Volcano Rain Forest Runs, coming up in August, offers events for every age. It is one of the many activities available in the Volcano area, promoted by the new Experience Volcano Hawai`i group. Photo from experiencevolcano.com |
The new website experiencevolcano.com lists Volcano events, places to dine, stay, explore, and relax. It gives up to date information on visiting Volcano, including places to meet Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park rangers, such as Hilo Airport and Volcano Art Center's campus.
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Jesse Tunison, a founder of
Photo from bigislandvideonews.comExperience Volcano Hawai`i LLC. |
The Experience Volcano event yesterday drew Mayor Harry Kim and other community leaders.
The founders of the group explained that Experience Volcano is the campaign of businesses and nonprofit organizations suffering a severe loss of visitation during the last 80 days - and counting - of closure of most of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park due to earthquake and lava activity in the summit area of the park. The group attributes the loss of visitors not only to the park status but also to media stories,
"most of which were embellished, and created fear among many visitors who
cancelled their plans to visit Hawai’i ,
afraid that the conditions were too dangerous," says a statement from the group.
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Ira Ono, owner of Volcano Garden Arts.
Photo from bigislandvideonews.com
Experience Volcano started organizing in May as "a member powered group of business owners, managers,
employees, and community leaders around the Volcano area," says the statement.
"The goal of Experience Volcano Hawai`i LLC is to increase exposure to the businesses, adventures, and the natural beauty of the Volcano area, and to perpetuate fact driven information and stories."
"The goal of Experience Volcano Hawai`i LLC is to increase exposure to the businesses, adventures, and the natural beauty of the Volcano area, and to perpetuate fact driven information and stories."
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Marie Bothof, co-owner of
Volcano Winery.
Photo from
bigislandvideonews.com |
Jesse Tunison, a founder
of Experience Volcano -- and a professional filmmaker and photographer, webmaster, and Volcano resident -- told Big Island Video News his
business evaporated along with the disappearance of the Halema`uma`u lava lake.
He said "one thing led to another," ending with him developing the
website and helping with media material for Experience Volcano. "I've
never seen all of the businesses come together quite like this before," he
said, adding that it's "a unique thing to see, let alone be a part of."
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Ira Ono, owner of Volcano Garden Arts, in an
interview with Big Island Video News, also said the area businesses -- which he calls
a vibrant, inspiring artists' community -- have been brought together by these
events, especially the closure of the Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park summit areas. He said
they are trying to make Volcano Village a
destination, as opposed to just a place on the way to the park. He said
"most businesses have lost at least 50 percent of their visitors and
equity and business," remarking that Volcano businesses are heavily
influence by the park's partial closure. Experience Volcano exists, he said, to let people know the
Volcano businesses are open, that it's a "wonderful location," and
"if you haven't visited Volcano, this is a wonderful time to support our
local businesses."
Janet Coney of Kīlauea Lodge told Big
Island Video News that she receives calls about the safety of the area.
Big Island Video News captured
Marie Bothof, co-owner of Volcano Winery, saying, "We are open here in Volcano; Volcano is here. Come up here and enjoy it! You get a little bit of
rockin' and rollin', but it's all good." See more at bigislandvideonews.com
See experiencevolcano.com and its social media platforms.
See experiencevolcano.com and its social media platforms.
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Halema`uma`u, with its walls continuing to fall, its lava lake gone, has long drawn visitors and inspired local artists. Photo from bigislandvideonews.com |
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
The popular boat ramp and house at Poho`iki remain,
many days after threat of lava began. However, USGS
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory said yesterday that lava on the perimeter of Isaac
Hale Park
"is fuming and may start oozing from this edge." The south edge of
the lava flow has not advanced westward in the past day.
