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Pāhala Pool reopens Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for lane swimming only.
Read the rules below for protecting lap swimmers from COVID-19, Photo by Julia Neal |
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Civil Defense Director Talmadge Magno says
wearing masks on Hawaiʻi Island is mandatory.
Photo from Big Island Video News
The reminder of mandatory face coverings comes as Kaʻū Rural Health Community Association plans Monday's Kaʻū COVID-19 Update and talk story with Lt. Gov. Josh Green; Mayor Harry Kim; Kaʻū Hospital Administrator Merilyn Harris; Dr. Scott Moscowich of Premiere Medical Group; Dan Brinkman, CEO of East Hawaiʻi for Hawaiʻi Health Services Corp; and Eric Honda, interim Director for the Department of Health Hawaiʻi Island District. The talk story will be held at Pāhala Community Center with registration at 4:30 p.m. and the meeting from 5 p.m. to 6:30 pm.
The number of people inside the building will be limited to adhere to social distancing. The meeting is also available by zoom. Contact krhcai@yahoo.com or call 928-0101.
Today, Hawaiʻi reported its highest one-day new COVID-19 case count. The 42 new cases bring the total to 1,200 since the pandemic began. The Lt. Gov. pointed to July 4 group gatherings and stressed that numbers can grow quickly if people refuse to wear masks and ignore social distancing. He warned that if the COVID case numbers grow from 40 to 70 to 130, "then it’s gone. If things get out of control, you’re going to see very draconian requests to clamp it down in our state.”
Hawaiʻi Island has two new cases, making eight active cases on-island. One person is hospitalized. The patients are monitored by Department of Health. The new case is being reviewed by DOH, which says the case "is isolated."
Oʻahu reported 38 new cases today and Maui County two. The state's cumulative case count has risen by 177 in seven days.
It has been more than 28 days since a case was recorded for a Kaʻū zip code. One zip code in orange on the map below has between six and ten cases within the last 28 days. Zip codes in light yellow have between one and five cases.
Ninety-three confirmed COVID-19 victims on this island have recovered. Since the pandemic began, no one died of COVID-19 here. Of the four hospitalizations on-island, three have been released.
The number of people inside the building will be limited to adhere to social distancing. The meeting is also available by zoom. Contact krhcai@yahoo.com or call 928-0101.
Lt. Gov. and physician Josh Green, right, who serves as the governor’s COVID-19 healthcare, will come to Pāhala On Monday for a Kaʻū COVID-19 Update talk story. Photo from HHSC |
Hawaiʻi Island has two new cases, making eight active cases on-island. One person is hospitalized. The patients are monitored by Department of Health. The new case is being reviewed by DOH, which says the case "is isolated."
Oʻahu reported 38 new cases today and Maui County two. The state's cumulative case count has risen by 177 in seven days.
It has been more than 28 days since a case was recorded for a Kaʻū zip code. One zip code in orange on the map below has between six and ten cases within the last 28 days. Zip codes in light yellow have between one and five cases.
Ninety-three confirmed COVID-19 victims on this island have recovered. Since the pandemic began, no one died of COVID-19 here. Of the four hospitalizations on-island, three have been released.
In the United
States , more than 3,245,925 cases have been
confirmed – an increase of about 70,000 in about 24 hours. The death toll is
over 134,777.
The worldwide COVID-19 case count is more than
12.71 million. The death toll is more than 565,138.
PĀHALA SWIMMING POOL REOPENS FOR LAPS ONLY next Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. New rules are set to protect the public from COVID-19.
The only public pool in Kaʻū will offer 45-minute time slots for individual lap swimming at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m. on a first-come, first-served basis. There will be no recreational swimming until further notice and swimmers are prohibited from sitting or lying around the pool or in the stands. Shower rooms are closed. A restroom can be used, with permission from the lifeguard. Swimmers arrive in their suits, use an outdoor shower, as directed, and leave immediately after completing their laps.
The COVID-19 Modified Pool Rules will be posted at each facility.

A statement from the county says it "will continue to evaluate sanitization procedures as well as the adherence to modified pool rules to ensure the safety of staff and swimmers. Available days/hours may be expanded in the coming weeks provided COVID-19 public health conditions and other variables are amenable."
For more information contact the Department of Parks and Recreation Aquatics Section at 961-8740.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
MILOLIʻI LAWAIʻA ʻOHANA CAMP ADDS VIRTUAL CLASSES for its tenth annual event Monday, July 13 through Monday, July 20. The event will feature in-person classes for a limited number of students, and offer classes via Zoom. Register for virtual classes here. Register for in-person attendance here. Contact organizer Kaimi Kaupiko at 937-1310 or kkaupiko@gmail.com with questions.
Kaupiko told The Kaʻū Calendar, "Ten years ago, we started with our first camp and ten years later we are still here, sharing and passing the knowledge of our kūpuna to our next generation. With ten years we celebrate a milestone for our program, for education, and for the future. Our proverb He puko ‘a kani ‘aina was a way that our kūpuna would pass by many coral heads which the navigators would mark in their memories and pass on to their apprentices. Eventually they would notice that these small coral heads would grow into full islands and so comes the advice that we can't expect to be full-blown successes right away, often we start small and over time, like a coral head, we will mature and be successful."
