PEARL HARBOR holds special meaning for thousands of Hawai‘i residents and other Americans, especially today, Dec. 7, the 75th anniversary of the attack by the Japanese. The memory is particularly dear to Gov. David Ige and first lady Dawn Amano-Ige, both of whose Japanese American fathers fought in WWII to defend the freedoms of U.S. citizens. At the time of the Pearl Harbor, 40 percent of the people living in Hawaiʻi were of Japanese descent, most of them brought here or descended from those who came here to work in the sugar industry. Many of these Japanese Americans signed up for the U.S. Military when the war began.
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Gov. Ige and first lady Dawn Amano-Ige with
WWII veteran Walter Hughes in Hilo.
“We welcome this opportunity to honor the members of the ‘Greatest Generation,’” said the governor. “In the past 75 years, we have worked together to usher in the Pacific Era. With this commemoration, we can ‘honor the past and inspire the future to change the world for the better.’”
Gov. and Mrs. Ige have been joining government officials, military personnel, celebrities, and grassroots citizens at events since Dec. 1, honoring those who lost their lives on Dec. 7, 1941 in the attack on Pearl Harbor and those who fought in the ensuing years of WWII. The events ranged from musical performances to ceremonies and other events honoring Pearl Harbor survivors and all veterans, active duty military and their families.
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The bow of a Japanese mini sub when it was discovered in 2002. Photo from University of Hawaiʻi |
On the morning of Dec. 7, 1941, U.S. naval vessels and aircraft on patrol outside Pearl Harbor spotted a partially submerged submarine trying to enter the harbor, but alerts were not immediately sent. Ninety minutes before Pearl Harbor was bombed by air, the sub fired on the destroyer USS Ward which then fired back, sinking it. The event marks the first U.S. shots fired and the country’s entry into WWII in the Pacific.
The second submarine explored during this morning's dive disappeared Dec. 7, 1941 before the attack. It was discovered in shallow waters in 1951, raised by the U.S. Navy, and taken out to sea to be dumped in deeper water. In 1992, the University of Hawaiʻi’s Undersea Research Laboratory rediscovered it. It has been periodically visited by the university’s submersibles, the last time in 2013.
The attack on Pearl Harbor by the subs and hundreds of Japanese warplanes, which flew from aircraft carriers, sank or damaged eight U.S. battleships, three light cruisers, three destroyers and four additional naval vessels. More than 2,400 Americans were killed.

KĪLAUEA MILITARY CAMP - ONCE A DETAINMENT CENTER - THE TALK is the topic on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. at the Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Park archaeologist Dr. Jadelyn Moniz-Nakamura discusses the experience of Japanese-Americans of the Issei (first generation) and Nisei (second generation) arrested and detained at KMC during World War II following the Dec 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. Free, park entrance fees apply.
KĪLAUEA MILITARY CAMP - ONCE A DETAINMENT CENTER - THE HIKE focuses on Japanese-American detainees at Kīlauea Military Camp. The Centennial Hike is at Kīlauea Military Camp, on Saturday, Dec 17, 10:30 a.m. Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park staff lead a revealing walk through the KMC with a look at how KMC was used as a Japanese detainment camp during World War II. Free, park entrance fees apply.
RATE HIKES AND THE EFFICIENT OPERATION OF HELCO come up at public hearings before the Hawaiʻi Public Utilities Commission in Hilo on Tuesday, Dec. 13 and Kona on Wednesday, Dec. 14. Ililani Media, which covers regulation of utilities in Hawaiʻi, has written a summary for those who might be interested in submitting testimony in person, electronically or by postal service;
“The PUC wants to know if Big Island residents are happy with the amount they are spending on their electric bills, and whether residents are willing to pay 6.5 percent more.
“The Public Utilities Commission and the State Consumer Advocate will be examining every aspect of the operations of the utility.
“Is HELCO efficient, or are they wasting ratepayer funds?“Should HELCO work closer with Parker Ranch and/or Hawaiʻi Island Energy Cooperative? Are their costs justified, or is the utility trying to ram through bad ideas and making residents pay for those bad ideas?
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Windmills have been providing wind power to HELCO for generations. Photo by Peter Anderson |
“Is the utility open to hearing what consumers want, or are they single-minded in their approach to ram unpopular projects through the regulatory process?
“Is HELCO heading in the right, or wrong direction?
Ililani Media points out that HELCO wrote last week: “Over the last seven years, the growth and spread of Albizia on these circuits has increased, hence requiring more resources to manage this issue.” Is HELCO doing a great job, a reasonable job, or a poor job?
