Truth in labeling of Hawaiian Macadamia products is addressed by a bill moving through the 2024 Hawai'i Legislature. Photo from Hawaiian Macadamia Nut Co. |
LEGISLATION TO PROTECT THE MACADAMIA NUT INDUSTRY THROUGH TRUTH IN LABELING is moving forward during the 2024 Hawai'i Legislature. The macadamia nut industry is one of the largest employers in Kaʻū.
House Bill 2278 would require the country of origin to be included on the principal display panel of a consumer package of raw and processed macadamia nuts.
Testimony from local supporters of the measure came from Macadamia Nut Services, LLC, Edmund C. Olson Trust 2, OK Farms, Hamakua Macadamia Nut Co., Kaʻū Farms Management, LLC; Kapāpala Ranch; Hawai'i Farm Bureau; Hawai'i Farmers Union United, Macadamia Growers of Hawai'i and more organizations, farms and individuals.
Opposition came from Hawaiian Host Group, which purchased Mauna Loa and MacFarms and is known to import nuts to use in its Hawai'i-labeled macadamia products. Submitting testimony against the bill were numerous workers at its Kapua Orchards and Hawaiian Host's management team, claiming they could use their jobs if their company was not allowed to use foreign nuts, when needed.
Hawaiian Macadamia Nut Co. and Hawaiian Macadamia Nut Services, which sell 100% Hawaiian, fear a shut down if products are labeled Hawai'i when most of the mac nuts come from other countries. Photo from Hawaiian Macadamia Nut Co. |
Reggie Souza, Orchard Manager for Macadamia Nut Services, LLC, which farms thousands of acres in Kaʻū, wrote, " I am a farmer of Hawai’i-grown macadamia nuts in the districts of Kea‘au and Kaʻū on the Big Island. I am pleading with you to strongly support HB2278 HD2, Relating to Labeling of Macadamia Nuts. I have farmed macadamia nuts for 36 years. Throughout all of these years, I have witnessed so many challenges that our macadamia nut industry has had to endure, especially after the covid pandemic.
"Today, the Hawai‘i macadamia nut farmers like me are facing the greater challenge of having to compete with low-cost foreign kernels. Well-known local brands have replaced our nuts with foreign macadamia nuts in their products but have continued to market their products as Hawai'i-grown nuts. This is deceptive to Hawai‘i’s people and visitors.
"Growers are just asking that companies be required to label the origin of their nuts. HB2278 HD2 will give Hawai‘i growers a chance to keep our jobs and save Hawai'i’s macadamia nut industry. Like many of our employees, I too have family members working for our company.
"My wife, sons, daughter, and son-in-law all work in the industry. Employees who live and work in Kaʻū are proud of what we do and have virtually no other job options in the area because Kaʻū is an hour and a half drive from Hilo and it’s also an hour and a half drive to Kona.
"Pāhala is a small rural community that is an old sugar plantation farming town that farms coffee and macadamia nuts. We currently employ multiple families in this area. What will happen to these families if we can no longer stay in business?
"As a macadamia nut farmer, my biggest fear is that we will end up just like sugar and pineapple; closed down. We have 180 employees, and the majority of them are ILWU members. This also affects the smaller local macadamia farmers. Some of them have suffered so badly that they have now begun to clear off the macadamia nut trees from their land. It’s sad to see these trees that have taken nearly 20 years to reach maturity be cut down."
The House of Representatives Committee on Consumer Protection & Commerce issued a statement saying, "Hawai'i is currently the fifth largest producer of macadamia nuts in the world, but the macadamia nut industry faces significant environmental and economic pressures, including competition from out-of-state and foreign macadamia nut growers.
"Your Committee further finds that certain businesses may be using company names with Hawaiian words or images of Hawai'i to mislead consumers into thinking that the macadamia nuts in their products were grown in Hawai'i when in fact they were not. This measure bolsters the State's existing protections
on the labelling of the origin of macadamia nuts to protect the Hawai'i brand."
The Consumer Protection & Commerce Committee approved the bill and referred it to the Committee on Judiciary & Hawaiian Affairs. The measure went before the Senate Committee on Commerce & Consumer Protection on Wednesday and was approved for further consideration.
The Hawai'i Legislature issued a report saying: The legislature finds that Hawai'i-grown commodities of the State are an important sector of Hawai'i’s economy and the branding of these commodities is critical to protect and safeguard consumers. The macadamia nut production industry in Hawai'i is one such example.
According to statistics from the United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service, the value of the macadamia-nut crop in Hawai'i in 2022 totaled $33,200,000. Accordingly, the purpose of this Act is to enhance, preserve, and protect the premium brand and cachet of Hawai'i grown macadamia nuts by clarifying the labeling requirements for macadamia nuts, including requiring the country of origin to be included on the principal display panel of a consumer package of raw or processed macadamia nuts."