Sponsors include Kalanihale, Paʻa Pono Miloliʻi, Kua O Ka Lā, Conservation International, Alu Like Inc, Hawaiʻi Community Foundation, and Hawaiʻi Marine Education and Research Center.
See facebook.com/kalanihaleMilolii for more.
Sponsors include Kalanihale, Paʻa Pono Miloliʻi, Kua O Ka Lā, Conservation International, Alu Like Inc, Hawaiʻi Community Foundation, and Hawaiʻi Marine Education and Research Center.
See facebook.com/kalanihaleMilolii for more.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
A MODERATE DEMOCRAT is the term Fred Fogel uses to describe himself. The first of three Democrat candidates to file for the District 3 state House of Representatives seat, Fogel, 70, will face incumbent Richard Onishi and challenger Shannon Matson (see Saturday, May 30 Kaʻū News Briefs) in the primary, with ballots coming in the mail starting July 21. The winner will go on to face Republican Susan Hughes (see Thursday, July 8 Kaʻū News Briefs) to represent Punaluʻu, Pāhala, Wood Valley , and Volcano, into Hilo .
Fogel told The Kaʻū Calendar that his platform aligns with Moderate Democrats: "The voters in the middle. As the old saying goes, you always have your 10 percent. In politics, it's 20 percent. Ten on the far left and ten on the far right. My focus is on the 80 percent in the middle."
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State House of Representatives District 3 candidate Fred Fogel. Photo from Fogel |
He moved to Hawaiʻi in 1973, as an aviator in the F-4 Phantom jet with the USMC. Fogel said he "fell in love with the islands and its people, married a local lady (half Samoan, half Puerto Rican) and helped raise two daughters." After a career in civil service and the military on Oʻahu, he moved to Hawaiʻi Island in 2005, and entered politics "to pay back the people." He said his main goal is to improve the way government functions to better serve the people. He said his schooling and job experience as an advisor to a State Department Head in the areas of Process Improvement, Quality, and Strategic Planning provide the foundation to "get government out of your face as much as possible, and let you be all that you can be."
To give back to the community he has volunteered with ʻO Kaʻū Kākou, Volcano's Community Emergency Response Team, and Friends of Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park; served as a board member of Friends of Puna's Future; and was president of his residential Community Association.
Fogel has run for various offices since 2008, when he ran for County Council. He said his general philosophy is, "If government was smaller and less intrusive in peoples' lives, people could better pursue their dreams. People should have the freedom to do as they please – as long as their actions don't impact another person's freedom. Politics should not be considered a career opportunity. Everyone should have term limits, and voters should approve salary increases for politicians."
His website proclaims, "My main goal is to improve the way government operates and supports the people. My allegiance is to the people represented, never to the power base of any political party, nor any special interest group. I do not take campaign donations from anyone and owe only you."
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Candidate Fred Fogel and his Main Coon, Big Boy. Photo from Fogel |
His campaign information says he supports adding term limits; adding on-line voting to mail-in while continuing to make a limited number of voting places available during the general election; extending the state legislative session from five months to ten months; rescinding "gut and replace" and removing add-ons, riders, and special interest provisions from all bills; encouraging use of private contractors rather than public employees; and implementing new laws only after reviewing economic impact; reducing overall cost of government; fully funding governmental retirement and health obligations; and pushing governmental functions down to the county level whenever possible.
His platform would work toward legalizing possession and cultivation of cannabis; increasing minimum sentences for sale, distribution, and manufacture of meth or crack; focusing on rehabilitation rather than incarceration; releasing all people in prison solely for the consumption of illegal drugs; and reimplementing capital punishment.
Fogal's website says he would work on eliminating mandatory building codes or requirements other than safety for neighbors for owner-occupied, private residences; issuing concealed carry firearm permits for law-abiding citizens; protecting local product names like "Kaʻū Coffee" by requiring a bag so labeled to contain 100% Kaʻū coffee; implementing point-of-origin labeling for produce; devoting more resources to the interdiction and eradication of invasive animals and plants; embracing alternate energy and decoupling electricity generation from the distribution system; paying good teachers more and instituting a "360 degree" teacher performance evaluation system that has input from parents, principals, teachers, and students; dissolving the state school board and creating county boards comprised of principals – public, charter, and private; making the state personal income tax a flat percentage for everything earned above the poverty level; eliminating sales tax on medicine and food; eliminating inheritance tax; and taxing land used for agriculture at the lowest tax rate.
Learn more about his platform, beliefs, and goals if elected at ffogel.net.Watch the Democratic candidates for Hawaiʻi County on Nā Leo TV at
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Candidate Fred Fogel and his "mini-me" supporters. Photo from Fogel
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
THE STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES adjourned the 2020 legislative session sine die on Friday. A statement from the House says it was a very intense session of maneuvering through obstacles related to the coronavirus pandemic. Members were tasked with addressing immediate needs of residents struggling with economic and public health concerns while working towards goals set back in January to provide support for working families.
House Speaker Scott Saiki said, "At the start of session, we crafted a holistic package of bills in collaboration with the Senate, the Governor, community stakeholders, and business leaders to address the big issues of income inequality -- from affordable housing to early child care. While our state has gone through tremendous changes since January, we've had a continued focus on relieving the economic burdens for working families, particularly through accessibility to early learning and child care."
