Ka`u Roping & Riding Association's 38th annual Fourth of July Rodeo is this Saturday and Sunday. Photo by Julia Neal |
Kawehi Ryder, of Pahala, is organizing the stewardship program. He and his family, including kumu hula Debbie Ryder, who is from the Big Island, moved here from Lana`i almost two years ago. According to the application, Ryder’s hui proposes to restore the area’s cultural sites, including Kawa Fishpond, grave sites and Ke`eku Heiau, while also removing invasive species. These activities would be in conjunction with developing a community work plan involving youth, with a special focus on at-risk keiki, who would be taught traditional farming and other cultural practices.
Stewardship of Ka`u is on tomorrow's Finance Committee agenda. Photo by Julia Neal |
The hui's application listed other projects it has worked on, including Mauanlei Stream restoration and Fisherman’s Alanui Trail stewardship maintenance on Lana`i. It also lists organizations the hui has worked with, such as the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and Queen Lili`uokalani Children’s Center. In Ka`u, the Ryders work on programs with the Salvation Army and organize the annual Ho`okupu Hula No Ka`u Cultural Festival.
Other nonprofits are asking the county to help steward places around the island. Kohala Kahakai has a plan for Pa'o'o and Kaiholena in North Kohala. Pohaha I Ka Lani and Friends of the Future have plans for Waipi'o Valley.
Finance Committee meets at 1 p.m. at County Council Chambers in Hilo. Also meeting tomorrow are the full council at 9 a.m. and Planning Committee at 10:30 a.m. Ka`u residents can participate via videoconferencing at Na`alehu State Office Building. Meetings are also streamed live at hawaiicounty.gov. Click on Council Meetings.
Other nonprofits are asking the county to help steward places around the island. Kohala Kahakai has a plan for Pa'o'o and Kaiholena in North Kohala. Pohaha I Ka Lani and Friends of the Future have plans for Waipi'o Valley.
Finance Committee meets at 1 p.m. at County Council Chambers in Hilo. Also meeting tomorrow are the full council at 9 a.m. and Planning Committee at 10:30 a.m. Ka`u residents can participate via videoconferencing at Na`alehu State Office Building. Meetings are also streamed live at hawaiicounty.gov. Click on Council Meetings.
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ORGANIC FARMING IS MORE PROFITABLE that conventional agriculture, according to researchers at Washington State University. Professors David Crowder and John Reganold examined the financial performance of organic and conventional agriculture among 55 crops grown on five continents. They found that organic agriculture was significantly more profitable (22–35 percent) and had higher benefit/cost ratios (20–24 percent) than conventional agriculture.
The researchers pointed out that although organic agriculture is rapidly growing, it currently occupies only one percent of global cropland and has room to expand. “Moreover, with its environmental benefits, organic agriculture can contribute a larger share in sustainably feeding the world,” according to the report.
See pnas.org/content/112/24/7611.abstract.
GOV. DAVID IGE HAS INFORMED the state Legislature of his intent to veto eight bills passed by the 28th legislative session before it adjourned on May 7.
HB540 would extend authority of University of Hawai`i to maintain separate accounting and financial management system. “The University of Hawai`i believes, and I agree, that this measure contains provisions that violate the Hawai`i state constitution regarding autonomy for University System management over university finances,” Ige said.
HB553 would allow UH graduate student assistants employed by UH to collectively bargain their wages, hours and other terms. Ige said these concerns can and should be addressed internally.

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NEW TIPPING FEES ON COMMERCIAL greenwaste recycling go into effect tomorrow and the county reminds residents that commercial disposal of waste at local transfer stations is not allowed.
Hawai`i County Department of Environmental Management will charge $21.25 per ton for businesses that drop off greenwaste at recycling facilities in West Hawai`i and East Hawai`i. Revenue will help finance an expansion of greenwaste recycling services across the island.
The new fees do not affect residential customers with self-hauled greenwaste from their private residential properties.
For more information, see HawaiiZeroWaste.org.
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Hawai`i County Department of Environmental Management will charge $21.25 per ton for businesses that drop off greenwaste at recycling facilities in West Hawai`i and East Hawai`i. Revenue will help finance an expansion of greenwaste recycling services across the island.
The new fees do not affect residential customers with self-hauled greenwaste from their private residential properties.
