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A big yellow tuna, caught by Wayne Kawachi and John Davidson, to be cut it up and donated to police officers in Kaʻū. The fish weighed in at 125 lbs. See more below. Photo from ʻO Kaʻū Kākou |
A PETITION FOR BOYS & GIRLS CLUB TO HELP WITH DISTANCE LEARNING through its Mobile Youth Outreach Program is circulating. The proposal is to service Ocean View, Pāhala, the greater region of Kaʻū, the region of Puna including Pāhoa and Keaʻau, Hilo, Kealakehe, and the greater region of Kona. A statement from Boys & Girls Club of the Big Island says the organization will work "closely with teachers, public school officials, and the Department of Education's Homeless Concerns Liaisons Office to identify children the most at-risk to fall behind."
The petition says, "As the pandemic continues, and public schools are left with few options to physically host children on school grounds, the Boys & Girls Club of the Big Island has developed a support program that will engage kids while at home, on the days they are not allowed to attend school.
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A petition is circulating to provide a Mobile Outreach Program to students who need help with distance learning in Kaʻū and beyond, Photo from Boys & Girls Club. |
"BGCBI has recently submitted a grant proposal to the County of Hawaiʻi, to secure County CARES Act funding needed to be able to implement our Mobile Youth Outreach program." It says that public schools will soon "see kids physically on-campus for only a few days during the workweek. The rest of the week, children will be asked to complete learning tasks and homework assignments remotely while at-home. For many kids that are a part of homeless or poverty-level households, the upcoming modified school year will present significant learning obstacles and educational challenges.
"Barriers to a conducive home study area, basic study furnishings, electricity at the house, adequate lighting, access to a computer, internet, and distance learning connectivity are very real for poverty-level children and makes the likelihood of not completing academic assignments and falling behind in school a real possibility. Families that have little or no disposable income are not able to afford private academic support tutoring that is needed to supplement their child's at-home learning. And for children with elderly caregivers or with parents that do not speak English, gaining the homework help needed will be a challenge.
"Boys & Girls Club of the Big Island's Mobile Youth Outreach program will provide to income-challenged families, throughout Hawaiʻi Island, the supplemental educational resources, homework assistance, academic tutoring, and distance learning technology that is needed for kids unable to afford or access these resources."
"Barriers to a conducive home study area, basic study furnishings, electricity at the house, adequate lighting, access to a computer, internet, and distance learning connectivity are very real for poverty-level children and makes the likelihood of not completing academic assignments and falling behind in school a real possibility. Families that have little or no disposable income are not able to afford private academic support tutoring that is needed to supplement their child's at-home learning. And for children with elderly caregivers or with parents that do not speak English, gaining the homework help needed will be a challenge.
"Boys & Girls Club of the Big Island's Mobile Youth Outreach program will provide to income-challenged families, throughout Hawaiʻi Island, the supplemental educational resources, homework assistance, academic tutoring, and distance learning technology that is needed for kids unable to afford or access these resources."
Boys & Girls Club proposes Mobile Youth Outreach on Mondays through Fridays. Outreach teams would schedule supplemental learning sessions with households and drive directly to home locations to conduct one-on-one educational support free of charge.
Read more with the opportunity to sign the petition, here.
Read more with the opportunity to sign the petition, here.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
THE STATE WILL PRESS FORWARD IN REOPENING PUBLIC SCHOOLS in early August, said Gov. David Ige today. During a press conference, he said he delayed opening of trans-Pacific tourism until at least Sept. 1 to give schools the opportunity to welcome students and adapt to the COVID-19 situation. Teachers return Wednesday, July 29. Kaʻū and Volcano public schools open to students during the first week in August.
Department of Education Superintendent Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto, state Board of Education Chair Catherine Payne, and state Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Park joined Ige in the press conference.
Department of Education Superintendent Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto, state Board of Education Chair Catherine Payne, and state Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Park joined Ige in the press conference.
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Distancing in the classroom today got a workout in the county's Summer Fun program at the activity room of Kaʻū District Gym adjacent to Kaʻū High & Pāhala Elementary School. Photo by Julia Neal |
The governor said, "We do
not want to open schools and welcome more visitors simultaneously. A phased
approach will help ensure a safe return for students and minimize other factors
that could lead to the spread of COVID-19. Just as we all
have responsibility for protecting one another's health and safety, the
community must share responsibility for the success of our schools. We must all be committed to school success -- every parent,
every community member. Parents must keep their children home if they're sick. Employers
must work with employees who have sick children or whose children are
participating in distance learning. We're doing new things. We know we
will learn and plans may change. We still have to keep working to open our

Health Director
Bruce Anderson said, "The Department of Health will continue to
work with the DOE in assisting them to ensure their staff are fully informed,
response plans are in place, and safe practices and reporting
protocols are ready prior to the opening of schools."
Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Park said ʻohana bubbles, masking, and distancing
variations by age will not completely eliminate possible cases,
but will reduce the risk to students and control the spread of illness in
BOE Chairperson Payne said, "The importance of our student's mental health cannot be lost in this conversation." She said that distance learning surveys made it clear that parents have great concern with children's emotional well being during the extended school closures.