Two of the original bills from the Legislature's majority package moved to the Governor for review. HB 2543 HD1 SD2 will provide all of Hawaiʻi's three- to four-year-old children with access to early learning by the year 2030, and appropriates funds to support pre-kindergarten Hawaiian language immersion programs. SB 3103 SD2 HD2 establishes a school facilities agency in the Department of Education to coordinate all public school development, planning, and construction allowing the department to focus on teaching the children.
In March, the session was suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Legislature reconvened in June and passed SB 126 SD1 HD1 CD1, a comprehensive plan to spend $635 million in federal CARES Act funds to provide immediate relief for working families, address public health and pandemic needs, and rebuild and move the economy forward. The bill also appropriates $149 million within the state budget for a range of social safety net programs and services including hospital operations, mental health and substance abuse programs, homeless support services, and rent assistance.
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State House Speaker Scott Saiki |
Bills that passed include:
SB 2638 SD2 HD3 Relating to Domestic Violence: Part I establishes a petty misdemeanor offense of abuse of family or household members; clarifies penalties for violations and allows a deferred acceptance of guilty plea for misdemeanor and petty misdemeanor abuse of family or household members offenses. It establishes a probationary period for abuse of family or household members. Part II makes consistent the types of documents accepted as proof of domestic or sexual violence victim status. Part III: Requires the judiciary to submit annual reports on the number and outcome of abuse cases.
HB 361 HD1 SD2 Relating to Emoluments: It prohibits the governor and each county mayor, while holding those offices, to maintain any other employment, maintain a controlling interest in a business, or receive any emolument, beginning on the sixty-first calendar day after their election or appointment to office.
HB 285 HD1 SD2 CD1 Relating to Public Safety: It requires county police departments to disclose to the Legislature the identity of an officer upon an officer's suspension or discharge. Amends the Uniform Information Practices Act to allow for public access to information about suspended officers. Authorizes the law enforcement standards board to revoke certifications and requires the board to review and recommend statewide policies and procedures relating to law enforcement, including the use of force.
SB 2523 SD1 HD2 Relating to Public Safety: It restores funding for the YWCA Fernhurst Women's Program, which is a community-based work furlough program for women.
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House Majority Leader Della Au Belatti |
HB 2744 HD1 SD2 Relating to Gun Violence Prevention. It establishes the gun violence and violent crimes commission and requires reports to the Legislature. It makes it a class C felony to purchase, manufacture, or otherwise obtain firearm parts for the purpose of assembling a firearm having no serial number.
SB2629 SD2 HD1 Relating to the Environment: It prohibits, after June 30, 2020 the approval of a new or renewed power purchase agreement for electricity generated from coal, as well as the modification of a coal power purchase agreement that proposes to extend the term or increase the amount of generation that is allowed to be produced under the existing agreement. The bill also prohibits, after Dec. 31, 2022, the issuance or renewal or covered source air permits for coal-burning electricity generation facilities.
HB 2148 HD1 SD1 Relating to Family Leave: It extends Hawai'i family leave to include care for employees' grandchildren.
HB1346 HD2 SD2 Relating to Early Childhood Education: It prohibits the suspension or expulsion of children participating in the Executive Office on Early Learning's Public Prekindergarten Program, except under limited circumstances.
HB1676 HD1 SD2 Relating to Highway Safety: It establishes the Photo Red Light Imaging Detector Systems Program (Program) with a two-year pilot program in the City and County of Honolulu. It authorizes the State and counties to administer the Program. Requires proceeds of fines to be expended in the county from which they were collected for operation of the Program.
For a list of all bills passed during the 2020 session, click here.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
yesterday comes from Keliʻi Akina, Ph.D., President and CEO of Grassroot
Institute of Hawaiʻi:
2020 legislative session adjourned yesterday, and thank goodness for that.
It was a session interrupted in March by the COVID-19
crisis, then reconvened for four hectic weeks in June and July. When the
session began in January, we had been prepared to fend off new taxes and
budget-busting government projects. Now that it's over, we can celebrate the
lack of any tax increases, but the budget issues remain.
"The Legislature's highest
priority upon reconvening was to amend the budget to reflect Hawaiʻi's post-COVID
reality: widespread business closures, massive unemployment, looming
budget deficits, and evaporating tax revenues.
"The Grassroot Institute of
Hawaiʻi was adamant about belt-tightening and spending cuts. We even created a budget balancing tool to demonstrate how it could be done.![]() |
Keliʻi Akina, Ph.D., President and CEO of Grassroot Institute of Hawaiʻi |
"Our state lawmakers went for a different approach, donning
rose-colored glasses and approaching the budget shortfall as a temporary
setback. Not only did they use up the entirety of the state's rainy day fund,
they also approved legislation allowing them to breach the state's
legal debt limit. Over the next several years, the state will be able to issue
up to $7 billion in general obligation bonds, thereby increasing the state's
liabilities and debt burden that will be borne by Hawaiʻi taxpayers. They
also approved salary increases for some public employees.
"Overall, those who had hoped the Legislature would address the economic fallout of the pandemic-inspired state andcounty lockdowns
were disappointed. Very few of the bills considered in the reconvened session
attempted to ease the pain of the state's businesses or unemployed workers.