For more information, see HawaiiZeroWaste.org.
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Mufi Hannemann |
MUFI HANNEMANN HAS RETURNED to Hawai`i Lodging & Tourism Association as president and CEO, according to a story in Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Hannemann previously held the posts in 2011 and 2012.
In recent years, Hannemann has toured Ka`u during his campaigns for higher office. Decades ago, he lived in Ka`u when he worked for C. Brewer and lived in what is now Punalu`u Bake Shop, which was established under Hannemann management and Brewer ownership originally at the SeaMountain at Punalu`u resort development location.
“We had excellent candidates come forward wanting to lead HLTA, but the search committee felt that Mufi was the best choice considering his superb record of leadership, experience and drive in supporting tourism’s best interests,” said Kelly Hoen, chair of HLTA’s board of directors. “Mufi did a stellar job in leading HLTA previously, and we are thrilled to welcome him back to advance initiatives that build on our success for Hawai`i’s lodging industry and its thousands of employees statewide.”
Hannemann replaces George Szigeti, who became president and CEO of Hawai`i Tourism Authority.
See staradvertiser.com.
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“We had excellent candidates come forward wanting to lead HLTA, but the search committee felt that Mufi was the best choice considering his superb record of leadership, experience and drive in supporting tourism’s best interests,” said Kelly Hoen, chair of HLTA’s board of directors. “Mufi did a stellar job in leading HLTA previously, and we are thrilled to welcome him back to advance initiatives that build on our success for Hawai`i’s lodging industry and its thousands of employees statewide.”
Hannemann replaces George Szigeti, who became president and CEO of Hawai`i Tourism Authority.
See staradvertiser.com.
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GOV. DAVID IGE HAS INFORMED the state Legislature of his intent to veto eight bills passed by the 28th legislative session before it adjourned on May 7.
HB540 would extend authority of University of Hawai`i to maintain separate accounting and financial management system. “The University of Hawai`i believes, and I agree, that this measure contains provisions that violate the Hawai`i state constitution regarding autonomy for University System management over university finances,” Ige said.
HB553 would allow UH graduate student assistants employed by UH to collectively bargain their wages, hours and other terms. Ige said these concerns can and should be addressed internally.
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Gov. David Ige |
SB105 would require estimated future debt service for proposed capital improvement projects to be included in budget documents submitted to the Legislature. Ige’s rationale for vetoing this bill is that it would be difficult to implement given the uncertainty of capital finance markets.
SB218 calls for clarification in the order of succession to the lieutenant governor’s office. Ige said the existing order of succession is adequate and appropriate and that these changes might leave a gap in succession that would be difficult to address in a state of emergency or disaster.
SB265 changes wording in statute from “promoting prostitution in the first degree” to “sex trafficking.” The state Attorney General and three of four county prosecutors advised Ige that this bill may result in fewer prosecutions for these types of crimes. Ige asked the state attorney general and county prosecutors to propose a bill that would allow for prosecution of the full range of prostitution and sex trafficking offenses.
SB349 would repeal ethanol facility tax credit and establish a five-year renewable fuels production tax credit. The state attorney general advised Ige that the definition of qualified taxpayers doesn’t allow for companies outside of Hawai`i to be qualified. “This potentially violates the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution and could subject our state to potential litigation,” Ige said.
SB569 would increase the dollar threshold with respect to property or services, for theft in the second degree, from the current $300 to $750. County prosecutors advised Ige that increasing the threshold for felony theft would eliminate the deterrent effect within retail markets.
SB1324 provides authority for Employees’ Retirement System to make direct payments of benefits to a non-member former spouse of a member on order of court judgment, order or divorce decree. Ige said this can be accomplished without state law by working with the Employee Retirement System Board and administration.
This Intent to Veto list gives the governor the option to veto any, but not necessarily all, of the bills on the list by July 14.
Bills that are not on this list will become law with or without the governor’s signature no later than July 14.
SB218 calls for clarification in the order of succession to the lieutenant governor’s office. Ige said the existing order of succession is adequate and appropriate and that these changes might leave a gap in succession that would be difficult to address in a state of emergency or disaster.