BOE Chairperson Payne said, "The importance of our student's mental health cannot be lost in this conversation." She said that distance learning surveys made it clear that parents have great concern with children's emotional well being during the extended school closures.
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Watch a video Q&A on Return to Learn, with State Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Park and Health Director Bruce Anderson. |
Another reason for opening schools now, said officials, is for children to get to know their teachers, which would make it easier for them to study from home should schools shut down again.
In order to minimize the spread of COVID-19, health experts have advised education leaders to use a symptom screening checklist for staff and students: feverish or unusually warm (has flushed cheeks); coughing and/or sneezing; sore throat; shortness of breath/difficulty breathing; headache, stomach ache, and/or nausea; muscle pain and/or unusual fatigue; and new loss of taste or smell.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.

In Kaʻū, the threat appears to be much less than on Oʻahu, which has many more COVID-19 cases. There are no confirmed COVID-19 cases in Pāhala, where Kaʻū High & Pāhala Elementary are located. One case each in the Nāʻālehu Elementary and Volcano School of Arts & Sciences zip codes, plus one in Ocean View, which is served by Kaʻū High, have been recorded since the pandemic began. All of the cases except the one in Volcano were reported more than 28 days ago.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
Kawaichi most recently cut up a 125 lb. tuna he and John Davidson caught and distributed it to police officers in Kaʻū through Officers Dane Shibuya and C. Ross with help from volunteer Nadine Ebert.
Next, Kawachi plans to go fishing and give his catch to the staff of Kaʻū Hospital and local firefighters "in honor of their continual service to this community, especially during the COVID outbreak."
For more on ʻO Kaʻū Kākou, its other volunteer work, and its Nāʻālehu Market, open three days a week, see facebook.com/OKauKakouMarket. Contact Sue Barnett, OKK Market Manager, at 808-345-9374 (voice or text) or kaufarmer@aol.com for more and to apply to vend.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.

The survey, which takes a few minutes, is fielded by Chambers of Commerce Hawaiʻi and Hawaiʻi Island, Kauaʻi, Kona-Kohala, and Maui Chambers of Commerce. All businesses -- statewide -- are encouraged to participate in this survey, whether or not they participated in the initial survey. Click here to take the survey by Wednesday, July 22.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
Waypoints also recommends ʻa Hawai‘i-specific program to offset 100 percent of visitor air travel carbon emissions through a combination of renewable Waypoints.
energy, energy efficiency, and clean mobility projects for communities, schools, and nonprofits (with a particular focus on lower-income areas and residents), in combination with terrestrial offsets such as tree planting and sustainable agriculture support."
Download Waypoint.
See more in upcoming Kaʻū News Briefs and in yesterday's Kaʻū News Briefs.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
JOY SAN BUENAVENTURA is running for state Senate District 2, giving up her seat as state House of Representatives for District 4, Puna. If elected, she would represent East Kaʻū and Volcano, into Puna and Hilo . Incumbent Russell Ruderman is not seeking re-election -- see May 20 Kaʻū News Briefs.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
A 30-year resident of East Hawaiʻi , San Buenaventura holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from the University of Nevada Las Vegas . In Las Vegas , she worked at the Environmental Protection Agency as a computer programmer and with Reynolds Electrical Engineering as a law clerk. Joy went on to receive her Juris Doctorate from the University of California , Hastings College of the Law.
San Buenaventura was a lecturer of business law atUniversity of Hawaiʻi Hilo . In 1991, she was appointed Per Diem District Court Judge, making her the youngest judge in Hawaiʻi at the age of 32. In one of her early court-appointed cases, she represented the first geothermal protesters opposing the proposed geothermal well at Wao Kele O Puna. In 1992 she was the first attorney to prosecute/settle a breast implant case in the State of Hawaiʻi . In 2013-2014 she took two of her clients' cases to the highest court in the state, the Hawaiʻi Supreme Court.
San Buenaventura volunteers her time by helping the public access the courts through the Self-Help Center , and helping the public resolve their disputes amicably through Kuʻikahi Mediation Center.
San Buenaventura was a lecturer of business law at
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State Senate District 2 candidate Joy San Buenaventura Photo from joysanbuenaventura.com |
She resides in a photo-voltaic powered home in Hawaiian Paradise Park with her husband, "Weldin" Sheldon Lehman.
San Buenaventura told The Kaʻū Calendar she intended to run for re-election when she received a call from Ruderman, of his intent to not seek re-election. She says she believes that, in this tough economic time, "experienced, proven leadership is needed."
Her first run for office unseated Faye Hanohano, "whose many publicized remarks in 2013-2014 divided Puna needlessly among racial lines." San Buenaventura says Hanohano's "divisiveness prevented Puna from getting the attention and funding it needed. In order for funding or bills to pass, the majority of both the House and Senate need to vote to pass these bills. Someone who is unable to work with the majority of the 51 members in the house and the 25 members of the Senate cannot get anything done."