"Overall, those who had hoped the Legislature would address the economic fallout of the pandemic-inspired state and
"One Senate
resolution stands as the perfect metaphor for the Legislature's approach to
addressing Hawaiʻi's current economic woes: SR78, adopted on July 8, pledges to create 100,000
permanent jobs in Hawaiʻi by 2022. How? The resolution doesn't say. It only asks
the state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism to help by
submitting recommendations before the 2021 session.
"If it's so
easy to create jobs, why stop at 100,000? Why not resolve to create 150,000
jobs? Or 200,000?
"For the
DBEDT employees now searching for ways to help the Legislature meet its goal,
may I suggest a little light reading? Please check out the institute's Road map to prosperity, which we released in late May
to provide exactly the kinds of recommendations Hawaiʻi needs to get
its economy moving again.
"I'm not
saying the Legislature's lack of fiscal restraint means it ignored the effects
of the lockdowns entirely. On the contrary, the Senate chose to respond to
public dissatisfaction with the lockdowns and the governor's exercise of
emergency powers by... expanding the state's emergency powers.
"A House
bill that had made it to the Senate was gutted and replaced with a proposal
that would give the state health director, with the consent of the
governor, broad powers to declare public health emergencies, close
businesses and schools, mandate quarantines, and do anything else deemed
allegedly necessary to address the danger.

bright spot was a resolution creating a task force to make government
operations more cost-effective. True, this was just a small step, but if it
leads to laws that will make it easier to engage private contractors or create
public-private partnerships, it's a step in the right direction.
deserving praise was the Legislature's approval of HB285, which, pending approval by the governor, will make
it easier for lawmakers and the public to learn the details of police misconduct.
More sunlight is always a good approach when it comes to increasing the
public's trust in government, and lawmakers should be commended for their work
on this bill.
these bright spots, however, the fact remains that little was done to address
Hawaiʻi's genuinely horrifying economic devastation, and it looks like we'll
have to wait until next year — at the state level, at least — to make any
"The good
news is that this gives us more time to promote economic freedom as the key to
helping Hawaiʻi recover and even excel after the coronavirus lockdowns. I know
I am already making up my wish list for the next legislative session."
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
LEARN HOW TO JOIN WITH OTHER COMPANIES TO TAKE ON LARGER GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS at a Teaming Agreements and Subcontracts webinar Thursday, July 16 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Register at eventbrite.com/e/dos-and-donts-for-teaming-agreements-subcontracting-webinar-registration-108906253536.
Organized by Hawaiʻi Small Business Development Center, Hawaiʻi Procurement Technical Assistance Center,Norcal Procurement Technical Assistance Center , learn a step-by-step process for successfully teaming for a government contract and "take your business to the next level." The webinar will cover: What is a teaming agreement?; Benefits of teaming; Factors to consider when selecting a teaming partner; Considerations when negotiating agreements; 8(a) and Small Business considerations; Introduction to the Mentor-Protégé Program; Differences between subcontracting, teaming, and joint venturing; Tips for success; and Contracting with the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Organized by Hawaiʻi Small Business Development Center, Hawaiʻi Procurement Technical Assistance Center,
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Attend a webinar to learn how to join forces with other businesses to bid on government contracts. Image from Norcal PTAC |
Monique M. Holmes, Deputy for Small Business Programs with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Honolulu District, will also speak. She was welcomed to USACE as the Small Business Program Analyst representing the Honolulu District on Feb. 18. She brings 30 years of private and public sector experience. As the Small Business Program Analyst, Monique utilizes her skillsets to expand USACE Honolulu Districts small business base through increasing opportunities for small businesses as well as reducing hardships and eliminating restrictive barriers faced by the small business communities most vulnerable categories.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
Tuesday, July 14 and Friday, July 17, between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. , for Hawaiian petrel monitoring on Mauna Loa between 6,500- and 9,000-ft. elevation.
Thursday, July 23 between 7 a.m. and noon , for fountain grass control and mapping from the Park's west boundary to Keauhou, between sea level and 4,000 feet.
Tuesday, July 28 between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. , for ungulate control in Kahuku Unit between 3,500- to 5,000-ft. elevation.
Tuesday, July 28 between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m., to survey for Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death in the ‘Ōla‘a Rainforest Unit between 3,000- and 4,000-ft. elevation.
Wednesday, July 29 between 10 a.m. and noon , to survey for ROD in the Kahuku Unit between 2,000- and 4,000-ft. elevation.
Thursday, July 29 and Friday, July 30 between 8 a.m. and noon , to monitor Hawaiian petrels in the Kahuku Unit between 4,800- and 6,800-ft. elevation.
U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory may conduct flight operations over Kīlauea and Mauna Loa to assess volcanic activity and maintain instrumentation.
The Park regrets any noise impact to residents and park visitors. Dates and times are subject to change based on aircraft availability and weather. Management of the park requires the use of aircraft to monitor and research volcanic activity, conduct search-and-rescue missions and law enforcement operations, support management of natural and cultural resources, and to maintain backcountry facilities.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.
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Native plant seeds, including ʻōhiʻa, were handed out at last
year's Cultural Festival at Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National
Park, Kahuku
Unit. Photo by Manu Yahna
Kaʻū Life: The Way We Were Last Year
This time last
year, the Annual Hawaiian Cultural Festival was held in-person at Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park, offering island
visitors and the local community a chance to connect to Hawaiian cultural practices
through hands-on crafts and demonstrations, hula and Hawaiian music, and food.
