KA`U’S REP. RICHARD CREAGAN is looking for more improvements at Ocean View water well, according to a story in Hawai`i Tribune-Herald. Creagan told reporter Nancy Cook Lauer that the water is saltier than it should be. He proposes a small, solar-operated desalination unit with a smaller faucet where residents could draw drinking water. He also wants to start a second well that would provide more water as the state plans a school in the area.
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Ka`u's state Rep. Richard Creagan |
Creagan is also working on a resolution asking the federal government to expedite U.S. citizenship for Marshall Islands immigrants in Hawai`i. Creagan said that will not only help the Marshallese, but it will also help the state get its share of federal dollars for their presence in the population. Creagan worked in the Marshall Islands for the Peace Corps and speaks the language fluently.
“It’s the right thing to do” for residents of an island that was subject to U.S. nuclear tests after World War II, Creagan said. “What we did to their islands … we’re asking the federal government to make up for some of the things they haven’t done for the Marshallese. Many people, they’ve been here 20 years, and they’re still not citizens.”
According to the story, five percent of Creagan’s constituents are Marshallese.
Other priorities Creagan mentions are a replacement hospital for Kona and a four-year university for West Hawai`i.
Creagan is on the Consumer Protection & Commerce, Judiciary, Health, Housing and Human Services committees.
“I’m very pleased that I was appointed, and I’m going to try to do a real good job,” Creagan told Cook Lauer.
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Trust for Public Land board members view Kaunamano from Honu`apo Lookout. Photo from TPL |
TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND BOARD MEMBERS VISITED Ka`u this past weekend to tour possible lands for acquisition. The group visited Kaunamano, where the county has nominated 1,363 acres for purchase and preservation. The proposed location of a sewage treatment facility is near the preservation site. Both are state property makai of Hwy 11 near mile marker 63, between Honu`apo Scenic Lookout and Na`alehu School.
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SURVEYING OF MORE WATER SOURCES FOR AG USE by Ka`u Agricultural Water Cooperative District members will occur in March, reported Olson Trust representative John Cross at the group’s meeting Thursday.
Mel Davis, representing Ha`ao Springs & Mountain House Water Co-op, reported that Paul Matsuda, of Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, is exploring possibilities of developing unused water sources mauka of Ha`ao for potable water to service Hawaiian Homes tenants.
KAWCD’s next meeting takes place Thursday, Feb. 20 at 4 p.m. at Royal Hawaiian Orchards field office in Pahala.
SURVEYING OF MORE WATER SOURCES FOR AG USE by Ka`u Agricultural Water Cooperative District members will occur in March, reported Olson Trust representative John Cross at the group’s meeting Thursday.
Mel Davis, representing Ha`ao Springs & Mountain House Water Co-op, reported that Paul Matsuda, of Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, is exploring possibilities of developing unused water sources mauka of Ha`ao for potable water to service Hawaiian Homes tenants.
KAWCD’s next meeting takes place Thursday, Feb. 20 at 4 p.m. at Royal Hawaiian Orchards field office in Pahala.
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Ocean View Community Center offers videoconferencing of Hawai`i County Council meetings. |
HAWAI`I COUNTY COUNCIL MEETINGS take place today and tomorrow. Today, Planning Committee meets at 9 a.m., and Finance Committee at 11 a.m.
On the agenda of Public Safety and Mass Transit Committee, which meets at 2 p.m., is Ka`u Council member Brenda Ford’s Bill 109, relating to restrictions of genetically modified organisms. Ford’s bill would prohibit cultivation, development, or use of any GMO, or genetic modification of any specific or non-specific parts of an organism’s genome. It would exempt state or federally licensed medical or agricultural research institutions provided all activity is located in a biosafety level three containment facility. The bill would allow those currently engaged in GMO practices to continue for a period of 30 months, provided operations are not increased or expanded, and calls for those operations to be registered with the Department of Environmental Management within 90 days of the effective date of the ordinance with a registration fee of $100 per location per year.
Ford’s bill calling for $150,000 to plan and construct a main water line from Ocean View Well to Kahuku Park is on tomorrow’s County Council meeting agenda.
Ka`u residents can participate in the meetings via videoconferencing at Ocean View Community Center.
Ford’s bill calling for $150,000 to plan and construct a main water line from Ocean View Well to Kahuku Park is on tomorrow’s County Council meeting agenda.
Ka`u residents can participate in the meetings via videoconferencing at Ocean View Community Center.
Agendas are available at hawaiicounty.gov.
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NATIVE HAWAIIAN EDUCATION COUNCIL is seeking input from the Ka`u community and recently held meetings in Pahala and Na`alehu. Betty Clark, of Tutu & Me, who attended the Na`alehu meeting, said she encourages residents to fill out a survey. The survey aims to assess community needs in education by asking about ability to access native Hawaiian services and educational programs.
Tutu & Me will be distributing the surveys to all enrolled families this week. Those who want to pick up a physical copy of the survey can do so from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Na`alehu Community Center on Wednesdays and Pahala Community Center on Thursdays.