San Buenaventura says she believed that her strength as a trial attorney for 30 years would help Puna get the attention it needed. She lists some of her accomplishments as helping alleviate stand-still traffic during the afternoon rush-hour on Highway 130; advocating for funding, receiving over $50 million, for construction, including a Pāhoa roundabout "that transformed the deadliest intersection in the State highway system into the safest, with no fatalities since its creation" and helping get rid of standstill traffic in front of Keaʻau High School. She says she wants to focus on Highway 11 and alternates to Highway 11.
When the 2018 lava crisis occurred, her campaign information sys San Buenaventura "was a constant presence at non-profit meetings, volunteering at the county then FEMA disaster centers. and pleading with the Governor and federal housing authorities to provide immediate housing for the displaced residents." She says her efforts led to opening senior housing placements in Pāhala and renovating abandoned Keaʻau public housing units. "She brought House leadership to see the damage being done and brought House, Senate, and County leadership to a conference at her law office in August to hash out the needs of the County; and continued negotiations which led to her acquiring $60 million in state funds in the 2019 session for the county to use and to grow by using it as matching funds for federal aid.
Her campaign information cites her "ability to bring people together" leading House Speaker Scott Saiki to appoint her in 2019-2020 as Chair of Human Services and Homelessness. In that capacity, she says she found that, to fix chronic homelessness, "public behavioral health treatment centers are needed because the only state public mental hospital was admitting only those who are criminally insane." During her one term as Chair, she introduced, advocated for, and passed a series of bills "that reform our criminal justice system to immediately examine and treat those who are mentally ill" and passed funding procedures to reuse the vacant buildings on Oʻahu, at the old Kona Courthouse, and the old Hilo Hospital as behavioral treatment centers.
When the 2018 lava crisis occurred, her campaign information sys San Buenaventura "was a constant presence at non-profit meetings, volunteering at the county then FEMA disaster centers. and pleading with the Governor and federal housing authorities to provide immediate housing for the displaced residents." She says her efforts led to opening senior housing placements in Pāhala and renovating abandoned Keaʻau public housing units. "She brought House leadership to see the damage being done and brought House, Senate, and County leadership to a conference at her law office in August to hash out the needs of the County; and continued negotiations which led to her acquiring $60 million in state funds in the 2019 session for the county to use and to grow by using it as matching funds for federal aid.
Her campaign information cites her "ability to bring people together" leading House Speaker Scott Saiki to appoint her in 2019-2020 as Chair of Human Services and Homelessness. In that capacity, she says she found that, to fix chronic homelessness, "public behavioral health treatment centers are needed because the only state public mental hospital was admitting only those who are criminally insane." During her one term as Chair, she introduced, advocated for, and passed a series of bills "that reform our criminal justice system to immediately examine and treat those who are mentally ill" and passed funding procedures to reuse the vacant buildings on Oʻahu, at the old Kona Courthouse, and the old Hilo Hospital as behavioral treatment centers.
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State Senate District 2 candidate Joy San Buenaventura, speaking as state representative. Photo from joysanbuenaventura.com |
San Buenaventura says she hopes to work with Aunty Jessie, Executive Director of Kaʻū Rural Health, "in supporting and extending the kūpuna telehealth project with Department of Labor; and work toward an infrastructure plan to bring a dialysis center to Kaʻū and Puna."
San Buenaventura says she is running for senate because, with a longer-term, "she can do more and be able to represent east Kaʻū and Puna mauka -- some issues are intertwined with the needs of Puna makai, whom she represented." She says her experience in the legislature, especially in a leadership position of Majority Whip and House Chair, has given her the stature to deal with other department heads in speaking to them of Puna and Kaʻū issues.
She also says, "COVID-19 will require a new look as to how Hawaiʻi can be self-sustaining. The 2020 legislative session recently passed a bill legalizing hemp which may help bring Kaʻū and Puna out of economic distress because of the worldwide demand for hemp in the creation of CBD and hemp oil. That is just one example of a new industry that the state should consider in moving forward. In the meantime, while we have Federal monies, infrastructure like fixing/expanding roads needs to be done so that people can still pay bills and the roads will be ready when full commuter traffic comes back.
"With Young Brothers in economic distress, the issue of whether the state will subsidize or deregulate interisland shipment of goods will need to be addressed soon by experienced legislators -- because no matter how many crops we grow or products we make for worldwide consumption, high shipment costs will prevent economic recovery."
If elected, says San Buenaventura, she hopes "to be the voice of all of Puna and east Kaʻū in the legislature as the State navigates a path forward beyond this economic crisis."
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Hawaiʻi County mayoral candidate Michael Glendon Photo from mikeyglendon4mayor.org |
MICHAEL GLENDON is running for Mayor of Hawaiʻi County, with
a motto of Quality > Quantity. Glendon -- a resident of Glenwood,
since 1984, born in Honolulu --
says he's "accurately learned the way to live here at home, on Hawaiʻi
Island. Family values have carried me to a present state of comfort as a
father. Appreciating the instilled knowledge of using our natural resources to
feed our family and carry a neighborhood system to sustain majority of our
survival needs. At some point, old-timers passed with no heirs, generationally
making us modern and reliant more on the outside world. Today, this is the
norm…a standard of reliance on a foreign product. My parents instilled a
lifestyle that will feed our family beyond their time. Fishing, hunting,
gathering, and living amongst our neighbors was/is a reality… This led to a
deep sense of consistent life comfort, my pohaku."
