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After Dark in the Park presents The First Ten Years of Kīlauea Volcano's Summit Eruption on Tuesday. Details below. Photo from nps.gov/HAVO |
Called Our Care, Our Choice Act, the bill passed the House Health & Human Services Committee with a 4-1 vote, and the Judiciary Committee with a 7-1 vote on March 1.
Hundreds of testimonies flowed in for the first public hearing in February, with more than 1,000 signatures in support through Compassion & Choices HI. The testimonies range from strongly in support, to strongly opposed. Some testimonies are emotional, giving examples of ill friends and loved ones at the end of their lives.
"I oppose this bill as it opens the door to abuse and related issues for the old, infirmed, disabled, and undesirable," stated Carl Nagasako.
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Compassion & Choices Hawaiʻi organizers brought a petition with more than 1,000 signatures to the Hawaiʻi Legislature. |
"In my humble opinion, it is Not loving to kill someone merely because they suffer; it is loving to comfort, console, and ease their pain and suffering – the 'Aloha' and 'Dignified' way treat these suffering souls before their deaths. The dignity of the human person requires us to refrain from killing others, or assisting to kill themselves. Physician Assisted Suicide is immoral and amounts to murder in the first degree. Some legislators talk about 'Death with Dignity' in the HB 2739 in total disregard for human dignity. It is a lie from the 'Culture of Death', and the pit of Hell," stated Greg (no last name).
"I support this bill because it will provide me with peace of mind in case I am faced with a painful and debilitating illness at the end of my life. Polls show that people of Hawaiʻi want this law, especially with the built-in safeguards based on the experience of multiple states with similar laws," stated Karen Masaki.
"I have worked with doctors that refused to refer their patients to hospice care, even though the patient was actively dying. I have seen this aversion to death when doctors were overly cautious about prescribing too high a dose of pain medicine to a frail older adult. It was difficult to watch a person suffer because a doctor seemed to fear death. I often observed that doctors did not like to participate in 'end of life' discussions with the family and did quick hand offs to the chaplains in many cases. This is understandable. Doctors are trained to save lives, not terminate them. Life is a very strong and pervasive motivation for medical care in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and other long term care organizations. This bill undermines and erodes that singular, uniting purpose and creates yet another grey area for otherwise overburdened doctors and family members. This bill would create temptation where there should be none, and problems for medical communities and families that could be avoided. Please do not bring this toHawaii . Please protect our most vulnerable citizens," stated Rosanna Vanderhoeven.
"I have worked with doctors that refused to refer their patients to hospice care, even though the patient was actively dying. I have seen this aversion to death when doctors were overly cautious about prescribing too high a dose of pain medicine to a frail older adult. It was difficult to watch a person suffer because a doctor seemed to fear death. I often observed that doctors did not like to participate in 'end of life' discussions with the family and did quick hand offs to the chaplains in many cases. This is understandable. Doctors are trained to save lives, not terminate them. Life is a very strong and pervasive motivation for medical care in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and other long term care organizations. This bill undermines and erodes that singular, uniting purpose and creates yet another grey area for otherwise overburdened doctors and family members. This bill would create temptation where there should be none, and problems for medical communities and families that could be avoided. Please do not bring this to
"My Mom, an incredible community activist in NYC, died after 8 months of agonizing pain, finally withering away to 45 pounds at her death in 1991. She was in a teaching hospital in NYC with doctors who wanted to try everything to keep her alive, while I was trying to keep her comfortable and as pain-free as possible. She was so thin that the hospital could not find a place where they could inject her morphine. I asked for a morphine drip, the hospital refused, and I started to pack my Mom's things to leave. I was determined to find a place that would at least let her die with some semblance of dignity. The hospital finally relented and Mom finally got what she needed. What happened after my Mom was made more comfortable is that other families started approaching me to ask how I managed to get that relief for my Mom. So, while my Mom was sleeping, I assisted other families in getting help for their loved ones. This brought the enormity of the problem up close and personal to me. My Mom was a devout Catholic and one of the last things she said to me was, 'No one should have to suffer like this.' I took those words to heart and that is why I am testifying today," stated Kat Brady.
Read more testimonies.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
Today's Volcano Watch addresses this instrumentation, but still only scratches the surface of the great variety of equipment that HVO scientists use to monitor Hawaiian volcanoes.
HVO has an extensive network of remote monitoring stations which continuously telemeter data back to the observatory. They also have instruments used to collect data during periodic campaign surveys, in which HVO scientists collect data on site during a field visit.