Civil Defense reminds the public there will not be a test of the Outdoor Warning Siren System for the month of August. Testing will resume Tuesday, September 4.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
VOTE IN THE PRIMARY BY AUGUST 11. Walk in registration and early voting are available weekdays through Thursday, Aug. 9, from9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The single location in Ka`ū is Pāhala Community Center , at 96-1149 Kamani Street . Voters can also walk in at other locations around the island. Registered voters can cast their ballots by mail. See elections.hawaii.gov/voters/early-voting. Election Day is Saturday, Aug. 11, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., with the local polls open in precincts from Volcano through Ka`ū to Miloli`i.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
THE 2018-19 SCHOOL YEAR IS UPON US. Volcano School of Arts and Sciences, volcanoschool.net, opens the campus for all students on Monday, Aug 6. Preliminary enrollment is about 210.

Ka`ū High & Pāhala Elementary, khpes.org: Pre-K through 7th, plus 9th grade, students start school on Tuesday, Aug. 7. Eighth graders, and 10th through 12th graders, start on Wednesday, Aug 8. Preliminary enrollment for the Pāhala campus is 498. All school supplies will be provided free of charge for PreK through 12th grade, except backpacks. High and middle school students must also provide their own headphones or earbuds, which are available at the Main Office for $10.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
Civil Defense reminds the public there will not be a test of the Outdoor Warning Siren System for the month of August. Testing will resume Tuesday, September 4.
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Poho`iki is still there, despite the looming laze. See a seismic and eruptive activity update, above. Photo from Hawai`i County |
VOTE IN THE PRIMARY BY AUGUST 11. Walk in registration and early voting are available weekdays through Thursday, Aug. 9, from
The local polling places on Aug. 11 are: Cooper Center, 19430 Wright Road in Volcano; Ka`ū High & Pahala Elementary, 96-3150 Pikake Street; Nā`ālehu Elementary School, 95-5545 Mamalahoa Hwy; Ocean View Community Center, 15-3022 Kauhale Street; and Miloli`i Halau Pavillion, off Hwy 11 in the Village of Miloli`i.
Up for decision making in the Primary Election Aug. 11 are candidates for the governor's race. Gov. David Ige will face five challengers among Democrats: U.S. Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, Ernest Carvalho, Wendell Ka`ehu`ae`a, Richard Kim, and Van Tanabe. Republican candidates for Governor are John Carroll, Ray Lheureux, and Andria Tupola. Non-Partisan candidates are Selina Blackwell, Link El, and Terrence Teruya. The Green Party candidate is Jim Brewer.
Ka`ū's representative in the U.S. Senate, Mazie Hirono, faces no challengers in the primary. Republican primary competitors are Thomas White, Eddie Pirkowski, Michael Hodgkiss, Robert Helsham Sr., Rocky Mamaka De La Fuente, Ron Curtis, George Berish, and Consuelo Anderson. Non-Partisan candidates are Arturo Pacheco Reyes, Matthew Maertens, and Charles Haverty.
Ka`ū's representative in the U.S. House, Tulsi Gabbard, faces Sherry Alu Campagna and Anthony Austin in the primary. Republican Brian Evans will run against the winner in the general election.
See contenders for state and county races in future issues of Ka`ū News Briefs.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.

Elementary, facebook.com/Naalehu-Elementary-School: All classes begin on
Tuesday, Aug 7. Preliminary enrollment is 395.
Ka`ū Learning Academy is closed, and the Board of Governors has decided to not appeal the closure. See July 10 Kaʻū News Briefs and the August issue of The Ka`ū Calendar.
Ka`ū Learning Academy is closed, and the Board of Governors has decided to not appeal the closure. See July 10 Kaʻū News Briefs and the August issue of The Ka`ū Calendar.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
This year, the All-Ka`ū Alumni & Friends Potluck
Luncheon happens in Pāhala on September 2. Photo by Julia Neal
Kupuna Jeannette Howard of Punalu`u, who is
95 this year, is
one of the eldest alumni who
attends the annual event. Photo
by Julia Neal
annual All-Ka`ū Alumni & Friends Potluck Luncheon on Sunday, September
2, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. , Labor Day Weekend. That's a change from
the traditional Admissions (Statehood) Day weekend, as the Pāhala
Community Center was already booked.
