The booklet reports on mitigation for allowing the Thirty Meter Telescope to go forward, including no more than nine telescopes on the mountain after the year 2033. It also notes that University of Hawaiʻi promised that the TMT site will be the last developed for observatories. The booklet presents Gov. David Ige's pledge to restructure management of Maunakea with representatives of the Hawaiian community and County of Hawaiʻi. It says the state legislature will be involved in restructuring management of Maunakea and that stewardship of the mauna will have a "collaborative approach."
Promises of mitigation below the mauna are included, such as additional resources to increase housing on Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. DHHL Chair William Aila is quoted saying: "We will work with Hawaiʻi County and other state agencies to expedite approval of DHHL subdivisions. We will provide innovative homestead opportunities, such as subsistence agriculture awards, tiny homes, and other efforts, to put beneficiaries on DHHL land."
Big Island Video News reported tonight that "Missing from the document is a statement from the opponents of the TMT project, who have said that any plan that keeps the $1.4 billion observatory on the table is non-negotiable."
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
ranks first in number of juice and smoothie bars per capita, tying with five
other major U.S.
cities: New York , Miami ,
Las Vegas , Orlando ,
and Los Angeles . The city ranks
17th in availability of "affordable, highly rated" vegetarian and
vegan options at restaurants.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
See monthly and weekly Kaʻū and Volcano Events, Meetings, Entertainment, Exercise, and Meditation at kaucalendar.com.
The second
freezer is a single door Centaur Plus by Entrée, LLC, Model # CSD-1DF-BAL, Serial
# 1107CENH01513.
Nationwide 2019 Congressional App Challenge submissions from middle and high schoolers are open through Friday, Nov. 1. Submit to Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, CongressionalAppChallenge.us, apps "designed to promote innovation and engagement in computer science." All skill levels, all devices and platforms, and all programming languages, accepted.
Tutoring for Kaʻū Hugh & Pāhala Elementary is Available to All Students of the school, from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. , Monday through Thursday. Grades Kindergarten-2nd will be in room 3; grades 3-6 will be in room 6 on Mondays, room 11 on Tuesdays through Thursdays; middle school students, will be in building Q; and high school students will be in room M-101 in the science building. Contact khpes.org or 808-313-4100 for more.
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Endangered Hawaiian green sea turtles coming into Punaluʻu Black Sand Beach to rest. Photo by Julia Neal |
AS PUNALUʻU BEACH BECOMES MORE POPULAR WITH VISITORS AND LOCALS, stewardship includes careful watching by the community
group ʻO Kaʻū Kākou, with its signs and cordoned-off areas. Marked by yellow tape are areas where Hawaiian green sea turtles rest on the sand and places where Hawksbill turtles lay and bury their eggs. OKK states Punaluʻu Beach is "perhaps the most visited and unique beach in the Kaʻu District."
Signage and verbal warnings warn everyone to give the honu a wide berth – 30 feet – and to not touch, ride on, or feed them. "Show Turtles Aloha," reads the bottom of a sign. It also says that feeding turtles "will change their natural behavior." It could make them aggressive, if they come to see humans as a source for food. Hawaiian green sea turtles are federally and state protected animals, and fines can be levied for harassment.
Signage and verbal warnings warn everyone to give the honu a wide berth – 30 feet – and to not touch, ride on, or feed them. "Show Turtles Aloha," reads the bottom of a sign. It also says that feeding turtles "will change their natural behavior." It could make them aggressive, if they come to see humans as a source for food. Hawaiian green sea turtles are federally and state protected animals, and fines can be levied for harassment.
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OKK, stewarding the beach for the turtles. Photo by Julia Neal |
Hawaiian green sea
turtles are the largest hard-shelled sea turtles in the world,
reaching lengths of four feet and weighing over 300 pounds. They are endangered
due to illegal harvest, destruction and alteration of nesting and feeding
areas, incidental capture in commercial and recreational fisheries,
entanglement in and ingestion of marine debris, disease, vessel strikes, and
climate change.
The green sea turtles at Punaluʻu nest in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands, but spend most of their time here in Kaʻū.