Digital communications allow HVO field engineers to integrate all of HVO's monitoring capabilities into a single telemetry system that is referred to as the "volcano monitoring network."
At a volcano observatory, instrumentation is tasked by scientific disciplines including geology, geophysics, and geochemistry. HVO scientists constantly reach beyond their particular areas of expertise to compare findings from as many monitoring methods as they can.
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USGS scientists measure the weight of Mauna Loa. USGS photo |
Many monitoring instruments require additional devices to monitor non-volcanic phenomena to interpret the data. For example, rainfall can cause ground tilt changes and can scrub out some volcanic gas. These additional support instruments, such as a rain gauge, help HVO scientists distinguish real signals from non-volcanic processes.
Take a closer look at the instruments in HVO's volcano monitoring network.
HVO geologists use various types of cameras for observation, including fixed-view webcams, thermal cameras, and time-lapse cameras. Geologists cleverly "stack," or combine, images from these camera systems to create a single composite image that visually traces the hotspots of active lava flows over time. Thermal cameras have replaced radiometers for monitoring lava lake activity; both instruments detect changes in infrared radiation, or temperature, as the lava lake surface rises and falls, but thermal cams also provide images that are used for additional study of lava lake motion and behavior.
Geophysicists include geodesists - scientists who study ground deformation (inflation and deflation of the volcano) - and seismologists, who study earthquakes.
Instruments used by HVO geodesists include GPS, tiltmeters, and gravimeters. The GPS used are multi-frequency receivers with a GPS antenna permanently affixed to a monument, which is anchored to the earth. With GPS, HVO geodesists can measure surface movement in both horizontal and vertical directions. Tiltmeters measure changes in ground tilt, which allow them to recognize, among other things, accumulation of magma into various structures of the volcano. Gravimeters measure small changes in gravitational pull, useful for observing subsurface intrusions of magma and mapping accumulations of minerals associated with magma storage systems.
Geophysicists include geodesists - scientists who study ground deformation (inflation and deflation of the volcano) - and seismologists, who study earthquakes.
Instruments used by HVO geodesists include GPS, tiltmeters, and gravimeters. The GPS used are multi-frequency receivers with a GPS antenna permanently affixed to a monument, which is anchored to the earth. With GPS, HVO geodesists can measure surface movement in both horizontal and vertical directions. Tiltmeters measure changes in ground tilt, which allow them to recognize, among other things, accumulation of magma into various structures of the volcano. Gravimeters measure small changes in gravitational pull, useful for observing subsurface intrusions of magma and mapping accumulations of minerals associated with magma storage systems.
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Hawaiian Volcano Observatory tiltmeter site. Photo from HVO |
Scientists at HVO use these tools - and many more - to further the monitoring capabilities and understanding of volcanoes. HVO field engineers are constantly challenged with the task of integrating new instrumentation into the volcano monitoring network. Although it's a daunting task, this work is both intriguing and comforting; after all, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory staff live on these active volcanoes too.
Monitor HVO's networks and website https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/hvo/. Call for summary updates at 967-8862 (Kīlauea ) or 967-8866 (Mauna Loa ). Email questions to askHVO@usgs.gov.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
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Prickly Pear is one of the many wild food options available on Hawai‘i Island. Learn more about foraging locally on Mar. 24. Photo from volcanoartcenter.org |
Hawai‘i’s year-round growing season offers a wide array of wild food options for intrepid locavores. From seeds to leaves, stems to fruits: participants can learn what is edible and what is not in this workshop, and will interact first-hand with many of these under-appreciated edibles. Learn about wild edibles like plantain/laukahi, sow thistle, cat's ear, and dandelion, mainly in Pu‘u Huluhulu cinder cone area. The event description warns, "This is discovery only – no picking!"
"Remember: Never eat anything from the wild without first consulting an expert! Please forage responsibly. Educate yourself, and have fun."
The class, $30 per VAC member and $40 per non-member, plus a $15 transportation fee, boasts hands-on immersion for foragers and foodies alike. Class size is limited; register early. Attendees will meet at VAC's Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village, with transportation to and from the main destination provided. Register online at volcanoartcenter.org or call 967-8222.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
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See public Ka‘ū events, meetings, entertainment at kaucalendar.com
/janfebmar/februaryevents.html. See Ka‘ū exercise, meditation, daily,
weekly events at kaucalendar.com/janfebmar/februarycommunity.html.
