 1996 Geologic Map of the Island of Hawai`i is already out of date, lacking the last 20 years of Pu`u `O`o lava flows and missing some important new insights into both Kilauea and Mauna Loa.
“Since the 1996 map was published, Geographic Information System, or GIS, has become the standard tool of map-making and is a powerful way to combine disparate data and look at relationships of information in new ways. Someday, digital geologic maps will be three-dimensional and completely interactive, probably in ways we cannot even imagine now.
“However, despite new high-tech tools and visualizations, the preparation of geologic maps still involves hefting a pack and spending time on amazing landscapes, sweating and using all our senses as we carefully pick our way across the terrain. For many of us, this is what drew us to geology and keeps us excited at each new outcrop.
“Happy 20th birthday to the Geologic Map of the Island of Hawai`i. We look forward to its next iteration!”
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“Each flow is also labeled with an alpha-numeric signature that is keyed to source, age, and type of deposit. For example, ‘kc5’ indicates a spatter or scoria cone (c) from Mauna Loa (k) in age group 5 (0 to 200 years before present). An 18-page text summary of the three colored sheets is included with the geologic map.
“The second set of three maps displays the location and some analytical data for 1,783 rock and 242 radiocarbon samples gathered by BIMP geologists. The chemical composition or radiocarbon age of each sample is published in tables in the accompanying 51-page pamphlet. These data add scientific depth to the geologic map, which is much appreciated by geologists and other scientists.
“This evolution of the map from 1946 to 1996 illustrates a theme of geologic maps: they are always a snapshot of understanding at a point in time. As insight into geologic processes grows and analytical tools improve, maps will be updated by future generations of scientists. Of course, the 1996 Geologic Map of the Island of Hawai`i is already out of date, lacking the last 20 years of Pu`u `O`o lava flows and missing some important new insights into both Kilauea and Mauna Loa.
“Since the 1996 map was published, Geographic Information System, or GIS, has become the standard tool of map-making and is a powerful way to combine disparate data and look at relationships of information in new ways. Someday, digital geologic maps will be three-dimensional and completely interactive, probably in ways we cannot even imagine now.
“However, despite new high-tech tools and visualizations, the preparation of geologic maps still involves hefting a pack and spending time on amazing landscapes, sweating and using all our senses as we carefully pick our way across the terrain. For many of us, this is what drew us to geology and keeps us excited at each new outcrop.
“Happy 20th birthday to the Geologic Map of the Island of Hawai`i. We look forward to its next iteration!”
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Learn about invasive species at After Dark in the Park. |
ECOLOGIST DAVID BENITEZ DISCUSSES some of the most unwanted species in the park, Hawai`i and around the world at After Dark in the Park today at 7 p.m. at Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. $2 donations support park programs; park entrance fees apply.
LEARN HOW TO CREATE designs on a bamboo stamp and make nose flutes tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Kilauea Visitor Center in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Staff from Hawai`i Pacific Parks Association and rangers share their knowledge and love of two of Hawai`i’s popular traditional arts.

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