"The Pāhala Hongwanji
Church is holding its bon dance
on Saturday, September 1, to make it a nice weekend of activities,"
says the event description.
All alumni and interested people are invited to attend and enjoy a day of fun, good food, and live music. The purpose of the reunion is to bring alumni and residents back to Ka`ū to reconnect with their roots and meet classmates and other Ka`ū alumni, neighbors, and friends.
All alumni and interested people are invited to attend and enjoy a day of fun, good food, and live music. The purpose of the reunion is to bring alumni and residents back to Ka`ū to reconnect with their roots and meet classmates and other Ka`ū alumni, neighbors, and friends.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
Family Yoga Class, Wed, Aug 1, 9-10am , PARENTS, Inc., Nā`ālehu. 3-12 years old and caregivers. All levels welcome. Wear comfortable clothes, bring a mat, if can, as supplies are limited. Free. 333-3460, lindsey@hawaiiparents.org
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See public Ka`ū events, meetings, entertainment.
Print edition of The Ka`ū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Ka`ū, from Miloli`i through Volcano, and free on
stands throughout the district. Read online at kaucalendar.com
Hula Voices w/Kumu Manaiakalani Kalua, Thu, Aug 2, 5-6pm , Volcano Art Center 's Ni`aulani Campus, Volcano Village . Talk story session moderated by Desiree Moana Cruz. Call to confirm. 967-8222, volcanoartcenter.org
Ka`ū and Kona House and Senate Candidate Agricultural Forum, Thu, Aug 2, 6-8pm, Konawaena High School Cafeteria, Kealakekua. Forum subject area is to help meet the needs of farmers; participants encouraged to bring questions. Co-sponsored by Kona Coffee Farmer Association, konacoffeefarmers.org, and Kona Farmers Union, hfuuhi.org.
Ocean View Neighborhood Watch Meeting, Thu, Aug 2, 6-7pm , Ocean View Community Center . 939-7033, ovcahi.org
Talk Story about Agriculture in Ka`ū at Pāhala Plantation House on Fri, Aug 3, at 6pm . All farmers and community members interested are invited. Bring a dish, pupu, or dessert to share if can. Contact HFUU Ka`ū Chapter president Raina Whiting at 808-464-0799 or rainawhiting@gmail.com.
`O Ka`ū Kākou Meeting, Fri, Aug 3, 6:30pm , Aspen Center . okaukakou.org
Nature & Culture: An Unseverable Relationship, Sat, Aug 4, 9:30-11:30am , Kahuku Unit of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park . Moderate guided hike along the Palm Trail, approx. 2 miles. Learn about native plants that play a vital role in Hawaiian culture, and observe the catastrophic change and restoration of the land as it transitions from the 1868 lava flow to deeper soils with more diversity and older flora. Free. nps.gov/HAVO
Chili Cook Off w/Benefit Concert for Puna and Ka`ū Food Bank, Sat, Aug 4, 4-8pm, The Terraces, 1885 Princess Kaiulani Blvd, Ocean View. Raffle, non-alcoholic mixers and more, with music provided by Soul Town . $10 for advance tickets, $15 at the door, plus a can of food. Contact gcmorales2020@yahoo.com or kathiegriffeth@gmail.com.
Pu`u o Lokuana, Sun, Aug 5, 9:30-11 a.m. , Kahuku Unit of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park . Short, moderately difficult, 0.4-mile hike to the top of the grassy cinder cone, Pu‘u o Lokuana. Learn about the formation and various uses of this hill over time and enjoy a breathtaking view of lower Ka`ū. Free. nps.gov/HAVO
Sunday Clay - High Fire! with Erik Wold, 8-week session beginning Aug 5 (no class Aug 12), morning class 11:30-2:30pm , afternoon class 2:45-5:45pm , Volcano Art Center 's Ni`aulani Campus, Volcano Village . $180/Volcano Art Center Member, $200/non-Member, plus $15 materials fee - 6 lbs clay and glazes. Register online, volcanoartcenter.org or call 967-8222.