February print edition of The Ka‘ū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Ka‘ū, from Miloli‘i through Volcano. Also available free on
stands throughout the district. Read online at kaucalendar.com.
Girls Softball: Wednesday, Mar 7, Waiakea @ Ka‘ū
Friday, Mar 9, @ Hawai‘i Prep
Tuesday, Mar 13, @ Hilo
Saturday, Mar 17 @ Konawaena
Monday, Mar 19, KSH @ Ka‘ū
Saturday, Mar 24 @ Kealakehe
Saturday, Mar 31 @ Honoka‘a
Monday, Apr 2, @ Kohala
Saturday, Apr 7, Hawai‘i Prep @ Ka‘ū
Monday, Apr 9, @ Pāhoa
Wednesday, Apr 11 @ KSH
Saturday, Apr 14, Kea‘au @ Ka‘ū
Boys Volleyball: Monday, Mar 5, @ Hawai‘i Prep
Friday, Mar 9, @ Kohala
Monday, Mar 12, @ Makua Lani
Wednesday, Mar 14 Ehunui @ Ka‘ū
Friday, Mar 16 @ Konawaena
Monday, Mar 19 @ KSH
Friday, Mar 23 Pāhoa @ Ka‘ū
Tuesday, Apr 3, @ Waiakea
Wednesday, Apr 11, Kea‘au @ Ka‘ū
Friday, Apr 13, Honoka‘a @ Ka‘ū
Monday, Apr 16, @ Hilo
Friday, Apr 20, Parker @ Ka‘ū
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
KAHA KIʻI CONGRESSIONAL ART COMPETITION is open to high school students. Digital files of 2D artwork due by tomorrow, March 5, at haearts@gmail.com. More info at: gabbard.house.gov/serving-you/student-resources/art-competition
ARTS & CRAFTS: SPRING BUTTERFLY CRAFT, register until Mar 6. Event is Wed, Mar 7, 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. , Pāhala Community Center . For grades K-8 years. Free. Nona Makuakane/Elijah Navarro, 928-3102, hawaiicounty.gov/pr-recreation
REGISTER FOR KAʻŪ RURAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION'S ANNUAL MEETING by March 9 by calling Kaʻū Resource & Distance Learning Center at 928-0101. The gathering will be Fri., March 16, from9 a.m. to 2 p.m. , at Pāhala Community Center .
MY HAWAI‘I 2018 CREATIVE WRITING CONTEST is open to all 6th through 8th grade students in the state. Submit story or poem that addresses the theme, "Ulu ka lālā i ke kumu: From a strong foundation grows an abundant future," to align with the 2018 Hawai‘i Conservation Conference. Submit online at hawaiiconservation.org/my-hawaii/my-hawaii-story-project-2018 by 5:00 p.m., March 9. Email questions to myhawaiistory@gmail.com.
MISS KA‘Ū COFFEE PAGEANT - REGISTRATION DEADLINE, Sat, Mar 10, 6 p.m. Event held Sat, Apr 21, Ka‘ū District Gym. Those who sign up early will be offered more opportunity for training and sponsorships. Ka‘ū Coffee Pageant Director Trinidad Marques, 928-0606, TrinidadMarques@yahoo.com, or Facebook Trinidad Marques.
REGISTER FOR KAʻŪ RURAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION'S ANNUAL MEETING by March 9 by calling Kaʻū Resource & Distance Learning Center at 928-0101. The gathering will be Fri., March 16, from
MY HAWAI‘I 2018 CREATIVE WRITING CONTEST is open to all 6th through 8th grade students in the state. Submit story or poem that addresses the theme, "Ulu ka lālā i ke kumu: From a strong foundation grows an abundant future," to align with the 2018 Hawai‘i Conservation Conference. Submit online at hawaiiconservation.org/my-hawaii/my-hawaii-story-project-2018 by 5:00 p.m., March 9. Email questions to myhawaiistory@gmail.com.