“Should HELCO buy the Hamakua Energy Partners naphtha-burning power plant in Honokaʻa, or work to develop micro-grids?
“Should ratepayers fund efforts to increase geothermal, Liquefied Natural Gas, Pumped Hydro, and/or grid upgrades to allow greater amounts of rooftop solar?
“Is the HELCO medical plan (for its employees) reasonable?
“Yes, the Public Utilities Commission and the State Consumer Advocate will be examining every single cost that HELCO incurs.
“Is HELCO reasonable tightening their belt, or are they living high off the backs of ratepayers?” asks Ililani Media.
Encouraging the public to weigh in at the public hearings or in writing, Ililani Media states, “Those who think the utility is doing a great job, a reasonable job, or a poor job, have the opportunity to let the regulators know.
“With the exception of any entity that intervenes in the proceeding, this will be the last opportunity for the public to influence the outcome of this rate hike proposal.
“Those who submit written testimony, or who show up at the hearings, should be aware that the purpose of the hearings is to influence state regulators.
“The bulk of ratepayers are not engineers, accountants, or lawyers. All views need to be expressed to get a balanced picture of how residents view the utility request for a rate hike. What are HELCO strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities? Does HELCO need more ratepayer money to accomplish their plans?” asks Ililiani.
The addresses of the public hearings locations on this island are, Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 5:30 p.m. at Hilo High School Cafeteria, 556 Waianuenue Avenue and Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 5:30 p.m. at West Hawaii Civic Center, County Council Chambers, 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy Kailua-Kona.
“Yes, the Public Utilities Commission and the State Consumer Advocate will be examining every single cost that HELCO incurs.
“Is HELCO reasonable tightening their belt, or are they living high off the backs of ratepayers?” asks Ililani Media.
Encouraging the public to weigh in at the public hearings or in writing, Ililani Media states, “Those who think the utility is doing a great job, a reasonable job, or a poor job, have the opportunity to let the regulators know.
“With the exception of any entity that intervenes in the proceeding, this will be the last opportunity for the public to influence the outcome of this rate hike proposal.
“Those who submit written testimony, or who show up at the hearings, should be aware that the purpose of the hearings is to influence state regulators.
“The bulk of ratepayers are not engineers, accountants, or lawyers. All views need to be expressed to get a balanced picture of how residents view the utility request for a rate hike. What are HELCO strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities? Does HELCO need more ratepayer money to accomplish their plans?” asks Ililiani.
The addresses of the public hearings locations on this island are, Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 5:30 p.m. at Hilo High School Cafeteria, 556 Waianuenue Avenue and Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 5:30 p.m. at West Hawaii Civic Center, County Council Chambers, 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy Kailua-Kona.
Hydroelectric is a possibility at the Keiaiwa Reservoir above Wood Valley Road. Photo by Julia Neal |
Electroninc mail can be sent to: For more on utilities and public input see
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KAPA MAKING, Today, Dec. 7, 10 a.m. -12 p.m., Kīlauea Visitor Center lānai in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Joni Mae Makuakāne-Jarrell demonstrates the making of the traditional kapa (paper mulberry bark) cloth used by native Hawaiians for clothing. Free, park entrance fees apply.
RED CROSS VOLUNTEER meeting, Thursday, Dec. 8, 7 p.m., HOVE Road Maintenance Corp. office. Help prepare Ocean View for community emergencies. Volunteers and those interested in becoming volunteers. Hannah Uribes, 929-9953
ALYSHA & PETE 3-ON-3 BASKETBALL WINTER JAM tournament will be held this weekend at the new Kaʻū District Gym, Dec. 9-11. Age groups are ten and under, 12 and under, 14 and under, boys, girls and co-ed. Men and women are also invited to compete. The tournament raises money to help fund Trojan Senior basketball players Pete Dacalio and Alysha Gustafson to travel to the mainland with coach Jen Makuakane to look at colleges who may provide them with sports scholarships. To donate, call Summer Dacalio at 498-7336, Pete Dacalio at 498-3518 or Alysha Gustafson at 339-0858.
INSPIRATION HIKE, Saturday, Dec. 10, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Artists are invited to be inspired on a hike at the Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Artists learn how nature can inspire them to connect with their own creativity on this free, moderately easy, 1.5-mile hike. Register by Dec 6.
