"Thousands of children have been incarcerated for months as they wait for sponsors to be cleared. Mental health experts have repeatedly warned that the longer children are kept in these situations, the more emotional damage occurs. Thus, our goal regarding unaccompanied minors must be to place these minors with appropriate sponsors as quickly as possible.
"Today, the Department of Health and Human Services announced with little fanfare that it was changing this damaging fingerprinting policy. I welcome today's announcement. Sadly, this policy – now thankfully changed – is just one of the many assaults on immigrants perpetrated by the Trump administration. We must continue to shine a light on Donald Trump's destructive immigration policies, and I will continue to do so."
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A member of the audience gave a surprise hula performance as the Kipapa sisters serenaded the crowd during Sunday'sHolidays at Kahuku. Photo by Geneveve Fyvie |
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GOV. DAVID IGE'S EXECUTIVE BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS EDUCATION, HOUSING, SUSTAINABILITY. He presented the budget yesterday and focused on the following:
EDUCATION: Three million dollars $3M for fiscal years 2020 and 2121 for the School Innovation Fund under the Weighted Student Formula; $6M (FY 20 & 21) for school facility repair and maintenance contracts; more than $400M in the fiscal biennium for public school infrastructure improvements such as expanding capacity schools, and compliance with equity, health, and safety requirements; $200,000 for additional staff and facilities to expand and support the Early Learning Program; and $14.3M in capital funds for renovations for pre-kindergarten classrooms, statewide. See his statements in yesterday's Kaʻū News Briefs regarding early education.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING with $315 million spent over the next two years: $50M (FY 20) and $25 (FY21) for the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund; $100M (in both FY 20 & 21) for the Rental Housing Revolving Fund; $20M (in both FY 20 & 21) for Dept. of Hawaiian Homelands lot development projects, statewide.
HOMELESSNESS with $35 million in state funds over two years for homelessness programs: $1.9M over the next two years for housing subsidies to keep families from falling into homelessness; $3.75M (FY 20 & 21) for Housing First – including mental health and addiction services; $3.75M (FY 20 & 21) to move families out of shelters; $510,000 over two years for permanent deputy sheriff positions for security support in homeless operations; and $5M for (FY 20 & 21) for homeless property storage.
Thomas King with Park Ranger Keola Awong. Photo by Geneveve Fyvie |
All-wood furniture by Honuʻapo
resident Thomas King. See his work
Photo by Geneveve Fyvie
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TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND, which has helped conserve coastal lands in Kaʻū, and public lands nationwide, sent out an end-of-year message. "Everyone who cares about public lands and access to the outdoors has been dealt a blow when Congress failed to renew the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The Fund has supported the protection of millions of acres of precious lands over half a century."
TPL noted that the funding was available "without costing tax payers a dime." It was established by an Act of Congress in 1965 and received money from fees paid to the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement from companies drilling offshore for oil and gas. It provided funds and matching grants for acquisition of land and water, and easements on land and water, for the benefit of all Americans.
Some of that funding helped to purchase thousands of acres in Kaʻū, such as Honuʻapo and Kāwā, which belong to the county, and the Great Crack area, which belongs to Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park.
TPL noted that the Land and Water Conservation Fund expired. "Congress could have acted to protect even more parks, forests, beaches, and trails by reauthorizing the LWCF, but instead they cast it aside and allowed this essential program for public lands to expire completely. This is an outrage. We are facing an uphill battle against some members of congress and their allies, who don't see the value in the LWCF. We need to keep the pressure on and fight tooth and nail to get the LWCF reestablished, because if we don't, the future of spectacular landscapes and parks will remain at risk."
The LWCF issue is expected to come up with the new congress in January.
See TPL's Hawaiʻi website for more on land conservation.
Yolanda Morales offers pareo and other creations at the Holidays at Kahuku event. Photo by Geneveve Fyvie |
Some of that funding helped to purchase thousands of acres in Kaʻū, such as Honuʻapo and Kāwā, which belong to the county, and the Great Crack area, which belongs to Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park.
The Kipapa sisters kicked off the entertainment for Holidays at Kahuku. Photo by Geneveve Fyvie |
The LWCF issue is expected to come up with the new congress in January.
See TPL's Hawaiʻi website for more on land conservation.