The festival's theme was E Ho‘omau: To Continue; the 2018 festival
was canceled due to the 2018 Kīlauea eruption.
The 2020 festival was held virtually; see facebook.com/hawaiivolcanoesnps
for video of the events.
Last year's free five-hour celebration
offered entertainment from two hālau hula and three local bands from Hawai‘i
Island: Debbie Ryder and Hālau O Leionalani; Russell Mauga and Da Kahuku Mauka
Boyz; Mamo Brown and Hālau Ulumamo O Hilo Palikū; Demetrius Oliviera and Gene
Beck of Keaiwa; and Brandon Nakano and the Keawe Trio.
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Park rangers make ti leaf lei with cultural fest-goers.
See video of this year's ti leaf lei making demonstration at
by Manu Yahna
The Ka‘ū Multicultural Society
shared their popular paniolo photography exhibit, a glimpse into Kahuku Ranch's
not-so-distant past.
Capt. Kiko Johnston-Kitazawa exhibited
his authentic Hawaiian sailing canoe.
The National Park Service and
Hawai‘i Pacific Parks Association staff demonstrated ‘oli, chant, and showed
attendees how to make ti leaf leis, how to weave lau hala, and ‘ohe kapala,
bamboo stamping.
Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death education
and outreach handed out native plant seeds. One seed type, ʻōhiʻa, is suffering
a devastating fungal epidemic on several Hawaiian islands .
The ‘Alalā Project, ‘Imi Pono
no ka ‘Āina, and NPS Natural Resources Management educated on how to protect
native species and about their latest conservation efforts.
Food from Volcano House, shave
ice from the Friends of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National
Park , and Ka‘ū coffee from Hawai‘i Pacific Parks
Association were available for purchase. Attendees were also encouraged to
bring a picnic lunch.
The event was co-sponsored by
Hawai‘i Volcanoes National
Park , the Friends of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National
Park , Volcano House, and the Hawai‘i Pacific
Parks Association. The Park's official social media has video, festival
photos, and more. See facebook.com/hawaiivolcanoesnps.
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The discovery of this island was by canoe, as honored in
this hula during last year's Cultural Festival
at Kahuku Unit. Photo by Manu Yahna |
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Read online at kaucalendar.com. See our Fresh Food on The Kaʻū Calendar
directory for farms, ranches, takeout. Print edition of The Kaʻū Calendar is
free, with 7,500 distributed on stands and to all postal addresses throughout
Kaʻū, from Miloliʻi through Volcano throughout the district. Read online at
kaucalendar.com and facebook.com/kaucalendar. To advertise your
business or your social cause, contact kaucalendarads@gmail.com.
Daily, weekly, and monthly recurring Kaʻū and Volcano Events, Meetings, Entertainment, Exercise, Meditation, and more are listed at kaucalendar.com.
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Volcano Art Center Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village . volcanoartcenter.org/events, 967-8222
Strategies to Jump-Start Your Writing by Jacquolyn McMurray and Kristin Wolfgang, a virtual workshop via Zoom, will be held Saturday, July 25 from 9 a.m. to noon . "How long has writing been on your bucket list? Are you ready to make 2020 the year you finally get started or restarted? This class is perfect for all writers seeking new inspiration and strategies." volcanoartcenter.org/events, 967-8222
Exhibition Mixed Flock: Prints by Margaret Barnaby and Pottery by Emily Herb has been held over through Aug. 8. Also available to view online, view the exhibition in person the Gallery in the Park during normal gallery hours,9 a.m. to 5 p.m. , Wednesday through Sunday. Free. The exhibition features two prominent female artists from Volcano Village "who find deep inspiration in Hawaiʻi's natural environment and specifically the native bird populations found within it." volcanoartcenter.org/events, 967-8222
Apply for Grants to Help Socially Disadvantaged Groups develop business and strategic plans in rural areas through USDA Rural Development through 6 p.m. HST on Aug. 10 at grants.gov. Eligible applicants include cooperatives, groups of cooperatives, and cooperative development centers. USDA defines a socially disadvantaged group as one "whose members have been subjected to racial, ethnic or gender prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities."
Free Virtual Storytime Sessions with Jeff Gere, Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday for three weeks, 9:30 a.m. to 10:10 a.m., through July 23. Partnered with UH-Mānoa's OutreachCollege Statewide Cultural Extension Program. To attend each show, email jeffgere1031@gmail.com and csinfo@hawaii.edu, with the subject SCEP : Jeff Gere. In the body of the email, copy & paste in the programs wanted to watch from the list below. An email confirming the reservation will confirm receipt. About 30 minutes before each show starts at 9:30 a.m., csinfo@hawaii.edu will email the Zoom link to the email provided.
Tuesdays: Participation Tales. July 14, Silly N' Spooky Tales. July 21, Teaching Tales. Wednesdays: Folktales. July 15, Fooling the Devil, King & Goat Head. July 22, several Adventurous Tales. Thursdays: "Spooky Hawaiʻi" Tales. July 16, Old Mililani Graveyard, Sensative. July 23, Pele Tales, true stories of meeting Pele.