Follow the bill and see all the testimony at https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=2278&year=2024

STATE OF THE COUNTY ADDRESS on Friday, focusing on Malama ʻĀina, Hawaiian culture, the county workforce, affordable housing, building permitting, homelessness, parks and recreation, infrastructure, safety and the cost of living.
Regarding environment and Malama ʻĀina, the Mayor's list of accomplishments includes acquisition of more land for Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resource Preservation than any previous administration, preserving over 4,100 acres for future generations. He also pointed to plans to acquire four new electric buses and one new hydrogen bus for the free county Hele On service. He noted that Hele On will remain free at least through 2025. He also pointed to the formation of Office of Climate, Sustainability, Equity & Resilience, led by Director Bethany Morrision "to ensure continuity of sustainability-focused initiatives beyond the current administration."
Regarding Hawaiian culture, the Mayor pointed to establishment of an Indigenous Data science Division at Department of Research & Development led by Director Doug Adams and Deptuty Frecia Cevallos. He said the initiative Pehea Ka ʻĀina, Ola Ka ʻĀina, led by indigenous data specialists Hokulani Fortunato and Malia Silva-Meeken, focuses on "transforming governance on Hawai'i by fostering a deep connection between the land and its people."
He said the initiative
Ku'ikahi Na'auao provides, "county employees with opportunities to learn
Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke, left of Mayor Mitch Roth at the State of the County address on Friday. Photo by Cyrus Johnasen |
Hawaiian culture, including lei-making, hula, oil (chanting) and significant events in Hawaiian history. Incorporation of cultural practices such as oli and piko protocol into County events" provides employees with "a deeper understanding of Hawaiian culture," says the statement from the Mayor's office.
Regarding the county workforce, the Mayor pointed to "Creation of opportunities for greater work flexibility, including telecommuting, flexible work schedules and an Alternative Work Schedule Pilot Program with the union, Hawai' Government Employees Association. The program is led by Department of Human Resources Director Sommer Tokihiro and Deputy Danny Patel. He also addressed a Professional Intern Pilot Program, starting in July and enhancements to the Tuition Reimbursement Program and a $1 million employee training fund for county employees.
Regarding affordable housing, the Mayor highlighted the Office of Housing & Community Development's efforts, led by Susan Kunz and Harry Yada, in increasing the affordable housing pipeline from 1,200 to over 6,100 homes. Over 300 units have been completed with 660 more slated for local, working-class families this year.
Regarding building permits, the Mayor said permitting time for single-family homes has ben reduced to an average of 42 days from 200 days. He said the time could be reduced again by one third through legislative changes and also credited Building chief Julann Sonomura. He also pointed to new county legislation to allow Accessory Dwelling Units on existing parcel to alleviate housing shortage and the effort to encourage more vacation rental owners to rent long term.
Regarding homelessness, the Mayor said a comprehensive approach has been taken by his administration, resulting in capacity building of service providers and increasing affordable housing. He pointed to $19 million provided to programs and organizations addressing homelessness, plus completion of the first phase of the Kūkuiola Emergency Shelter and Assessment Center, with the second phase set to add 48 affordable permanent housing units.
Keiki singing at the State of the County address on Friday. Photo by Cyrus Johnasen |
Regarding parks and recreation, Roth discussed his commitment to enforcing parks' rules for the safety of all park-goers. He highlighted major park projects, including playground and field upgrades, new community centers, and emergency swimming pool repairs. The county pool at Pahala is currently under repair.
Regarding public safety, the Mayor pointed to investments, including a new joint dispatch center and fleet upgrades with new helicopter, brush trucks fire engines, tankers and ambulances, aiming to improve emergency response and coordination between police and fire departments. He emphasized pedestrian safety enhancements. He vowed to fill police vacancies "with plans to expand police services and reduce response times."
Regarding infrastructure improvements, the Mayor pointed to improving the water system and conducting islandwide inventory of water laterals for clean drinking water. He also noted the
Connect Kakou Initiative, a partnership with Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke to expand broadband and digital literacy, providing high-speed intenet to 40 county-managed facilities, plus free wireless access. He pointed to numerous road pavings, bridge repairs and wastewater system redesigns, including those for Nāʻālehu and Pāhala.
Regarding cost of living, the Mayor said he and his administration are committed to ease the financial burden on residents, including a potential decrease in property tax rates for homeowners, "reflecting a commitment to ensuring a more equitable future for all residents of Hawaiʻi Island," said the statement from his office.
CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR JR. TUPAI comes to Discovery Harbour Center at 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 23 and the public is invited. His topic is Community Development and Growth: Fostering a Thriving Local Community. The address is 94-1604 Makali'i St.