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`Ohi`a Lehua is the topic of a free program at Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park's Kahuku Unit tomorrow. Photo from NPS |
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Hawai`i health officials think a traveler brought dengue fever to Hawai`i Island from a country where it is endemic, shown in red. Map from Wikipedia |
“Unfortunately, we cannot pinpoint a place. … It’s so hard to know,” state Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Park told Stewart. “We’re not trying to hide anything, we’re just not sure at this point. It’s looking like pretty much a good portion of the Big Island is a potential risk. … I do suspect that there is not one particular hot-spot. We’re looking for a few, at least.”
Park said mosquitoes tend to stay within 200 yards of where they hatched, and the biggest factor in spread of the disease is movement of humans infected with it.
Aedes aegypti, the species most likely to spread the disease, is found on the Big Island.
DOH recommends that those infected stay indoors while recovering to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes that could spread the disease.

Park said mosquitoes tend to stay within 200 yards of where they hatched, and the biggest factor in spread of the disease is movement of humans infected with it.
Aedes aegypti, the species most likely to spread the disease, is found on the Big Island.
DOH recommends that those infected stay indoors while recovering to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes that could spread the disease.
See hawaiitribune-herald.com.
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ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY seeks public comment on its proposal to ban chlorpyrifos from use in agricultural fields some 15 years after the agency banned the pesticide from residential use. The announcement came after a recent court of appeals decisions gave EPA a deadline to take meaningful action on a 2007 legal petition to ban the chemical.
Chlorpyrifos a crystalline organophosphate insecticide. It was introduced in 1965 by Dow Chemical Company and is known by many trade names, including Dursban and Lorsban. It acts on the nervous system of insects.
According to EPA, based on its current analysis, “there do not appear to be risks from exposure to chlorpyrifos from food, but, when that exposure is combined with estimated exposure from drinking water in certain watersheds, EPA cannot conclude that the risk from the potential aggregate exposure meets … safety standard.”
EPA stated that issuing a proposed revocation provides an opportunity for public input prior to any final decision.
“This is what we have been seeking for years,” said Patti Goldman, the Earthjustice attorney handling the case. “EPA’s and other independent findings show that chlorpyrifos causes brain damage to children and poisons workers and bystanders. At long last, the agency is signaling its intention to protect children, workers and their families by banning this hazardous pesticide. It is imperative that EPA move quickly to protect workers and children by finalizing this important rule.”
“It’s a step forward on the path to environmental justice,” said Virginia Ruiz of Farmworker Justice. “Farmworkers and their families, who are predominantly poor and majority people of color, bear the brunt of poisonings from pesticides and pesticide drift.”
EPA stated that issuing a proposed revocation provides an opportunity for public input prior to any final decision.
“This is what we have been seeking for years,” said Patti Goldman, the Earthjustice attorney handling the case. “EPA’s and other independent findings show that chlorpyrifos causes brain damage to children and poisons workers and bystanders. At long last, the agency is signaling its intention to protect children, workers and their families by banning this hazardous pesticide. It is imperative that EPA move quickly to protect workers and children by finalizing this important rule.”
“It’s a step forward on the path to environmental justice,” said Virginia Ruiz of Farmworker Justice. “Farmworkers and their families, who are predominantly poor and majority people of color, bear the brunt of poisonings from pesticides and pesticide drift.”
To submit comments, see regulations.gov following publication next week. Docket is EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0653.
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HAWAIIAN VOLCANO OBSERVATORY researchers return to the June 27th lava flow that threatened Pahoa last year in the current issue of Volcano Watch.
“One year ago, the now infamous June 27th lava flow was headed toward the middle of Pahoa and threatening to cross the main village road and cut off Hwy 130 for thousands of residents,” the article states. “During this time, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory was forecasting that, if the flow continued, it could also cut Kahakai Boulevard and overrun Keonepoko Elementary School.
“Fortunately, at the same time, the supply of lava from the Pu`u `O`o vent on Kilauea Volcano's East Rift Zone was decreasing. Tiltmeters at the summit of Kilauea were recording a deflationary trend, which suggested that less magma from the summit reservoir was getting to Pu`u `O`o and ultimately, that less lava was reaching the flow front in Pahoa.