Ham Radio Potluck Picnic, Sun, Aug 5, noon-2pm, Manukā State Park . Anyone interested in learning about ham radio is welcome to attend. Sponsored by South Point Amateur Radio Club and Amateur Radio Emergency Service. View sites.google.com/site/southpointarc or sites.google.com/view/southhawaiiares/home. Rick Ward, 938-3058
Story Time with Lindsey Miller from PARENTS, Inc., Mon, Aug 6, 2:30-3:15pm, Nā`ālehu Public Library. 333-3460, lindsey@hawaiiparents.org
Ocean View Volunteer Fire Department Meeting, Mon, Aug 6, 4-6pm, Ocean View Community Center. 939-7033, ovcahi.org
Hawai`i County Council Meetings, Tue/Wed, Aug 7 (Committees)/8 (Council), Hilo, Tue/Wed, Aug 21 (Committees)/22 (Council), Kona. Ka`ū residents can participate via videoconferencing at Nā`ālehu State Office Building. Agendas at hawaiicounty.gov.
Discovery Harbour Volunteer Fire Dept. Meeting, Tue, Aug 7, 4-6pm, Aug 21, 4:30-6:30pm, Discovery Harbour Community Hall. 929-9576, discoveryharbour.net
5th Annual Volcano Winery Harvest Festival tickets on sale from Wed, Aug 1, for event on Sun, Sept 9. Benefit for Volcano School of Arts and Sciences. Music, food, wine, and raffle. $40/adult (21+). 967-7772, volcanowinery.com
2nd Annual Bi-Annual Quilt Show, Quilts In
The Forest - Where the Path May Lead, through Friday, Aug 3, 10-4pm, Volcano Art Center, Volcano Village. Free. Fia Mattice, 967-8222, quiltshow2018@volcanoartcenter.org. volcanoartcenter.org
The Forest - Where the Path May Lead, through Friday, Aug 3, 10-4pm, Volcano Art Center, Volcano Village. Free. Fia Mattice, 967-8222, quiltshow2018@volcanoartcenter.org. volcanoartcenter.org
Exhibit, Birds of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park: The Hawai`i Nei Invitational -- daily through Aug 4, 9-5pm, Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus, Volcano Village. Free. Artists: John Dawson, Reyn Ojiri, Sarah Koh, Wendy Barske, Maria Macias, Cody Yamaguchi, Ann Guth, and John Mydoock. Art represents endemic bird species. volcanoartcenter.org
Tūtū and Me Traveling Preschool's New, Temporary, Nā`ālehu Site Location is Kauaha`ao Church in Wai`ōhinu. Meeting days and times remain the same: Mondays and Wednesdays, from 8:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Pāhala site program meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., at Pāhala Community Center. Both Nā`ālehu and Pāhala site programs resume August 7 and 8.
Tūtū and Me also offers home visits to those with keiki zero to five years old, to aid with parenting tips and strategies, educational resources, and a compassionate listening ear. Free. Visits last 1.5 hours, two to four times a month, total of 12 visits. Snacks are provided.
To enroll in either program, fill out enrollment forms found at pidf.org/programs/tutu_and_me/enrollment_forms, or call Linda Bong at 464-9634. Questions: Clark at 929-8571 or eclark@pidfountation.org.
Harmony Educational Services, Home Based Educational Programs - Open Enrollment through Oct 15; harmonyed.com/hawaii. Partnered with four local public charter schools, Harmony offers benefits of homeschooling with resources available to public schools. Interested families can also contact Rayna Williams at rwilliams@harmonyed.com or 430-9798.