Glendon says his father
and he "built a new home for my adjusted life kuleana as a father, at
22yo. The process came with pride, as my dad and I worked hand in hand to begin
a solid, next-generation future for myself. My foundation for this life is and
always has been my parents. True solid figures in every aspect of my
upbringing. This allowed for my sisters and I to truly develop into mindful
young adults, eventually leading to successful careers and parenting."
His campaign information says he studied mathematics
at University of Hawaiʻi
at Hilo before focusing instead on
learning through work, which "did more justice to my adulthood than
schooling. I went in search of the missing experience that I felt… would
enhance and make durable my future on this island." He said he learned about
a fish company operation, a veterinarian center, a ranch, cleaning a slaughterhouse, and becoming a Hawaiʻi County Fire Fighter recruit. He says he's owned a
business since 2005. He says he "chose a path of island experience.
Infusing my life tool belt with every physical and social knowledge needed to
be successful on this island. That's where I found my unwritten degrees of
island life."
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Mayoral candidate Michael Glendon and ʻohana. Photo from mikeyglendon4mayor.org |
campaign information says, if elected, he would focus on moving Hawaiʻi into a
better future through pride, honor, respect, and discipline; taking care of
Hawaiʻi and the Hawaiian Culture; producing needed items on-island; safety; education;
agriculture; caring for "the less fortunate;" and lowering taxes.
Glendon's campaign information says, "I aim to appreciate our Hawaiian
Population with a system that allows for lower taxes. All people of native
origin to Hawaii will have a
lower, if not eliminated, tax obligation. Compensation to this foreseen deficit
of county tax revenue will be placed on our tourism industry. Every arrival to
Hawaiʻi will help to aid in replenishing our natural resources and our native
people. Two areas of our island that take the brunt of the hit from tourism,
will get some direct help immediately, our ʻĀina and our people! If an
implemented QUALITY>QUANTITY plan takes aim at our tax dollar usage, many
areas will maintain more monies by saving, not from raising taxes. We need to
rebuild public trust to actually pay taxes, by showing signs of smart and well
thought out decisions in the future. Huge finances are wasted in many areas… clean
up and replace (quality>quantity) everywhere!"
See mikeyglendon4mayor.org.
See mikeyglendon4mayor.org.
Hawaiʻi Police
Department reports Glendon was arrested on Friday, July 17, following an
incident at a Home Depot in Hilo on July 7. HPD reports he assaulted a man using a Lei O Mano, a Hawaiian shark
tooth war club. Glendon was charged with third-degree
Assault, Deadly Weapons Prohibited, second-degree Unlawful Imprisonment, and
Refusal to Provide Ingress or Egress. His bail was set at $7,000 but was reduced to $3,100 by a judge today. His arraignment is set for August. See hawaiipolice.com/07-18-20-arrests-made-in-home-depot-zip-tie-hoax.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
STORM DOUGLAS is forecast to become a hurricane by Wednesday evening, and turn
back into a tropical storm before approaching within 1,200 miles of South
Point. Today at 5
p.m. , National Weather Service
reports the storm about 2,300 miles east southeast of Hawaiʻi Island, traveling
west southwest at 10 miles per hour, with 40 mph winds.
Tropical Depression Seven-E, just northwest of Douglas, is forecast to dissipate into a remnant before coming within 900 miles of South Point.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
Daily, weekly, and monthly recurring Kaʻū and Volcano Events, Meetings, Entertainment, Exercise, Meditation, and more are listed at kaucalendar.com.
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Tropical Storm Douglas is expected to develop into a hurricane by Wednesday. Tropical Depression Seven-E is expected to dissipate before moving much closed to Hawaiʻi. NOAA satellite image |
Tropical Depression Seven-E, just northwest of Douglas, is forecast to dissipate into a remnant before coming within 900 miles of South Point.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
TWELVE NEW COVID-19 CASES IN HAWAIʻI are reported today,
with one new case on Hawaiʻi Island. There are ten active cases on-island,
with one hospitalization. The newest case is identified as travel-related. The
patients are being monitored by Department of Health.
Oʻahu reported 14 new cases today, gaining
the three that had been pending in the state. The state's new case total has more
than doubled in the last 40 days, when the case count was 685, with 1,393 cases
since the pandemic began.
One case is reported in Volcano, zip
code 96785, in the last 28 days. It has been more than 28 days since a case was
recorded for a Kaʻū zip code. One zip code on the west side has between 11 and 19
active cases in the last 28 days. This island's other 104 confirmed COVID-19 victims recovered.
Since the pandemic began, no one died here. Of the five hospitalized, four have
been released.
Since the pandemic began, Oʻahu reported1,079
cases, Kauaʻi 43, and Maui County 135. Twenty-two victims are residents
diagnosed while visiting other places. Twenty-four people in the state died
from COVID-19.