During performances, leave microphones off so everyone can enjoy the show. Share sign-up information with "as many listeners as you like" and watch "as many shows as you like." Tech questions should be directed to summer aides. All attendees will be asked to answer a host and technology questionnaire after each show. Zoom's WEBINAR format does not allow a view of the audience. "We won't be able to see your children. It is not an issue."
During performances, leave microphones off so everyone can enjoy the show. Share sign-up information with "as many listeners as you like" and watch "as many shows as you like." Tech questions should be directed to summer aides. All attendees will be asked to answer a host and technology questionnaire after each show. Zoom's WEBINAR format does not allow a view of the audience. "We won't be able to see your children. It is not an issue."
Kaʻū Chapter of Hawaiʻi Farmers Union United meets this Sunday, July 12 at Wood Valley Ranch mamaki tea farm at 96-02232 South Road . It begins at 1 p.m. and includes a pot luck and tour of the mamaki farm, which is the new home of interim President Matt Dreyer. Among the Kaʻū Farmers Union initiatives are a food hub for Kaʻū, with CSA, and an online store platform to sell locally grown food.
Virtual 80th Meeting of Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council, Tuesday, July 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The public is invited to attend. The council will introduce new and returning members; have presentations on advisory council guidelines, sanctuary updates, and discussions on potential council action topics; and address questions from members and the public. Public comment begins about 10:30 a.m.
To provide comment, sign up in advance, email cindy.among-serrao@noaa.gov or type a comment into the Question box. Register in advance at attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5189333551313546256. Learn more on Facebook; Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, hawaiihumpbackwhale.noaa.gov; NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, sanctuaries.noaa.gov; State of Hawaiʻi Division of Aquatic Resources, dlnr.hawaii.gov/dar. See hawaiihumpbackwahle.noaa.gov.

Kaʻū Food Producers, attend a Hawaiʻi Food Manufacturers Association COVID-19 Crisis Meeting, in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Technology Development Corporation and Innovate Hawaiʻi on Tuesday, July 14 at2 p.m.
Speakers are Paul Uyehara of Aloha Tofu, Ryan Sung of Honolulu Cookie Co., and
Erin Uehara of Choco Lea. They will be followed by discussion and sharing from
the audience. Join the virtual meeting through Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/82116384790?pwd=c3hndVhFTzEzOVBVa0xsTEtWdGZ1Zz09,
Meeting ID: 821 1638 4790, Password: 071420.
Bid on a Cottage with a covered lanai through a closed auction by Habitat for Humanity through July 15 at5 p.m. The 780 square foot cottage was dismantled and donated to Habitat for Humanity Hawaiʻi Island. Starting bid is $15,000 and it will be sold "as is" and with no warranty. Stored in a container in Waimea, it includes lanai, exterior walls, subfloor, windows (missing one), front door, roofing, front stairs, and conceptual plans created by Habitat. To place a bid, send an email to info@habitathawaiiisland.org with name, phone number, and bid amount. Bids accepted in increments of $500. Winner will be contacted July 16. In the case of a tie, the person that submitted the winning bid first will be the winner. To view the dismantled cottage, visit the Waimea ReStore at 65-1259 Kawaihae Road on Wednesday, July 8 between 1 p.m and 4 p.m. Email info@habitathawaiiisland.org with questions.
Free ZOOM Talk on Finding Solutions, Growing Peace,noon to 1 p.m. , Thursday, July 16. Non-profit Ku‘ikahi Mediation Center hosts its Brown Bag Lunch Series on the third Thursday of the month. July's speaker, Ilana Stout, M.S., will speak on From Anxiety to Action: Emotional Literacy to Deepen Education. In this talk, attendees can "learn how to support mental and emotional wellness that can serve as a foundation for community action," says the announcement. Register online at freebrownbagtalk.eventbrite.com. For more information, contact Ku‘ikahi Program Coordinator Majidah Lebarre at 935-7844 x 3 or majidah@hawaiimediation.org. Or visit hawaiimediation.org.
Grow Food From Wood: Mushroom Cultivation with Zach Mermel, separate workshops on Saturday, July 18 and Sunday, July 19 from 
Kaʻū Food Producers, attend a Hawaiʻi Food Manufacturers Association COVID-19 Crisis Meeting, in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Technology Development Corporation and Innovate Hawaiʻi on Tuesday, July 14 at
Bid on a Cottage with a covered lanai through a closed auction by Habitat for Humanity through July 15 at
Free ZOOM Talk on Finding Solutions, Growing Peace,
Teaming Agreements and Subcontracts Webinar Thursday,
July 16 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Register at eventbrite.com/e/dos-and-donts-for-teaming-agreements-subcontracting-webinar-registration-108906253536.
Organized by Hawaiʻi Small Business Development Center, Hawaiʻi Procurement
Technical Assistance Center, and Norcal
Procurement Technical
Assistance Center ,
learn a step-by-step process for successfully teaming for a government contract
and "take your business to the next level."