The green sea turtles at Punaluʻu nest in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands, but spend most of their time here in Kaʻū.
Punaluʻu is the nesting site of critically endangered Hawksbill sea turtles - also protected under federal and state law. These honuʻea suffer the same habitat loss and other threatening factors as green sea turtles. The Turtle Project at Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Parks helps to protect the honuʻea by guarding their nests and assisting hatchlings to leave their nests to make their way across the sand to the ocean where they live, only coming back to lay eggs at the place they were born.
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Turtles line up to rest on the black sand beach at Punaluʻu. Photo by Julia Neal |
Adjacent to the
beach is a lagoon which requires periodic cleaning and removal of invasive
aquatic plants. OKK spearheads the effort to make this happen through their
network of volunteers and the help of the Hawaiʻi National Guard Cadets. "Without
this cleanup," states OKK, "unwelcome flora would take over
choking out marine life that depend on this area for food and protection."
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association mans a
statewide turtle stranding hotline, 1-888-256-9840. Reports of anyone directly
affecting the turtles can be made to Hawaiʻi Island Department of Natural
Resources Enforcement Division at 808-933-3460.
VEGETARIANS AND VEGANS living in and visiting Hawaiʻi face the highest costs for buying their preferred foods, according to a report recently released by WalletHub. A 2019
Harris Poll commissioned by the Vegetarian Resource Group, shows that about ten
million U.S.
adults are vegan or vegetarian. WalletHub looked at 100 top cities in the U.S. ,
comparing grocery prices, availability, and convenience.
Overall, Honolulu ranks 35th of 100 best cities for those who want to eat a plant-based diet. However, Honolulu also has the highest cost of groceries for vegetarians, looking to eat a meatless
diet, and vegans, looking for a fully non-animal-based diet. Just over five percent of restaurants offer vegan options, and just over ten percent offer vegetarian options – a rank of 43rd best and 40th best, nationally.
diet, and vegans, looking for a fully non-animal-based diet. Just over five percent of restaurants offer vegan options, and just over ten percent offer vegetarian options – a rank of 43rd best and 40th best, nationally.
Honolulu ranks first in community gardens per capita and availability of
vegan and vegetarian festivals. The city ranks eighth in Farmers Markets and Community
Supported Agriculture, and 39th in salad shops per capita. Access to fresh vegetarian
food is ranked at 27th, while classes to teach how to cook ones own vegetarian
meals is ranked 12th.
WalletHub stated that
people choose to adopt plant-based diets for various reasons, "some
ethical, others health-related. But finding meatless options at restaurants and
supermarkets can be a challenge… Some experts contend that forgoing animal
products could save the average person at least $750 per year, (but)
certain specialty foods can be expensive."
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
TWO USED COMMERCIAL FREEZERS are for sale by Kaʻū Hospital. The hospital states they work, and they "would like to offer to the community on a best offer basis." Interested parties may submit a bid in writing with name, address, and phone number to the Kaʻū Business office by 4:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7.
The first freezer is a double door Centaur Plus by Entrée, LLC, Model # CSD-2DF-BAL, Serial # 1106CENH01077.
The second freezer is a single door Centaur Plus by Entrée, LLC, Model # CSD-1DF-BAL, Serial # 1107CENH01513.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
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See public Kaʻū events, meetings, entertainment.