Volcano Forest Runs Registration Open, online at volcanorainforestruns.com. Fees through July 31: 5K - $30, 10K - $45, 1/2 Marathon - $85. Fees increase Wed, Aug 1. Race Day Sat, Aug 18, Volcano Village. No race day registration for 1/2 Marathon. Race Director Sharron Faff, 967-8240.
5th Annual Ka`ū Coffee Trail Run Registration Open, online at webscorer.com/register?raceid=128145, Fees, before Aug 13: 5K, $30/person; 10K, $40/person; and 1/2 Marathon, $50/person. After Aug 13: 5K, $35/person; 10K, $45/person; and 1/2 Marathon, $55/person. Race Day Sat, Sept 22, 7 a.m.; begins and ends at Ka`ū Coffee Mill, kaucoffeemill.com. Event organizers: `O Ka`ū Kākou, okaukakou.org.
Disaster Recovery Center open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., weekends from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Kea`au High School Gym. See information applicants need to bring, or register online, at DisasterAssistance.gov. Salvation Army distribution center at Pāhoa Community Center on Tue, Thu, and Sat, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. To donate, contact 756-0306.
Volunteers Needed by St. Jude's Episcopal Church for Sat community outreach, especially soup cooks and shower organizers. "Volunteering for St. Jude's Saturday Shower and Soup ministry is an opportunity to serve God in a powerful way," states St. Jude's. Contact Dave Breskin, 319-8333.
Ocean View Vet Center Visits Suspended until further notice. Veterans, call 329-0574 for VA benefit information. ovcahi.org
Find Your Park, invites Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, to kama`aina and tourist alike. Experience authentic Hawaiian cultural programs, guided hikes, After Dark events, and more from Ka`ū to Volcano to Hilo, while the partial closure of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park continues.
Free of charge, with no entry fees, rangers offer new and familiar programs at Kahuku Unit, Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus, and Mokupāpapa Discovery Center and Prince Kūhio Plaza in Hilo.
Kahuku Unit
Kahuku events are posted to the park website, nps.gov/havo/planyourvisit/kahuku-hikes.htm.
Regularly scheduled Guided Hikes, monthly Coffee Talk, daily Ranger Talks, with cultural demonstrations and activities on weekends.
Regularly scheduled Guided Hikes, monthly Coffee Talk, daily Ranger Talks, with cultural demonstrations and activities on weekends.
Guided Hikes on Saturdays and Sundays begin at 9:30 a.m. Meet the ranger at the welcome tent.
Coffee Talk, held the last Friday of the month, 9:30-11 a.m., at the Visitor Contact Station.
Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus
Find Park Rangers in Volcano Village daily, at the Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus at 19-4074 Old Volcano Rd. Rangers are there 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to provide talks and answer questions about the current eruption.
After Dark …near the park at the Volcano Art Center's Ni`aulani Campus. Each event will have a different subject matter.
Mokupāpapa Discovery Center
Find Park Rangers in downtown Hilo, Tuesdays through Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rangers provide daily eruption updates. At 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., they give a talk about all five of Hawai`i Island's volcanoes, including Kīlauea. Get NPS Passport Books stamped. Located at 76 Kamehameha Ave., Hilo.
Find Park Rangers alongside the park's non-profit partner, Hawai`i Pacific Parks Association, at their brand new mall store.
Grand Naniloa Hotel
Find Park Rangers stationed at the Grand Naniloa Hotel in downtown Hilo on Sundays and Mondays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Rangers provide eruption updates at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The park film that is normally available to visitors at Kīlauea Visitor Center at the Summit, Born of Fire, Born in the Sea, is shown every half-hour beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Park rangers also greet incoming arrivals at the Hilo International Airport, welcome cruise ship passengers as they disembark at the Port of Hilo, and inform visitors at `Imiloa Astronomy Center most Sundays.To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.