Applications open for Miss Ka‘ū Coffee Pageant through March 9. Details, left. Photo from Pam Taylor |
OCEAN VIEW VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT MEETING, Mon, Mar 5, 4 - 6 p.m., Ocean View Community Center. 939-7033, ovcahi.org
OCEAN VIEW VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT MEETING, Mon, Mar 5, 4 - 6 p.m., Ocean View Community Center. 939-7033, ovcahi.org
WALK INTO THE PAST WITH DR. THOMAS A. JAGGAR, Tuesdays, Mar. 6, 20, and 27, at 10 a.m., noon, and 2 p.m., at Kīlauea VisitorCenter. Each performance lasts about an hour. To find out more about this living history program, visit the park website: nps.gov/havo/planyourvisit/walk_into_the_past.htm
DISCOVERY HARBOUR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. Meeting, Tue, Mar 6, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Discovery Harbour Community Hall. 929-9576, discoveryharbour.net
DISCOVERY HARBOUR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. Meeting, Tue, Mar 6, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Discovery Harbour Community Hall. 929-9576, discoveryharbour.net
KA‘Ū COFFEE GROWERS MEETING, Tue, Mar 6, 6 - 8 p.m., Pāhala Community Center.
AFTER DARK IN THE PARK: THE FIRST TEN YEARS OF KĪLAUEA VOLCANO'S SUMMIT ERUPTION, Tues., Mar. 6, 7 p.m., at Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Free; park entrance fees apply - nps.gov/HAVO
DEMOCRATIC PRECINCT MEETING, Wed, Mar 7, 6 - 8 p.m., New Thought Center in Kealakekua. Democratic Party Precincts of Ho‘okena, Miloli‘i & Ocean View. ovcahi.org, 939-7033, ovcahawaii@gmail.com
DEMOCRATIC PRECINCT MEETING, Wed, Mar 7, 6 - 8 p.m., New Thought Center in Kealakekua. Democratic Party Precincts of Ho‘okena, Miloli‘i & Ocean View. ovcahi.org, 939-7033, ovcahawaii@gmail.com
OPEN MIC NIGHT, Wed, Mar 7, 6 - 10 p.m., Kīlauea Military Camp’s Lava Lounge in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Singers, Bands, Comedians, etc. Call 967-8365 after 4 p.m. to sign up. Open to authorized patrons and sponsored guests 21 years and older. Park entrance fees apply. kilaueamilitarycamp.com
MOKUHANGA: TRADITIONAL JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTMAKING, Thursdays, Mar 8 - Apr 5, 1 - 3:30 p.m., Volcano ArtCenter. Five hands-on sessions w/ Sensei Glenn Yamanoha. Water-based printing by hand using non-toxic natural materials. No experience necessary. $72/VAC members, $80/non-members, plus a $40 supply fee. Registration online, volcanoartcenter.org
EXPLORE! FAIR, Nāʻālehu School Gym, Thurs, Mar 8, 4 - 6 p.m., free. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) is the theme, with hands-on experiments, make-and-take activities, student-work showcases, and brain-challenging games. Enjoy free food and refreshments, and a chance to win door prizes.
FOUR DAYS OF PRAISE AND WORSHIP COMING TO KA‘Ū, with Big Island Faith Crusade, at Ka‘ū District Gym, Thursday, March 8, at 7 p.m.; Friday, March 9, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, March 10, at 6 p.m.; and Sunday, March 11, at 9:30 a.m.; doors open one hour beforehand; free. Contact Thy Word Ministries Pastor Bob Tominaga at 936-9114 or Herb Schneider at 327-9739 for more information.
PANCAKE BREAKFAST AND RAFFLE, Sat, Mar 10, 8 - 11 a.m., OceanView Community Center. To volunteer, call 939-7033, ovcahi.org
BIRTH OF KAHUKU, Sun, Mar 11,9:30 -11:30 a.m. ,
Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National
Park . Explore the rich geologic history of Kahuku
on this easy-to-moderate hike that traverses the vast 1868 lava flow, with
different volcano features and formations. Learn about the Hawaiian hotspot and
the creation of Kahuku. nps.gov/HAVO
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Join other volunteers in stewarding this natural area, by removing invasive plants such as morning glory. Thursdays, in the park. Photo from NPS |
STEWARDSHIP OF KῙPUKAPUAULU takes place every Thursday in March: 8, 15, 22, and 29. Participants meet at Kīpukapuaulu parking lot, Mauna Loa Road , off Highway 11, at 9:30 a.m. Volunteers should bring clippers or pruners, sturdy gloves, a hat and water; wear closed-toe shoes. Clothing may be permanently stained by morning glory sap. New volunteers, contact Marilyn Nicholson at nickem@hawaii.rr.com.
