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U.H. Hilo and NASA researchers recently wrapped up a Mars simulation deployment at Mauna Ula. Photo from U.H. Hilo |
A youtube video on the exercise poses the question, “Can astronauts test drive a mission to Mars here on Earth?” See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM-SWMmrOsk
Using terrain in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park to simulate Mars, a University of Hawaiʻi-Hilo and NASA crew set up communications. Photo from NASA’s Ames Research Center |
U.H. Hilo participants included geology students Kyla Defore, Colin Milosoroff, Ashley Garnett and Michael Baily; physics and astronomy students Niki Thomas and Felicity Cross; and marine science and physics student Brittany Fuemmeler. U.H. Hilo geology alumni Sarah Benner and Brendan McQuillan also participated along with U.H. physics and astronomy instructors John Hamilton and Marc Roberts.
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Prepping for Mars exploration around Moaʻula, with U.H. Hilo and NASA team. Photo from NASA’s Ames Research Center |
The bleaching phenomenon has been widely reported by the international press, as not only a threat to ocean life but a threat to Hawaiʻi Island tourism which depends on beautiful corals and sealife for snorkeling visitors. The Guardian reported on the bleaching, quoting the Director of the Hawaiʻi Institute on Marine Biology “comparing dead coral reef to a city reduced to ruble.”
West Hawaiʻi Today, reported that the recent county forum drew the state Aquatic Resources chief to say, “We really can’t do a whole lot about world temperature changes. Let’s face it, we’re on a trajectory that will probably continue as it is for at least a decade or two, even if we can start dramatically reducing emissions.”
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Coral bleaching documentation along the west coast of Hawaiʻi Island. Photo form The Nature Conservancy |
Dible also quoted Scott Glenn, director of the state Office of Environmental Quality Control. Dible reported that Glenn “said the consensus approach has been to bite off little pieces of the complex problem one at a time, starting with what is already known.” According to the West Hawaiʻi Today story, Glenn talked about state long-term planning, given existing building codes and emergency preparation for such expected disasters as hurricanes. Glenn said, “The idea is applying a climate lens. We look at what we have now, what’s existing, and say if we looked at this from a climate change point of view, does it work? And if it doesn’t, why not? And what can we tweak about it to help make it work? And then, by doing that, we’ll also figure out what do we not have any legislative cover for?”
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Ocean water temperatures can be seen daily at a NOAA website http://coralreefwatch.noaa.gov/satellite/bleaching5km/images_current/cur_b05kmnn_sst_wnw.gif |
The West Hawaiʻi Today story also quoted John DeFries, who heads the county Department of Research & Development. DeFries said the Hawaiian Islands must unite with the roughly 175,000 other islands and 600 million islanders around the world to create a coalition and thereby an international voice on the subject of climate change. “If islands are going to have a voice at the international policy level, we’re going to have to unite,” he said. “Islands contribute the least amount to climate change and will be the first to be impacted. Our motivation is very different than those on the continent.”
See more at westhawaiitoday.com.
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THE MEDICINE POND AT PUNALUʻU was the site of the sixth annual Floating Lanterns ceremony over Thanksgiving weekend. Sponsored by Kaʻū Rural Health Community Association, it featured a gathering of people to honor their loved ones who have died. They launched rafts with lights into the pond with decorated sails with drawings and written messages. They enjoyed a potluck together, Taiko drumming, hula, a digital presentation about loved ones and past lantern ceremonies, and tunes from local musicians. The annual event is held each Saturday after Thanksgiving.
For Kaʻū Rural Health Community Association activities and education all year long, see https://krhcai.com/
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Taiko Drumming honored loved ones at the Floating Lantern Ceremony. Photo by Dr. Dexter Hayes |
KAʻŪ FOOD PANTRY will be open to distribute food this Tuesday, Nov. 29 at St. Jude’s Church in Ocean View from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
WINTER CRAFTS FOR KEIKI will be offered this Wednesday, Nov. 30 from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m at Pāhala Community Center, for grades K-8. 928-3102.
REGISTER FOR UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI‘I VULCAN VOLLEYBALL CLINIC to be held this Thursday, Dec. 1 at the new Kaʻū District Gym. The clinic, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. is for youth five to 14 years of age. The clinic is expected to feature Vulcan and Trojan volleyball star Marley Strand-Nicholaisen and other Vulcan players who just finished their season. All participants must have a parent sign the Dept. of Parks & Recreation release of claims form and the HI-PAL permission Release Form. Court shoes or rubber sole shoes are required. To register, call Pāhala Community Center at 928-3102 or 854-7316. Community police Officer Blaine Morishita is also helping through the Hawaiʻi Isle Police Activities League and can be reached at 936-7192.
DEADLINE FOR THE ALYSHA & PETE 3-ON-3 BASKETBALL WINTER JAM is this Friday, Dec. 2. The tournament will be held at the new Kaʻū District Gym, Dec. 9-11 with opportunities for adults and youth of all ages. Age groups are ten and under, 12 and under, 14 and under, boys, girls and co-ed. Men and women are also invited to compete. Cost is $10 per person with five players maximum per team. The tournament raises money to help fund Trojan Senior basketball players Pete Dacalio and Alysha Gustafson to travel to the mainland with coach Jen Makuakane to look at colleges who may provide them with sports scholarships. To sign up or donate, call Summer Dacalio at 498-7336, Pete Dacalio at 498-3518 or Alysha Gustafson at 339-0858.
Pāhala's Christmas parade is Sunday, Dec. 11. Photo by Julia Neal |

Susan Jennings won a first place ribbon for her art on a Hawaiian gourd. |
The Directory raises scholarship money for students from Kaʻū throughout their higher education in trades, college and university studies. Printed each January, 7,500 copies of The Directory are distributed throughout Kaʻū and Volcano. To sign up, contact geneveve.fyvie@gmail.com.
CHRISTMAS IN THE COUNTRY holiday exhibit daily through Jan. 2 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., at Volcano Art Center Gallery in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Featured at Christmas in the Country is the 17th Annual Invitational Wreath Exhibit, with prizes awarded for the best wreaths. To participate, contact Emily Weiss at 967-8222 or gallery@volcanoartcenter.org. Free; park entrance fees apply.
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