SB265 changes wording in statute from “promoting prostitution in the first degree” to “sex trafficking.” The state Attorney General and three of four county prosecutors advised Ige that this bill may result in fewer prosecutions for these types of crimes. Ige asked the state attorney general and county prosecutors to propose a bill that would allow for prosecution of the full range of prostitution and sex trafficking offenses.
SB349 would repeal ethanol facility tax credit and establish a five-year renewable fuels production tax credit. The state attorney general advised Ige that the definition of qualified taxpayers doesn’t allow for companies outside of Hawai`i to be qualified. “This potentially violates the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution and could subject our state to potential litigation,” Ige said.
SB569 would increase the dollar threshold with respect to property or services, for theft in the second degree, from the current $300 to $750. County prosecutors advised Ige that increasing the threshold for felony theft would eliminate the deterrent effect within retail markets.
SB1324 provides authority for Employees’ Retirement System to make direct payments of benefits to a non-member former spouse of a member on order of court judgment, order or divorce decree. Ige said this can be accomplished without state law by working with the Employee Retirement System Board and administration.
This Intent to Veto list gives the governor the option to veto any, but not necessarily all, of the bills on the list by July 14.
Bills that are not on this list will become law with or without the governor’s signature no later than July 14.
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KA`U IS GEARING UP FOR A CELEBRATORY Fourth of July. Na`alehu’s patriotic parade begins at 12 p.m. Saturday, with participants walking and riding in classic cars. Pa`u riders and lei-bedecked horses join decorated trucks and floats. `O Ka`u Kakou sponsors the parade and festivities at Na`alehu Park that begin at 12:30 p.m. Participants enjoy shave ice, hot dogs, watermelon water slides and bounce houses. Senior bingo and luncheon takes place in the community center.
For more information, call 929-9872.
Ka`u residents are invited to join an Interfaith devotional meeting today and every Tuesday. |
INTERFAITH DEVOTIONAL MEETINGS are held each Tuesday at 6 p.m. at 96-1164 Holei Street at the corner of Ohia Street in Pahala. “We pray to praise God and to seek understanding. We pray for our loved ones. We pray for assistance in hard times and gratitude for good times,” says a flyer in the community. The gathering is also for music and fellowship for healing and elimination of racial prejudice. It is sponsored by the Bahai community and open to all.
KA`U IS GEARING UP FOR A CELEBRATORY Fourth of July. Na`alehu’s patriotic parade begins at 12 p.m. Saturday, with participants walking and riding in classic cars. Pa`u riders and lei-bedecked horses join decorated trucks and floats. `O Ka`u Kakou sponsors the parade and festivities at Na`alehu Park that begin at 12:30 p.m. Participants enjoy shave ice, hot dogs, watermelon water slides and bounce houses. Senior bingo and luncheon takes place in the community center.
For more information, call 929-9872.
KA`U ROPING & RIDING ASSOCIATION’S 38th annual Fourth of July Rodeo begins Saturday with slack roping at 8 a.m. Shows start at 12 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, Thy Word Ministries-Ka`u Pastor Bob Tominaga presents Cowboy Church at 10 a.m.
Paniolo events scheduled include Open Team Roping, Kane/Wahine Dally Team Roping, Team 90s, Double Mugging, Kane/Wahine Ribbon Mugging, Wahine Mugging, Tie Down Roping, Wahine Break Away, Po`o Wai U and Bull Riding.
Dummy Roping, Goat Undecorating, Calf Riding and Youth Barrel Racing events are set for youngsters.
For more rodeo information, call Tammy Kaapana at 929-8079.
Dummy Roping, Goat Undecorating, Calf Riding and Youth Barrel Racing events are set for youngsters.
For more rodeo information, call Tammy Kaapana at 929-8079.
VOLCANO VILLAGE’S FOURTH OF JULY PARADE begins at 9 a.m. Saturday at the post office and travels to Cooper Center, where festivities continue. Volcano Rotary will be selling pulled pork and other goodies. Volcano Friends Feeding Friends sponsors the Great American Bake Sale. Volcano Community Association offers keiki face painting, games and toy giveaways. Friends of Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park raises funds through its popular silent auction.
See thecoopercenter.org for more information.

See kaucalendar.com/KauCalendar_June2015.pdf. |
See kaucalendar.com/Directory2015.swf and kaucalendar.com/Directory2015.pdf. |