In his daily message, Hawaiʻi County
Civil Defense Director Talmadge Magno said, "The majority of states
continue to see an increase of people being infected by the Coronavirus. As the
number of active cases on Hawaiʻi Island continues to increase it becomes more
important that we follow the preventive measures of face coverings, distancing,
gatherings, and cleanliness. You should also stay at home if you do not
feel well to help keep your neighbors, friends, and family safe. As a
reminder, wearing of face coverings is mandatory on Hawaiʻi Island.
Thank you for listening, have a safe day. This is your
Hawaiʻi County Civil Defense Agency."
In theUnited States ,
more than 3,825,153 cases have been confirmed -- an increase of over 63,000 in
about 24 hours. The death toll is over 140,957.
In the
The worldwide COVID-19 case
count is more than 14.65 million. The death toll is more than 609,198.
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Read online at kaucalendar.com. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar
directory for farms, ranches, takeout. Print edition of The Kaʻū Calendar is
free, with 7,500 distributed on stands and to all postal addresses throughout
Kaʻū, from Miloliʻi through Volcano throughout the district. Read online at
kaucalendar.com and facebook.com/kaucalendar. To advertise your
business or your social cause, contact kaucalendarads@gmail.com.
Daily, weekly, and monthly recurring Kaʻū and Volcano Events, Meetings, Entertainment, Exercise, Meditation, and more are listed at kaucalendar.com.
Survey on "Shovel-Ready" Food and Ag Projects is due by Wednesday, July 22 at https://tinyurl.com/y9z
m63mw. Information will be used to encourage investment in the sector and inform decision making around federal stimulus, state/county, private, philanthropic, and other funding sources. The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete. Learn more here. See http://plantofarm.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/
Agriculture-Response-and-Recovery-Plan-April-2-2020.pdf. Questions or comments, contact Christine Brammer, Executive and Program Director of Agricultural Leadership Foundation of Hawaiʻi at director@agleaderhi.org.
Free Virtual Storytime Sessions with Jeff Gere, Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday for three weeks, 9:30 a.m. to 10:10 a.m., through July 23. Partnered with UH-Mānoa'sOutreach College Statewide Cultural Extension Program. To attend each show, email jeffgere1031@gmail.com and csinfo@hawaii.edu, with the subject SCEP : Jeff Gere. In the body of the email, copy & paste in the programs wanted to watch from the list below. An email confirming the reservation will confirm receipt. About 30 minutes before each show starts at 9:30 a.m. , csinfo@hawaii.edu will email the Zoom link to the email provided.
m63mw. Information will be used to encourage investment in the sector and inform decision making around federal stimulus, state/county, private, philanthropic, and other funding sources. The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete. Learn more here. See http://plantofarm.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/
Agriculture-Response-and-Recovery-Plan-April-2-2020.pdf. Questions or comments, contact Christine Brammer, Executive and Program Director of Agricultural Leadership Foundation of Hawaiʻi at director@agleaderhi.org.
Free Virtual Storytime Sessions with Jeff Gere, Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday for three weeks, 9:30 a.m. to 10:10 a.m., through July 23. Partnered with UH-Mānoa's
Tuesdays: Participation Tales. July 21, Teaching Tales. Wednesdays: Folktales. July 22, several Adventurous Tales. Thursdays: "Spooky Hawaiʻi" Tales. July 23, Pele Tales, true stories of meeting Pele.
During performances, leave microphones off so everyone can enjoy the show. Share sign-up information with "as many listeners as you like" and watch "as many shows as you like." Tech questions should be directed to summer aides. All attendees will be asked to answer a host and technology questionnaire after each show. Zoom's WEBINAR format does not allow a view of the audience. "We won't be able to see your children. It is not an issue."
Strategies to Jump-Start Your Writing by Jacquolyn McMurray and Kristin Wolfgang, a virtual workshop via Zoom, will be held Saturday, July 25 from 9 a.m. to noon . "How long has writing been on your bucket list? Are you ready to make 2020 the year you finally get started or restarted? This class is perfect for all writers seeking new inspiration and strategies." volcanoartcenter.org/events, 967-8222

Virtual Meeting ofHawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council, Tuesday, July 28 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The public is invited to attend. The council will discuss previous action items, receive sanctuary updates, and address questions from members and the public. Public comment begins about 10:30 a.m.
To provide comment, sign up in advance, email cindy.among-serrao@noaa.gov, or type a comment into the Question box. Register in advance at attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8466893051952339472. Learn more on Facebook; Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, hawaiihumpbackwhale.noaa.gov; NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, sanctuaries.noaa.gov; State of Hawaiʻi Division of Aquatic Resources, dlnr.hawaii.gov/dar. See hawaiihumpbackwahle.noaa.gov.
Exhibition Mixed Flock: Prints by Margaret Barnaby and Pottery by Emily Herb has been held over through Aug. 8. Also available to view online, view the exhibition in person the Gallery in the Park during normal gallery hours,9 a.m. to 5 p.m. , Wednesday through Sunday. Free. The exhibition features two prominent female artists from Volcano Village "who find deep inspiration in Hawaiʻi's natural environment and specifically the native bird populations found within it." volcanoartcenter.org/events, 967-8222
Apply for Grants to Help Socially Disadvantaged Groups develop business and strategic plans in rural areas through USDA Rural Development through 6 p.m. HST on Aug. 10 at grants.gov. Eligible applicants include cooperatives, groups of cooperatives, and cooperative development centers. USDA defines a socially disadvantaged group as one "whose members have been subjected to racial, ethnic or gender prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities."