Kahuku Mauka Boyz closed out Holidays at Kahuku. Photo by Geneveve Fyvie |
Ocean View Knitwits knit, weave, and quilt, with proceeds donated to Ka‘ū Food Bank. Photo by Geneveve Fyvie |
The Kipapa sisters kicked off the entertainment with a surprise hula performance from a member of the audience. Lori Lei's Hula Studio followed, sharing several performances by keiki, juniors, and adults, including award winning kūpuna dancers from Ka‘ū. Kahuku Mauka Boyz closed out the entertainment.
Copper signs and art were available during the Holidays at Kahuku event. Photo by Geneveve Fyvie |
Hand carved items and etched stone tiles were available at
Sticks and Stones during the Holidays at Kahuku event.
Photo by Geneveve Fyvie
Kahuku Unit invites the public to a Birth of Kahuku hike on Saturday, Dec. 22, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and an ‘Ōhi‘a Lehua walk on Sunday, Dec. 23, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. See nps.gov/havo for more.
Kahuku Unit will be closed on Thurs., Dec. 20. In addition, it will be closed Monday, Dec. 24, Tuesday, Dec. 25, Monday, Dec. 31, and Tuesday, Jan. 1. Kahuku's regular schedule is to be open Wednesdays through Sundays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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KAʻŪ TROJANS GIRLS BASKETBALL hosted Hawaiʻi Preperatory
Academy yesterday. At halftime, Kaʻū had earned 16 points, while HPA led with 20. The
final score showed Kaʻū come up from behind, wimnning the game 47 to HPA's 41.
Kaʻū's top three scorers were Mei Lin Galban Kin In with 10 points, Reishalyn Jara with 9 points, and Kianie Medeiros Dancel with 8 points.
Kaʻū's top three scorers were Mei Lin Galban Kin In with 10 points, Reishalyn Jara with 9 points, and Kianie Medeiros Dancel with 8 points.
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See public Kaʻū events, meetings, entertainment.
Print edition of The Kaʻū Calendar is free to 5,500 mailboxes
throughout Kaʻū, from Miloliʻi through Volcano, and free on
stands throughout the district. Read online at kaucalendar.com
Kaʻū High Winter Sports Schedule
Girls Basketball:
Dec. 19, Wed., host Kohala, 6pm
Dec. 22, Sat., host JV Christian Liberty, 2pm
Jan. 4, Fri., host Hilo , 6pm
Jan. 7, Mon., @Honokaʻa, 6pm
Jan. 9, Wed., @Kamehameha, 6pm
Boys Basketball:
Dec. 22, Sat, host Parker
Dec. 27, Thu., @Kealakehe
Jan. 3, Thu., host Honokaʻa, 6pm
Jan. 5, Sat., @HPA, 6pm
Jan. 8, Tue., host Kamehameha, 6pm
Dec. 22, Sat., @Oʻahu
Jan. 5, Sat., @Waiakea
Dec. 19, Wed., host HPA
Dec. 22, Sat., host Waiakea
Dec. 29, Sat., @Kona
Jan. 3, Thu., Girls @HPA
Jan. 5, Sat., Boys host Kealakehe
Jan. 7, Mon., @Hilo
Jan. 9, Wed., @Keaʻau
Dec. 29, Sat., @Kamehameha, 10am
Jan. 5, Sat., @KCAC, 10am
A CHRISTMAS DAY BUFFET takes place at Kīlauea Military Camp's Crater Rim Café within Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park, on Tuesday, Dec. 25, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The menu includes the following entrees: Prime Rib, Roast Turkey with Stuffing, Holiday Lamb Stew. Meal tickets are $28.95 per adult or $15.95 per child, between the ages of 6 and 11 years old. Kīlauea Military Camp is open to all patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply. For more call 967-8356 or 967-8371. See kilaueamilitarycamp.com.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
Hawai‘i County Council Meetings, Wed., Dec. 19, (Council), Kona. Ka‘ū residents can participate via videoconferencing at Nā‘ālehu State Office Building . Agendas at hawaiicounty.gov
Hawai‘i County Council Meetings, Wed., Dec. 19, (Council), Kona. Ka‘ū residents can participate via videoconferencing at Nā‘
Ocean View Community Association Special Membership Meeting, Wed., Dec. 19,
Hawai‘i Disability Legal Services, Thu., Dec. 20, 9-noon, Ocean View Community Center . ovcahi.org, 939-7033, ovcahawaii@gmail.com
Cookie Decorating Party, Thu., Dec. 20, 3pm , Nā‘ālehu Public Library. Free for all ages. 939-2442
Family Reading Night, Thu., Dec. 20,
Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund Coastal Clean-Up w/Hawai‘i Academy of Arts & Sciences, Fri., Dec. 21, Contact for meet up details. No seats available; BYO-4WD welcome to all current HWF volunteers. Free; donations appreciated. RSVP to kahakai.cleanups@gmail.com or call 769-7629 for more.