“As a result, the tip of the flow stalled about 155 meters (170 yards) from Pahoa Village Road on Oct. 30, 2014. This was because lava was no longer traveling through the tube all the way to the flow front. The delicate balance of lava supply needed to continue growing the lava tube had tipped to the town’s favor.
“As a result, the tip of the flow stalled about 155 meters (170 yards) from Pahoa Village Road on Oct. 30, 2014. This was because lava was no longer traveling through the tube all the way to the flow front. The delicate balance of lava supply needed to continue growing the lava tube had tipped to the town’s favor.
“The stalled front and apparent clogging of the lowermost part of the tube instead resulted in upslope breakouts of lava, spawning numerous surface flows that widened the flow field in the following weeks.
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Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists' one-on-one interactions with Pahoa residents provided up-to-date information about the June 27th lava flow. Photo from USGS |
“Before the June 27th lava flow became a threat, many people in the Puna District – long-term residents and recent arrivals alike – were unfamiliar with the vocabulary of volcanology. Summit deflation and inflation, lines of steepest descent, lava breakouts and flow advance rates were just abstract concepts initially. But residents quickly became well versed in these terms, making it easier for them to realize the unpredictable nature of slow-moving pahoehoe flows.
“As the lava flow approached Pahoa, the questions asked by the community were difficult to answer with certainty and required full explanations instead of short sound bites.
“How far would the flow eventually travel? When will lava arrive at this or that location? How wide will the flow spread? How long will Pu`u `O`o erupt lava into the tube? Is ‘my’ house going to be covered by lava? How will scientists know when the June 27th flow will stop?
“HVO scientists answered these questions and shared new information about the flow in all kinds of ways. They provided written updates, image, and maps of the flow’s activity, location, and likely flow path(s) on the HVO website (http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov) and responded to hundreds of individual questions by telephone and email through askHVO@usgs.gov.
“But perhaps most importantly, nearly all of HVO’s staff, at one time or another, participated in dozens of Puna District community meetings that were organized by the Hawai`i County Mayor’s office between Aug. 24, 2014 and Jan. 22, 2015.
“At these meetings, HVO summarized the flow activity and discussed lava flow behavior, Hawaiian volcanism and volcano hazards through an illustrated slide presentation. Afterwards, HVO staff interacted with residents through one-on-one discussions at map stations set up around the room.
“Without a doubt, these meetings were vital for HVO scientists, emergency management officials, business leaders, community organizations, elected government representatives and hundreds of residents at a time to listen to each other. Through these interactive discussions, people developed a common language, which helped everyone better understand the flow activity and the ways in which response plans were being developed and implemented. Online broadcasts of the community meetings allowed even more people to listen in.
“The meetings helped Puna communities to appreciate the challenges and uncertainties HVO scientists faced in trying to forecast lava-flow paths and advance rates. Residents were able to speak directly with scientists, emergency managers and representatives from other government agencies about the lava flow activity and their individual concerns. Everyone was able to learn of plans for the worst-case scenario, all the while hoping for the best possible outcome.
“The Puna Resiliency Block Party in Pahoa this past weekend was welcomed by HVO scientists as a time to visit once again with Puna residents and to talk about Kilauea’s eruptions and ongoing hazards, as well as Mauna Loa’s recent unrest. It was also a reminder of the ways in which the community meetings helped us develop a common volcano language and understanding. Mahalo Pahoa! We appreciate your resiliency!”
“How far would the flow eventually travel? When will lava arrive at this or that location? How wide will the flow spread? How long will Pu`u `O`o erupt lava into the tube? Is ‘my’ house going to be covered by lava? How will scientists know when the June 27th flow will stop?
“HVO scientists answered these questions and shared new information about the flow in all kinds of ways. They provided written updates, image, and maps of the flow’s activity, location, and likely flow path(s) on the HVO website (http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov) and responded to hundreds of individual questions by telephone and email through askHVO@usgs.gov.
“But perhaps most importantly, nearly all of HVO’s staff, at one time or another, participated in dozens of Puna District community meetings that were organized by the Hawai`i County Mayor’s office between Aug. 24, 2014 and Jan. 22, 2015.
“At these meetings, HVO summarized the flow activity and discussed lava flow behavior, Hawaiian volcanism and volcano hazards through an illustrated slide presentation. Afterwards, HVO staff interacted with residents through one-on-one discussions at map stations set up around the room.