Print edition of The Kaʻū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Kaʻū, from Miloliʻi through Volcano, and free on
stands throughout the district. Read online at kaucalendar.com
2019 Kaʻū High School Fall Athletics Schedule
See khpes.org/athletics-home for details and updates
Football, Division II:
Thu., Oct. 3, 7 p.m. Kamehameha hosts Kaʻū
Sat., Oct. 12, 1 p.m. , Kaʻū hosts HPA
Sat., Oct. 19, 11 a.m. , Kaʻū hosts Pāhoa
Sat., Oct. 26, 1 p.m. , Kohala hosts Kaʻū
Fri. and Sat., Nov. 1 and 2, Div II BIIF Championship
Fri. and Sat., Nov. 15 and 16, HHSAA Div II Semifinals
Fri., Nov. 29, HHSAA Div II Championship
Girls Volleyball, Kaʻū District Gym:
Wed., Oct. 2, 6 p.m. , Kaʻū hosts Pāhoa
Fri., Oct. 4, 6 p.m. , Parker hosts Kaʻū
Tue., Oct. 8, 6 p.m. , Kaʻū hosts Ehunui
Thu., Oct. 10, 6 p.m. , Konawaena hosts Kaʻū
Mon., Oct. 14, 6 p.m. , BIIF Div II First Round at Keaʻau
Tue., Oct. 15, 2:30 p.m. , BIIF Div II Semifinals at Keaʻau
Wed., Oct. 16, 4 p.m. , BIIF Div II Finals at Keaʻau
Wed.-Sat., Oct. 23-26, HHSAA DII Tournament, Oʻahu
Wed.-Sat., Oct. 23-26, HHSAA DII Tournament, Oʻahu
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
See monthly and weekly Kaʻū and Volcano Events, Meetings, Entertainment, Exercise, and Meditation at kaucalendar.com.
E māka‘ika‘i iā Ka‘auea: Explore the Summit, daily (beginning Oct. 1), 11-11:45a.m., in front of Kīlauea Visitor Center. New ranger guided walk exploring geologic features of Kīlauea and their deep connections to Hawaiian history and culture. All ages. Free; park entrance fees apply. 985-6101, nps.gov/havo/
Hawai‘i County Council Mtgs., Tuesday, Oct. 1 (Committees), Wednesday, Oct. 2 (Council), Hilo. Ka‘ū residents can participate via videoconferencing at Nā‘ālehu State Office Building. Agendas at hawaiicounty.gov.
Ka‘ū Coffee Growers Mtg., Tuesday, Oct. 1, 6-8p.m., Pāhala Community Center.
Hula Voices with Practitioner Randy Lee, Wednesday, Oct. 2 – 1st Wednesday, monthly – 5:30-7p.m., Volcano Art Center Gallery. Desiree Moana Cruz moderates the talk story session. Free. 967-7565, volcanoartcenter.org
Grand Opening of the Temporary Nā‘ālehu Library Location at the Nā‘ālehu State Office, Thursday, Oct. 3, 10a.m.. Popcorn, lemonade, and fines forgiveness offered in celebration. Library hours normal, except closed during Hawai‘i County Council Committee and Council meetings, first and third Tuesday and Wednesday, monthly. 939-2442, librarieshawaii.org
Women's Expression Group, Thursday, Oct. 3 – 1st Thursday monthly – 3-4:30p.m., PARENTS Inc., Nā‘ālehu. Women welcome to drop in. Free. Lindsey Miller, 333-3460, lindsey@hawaiiparents.org
Ocean View Neighborhood Watch Mtg., Thursday, Oct. 3, 6-7p.m., Ocean View Community Center. 939-7033, ovcahi.org
31st Trash Show, Tuesday-Saturday, Oct. 4-25, 10a.m.-4p.m., East Hawai‘i Cultural Center. Opening reception, Friday, Oct. 4, 5:30-7p.m. Started in 1988 by Volcano Village artist Ira Ono, the show exhibits works of art made from trash, such as debris from Ka‘ū beaches. $15 general admission, $12 seniors and children. No pre-sale; tickets sold at door 961-5711, ehcc.org
Oktoberfest, Friday, Oct. 4, doors open 5:30p.m., dinner served at 6 p.m., St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View. Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, Boiled Potatoes, Drinks and Dessert. Live music by Last Fling Band. Tickets at door: $8/person, $15/two, $20/family. 939-7000, stjudeshawaii.org
Fabulous Fabric Fun, Saturday, Oct. 5, 9:30a.m.-4p.m., Volcano Art Center. Lisa Louise Adams teaches fabric print design, bamboo stamping style. Irene Tye teaches Yo-Yo quilt making and easy ways to cut fabric. Catherine Wynne teaches how to make Japanese-style gift bags. Glorianne Garza teaches Stitch Meditation. $75/person, all materials included. No machines needed. Register - 967-8222, volcanoartcenter.org
