Kahele described Honomalino as "a black sand beach and is one of the most picturesque sites on the island of Hawai'i." He said "Ka Lae is already a registered National Historic Landmark District and is the site of one of the earliest settlements in the Hawaiian islands."
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Image of Congressman Kai Kahele and his bill, H.R. 1925 from govtrack.us |
A DOWNED POWER POLE CUT OFF HWY 11 IN BOTH DIRECTIONS between the 103 and 105 mile marker near Ho'okena on Sunday night. A message from Hawai'i Police Department said the Hawaiian Electric crew was on scene but could not remove the pole until Monday. Traffic is cut off between Kaʻū and Kona and motorists are advised to seek an alternate route. Some motorists were expected to be stranded overnight or drive around the island to reach their destination.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see www.facebook.
com/kaucalendar/. See latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
JUNETEENTH, A NEW FEDERAL HOLIDAY, June 19, is recognized in Hawai'i as a time of remembrance but not a state worker holiday. The national Junteenth holiday commemorates the end of slavery in 1865 , the date in which the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation became known and recognized everywhere in the U.S.
To start this new holiday, most federal workers were given a day off on Friday, June 18. One exception was the U.S. Postal Service, which continued its work on Friday and Saturday.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see www.facebook.com/kaucalendar/. See latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
After lunging at police with the knife, the unidentified man, of no known address, was killed by police. The officer who fired the fatal shot is on administrative leave. The police officer who was stabbed was treated at Hilo Medical Center.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see www.facebook.com/kaucalendar/. See latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
FRENCH POLYNESIANS' TRAVEL TO HAWAIʻI WILL SOON BECOME EASIER, with the Hawaiʻi state government accepting negative COVID tests from trusted partners in Tahiti and sister islands. The
waiving of the ten-day COVID quarantine with negative test results begins tomorrow, June 21.
Gov. David Ige said, "I am very grateful to President Fritch and all those in the French Polynesian government who have worked hard to make our pre-travel testing program available to your residents. Many of Hawaiʻi’s residents have family in Tahiti, and welcoming our guests from French Polynesia to Hawaiʻi is an important step in maintaining the close relationship between our two regions.”
Nicole Bouteau, Minister of Tourism and Labor said, “We are really very happy that your discussions with the Louis Malardé Institute and our Ministry of Tourism are now allowing the resumptions of rotations between Hawaiʻi and French Polynesia.”
Peter Ingram, CEO of Hawaiian Airlines, said, “It’s exciting to see the program that the governments of our two regions have worked closely on over the last several months come together. Hawaiʻi and French Polynesia have been successful in our fight against COVID-19, and today’s announcement is a reflection of our continued progress against the disease. Hawaiian has been flying to Tahiti since 1987 and we are pleased to once again connect our South Pacific guests with aloha.”
ALL AIR PASSENGERS COMING INTO THE U.S., according to a State of Hawaiʻi reminder today, must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test or documentation of having recovered from COVID-19, as mandated by Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. For international travelers coming to the State of Hawaiʻi, only tests from Trusted Testing Partners will be accepted for purposes of by-passing the state’s 10-day traveler quarantine.
It is also mandatory that masks be worn at airports and on airplanes. The federal government is also contemplating additional measures relating to periods of self-quarantine or self-isolation and/or testing after entry into the United States. For the time being, the state is making no changes to the Safe Travels program. For more information visit this website.
KAʻŪ ART GALLERY is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in Nāʻālehu. It features and sells works by local artists and offers other gift items. Kaʻū Art Gallery's website has 24/7 access online and is frequently updated to show current inventory items. "We are always looking to collaborate with local artists in our community," said assistant Alexandra Kaupu. Artists with an interest in being featured at Kaʻū Art Gallery and Gift Shop, contact gallery owner and director Corrine Kaupu at kauartgallery@hawaiiantel.bi
GOLF & MEMBERSHIPS for Discovery Harbour Golf Course and its Clubhouse: The Club offers Social Memberships, with future use of the clubhouse and
current use of the pickleball courts as well as walking and running on specified areas of the golf course before 8 a.m. and after 3 p.m. to enjoy the panoramic ocean views. Golf memberships range from unlimited play for the avid golfer to casual play options. Membership is required to play and practice golf on the course. All golf memberships include Social Membership amenities. Membership fees are designed to help underwrite programs and improvements to the facilities.
Call 808-731-5122 or stop by the Clubhouse during business hours, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily at 94-1581 Kaulua Circle. Email clubatdiscoveryharbour@gmail.com. See The Club at Discovery Harbour Facebook page.