Apply for Grants to Start, Expand, or Improve Rural Cooperatives and other mutually-owned businesses in rural America . USDA will make $5.8 million in grants available under the Rural Cooperative Development Grant program. USDA encourages applications that will help improve life in rural America . Key strategies include: Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural America, Developing the Rural Economy, Harnessing Technological Innovation, Supporting a Rural Workforce, and Improving Quality of Life. Nonprofit corporations and institutions of higher education are eligible to apply, to provide technical assistance to individuals and rural businesses. Fiscal year 2019 award recipients who received a grant period extension due to a loss of operations as a result of the coronavirus pandemic are eligible to apply for fiscal year 2020 funding. Electronic applications must be submitted to grants.gov by 6 p.m. HST Aug. 3. Additional information is available on page 39870 of the July 2 Federal Register.
Exhibition Mixed Flock: Prints by Margaret Barnaby and Pottery by Emily Herb has been held over through Aug. 8. Also available to view online, view the exhibition in person the Gallery in the Park during normal gallery hours,

Applicants are encouraged to consider projects that provide measurable results in helping rural communities build robust and sustainable economies through strategic investments in infrastructure, partnerships, and innovation. Key strategies include e-connectivity for rural America , developing rural economies, harnessing technological innovation, supporting a rural workforce, and improving quality of life.
St. Jude's Episcopal Church Soup Kitchen is open, with a modified menu and increased health & safety standards, every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hot showers, the computer lab, and in-person services and bible studies are suspended. Services and worship are posted online on Sundays at stjudeshawaii.org. Join the Aloha Hour via Zoom at 11 a.m. on Sundays,
us02web.zoom.us/j/6843449828?pwd=YW94djVvU0szOGNKaFZ1V0pUL1owUT09, Meeting ID: 684 344 9828, Password: Aloha.
us02web.zoom.us/j/6843449828?pwd=YW94djVvU0szOGNKaFZ1V0pUL1owUT09, Meeting ID: 684 344 9828, Password: Aloha.
Drive-In Worship Service at Kauahaʻao Congregational
Church in Waiʻōhinu start Sunday, July 19 at 10:20
a.m. , with a 10 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
parking time. Kahu (Pastor) Debbie Wong Yuen says the service is "open to
anyone" and that this way of having worship service "is not a new
idea. In the 1950s, 'Drive-in-Worship' was the way to worship… without getting
physically close to people. They stay in their vehicles, and listen to the Word
and message, and honk their horns for their Amen. We are the Church, not the
building, so we don't need to be 'in a building' to have worship service, we
can worship God anywhere, He is with us no matter where we are, and, where two
or three are gathered together in His name, He will be in our midst. We are not
alone… we are all in this together, and God is with us."
Yuen says vehicles
will park in the lawn area on the Church campus facing the building, either
facing forward or, if the vehicle has a hatchback to open and sit in the
back, the vehicle can reverse into the spot. An usher will be there to
guide the vehicles. Once parked, the usher (wearing face covering) will
bring a basket with the service bulletin and a bowl to collect the offering/tithes/contributions. Each
vehicle will also receive a folder to keep in the vehicle with the songs/hymns
for the service, and a paper fan for each person in the vehicle. On Communion
Sundays, attendants may bring their own elements (bread or cracker and juice or
water), or be given a sealed Communion cup from the basket.
Yuen asks
congregants to "please put on a face covering when the usher comes to your
vehicle door. During the service, face coverings are not required, only if
a person needs to leave their vehicle to go to the restroom. It's recommended
you bring bottled water for those in your vehicle.
"We invite
anyone to come join us as Kauahaʻao Congregational Church gathers in-person to
relive the 1950s for Drive-in Worship Services. Come and be blessed!"
Call Yuen at
928-8039 or 937-2155 with questions.

On-Call Emergency Box Food Pantry is open at Cooper Center weekdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Eligible one time every three months. Call Kehau, 443-4130.
COVID-19 Testing Locations in Kaʻū are: Bay Clinic
at 95-5583 Mamālahoa Highway
in Nāʻālehu is open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Appointment required. No drive-thru; stay in vehicle. Patients are seen
regardless of ability to pay. There is a fee for the COVID-19 test. Call
808-333-3600. Kaʻū Hospital at 1 Kamani Street
in Pāhala is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to
4 p.m. Bring ID and insurance card. Pre-operative and Emergency
Room patients only. Screening conducted outside in a tent. There is a fee for the
COVID-19 test. Call 808-932-4200.
Free screening
and testing is offered in Kona at Aliʻi Health Center, 808-747-8321, or Aloha
Kona Urgent Care, 808-365-2297 or 808-854-3566; and in various locations around
the island with Premier Medical Group, 808-213-6444.
island locations that offer testing are Kona Community Hospital, 808-322-9311;
North Hawaiʻi Community Hospital in Kohala, 808-885-4444; Hale Hoʻola Hamakua, 808-932-4116;
Clinical Labs of Hawaiʻi in Hilo, 808-935-4814; Hilo Urgent Care, 808-969-3051;
Keaʻau Urgent Care, 808-966-7942; Puna Community Medical Center, 808-930-6001;
and Bay Clinic locations in Hilo, Keaʻau, and Puna – call 808-333-3600.Pāhala and Nāʻālehu Public Libraries are Open for Pick-Up Services Only. Nāʻālehu is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Pāhala is open Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Library patrons schedule Library Take Out appointment times to pick up their hold item(s) at their favorite libraries by going to HSPLS Library Catalog and placing a hold on any item(s) they want to borrow, or they may call their favorite library branch to place a hold with the library staff. After receiving a notice that item(s) are ready for pick up, patrons schedule a Library Take Out time at picktime.com/hspls. For patrons who placed holds during the closure, their item(s) are ready for pickup after the patron schedules a Library Take Out appointment. For more information, visit librarieshawaii.org.