Paths and Trails, Saturday, Oct. 5, 9:30-12:30p.m., Kahuku Unit, HVNP. Free, moderately difficult, 2-mile, hike. nps.gov/havo/
Guided Hike On A 60 Year Old Lava Lake, Saturday, Oct. 5, 10a.m.-2p.m., Kīlauea Iki Overlook, HVNP. Organized by Friends of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Moderate to challenging 2.4 mile (one way) hike. $80/person. Register online. Park entrance fees may apply. 985-7373, admin@fhvnp.org, fhvnp.org
Keiki Science Class, Saturday, Oct. 5 – 1st Saturday, monthly – 11a.m.-noon, Ace Hardware Stores islandwide; Nā‘ālehu, 929-9030 and Ocean View, 929-7315. Free. acehardware.com
Oktoberfest, Saturday, Oct. 5, 5-8p.m., Crater Rim Café, Kīlauea Military Camp. Plated German Sausage Dinner Special - Bratwurst, Knockwurst, German Potato Salad, Salad Bar, Ice Cream Bar, and Fountain Drink. $13.95/person. Lava Lounge to serve variety of German Beers, not included. Open to all eligible patrons, has certain Terms of Service. Park entrance fees apply. 967-8356, kilaueamilitarycamp.com
Grand Slam performance, Saturday, Oct. 5, 7-10p.m., Kīlauea Military Camp's Lava Lounge, in HVNP. $5 cover charge. Open to eligible patrons; certain Terms of Service. Park entrance fees apply. kilaueamilitarycamp.com
People and Land of Kahuku, Sunday, Oct. 6, 9:30a.m.-12:30p.m., Kahuku Unit, HVNP. Free, moderate, 2.5 mile hike over rugged terrain. nps.gov/havo/
Ham Radio Potluck Picnic, Sunday, Oct. 6 – 1st Sunday, monthly – noon-2p.m., Manukā State Park. Anyone interested in learning about ham radio is welcome to attend. View sites.google.com/site/southpointarc or sites.google.com/viewith southhawaiiares/home. Rick Ward, 938-3058
Hawai‘i Public School Fall Break - Monday, Oct. 7, through Friday, Oct. 11.
Cultural Understanding Through Art & the Environment: Dietrich Varez Block Printing with Desiree Moana Cruz, Monday, Oct. 7, 11a.m.-1p.m., Volcano Art Center. No registration required. $10 per person supply fee. 967-8222, volcanoartcenter.org
Ka‘ū Homeschool Co–op Group, Monday, Oct. 7 and 21 (field-trip), 1p.m., Ocean View Community Center. Parent-led homeschool activity and social group, building community in Ka‘ū. Laura Roberts, 406-249-3351
Empower Meeting, Monday, Oct. 7 and 21 – 1st and 3rd Monday monthly – 3-4:30p.m., PARENTS, Inc. office, Nā‘ālehu. Empowering girls group. Registration required. Diana, 935-4805
Ocean View Volunteer Fire Department Mtg., Monday, Oct. 7, 4-6p.m., Ocean View Community Center. 939-7033, ovcahi.org
Volcano Draft General Plan Mini Speakout Event, Monday, Oct. 7, 6-8p.m., Cooper Center, Volcano Village. Information provided on specific topics most relevant to the region. Thoughts from the community welcome. 961-8228, hiplanningdept.com/general-plan/
Two Used Commercial Freezers are for sale by Kaʻū Hospital.
The hospital states they work, and they "would like to offer to the community
on a best offer basis." Interested parties may submit a bid in writing
with name, address, and phone number to the Kaʻū Business office by 4:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7.
The first
freezer is a double door Centaur Plus by Entrée, LLC, Model # CSD-2DF-BAL, Serial
# 1106CENH01077.
Nationwide 2019 Congressional App Challenge submissions from middle and high schoolers are open through Friday, Nov. 1. Submit to Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, CongressionalAppChallenge.us, apps "designed to promote innovation and engagement in computer science." All skill levels, all devices and platforms, and all programming languages, accepted.