ALOHA FRIDAY MARKETPLACE, hosted by Nāʻālehu Main Street, is from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., grounds of Kauahaʻao Congregational Church in Waiʻohinu. "It's a Farmer's Market, Swap Meet, Food Court, Arts & Crafts, Health Practitioners, Entertainment and more sharing our Manao and Aloha," says a statementfrom Nāʻālehu Main Street. "Our intention and mission is to increase economic viability in Kaʻū by providing additional opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses to share their products and services with the community. We welcome you to participate and help create a vibrant community!" Email AlohaFridayMarket@gmail.com for vendor inquiries, availability and application.
KUAHIWI RANCH STORE, in person. Shop weekdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, 11 am to 3 p.m. at 95-5520 Hwy 11. Locally processed grass-fed beef, live meat chickens, and feed for cattle, goats, sheep, chickens, horses, dogs, and pigs. Call 929-7333 of 938-1625, email kaohi@kuahiwiranch.com.
Meeting ID: 857 9865 5114; Passcode: Aloha
St. Jude's offers free food and showers, live church services and community outreach in Ocean View. St. Jude's Episcopal Mission is at Paradise Circle - mauka at Keaka. The Sunday service is also broadcast on Facebook through the St. Jude's web page at http://www.stjudeshawaii.org.
Free hot showers are open to anyone on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 pm There are two private stalls. The church provides body wash, shampoo and a clean towel. Shower participants must be signed up by 12:30 p.m.
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Free showers and lunches are available for anyone at St. Judes on Saturdays. Photo from St. Jude's |
St. Jude's is also working with Kaʻū High & Pahala Elementary for educational outreach and better internet for the entire Ocean View Community.
Public Libraries are open for WiFi, pick-up, and other services. Nāʻālehu open Monday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pahala open Tuesday, noon to 7 p.m., Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., limited entry into library with Wiki Visits. Schedule a Library Take Out time at picktime.com/hspls. Open for library card account help and reference assistance from the front door. WiFi available to anyone with a library card, from each library parking lot. See librarieshawaii.org.
Free Book Exchanges, at laundromats in Ocean View and Nāʻālehu, provided by Friends of the Kaʻū Libraries. Open to all. Keep the books, pass them on to other readers, or return them. Selection of books replenished weekly at both sites.
Read Report on Public Input about Disaster Recovery from damage during the 2018 Kīlauea eruption.
Food Assistance: Apply for The Volcano School of Arts & Sciences COVID-19 Family Relief Funds. Funded by Volcano Community Association, and members of the VSAS Friends and Governing Boards, who have donated, the fund supplies KTA or Dimple Cheek Gift Cards, or gift cards to other locally owned business, to VSAS families in need. Contact Kim Miller at 985-8537, kmiller@volcanoschool.net. Contributions to the fund can be sent in by check to: VSAS, PO Box 845, Volcano, HI 96785 – write Relief Fund in the memo. See volcanoschool.net.

Apply for Utility Assistance to pay for electricity, non-government water, or gas. Applicants must be a Hawaiʻi Island resident, at least 18 years old, lost income or work hours due to COVID-19, and not previously received assistance from other COVID-19 federal or state-funded programs. Funded by CARES Act and distributed by Hawaiʻi County Economic Opportunity Council, required documents for application are government-issued identification, income verification documents for all household members, utility statement with address of services, lease/rental agreement or mortgage document, and proof of hardship. Hardship may include, but not limited to, pay stubs documenting pre-COVID-19 income, unemployment approval letter, or layoff letter. Apply at HCEOC.net or call 808-961-2681.
Apply for Expanded Hawaiʻi County Rent and Mortgage Assistance Program. Contact RMAP partners: Hawaiian Community Assets/Hawaiʻi Community Lending, HawaiianCommunity.net, 808-934-0801; HOPE Services Hawaiʻi, hopeserviceshawaii.org/rmap, 808-935- 3050; Hawai‘i First Federal Credit Union, hawaiifirstfcu.com/pathways, 808-933- 6600; Neighborhood Place of Puna, neighborhoodplaceofpuna.org/coronavirus-rent-mortgage-relief, 808-965-5550; Hawai‘i Island Home for Recovery, hihrecovery.org/RMAP, 808-640-4443 or 808- 934-7852; Habitat for Humanity Hawai‘i Island, habitathawaiiisland.org/rmap.html, 808-450-2118.
Apply for Holomua Hawaiʻi Relief Grants for small businesses and nonprofits, up to $10,000, support core operations, safe on-going and reopening costs, personal protective equipment, and training and technical assistance. The business or nonprofit must employ 50 people or fewer. See rb.gy/v2x2vy.
For free Veterinary Care, Spay & Neuter, visit hihs.org, Services Tab, Spay and Neuter or Community Vet Care, or email petsupport@hihs.org. Call 808-217- 0154. All appointments must be scheduled in advance and are open to healthy dogs and cats. Two pets per family will be accommodated, each pet with own appointment. Unavailable to animals other than dogs and cats. Unavailable to strays and those with contagious illnesses.