DISABILITY LEGAL SERVICES, Thu, Mar 8, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., Ocean View Community Center. Provided by Paula Boyer of Big Island Disability. ovcahi.org, 939-7033, ovcahawaii@gmail.com
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Musician Rebecca Folsom - concert Mar. 10. workshop Mar. 11. Details below. Photo from VAC |
STEWARDSHIP AT THE SUMMIT Fri, Mar 9. Participants meet Paul and Jane Field at Kīlauea Visitor Center at 8:45 a.m. Volunteers should wear sturdy hiking shoes and long pants, and bring a hat, rain gear, day pack, snacks, and water. Gloves and tools provided. Parental or guardian accompaniment, or written consent, required for volunteers under 18. Visit park website for additional planning details: nps.gov/havo/planyour
PANCAKE BREAKFAST AND RAFFLE, Sat, Mar 10, 8 - 11 a.m., OceanView Community Center. To volunteer, call 939-7033, ovcahi.org
KĀWĀ VOLUNTEER DAY, Sat, Mar 10, 9:30 a.m. , Kāwā. Sign up with James Akau, Nā Mamo o Kāwā, at namamookawa@gmail.com or 430-3058.
REALMS AND DIVISIONS OF KAHUKU, Sat, Mar 10, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. , Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park . Moderately difficult, two-mile, guided hike on Kahuku Unit's newest trail, Pu‘u Kahuku, explores the traditional Hawaiian classification system. Bring a snack.
ZENTANGLE: HALF-PAST PAIZLEY, Sat, Mar 10, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., Volcano Art Center. Lydia Menses incorporates a paisley motif as Zentangle string, using a mixture of Zentangle's official and non-official tangles to fill. No experience necessary. $30/VAC members, $35/non-members, plus $10 supply fee. Light refreshment provided. Register online, volcanoartcenter.org
RED CROSS MEETING, Sat, Mar 10,3 - 5 p.m. , Ocean View Community Center . ovcahi.org, 939-7033, ovcahawaii@gmail.com
AN EVENING WITH REBECCA FOLSOM, Sat, Mar 10, 7 - 9 p.m., Volcano Art Center. Awarding-winning artist. $20 per VAC member and $25 per non-member. volcanoartcenter.org, 967-8222.RED CROSS MEETING, Sat, Mar 10,
TEEN CHALLENGE CHOIR, Sun, Mar 11, 10 a.m., River of Life Assembly of God, Pāhala. The group will minister through song and testimony as well as spread awareness of the Teen Challenge Program. rolhawaii.com, 443-9394.
THE ART OF VOCAL FREEDOM WORKSHOP WITH REBECCA FOLSOM, Sun, Mar 11, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Volcano Art Center. Learn to sing and express authentically with ease and flow. Incorporates a blend of traditional and non-traditional volcano technique, martial arts, yogic posture, Toltec, and Taoist exercises. Open to all levels of singers. $50 per person, plus $10 supply fee.
THE ART OF VOCAL FREEDOM WORKSHOP WITH REBECCA FOLSOM, Sun, Mar 11, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Volcano Art Center. Learn to sing and express authentically with ease and flow. Incorporates a blend of traditional and non-traditional volcano technique, martial arts, yogic posture, Toltec, and Taoist exercises. Open to all levels of singers. $50 per person, plus $10 supply fee.
TŪTŪ AND ME OFFERS HOME VISITS to those with keiki zero to five years old: home visits to aid with helpful parenting tips and strategies, educational resources, and a compassionate listening ear. Home visits are free, last 1.5 hours, two to four times a month, for a total of 12 visits, and snacks are provided. For info and to register, call Linda Bong 646-9634.
KDEN HOW THE OTHER HALF LOVES - March 9 through 24. Performances on Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 2:30 p.m, Kīlauea Military Camp’s Kīlauea Theater, Hawai‘i VolcanoesNational Park. Kīlauea Drama & Entertainment Network performance. KMC open to authorized KMC patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply. Call KDEN for ticket info, 982-7344.
KDEN HOW THE OTHER HALF LOVES - March 9 through 24. Performances on Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 2:30 p.m, Kīlauea Military Camp’s Kīlauea Theater, Hawai‘i VolcanoesNational Park. Kīlauea Drama & Entertainment Network performance. KMC open to authorized KMC patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply. Call KDEN for ticket info, 982-7344.
TĪ AND SEAS ART EXHIBIT at Volcano Art Center Gallery featuring oil paintings by Pāhoa resident Steve Irvine, is open to the public through Sun., Mar. 25, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily - volcanoartcenter.org or 967-8222.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.