Tiny Treasure Invitational Exhibit at Volcano Art Center gallery in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park runs through Sunday, Nov. 3. Open to the public, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Free; Park entrance fees apply. The exhibition also celebrates VAC's 45th anniversary, Oct. 21 .
Artists include Daniel Rokovitz, Stone O'Daugherty, Kristin Mitsu Shiga, Pat Pearlman, and Amy Flanders, Karen and Mark Stebbins. Also on display, small works from the annual Volcano Art Collaboration from June, featuring Rose Adare, Nash Adams-Pruitt, Lisa Louise Adams, Ed Clapp, Amy Flanders, Bill Hamilton, Liz Miller, Joe Laceby, and Erik Wold. volcanoartcenter.org
Vendor Booth Space is Available for the Kamahalo Craft Fair. The 12th annual event will be held Thanksgiving weekend, Friday, Nov. 29, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. , and Saturday, Nov. 30, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Cooper Center. Booths are open for crafters with quality homemade and homegrown products. Food vendors must prepare all food items in a certified kitchen and must have a Department of Health permit displayed prominently at their booth. Application online at thecoopercenter.org. Direct questions to 936-9705 or kilaueatutu@gmail.com.
Girls Exploring Math and Science Registration is open to Kaʻū students The annual event for fifth graders will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at King Kamehameha's Kona Beach Hotel. The mission of the American Association of University Women is to advance equity for women and girls though advocacy, education, and research.
"First Come, First Served" registration forms were mailed to allWest Hawaiʻi and Kaʻū schools on Sept. 9. Registration fee is $20 and scholarships are available. No girl will be turned away because of financial need. Once the 336 available spots are filled, no registrations will be accepted.
"First Come, First Served" registration forms were mailed to all
All fifth grade girls residing in the West Hawaiʻi School complex and Kaʻū who attend public, private, or home schools are welcome. Sponsorship of girls by individuals or businesses will be accepted. For more information about GEMS, to volunteer or sponsor a girl, or to request a registration packet, contact Cindy Armer, GEMS chairperson at cbarmer@hotmail.com or 808-896-7180. Applications are also available at Kona-hi.aauw.net.
Help Shape Hawaiʻi Island at upcoming SpeakOuts and
workshops on the General Plan. The community is encouraged to "come share
your manaʻo," opinion.
The meeting will
be held in Pāhoa, Saturday, Oct. 5, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. , Pāhoa High School Cafeteria;
and Volcano Village ,
Monday, Oct. 7, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. ,
Cooper Center .
Other SpeakOut events in Kona, Kealakekua, and Waikaloa dates and times are
still to be announced.
Topic Workshops will be held in Kona on Saturday, Oct. 19 on Infrastructure from9
a.m. to noon and on
Natural Resources from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m , in the West Hawaiʻi Civic Center Council
Chambers. In Hilo, on Saturday, Oct. 12, workshops on Land Use from 9 a.m.
to noon and Economics from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m and on Saturday, Oct. 26
on Infrastructure from 9 a.m. to noon
and on Natural Resources from 1 p.m.
to 4 p.m, in the County of Hawaiʻi Office of Aging.
Submit feedback online by Thursday, Oct. 31. See more Info on the Draft General Plan at hiplanningdept.com/general-plan/.
Topic Workshops will be held in Kona on Saturday, Oct. 19 on Infrastructure from
Submit feedback online by Thursday, Oct. 31. See more Info on the Draft General Plan at hiplanningdept.com/general-plan/.
King Cab 2016 Nissan Frontier for Sale by Holy Rosary Church of Pāhala and the Sacred Heart Church of Nāʻālehu. The parishes are selling the truck to raise funds to benefit both churches. The truck is a great 6 cylinder, 2WD automobile. The churches are asking for $21K or best offer. Only cash or cashier's check will be accepted. Anyone interested should contact the parish secretary Tuesday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at 928-8208.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.