St. Jude's Episcopal Church Soup Kitchen is open, with a modified menu and increased health & safety standards, every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hot showers, the computer lab, and in-person services and bible studies are suspended. Services and worship are posted online on Sundays at stjudeshawaii.org. Join the Aloha Hour via Zoom at 11 a.m. on Sundays,
The Food Basket provides food to those in need. See hawaiifoodbasket.org. Ocean View residents can go to The Food Basket's pantry at St. Jude's the last Tuesday of the month, July 28.
Volcano Friends Feeding Friends, Cooper Center 19-4030 Wright Rd. Served by Friends Feeding Friends Thursday, July 30 -- the last Thursday of the month. Call 985-7140 to verify.
On-Call Emergency Box Food Pantry is open at Cooper Center weekdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Eligible one time every three months. Call Kehau, 443-4130.
Pāhala and Nāʻālehu Public Libraries are Open for Pick-Up Services Only. Nāʻālehu is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Pāhala is open Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Library patrons schedule Library Take Out appointment times to pick up their hold item(s) at their favorite libraries by going to HSPLS Library Catalog and placing a hold on any item(s) they want to borrow, or they may call their favorite library branch to place a hold with the library staff. After receiving a notice that item(s) are ready for pick up, patrons schedule a Library Take Out time at picktime.com/hspls. For patrons who placed holds during the closure, their item(s) are ready for pickup after the patron schedules a Library Take Out appointment. For more information, visit librarieshawaii.org.
Free Book Exchanges at the laundromats in Ocean View and Nāʻālehu are provided by Friends of the Kaʻū Libraries. Everyone is invited to take books they want to read. They may keep the books, pass them on to other readers, or return them to the Book Exchange to make them available to others in the community. The selection of books is replenished weekly at both sites.
Nursery, Greenhouse, and Cut-Flower Growers are invited to participate in COVID-19 impact survey by Cornell Cooperative Extension. The survey may help them qualify for USDA CFAP financial assistance. Complete the survey online.
Avocado Growers Survey Open: Help identify opportunities for expanding the local avocado industry, to assist local farmers, buyers, and agencies develop strategies to bolster Hawaiʻi's avocado industry, says Hawaiʻi Farmers Union United. Farmers and farm names will be kept anonymous. Results will be shared publicly. Survey completion gives option to register to win a $200 gift certificate to Home Depot. For a hard copy of the survey, email: info@growfruithawaii.com. Take the survey: surveymonkey.com/r/Hawaiiavosurvey2020.
Register and Submit Advance Questions for Webinar The Coming Covid Eviction Crisis and How to Stop It, with Pulitzer Prize-winning sociologist Matthew Desmond on Tuesday, July 28 at 9 a.m. Desmond will be interviewed by Colin Moore, director of University of Hawaiʻi's Public Policy Center. Special guests include Philip Garboden, HCRC Professor in Affordable Housing, and Nalani Fujimori Kaina, executive director of the Legal Aid Society of Hawai‘i. Register and submit advance questions here.
Family Farms Can Apply for $500 One-Time Emergency Relief Payment from Farm Aid. Funds are being administered by the Hawaiʻi Farmers Union Foundation and The Kohala Center. Applications are due no later than 6 p.m. on Tuesday, July 28. Bonafide family farms in Hawai'i who have suffered demonstrable economic loss as a result of COVID-19 may apply. Access to other federally-funded relief efforts (i.e., PPP, EIDL) and sustainable methods practiced on the farm will be considered when awarding relief payments.
Use of the funds is restricted to household expenses, such as groceries, home utilities, medical bills, or other household expenses not directly related to the commercial operation of the farm or ranch. Funds may not be used for any farm operations, business expenses, or investment. IRS guidelines regarding direct assistance to farm families prevents granting funds to support the farm and its business costs. Acceptance of this grant award signifies recipient's understanding and agreement to these use requirements.
To apply, email a signed copy of the grant application to Anny Bruch, vice president of Hawaiʻi Farmers Union Foundation, at vicepresident@HFUF.org. Applicants will be contacted via email after July 31. For more information, email vicepresident@HFUF.org.
Use of the funds is restricted to household expenses, such as groceries, home utilities, medical bills, or other household expenses not directly related to the commercial operation of the farm or ranch. Funds may not be used for any farm operations, business expenses, or investment. IRS guidelines regarding direct assistance to farm families prevents granting funds to support the farm and its business costs. Acceptance of this grant award signifies recipient's understanding and agreement to these use requirements.
To apply, email a signed copy of the grant application to Anny Bruch, vice president of Hawaiʻi Farmers Union Foundation, at vicepresident@HFUF.org. Applicants will be contacted via email after July 31. For more information, email vicepresident@HFUF.org.