Free Book Exchanges at the laundromats in Ocean View and Nāʻālehu are provided by Friends of the Kaʻū Libraries. Everyone is invited to take books they want to read. They may keep the books, pass them on to other readers, or return them to the Book Exchange to make them available to others in the community. The selection of books is replenished weekly at both sites.
Avocado Growers Survey Open: Help identify opportunities for expanding the local avocado industry, to assist local farmers, buyers, and agencies develop strategies to bolster Hawaiʻi's avocado industry, says Hawaiʻi Farmers Union United. Farmers and farm names will be kept anonymous. Results will be shared publicly. Survey completion gives option to register to win a $200 gift certificate to Home Depot. For a hard copy of the survey, email: info@growfruithawaii.com. Take the survey: surveymonkey.com/r/Hawaiiavosurvey2020.
Find Resources for LGBTQ+, Loved Ones, and Allies at Sexual and Gender Minority online resource hub. Hawaiʻi Department of Health's first website dedicated to LGBTQ+ resources. Developed by the Sexual and Gender Minority Workgroup in partnership with the DOH Harm Reduction Services Branch. Resources: Understanding the Pacific's alternative genders; Pronoun guide; Book lists for children and teens; ʻOhana support; and DOH data. For more information on joining the SGM Workgroup, email Thaddeus Pham at thaddeus.pham@doh.hawaii.gov. See health.hawaii.gov/harmreduction/sexual-gender-minority/sexual-and-gender-minorities-sgm-in-hawaii/.

Learn About Hawaiʻi's History & Culture through the Papakilo Database, a resource developed by The Office of Hawaiian Affairs. The Kahalo Center says database consists of "collections of data pertaining to historically and culturally significant places, events, and documents in Hawaiʻi's history. The purpose of this educational online repository is to increase the community's ability to preserve and perpetuate cultural and historical information and practices." See papakilodatabase.com.
Apply for Internships with Sen. Brian Schatz's office. Internships for undergrad, graduate, and law students are offered in the Honolulu and Washington D.C. offices. Applications are considered on a rolling basis year-round.
Non-office internships are open for high school students to advocate in their communities. Applications due Sunday, Sept. 13.
Schatz may also nominate exceptional students for appointment to the U.S. Service Academies. Applications due Friday, Oct. 23.

Yoga with Emily Catey Weiss, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Volcano ArtCenter Niʻaulani Campus in Volcano Village. Advanced registration required; $5 per class. volcanoartcenter.org/events, 967-8222
ʻO Kaʻū Kākou Market in Nāʻālehu is open three days per week – Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday – replacing Friday with Saturday, from 8 a.m. to noon . The goal is no more than 50 customers on the grounds at a time. Vendor booths per day are limited to 25, with 30 feet of space between vendors. Masks and hand sanitizing are required to attend the market. Social distancing will be enforced.
More food vendors are added on Mondays, including Bella's Mexican takeaway hot foods.
Lau Lau Man and Flyin' Hawaiian Coffee return to the Market on Wednesdays.
Saturday will host vendors who have not been able to get space at the Wednesday market. The Saturday Market will feature familiar faces and plenty of new sellers.
OKK's Nāʻālehu Market offers a wide selection of fresh vegetables and fruits, prepared take away foods, assorted added value foods, breads and baked goods, honey, cheese, grass-fed beef, fish, vegetable plants, masks, handmade soaps, coffee, and more, on various days. Contact Sue Barnett, OKK Market Manager, at 808-345-9374 (voice or text) or kaufarmer@aol.com for more and to apply to vend. See facebook.com/OKauKakouMarket.
Enroll in Kua O Ka Lā's Hīpuʻu Virtual Academy for school year 2020-2021, grades four through eight. The Hawaiian Focused Charter School teaches with an emphasis on Hawaiian language and culture. The blended curriculum is offered through online instruction and community-based projects, with opportunities for face-to-face gatherings (with precautions), in an "Education with Aloha" environment.
See kuaokala.org to apply and to learn more about the school. Call 808-981-5866 or 808-825-8811, or email info@kuaokala.org for more.
Kua O Ka Lā offers a specialized program that provides students with core curriculum, content area, and electives in-keeping with State of Hawaiʻi requirements. Combined with Native Hawaiian values, culture, and a place-based approach to education, from the early morning wehena – ceremonial school opening – Kua O Ka Lā students are encouraged to walk Ke Ala Pono – the right and balanced path.
The school's website says Kua O Ka Lā has adopted Ke Ala Pono "to describe our goal of nurturing and developing our youth. We believe that every individual has a unique potential and that it is our responsibility to help our students learn to work together within the local community to create a future that is pono – right." The school aims to provide students with "the knowledge and skills, through Hawaiian values and place-based educational opportunities, that prepare receptive, responsive, and self-sustaining individuals that live 'ke ala pono.'"See kuaokala.org to apply and to learn more about the school. Call 808-981-5866 or 808-825-8811, or email info@kuaokala.org for more.
To read comments, add your own, and like this story, see Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter. See our online calendars and our latest print edition at kaucalendar.com.