PĀHALA’S CHRISTMAS PARADE IS THIS SUNDAY, Dec. 11. The parade is in its 38th year, travels through the streets of Pāhala, with Santa and his helpers handing out candy to kids. A traditional stop is Kaʻū Hospital where long term patients come outdoors to see the decorated trucks cars and floats, marching groups and costumed characters. Participants begin gathering
DEADLINE FOR THE DIRECTORY, to sign up for listings and advertising for businesses, community groups, churches and agencies is Dec. 15. The annual business and community resource guide is sponsored by Kaʻū Chamber of Commerce and produced by The Kaʻū Calendar. It includes photography and art by Kaʻū residents, a calendar of events, listings and feature stories including winners of the recent Beauty of Kaʻū art show, sponsored by the Chamber.
The Directory raises scholarship money for students from Kaʻū throughout their higher education in trades, college and university studies. Printed each January, 7,500 copies of The Directory ar distributed throughout Kaʻū and Volcano. To sign up, contact
FRIEND-RAISER IS NĀʻĀLEHU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL’S Winter Fest theme for Saturday. Dec. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. “Make New Friends,” declares the poster, which also reports on opportunities to enjoy shave ice, drinks, hot dogs – all for $1. Games are 50 cents. Also featured is a bounce house, raffle, bake sale, splash booth, jail, face painting and information vendors. Winter Fest is sponsored by the Nāʻālehu School Council. Anyone wishing to donate prize items or make a monetary donation should contact Nāʻālehu Elementary vice-principal Christina Juan or student council adviser Amberly Keohuloa at 323-4000.
CHRISTMAS IN THE COUNTRY holiday exhibit daily through Jan. 2 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., at Volcano Art Center Gallery in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Featured at Christmas in the Country is the 17th Annual Invitational Wreath Exhibit, with prizes awarded for the best wreaths. To participate, contact Emily Weiss at 967-8222 or . Free; park entrance fees apply.
BASKETBALL CAMP for children, first through eighth grades, is planned by Ocean View Baptist Church for February. Location is the Kahuku County Park, Feb. 20 - 24 from 3:30 p.m to 4:30 p.m. Organizers are looking for advance registration. Campers will learn skills of basketball and important fundamentals in an atmosphere that is fun and enjoyable. Space is limited. Call 333-0212.
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To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter
THE LIVING MYSTERY SYMPOSIUM is this Saturday, Dec. 10, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Kīlauea Theater, with workshops on Sunday, Dec. 11, form 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at Koa Conference Room. (Sun). Leading the events with the idea “Is the Supernatural the Super Natural?” will be New York Times best-selling author of Communion, Whitley Strieber. Also speaking is former Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at Rice University, Jeffrey Kripal, legendary ethnobotonist Terrence McKenna and author/talk show host Jeremy Vaeni. They will give talks about the nature of the supernatural. Kama‘aina pricing. Free park entrance upon emailed request.
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Santa and many other characters at Pāhala Christmas Parade this Sunday. Photo from Big Island Video News |
DEADLINE FOR THE DIRECTORY, to sign up for listings and advertising for businesses, community groups, churches and agencies is Dec. 15. The annual business and community resource guide is sponsored by Kaʻū Chamber of Commerce and produced by The Kaʻū Calendar. It includes photography and art by Kaʻū residents, a calendar of events, listings and feature stories including winners of the recent Beauty of Kaʻū art show, sponsored by the Chamber.
The Directory raises scholarship money for students from Kaʻū throughout their higher education in trades, college and university studies. Printed each January, 7,500 copies of The Directory ar distributed throughout Kaʻū and Volcano. To sign up, contact

REP. RICHARD CREAGAN’S OCEAN VIEW FORUM we will be at Ocean View Community Center on Monday, Dec. 19 at 6 p.m. Creagan represents District 5 in the Hawaiʻi House of Representatives and chairs the Committee on Agriculture. District 5 includes Honuʻapo to Naalehu, to Ocean View, to Capt. Cook, Kealakekua and part of Kailua-Kona. A statement from his offices says that in his new chairmanship, he “is excited to help the Big Island and all of Hawaiʻi increase agriculture for all farmers across the State.”
CHRISTMAS IN THE COUNTRY holiday exhibit daily through Jan. 2 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., at Volcano Art Center Gallery in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Featured at Christmas in the Country is the 17th Annual Invitational Wreath Exhibit, with prizes awarded for the best wreaths. To participate, contact Emily Weiss at 967-8222 or . Free; park entrance fees apply.
BASKETBALL CAMP for children, first through eighth grades, is planned by Ocean View Baptist Church for February. Location is the Kahuku County Park, Feb. 20 - 24 from 3:30 p.m to 4:30 p.m. Organizers are looking for advance registration. Campers will learn skills of basketball and important fundamentals in an atmosphere that is fun and enjoyable. Space is limited. Call 333-0212.
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