“Without a doubt, these meetings were vital for HVO scientists, emergency management officials, business leaders, community organizations, elected government representatives and hundreds of residents at a time to listen to each other. Through these interactive discussions, people developed a common language, which helped everyone better understand the flow activity and the ways in which response plans were being developed and implemented. Online broadcasts of the community meetings allowed even more people to listen in.
“The meetings helped Puna communities to appreciate the challenges and uncertainties HVO scientists faced in trying to forecast lava-flow paths and advance rates. Residents were able to speak directly with scientists, emergency managers and representatives from other government agencies about the lava flow activity and their individual concerns. Everyone was able to learn of plans for the worst-case scenario, all the while hoping for the best possible outcome.
“The Puna Resiliency Block Party in Pahoa this past weekend was welcomed by HVO scientists as a time to visit once again with Puna residents and to talk about Kilauea’s eruptions and ongoing hazards, as well as Mauna Loa’s recent unrest. It was also a reminder of the ways in which the community meetings helped us develop a common volcano language and understanding. Mahalo Pahoa! We appreciate your resiliency!”
See hvo.wr.usgs.gov/volcanowatch.
TEA IS THE TOPIC AT TOTUS Awards Community Tea-In, which follows Tea of the United States competition to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 4. The event a week from today, on Saturday, Nov. 7 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., features talks and presentations by professionals in the art and science of tea worldwide, plus an exhibition of TOTUS competition entries.
Speakers and topics include Bruce Richardson, The Book of Tea’s Influence on Western Art; Jane Pettigrew, The World’s Less Well-Known Tea Growing Regions; Kevin Gascoyne, Talking Terroir and Tea and Scotch Pairing; Selena Ahmed, Tea and the Taste of Climate Change; and Jane Pettigrew and Bruce Richardson, The Social History of Tea in Britain and America.
All events are held at Volcano Art Center in Volcano Village. Admission is required with preregistration before 12 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 6 at $20 per person and $18 for VAC and Hawai`i Tea Society Members. Tickets may also be purchased at the door at $25 per person or $20 for active VAC and Hawai`i Tea Society members.
See totus1awards.com and volcanoartcenter.org.
FOR AFFORDABLE COMPUTER HELP, call John Derry at 936-1872.
NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for Retail Sales Associate: Full-Time, Competitive Wages, Medical & Dental Plans. Apply at Ka`u Coffee Mill. Call 928-0550 for an appointment.
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Community Tea-in is a week from today. Photo from VAC |
KA`U RESIDENTS CAN LEARN about the vital role of `ohi`a lehua in native Hawaiian forests, the many forms of the `ohi`a lehua tree and its flower tomorrow. Kahuku Unit of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park offers a free, easy, one-mile walk at 9:30 a.m. Call 985-6011 for more.
TEA IS THE TOPIC AT TOTUS Awards Community Tea-In, which follows Tea of the United States competition to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 4. The event a week from today, on Saturday, Nov. 7 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., features talks and presentations by professionals in the art and science of tea worldwide, plus an exhibition of TOTUS competition entries.
Speakers and topics include Bruce Richardson, The Book of Tea’s Influence on Western Art; Jane Pettigrew, The World’s Less Well-Known Tea Growing Regions; Kevin Gascoyne, Talking Terroir and Tea and Scotch Pairing; Selena Ahmed, Tea and the Taste of Climate Change; and Jane Pettigrew and Bruce Richardson, The Social History of Tea in Britain and America.
All events are held at Volcano Art Center in Volcano Village. Admission is required with preregistration before 12 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 6 at $20 per person and $18 for VAC and Hawai`i Tea Society Members. Tickets may also be purchased at the door at $25 per person or $20 for active VAC and Hawai`i Tea Society members.
See totus1awards.com and volcanoartcenter.org.
FOR AFFORDABLE COMPUTER HELP, call John Derry at 936-1872.
NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for Retail Sales Associate: Full-Time, Competitive Wages, Medical & Dental Plans. Apply at Ka`u Coffee Mill. Call 928-0550 for an appointment.

See kaucalendar.com/Directory2015.swf and kaucalendar.com/Directory2015.pdf. |
See kaucalendar.com/KauCalendar_Oct2015.pdf. |