First Annual Christmas Program, hosted by the teachers and keiki of Harmony Options Day in Ocean View, welcomes homeschooling families and those interested in homeschooling in the Ka‘ū community. Ocean View Community Center on Friday, Dec. 21, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Music, prizes, refreshments, and "a performance by our keiki!"
Youth Group, Fri., Dec. 21,
Stewardship at the Summit, Sat., Dec. 22. Meet Paul and Jane Field at 8:45am in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park at Kīlauea Visitor Center. Volunteers help remove invasive, non-native plants species that prevent native plants from growing. Wear sturdy hiking shoes and long pants. Bring hat, rain gear, day pack, snacks, and water. Gloves and tools provided. Parental/guardian accompaniment or written consent required. Free; however, park entrance fees apply. No advance registration required. nps.gov/havo
Birth of Kahuku, Sat., Dec. 22,
Kīlauea Crisis Support Group Meeting, Sat., Dec. 22,
‘Ōhi‘a Lehua, Sun, Dec. 23, 9:30-11am, Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Learn about vital role of ‘ōhi‘a lehua in native Hawaiian forests, and many forms of ‘ōhi‘a tree and its flower on this free, easy, one-mile walk. nps.gov/havo
Christmas Eve Service, Mon., Dec. 24, Christmas Carols at 5pm, Service at 6pm, St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View. Aloha hour after service. Bring a dish to share. 939-7000, stjudeshawaii.org
Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, Mon., Dec. 24, 7pm, Nā‘ālehu Methodist Church. Lessons and Carols service where Christmas story will be told, interspersed with Christmas carols. Everyone is welcome. 929-9949
Christmas Day Buffet, Tue., Dec. 25, 4-7pm, Kīlauea Military Camp's Crater Rim Café, Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Entrees: Prime Rib, Roast Turkey w/Stuffing, Holiday Lamb Stew. $28.95/Adult, $15.95/Child (6-11 yrs). KMC open to all patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply. 967-8356, 967-8371
Substitute School Health Assistant Positions are available. Qualifications: CPR and First Aid certifications, and a high school diploma or equivalent. Training begins in 2019. Contact Kristy Loo for more at look@hkkk.k12.hi.us.
Christmas in the Country and 19th Annual Invitational Wreath Exhibition are open at Volcano Art Center Gallery in Hawai‘iVolcanoes National Park, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
Christmas in the Country runs thro ugh Wednesday, Dec. 26. Enjoy an abundance of art and aloha as VAC creates a merry scene of an old-fashioned Christmas inside its 1877 historic building. In addition to artwork, find unique holiday offerings of island-inspired gifts, ornaments, and decorations made by Hawai‘i Island artists, including VAC exclusives.
The Wreath Exhibition is available through Tuesday, Jan. 1. The exhibition presents one-of-a-kind wreaths in a variety of imaginative media, techniques, and styles, from the whimsical to the traditional, with this year's theme of Home for the Holidays - inspired by the four month closure of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park.
Admission is free; Park entrance fees apply. For more, call 967-8222, or visit volcanoartcenter.org.
Christmas in the Country and 19th Annual Invitational Wreath Exhibition are open at Volcano Art Center Gallery in Hawai‘i
The Wreath Exhibition is availabl
Admission is free; Park entrance fees apply. For more, call 967-8222, or visit volcanoartcenter.org.
Registration for P&R Boys & Girls, T-Ball/Coach Pitch Baseball League open through Jan. 16, Kahuku Park, H.OV.E. For ages 5-8. Programs run Jan. 22-Apr. 18, game and practice times tba. 929-9113, hawaiicounty.gov/pr-recreation
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