Virtual Meeting of
Ocean View Community Center Reopens for events Monday, Aug. 3. The library will be open Friday mornings beginning Aug. 7. AdvoCATS, an all-volunteer non-profit organization "dedicated to the well-being of Hawaiʻi Islands's homeless cat population," which often offers spay and neutering services, will be at OV Community Center all day Tuesday, Aug. 11 -- see advocatshawaii.org. To schedule an event, contact Christopher Garske at chrisgarske@gmail.com or 650-996-2790.
Apply for Grants to Start, Expand, or Improve Rural Cooperatives and other mutually-owned businesses in rural America . USDA will make $5.8 million in grants available under the Rural Cooperative Development Grant program. USDA encourages applications that will help improve life in rural America . Key strategies include: Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural America, Developing the Rural Economy, Harnessing Technological Innovation, Supporting a Rural Workforce, and Improving Quality of Life. Nonprofit corporations and institutions of higher education are eligible to apply, to provide technical assistance to individuals and rural businesses. Fiscal year 2019 award recipients who received a grant period extension due to a loss of operations as a result of the coronavirus pandemic are eligible to apply for fiscal year 2020 funding. Electronic applications must be submitted to grants.gov by 6 p.m. HST Aug. 3. Additional information is available on page 39870 of the July 2 Federal Register.
Exhibition Mixed Flock: Prints by Margaret Barnaby and Pottery by Emily Herb has been held over through Aug. 8. Also available to view online, view the exhibition in person the Gallery in the Park during normal gallery hours,

Applicants are encouraged to consider projects that provide measurable results in helping rural communities build robust and sustainable economies through strategic investments in infrastructure, partnerships, and innovation. Key strategies include e-connectivity for rural America , developing rural economies, harnessing technological innovation, supporting a rural workforce, and improving quality of life.
us02web.zoom.us/j/6843449828?pwd=YW94djVvU0szOGNKaFZ1V0pUL1owUT09, Meeting ID: 684 344 9828, Password: Aloha.

On-Call Emergency Box Food Pantry is open at Cooper Center weekdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Eligible one time every three months. Call Kehau, 443-4130.
Pāhala and Nāʻālehu Public Libraries are Open for Pick-Up Services Only. Nāʻālehu is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Pāhala is open Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Library patrons schedule Library Take Out appointment times to pick up their hold item(s) at their favorite libraries by going to HSPLS Library Catalog and placing a hold on any item(s) they want to borrow, or they may call their favorite library branch to place a hold with the library staff. After receiving a notice that item(s) are ready for pick up, patrons schedule a Library Take Out time at picktime.com/hspls. For patrons who placed holds during the closure, their item(s) are ready for pickup after the patron schedules a Library Take Out appointment. For more information, visit librarieshawaii.org.
Free Book Exchanges at the laundromats in Ocean View and Nāʻālehu are provided by Friends of the Kaʻū Libraries. Everyone is invited to take books they want to read. They may keep the books, pass them on to other readers, or return them to the Book Exchange to make them available to others in the community. The selection of books is replenished weekly at both sites.
Nursery, Greenhouse, and Cut-Flower Growers are invited to participate in COVID-19 impact survey by Cornell Cooperative Extension. The survey may help them qualify for USDA CFAP financial assistance. Complete the survey online.
Avocado Growers Survey Open: Help identify opportunities for expanding the local avocado industry, to assist local farmers, buyers, and agencies develop strategies to bolster Hawaiʻi's avocado industry, says Hawaiʻi Farmers Union United. Farmers and farm names will be kept anonymous. Results will be shared publicly. Survey completion gives option to register to win a $200 gift certificate to Home Depot. For a hard copy of the survey, email: info@growfruithawaii.com. Take the survey: surveymonkey.com/r/Hawaiiavosurvey2020.
Receive Help Over the Phone with Critical Financial Issues through Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund Financial Navigators from County of Hawaiʻi , in partnership with Hawaiʻi First Federal Credit Union. Access these remote services by completing the web form at hawaiifirstfcu.com/community-resource-center or by calling 808-933-6600 to sign up. The Financial Navigator will then send a short service agreement and call the client to begin their personal session. Organizations across the County can also refer clients directly to a Financial Navigator. For more information, contact Sharon Hirota at 808-961-8019.

Volcano Art Center Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., closed Saturday and Sunday. The Gallery in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park is open Wednesday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed Monday and Tuesday. Virtual Shopping Appointments are offered at Volcano Art Center locations. Via Skype or FaceTime, a VAC associate helps customers browse the selection of artwork up close, and gives personalized tips and recommendations to help customers "find that perfect piece of locally made artwork, wherever you are in the world!" Book an appointment online for $5 and VAC staff will help schedule a date and time at volcanoartcenter.org/shop. Shop the online gallery 24/7. Orders are shipped as regularly scheduled. Free local pickup is available.VAC now offers a Virtual Classroom, which features over 90 videos. Visit volcanoartcenter.org for more.