The Native Hawaiian Education Council website says NHEC is interested in applicants from all islands representing `Opio to Kupuna for membership on its council. NHEC is particularly interested in consumers of Native Hawaiian education, such as students or family members of students. The deadline to submit nominations is February 8.
The mission of the organization in Hawaiian is Ma ka `uhane aloha o ke Akua e koi `ia ka `Aha Ho`ona`auao 'Oiwi Hawai`i, e ho`olauka`i, e ana loiloi, e ho`ike mana`o, a e ho`omau i ka `ike po`okela o ka ho`ona`auao `oiwi Hawai`i. Translated to English: In the spirit of Aloha Ke Akua, the Native Hawaiian Education Council will coordinate, assess and make recommendations to perpetuate excellence in Native Hawaiian education.
The mission of the organization in Hawaiian is Ma ka `uhane aloha o ke Akua e koi `ia ka `Aha Ho`ona`auao 'Oiwi Hawai`i, e ho`olauka`i, e ana loiloi, e ho`ike mana`o, a e ho`omau i ka `ike po`okela o ka ho`ona`auao `oiwi Hawai`i. Translated to English: In the spirit of Aloha Ke Akua, the Native Hawaiian Education Council will coordinate, assess and make recommendations to perpetuate excellence in Native Hawaiian education.
See www.nhec.org, or call 808-523-6364.
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KA`U HIGH GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAMS hosted Waiakea yesterday. Scores were: Junior Varsity, Ka`u 20, Waiakea 41 and Varsity, Ka`u 45 , Waiakea 65.
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USGS volunteer Ben Gaddis, at left, presents tonight's After Dark in the Park program. Photo from HVO |
KILAUEA VOLCANO’S MOST VIOLENT ERUPTION of the 20th century is the topic at this evening’s After Dark in the Park beginning at 7 p.m. at Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Ben Gaddis, a long-time volunteer at Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, tell the story from the perspective of the people who lived through it. Free; park entrance fees apply.
CYNDY LEINANI MARTINEZ shares the art of kapa kuiki, traditional Hawaiian quilting, tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the lanai of Kilauea Visitor Center in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. The workshop, part of the park’s ongoing `Ike Hana No`eau: Experience the Skillful Work series, is free; park entrance fees apply.
USGS HAWAIIAN VOLCANO OBSERVATORY scientists Jim Kauahikaua and Janet Babb offer a virtual road trip from Kahuku in Ka`u to Kapalaoa in North Kona tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. at NELHA Gateway Visitor Center in Kona. During this Volcano Awareness Month event, they talk about the volcanic history, stories and impacts of the Mauna Loa and Hualalai lava flows visible along the highways.
For more information, call 967-8844 or email askHVO@usgs.gov.
HA`AO SPRINGS & MOUNTAIN HOUSE AG WATER CO-OP meets Thursday at 4 p.m. at Wai`ohinu Park.
Advance registration is available for `O Ka`u Kakou's annual Keiki Fishing Tournament coming up this Saturday. Photo from Fred & Mary Ramsdell |
`O KA`U KAKOU HOSTS ITS ANNUAL Keiki Fishing Tournament Saturday. The event usually draws more than 600 people to Punalu`u to fish from the limu-covered rocks, measure the catch and return the small fish to the ocean. Keiki win prizes and visit educational booths. Children one to 14 can enter.
Early registration is available at Mizuno Superette, Pahala Gas Station, B&E Union 76, Ace Hardware and Kahuku Mini-Mart.
Check-in is from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., and fishing begins at 10 a.m.
For more information, call Wayne Kawachi at 937-4773.
KAHUKU JUNIOR RANGER DAY IS SATURDAY from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Kahuku Unit of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Keiki of all ages join park rangers for a day of activities and connect the culture, people and `aina through `oli, GPS and compass while taking a short and easy walk. Ka`ohu Monfort shares her knowledge of the island’s native medicinal plants and how they are used to heal and nourish. Register at 985-6019.
KA`U HOSPITAL URGES RESIDENTS to complete its Community Health Needs Assessment at surveymonkey.com/s/93HQ5MX. The deadline is Jan. 31.
SEE THE DIRECTORY from the Ka`u Chamber of Commerce at http://snack.to/fzpfg59c.
Check-in is from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., and fishing begins at 10 a.m.
For more information, call Wayne Kawachi at 937-4773.
KAHUKU JUNIOR RANGER DAY IS SATURDAY from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Kahuku Unit of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Keiki of all ages join park rangers for a day of activities and connect the culture, people and `aina through `oli, GPS and compass while taking a short and easy walk. Ka`ohu Monfort shares her knowledge of the island’s native medicinal plants and how they are used to heal and nourish. Register at 985-6019.
KA`U HOSPITAL URGES RESIDENTS to complete its Community Health Needs Assessment at surveymonkey.com/s/93HQ5MX. The deadline is Jan. 31.
SEE THE DIRECTORY from the Ka`u Chamber of Commerce at http://snack.to/fzpfg59c.