Guided Nature Walks through Nature Trail & Sculpture Garden , Mond ays, 9:30 a.m. at VolcanoArt Center Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village. No reservations for five or fewer -- limited to ten people. Free; donations appreciated. Email programs@volcanoartcenter.org. Garden is open to walk through at one's own pace, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Free. volcanoartcenter.org/events, 967-8222
Yoga with Emily Catey Weiss, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Volcano ArtCenter Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village. Advanced registration required; $5 per class. volcanoartcenter.org/events, 967-8222
Find Resources for LGBTQ+, Loved Ones, and Allies at Sexual and Gender Minority online resource hub. Hawaiʻi Department of Health's first website dedicated to LGBTQ+ resources. Developed by the Sexual and Gender Minoroty Workgroup in partnership with the DOH Harm Reduction Services Branch. Resources: Understanding the Pacific's alternative genders; Pronoun guide; Book lists for children and teens; ʻOhana support; and DOH data. For more information on joining the SGM Workgroup, email Thaddeus Pham at thaddeus.pham@doh.hawaii.gov. See health.hawaii.gov/harmreduction/sexual-gender-minority/sexual-and-gender-minorities-sgm-in-hawaii/.

Learn About Hawaiʻi's History & Culture through the Papakilo Database, a resource developed by The Office of Hawaiian Affairs. The Kahalo Center says database consists of "collections of data pertaining to historically and culturally significant places, events, and documents in Hawaiʻi's history. The purpose of this educational online repository is to increase the community's ability to preserve and perpetuate cultural and historical information and practices." See papakilodatabase.com.
Find Grants and Loans Offered to Farmers and Ranchers at oahuaca.org. The website has a new search feature to help find information that applies to the searcher. To search for statewide grants, hover over "Grants & Loans" and select "For Farmers & Ranchers." Set the Grant/Loan Filter to "Grant" and the Region Filter to "Statewide." Ranney notes that narrowing the search to County will display opportunities specific to that county. Selecting Nationwide or Statewide will display other opportunities searchers may be eligible for and/or want to be aware of for future reference.
Begin Learning Basics of Organic Farming from two free modules of a virtual training program. Accessible online, additional modules will be added. The course is presented by the Organic Farming Rese arch Foundation, the University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program, and California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo.
Native Hawaiian Farmers and Ranchers Urged to Use U.S. Dept. of Ag On-Farm Market Directory. U.S. Office for American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian Programs is developing a list of Native Hawaiian farmers willing to sell direct to consumers through the On-Farm Market Directory. On-farm markets are managed by a single farm operator that sells products on their farm, or on a property next to their farm. Some on-farm markets may also deliver or ship their goods directly to consumers. Visit the program website for more information and to register.
Receive Free Marketing Assistance for Small Businesses affected by COVID-19 can receive free marketing assistance from Univeristy of Hawaiʻi-Hilo faculty and their senior class. Helen Tien, College of Business and Economics, and her senior retail and distribution management course is offering 1-hour sessions dedicated to helping small business marketing needs. They offer help with moving a business online, finding out more about the businesses' customers, analyzing marketing effectiveness, and providing customer service or website feedback. Visit https://bit.ly/2YvFxsl.
Begin Learning Basics of Organic Farming from two free modules of a virtual training program. Accessible online, additional modules will be added. The course is presented by the Organic Farming Rese
Apply for Internships with Sen. Brian Schatz's office. Internships for undergrad, graduate, and law students are offered in the Honolulu and Washington D.C. offices. Applications are considered on a rolling basis year-round.
Non-office internships are open for high school students to advocate in their communities. Applications due Sunday, Sept. 13.
Schatz may also nominate exceptional students for appointment to the U.S. Service Academies. Applications due Friday, Oct. 23.
Yoga with Emily Catey Weiss, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Volcano ArtCenter Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village. Advanced registration required; $5 per class. volcanoartcenter.org/events, 967-8222
Volcano Farmers Market at Cooper Center on Wright Road, off of Old Volcano Highway, is open on Sundays from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., with much local produce, island beef, and prepared foods. Call 808-967-7800.
Ocean View Swap Meet is open at Ocean View makai shopping center, near Mālama Market. Hours for patrons are8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Vendor set-up time is 5 a.m. Masks are required for all vendors and patrons.
Ocean View Swap Meet is open at Ocean View makai shopping center, near Mālama Market. Hours for patrons are
ʻO Kaʻū Kākou Market in Nāʻālehu is open three days per week – Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday – replacing Friday with Saturday, from 8 a.m. to noon . The goal is no more than 50 customers on the grounds at a time. Vendor booths per day are limited to 25, with 30 feet of space between vendors. Masks and hand sanitizing are required to attend the market. Social distancing will be enforced.
More food vendors are added on Mondays, including Bella's Mexican takeaway hot foods.
Lau Lau Man and Flyin' Hawaiian Coffee return to the Market on Wednesdays.
Saturday will host vendors who have not been able to get space at the Wednesday market. The Saturday Market will feature familiar faces and plenty of new sellers.
OKK's Nāʻālehu Market offers a wide selection of fresh vegetables and fruits, prepared take away foods, assorted added value foods, breads and baked goods, honey, cheese, grass-fed beef, fish, vegetable plants, masks, handmade soaps, coffee, and more, on various days. Contact Sue Barnett, OKK Market Manager, at 808-345-9374 (voice or text) or kaufarmer@aol.com for more and to apply to vend. See facebook.com/OKauKakouMarket.
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